Fellow Delegates, Teachers and Organisers
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Model European Parliament
Baltic Sea Region
Toruń/Iława 2009
1 Subject to changes depending on the development of the current state of affairs. All changes will be announced a.s.a.p. by adequate amendments. TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Fellow delegates, teachers and organisers,
Konrad Adenauer, a famous statesman, one of the founding fathers of the post-war European community, said: “We all live under the same sky, but we do not all have the same horizon”. Hardly can one object this statement is true and very up-to-date. The European Union has come across many obstacles in its history: different visions of integration, mutual distrust or suspicion and the Cold War itself could have made the whole process a dead-end street. Fortunately, after the changes made in 1989 in Poland with its ‘Round Table’ and other Central European countries, the speed of ‘coming together’ was increased rapidly. The EU consists nowadays of 27 democratic and fully-sovereign countries with market economy willing to play an active role in the contemporary world, not only as single actors but also as a whole. This aim will be very difficult to achieve, though. The ongoing economic crisis has made our community more vulnerable to various threats. The increasing unemployment and the rising costs of life may lead to social disorders which may result in intolerance towards racial or ethnic minorities. Moreover, it is very likely that some governments will try to act separately in order to protect their countries from some dangers caused by the crisis. I am convinced that this can be avoided if we make sure that we play in the same team. We need to be unified and face the difficulties of each single EU member state as if they concerned us all. The questions of the fall of the fishing industry, gas pipeline at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, or the installation of the missile defense in Poland and the Czech Republic affect the whole continent. We should also be focused on safe Internet surfing, especially in the context of children – this problem demands our primary attention!
You, dear Delegates, will be dealing with these problems at the Model European Parliament Baltic Sea Region Session in Toruń/Iława. I hope we will experience a fruitful discussion which will result in finding solutions to all of the crucial threats of the European Union. I invite you to do research, develop strategies of your countries, and stay in touch with other delegates. It is our duty to take the responsibility for the future of the continent!
Yours faithfully,
Miłosz Zieliński
President of MEP BSR Toruń/Iława
2 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
About Model European Parliament
The MEP Baltic Sea Region is a leadership programme for the youth in Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and northern Germany. The aim of the MEP Baltic Sea Region programme is to develop interest and skills in addressing high level international issues jointly among high-school students in the 8 countries around the Baltic Sea with the use of a simulation of the European Parliament as a model. The program is a training ground for future leaders and politicians.
The vision of the MEP Baltic Sea Region Foundation is to:
Build relationships between young people in the Baltic Sea Region. Penetrate common Baltic Sea Region issues. Give insight into each individual’s potential to affect society’s development, both nationally and internationally. Focus on trade, industry, politics and culture. Give insight into modern democracy and the parliamentary system, using the European Parliament as an example. Develop debating skills in large international forums
The working language during MEP is English. Ten students are chosen to represent each member country. Together they comprise a delegation. Each delegate represents their native country in a committee, which discuss high-level international issues. Each committee has their own specified subject to discuss. The committee members’ common goal is to reach a resolution that they all support and can defend in front of the General Assembly. The resolution from each committee provides suggestions and solutions to issues and conflicts in the EU and is then presented, at the General Assembly of the MEP.
The MEP program is also a cultural and social event , which gives the participants the opportunity to experience the diversity of the 8 countries around the Baltic Sea, and be part of numerous social events, such as teambuilding or sightseeing.
In addition to the intense and exciting program there is an opportunity for the participants to explore the host country together with newly found international friends.
The EU founded the Model European Parliament (MEP) program in 1994 to educate young people about the European integration. The MEP’s goal is to unite the young adults of Europe to a greater understanding of the European integration and a closer penetration of common European issues as well as knowledge about EU institutions. Developing political awareness and understanding for Europe’s diversity, the MEP programme has successfully expanded into regional organizations in several parts of Europe giving way to regular sessions, which you are going to witness in the following days.
3 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Monday, 20 th April by 15.00 hrs Arrival of delegations Toruń Central Station Teachers/board members directed to The Attic City Hostel their respective apartments www.atticcityhostel.pl Delegates picked up and directed to the Gromada Hotel hostel www.gromada.pl 16.30 – 18.45 hrs Welcome packages and teambuilding The Nicolaus Copernicus Academic High School in Toruń (Gimnazjum i Liceum Akademickie w Toruniu) www.gimakad.torun.pl 18.45 – 19.15 hrs Meal School as above
19.15 – 21.00 hrs Disco School as above The delegates hosted by families picked up by their hosts 19.00 hrs Teachers’/ board members’ dinner on Inn ‘Goose’s Neck’ (Karczma Gęsia Szyja) their own account. An informal get- www.gesiaszyja.torun.pl together in a restaurant 19.15 hrs Meeting of Committee Presidents School as above
Tuesday, 21 st April
8.30 – 10.30 hrs Opening of the session: Artus Court in Toruń Welcome by the GA President www.artus.torun.pl Miłosz Zieliński Speeches by the invited guests Opening speeches of delegations 11.00 – 11.30 hrs Coffee break The Nicolaus Copernicus Academic High School in Toruń (Gimnazjum i Liceum Akademickie w 11.30 – 13:30 hrs Committee meetings Toruniu) www.gimakad.torun.pl 13.30 – 14.30 hrs Lunch The canteen of the school (teachers/board members, see the list of recommended restaurants as an option) 14.30 – 16.00 hrs Committee meetings School as above
16.00 – 16.30 hrs Coffee break
16.30 – 18.00 hrs Committee meetings
19.00 hrs Dinner for teachers/board members/VIPs Restaurant at the Hotel Spichrz www.spichrz.pl
Board meeting on Tuesday 21 st at 14.00 hrs in the Attic City Hostel
4 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Wednesday, 22 nd April
8.30 – 14.30 hrs Committee meetings No. 1 - 10th High School in Toruń (X Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Toruniu) www.xlo.torun.pl No. 2 - 4th High School in Toruń (IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Toruniu) 10.00 – 10.15 hrs Coffee breaks www.loiv.torun.pl 12.15 – 12.30 hrs No. 3 - 5th High School in Toruń (V Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Toruniu) www.vlo.torun.pl No. 4 – 1st High School in Toruń (I Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Toruniu) www.1lo.torun.pl No. 5 – the Attic City Hostel www.atticcityhostel.pl 14.30 – 15.30 hrs Lunch Pizzeria Metropolis www.metropolis.torun.com.pl 12.00 hrs Teachers/board members: guided (teachers/board members, see the list of tour/Gingerbread Museum. Lunch with recommended restaurants) the delegates or on their own account 16.00 – 17.45 hrs Delegates: City Rally
18.00 – 18.30 hrs Reception with the President of Toruń The Youth Culture Centre (Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury) www.mdktorun.pl
Thursday, 23 rd April
7.30 – 9.45 Departure for Iława From The Nicolaus Copernicus Academic High School in Toruń (Gimnazjum i Liceum Akademickie w Toruniu) www.gimakad.torun.pl 10.00 – 10.30 Reception with the Starost of Iława The Poviat Starosty in Iława www.powiat-ilawski.pl 11.00 – 13.30 Committee meetings The Complex of Secondary Schools in Iława (Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Iławie) www.zsog.ilawa.pl 13.45 – 16.00 Correction panel
14.00 – 15.00 Lunch for delegates/teachers/board Restaurant ‘Old Sawmill’ (‘Stary Tartak’) members www.starytartak.com.pl
15.00 – 16.00 Free time
16.00 – 16.30 Welcome by the Mayor The Cinema “Pasja” Distribution of resolutions www.ickilawa.pl 16.30 – 19.30 National delegation meetings and meal School as above
5 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
19.30 – 21.30 Return to Toruń
Friday 24 th April
8.00 – 17.00 General Assembly The Conference Hall of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń 8.00 – 8.30 Opening. Speeches by the invited guests (Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu) 8.30 – 9.45 Debate: resolution no. 1 www.umk.edu.pl www.mat.umk.pl 9.45 – 10.00 Coffee break
10.00 – 12.30 Debate: resolutions nos. 2 and 3
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch for delegates/teachers/board members 13.30 – 14.45 Debate: resolution no. 4
14.45 – 15.00 Coffee break
15.00 – 16.30 Debate: Resolution no. 5
16.30 Closing ceremony. Banquet
Saturday 25 th April
Departure of delegations
6 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
I. Committee sessions. Intention of the committee: The intention of the committee is, to work out a resolution concerning the committee’s issue and to propose it during the General Assembly. Direction of the committee: The Committee Presidents preside over the committee. They organise the permission to speak and perform the voting on clauses of the resolution. They are supported by a committee assistant. Voting: Every Delegate, regardless of the country he is representing, has one vote. Form and procedure of the voting are set up by the Committee Presidents. Behaviour during Committee Sessions: Delegates should behave in a polite way towards the other committee members during the committee sessions. Debates shall be factual and never personal. Instructions from the Committee Presidents are to be followed. II. Standing orders of the plenary session.
1. Task It is the task of the General Assembly to debate about and vote on the resolution drafts proposed by the committees. 2. Direction The Presidency presides over the session. While one member of the Presidency becomes the chair, the remaining two record results and organise the permission to speak. 3. Oral contributions The permission to speak is given by the Presidency. a) Requests to speak After the previous contribution, delegates can ask for the permission to speak, in order to give an oral contribution, a statement or a question concerning the discussed topic. b) Point of Privilege Points of Privilege have the only purpose to eliminate acoustic and communication problems. 4. Textual Change a) Form of application Applications to modify style, spelling or grammatical mistakes are not permitted. Those editorial text modifications are introduced by the committee and executed by the Presidency. Modification applications are applications by the committee or the plenum that change the meaning of a sentence or the resolution respectively. Applications to introductory sentences (ICs) cannot be posed. There is principally a division made between friendly and hostile applications. Textual Changes are made by the committee and must be signed by the entire committee. If they are presented to the plenum, a justification (1 min) in front of the plenum can follow. A voting without abstentions follows. b) Deadline 7 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Applications for modification are to be handed in by Thursday, April 10th, 12 pm. c) Granting of applications for modification For a resolution debate, generally only the application with the most signatures is permitted. At the most, one friendly and one hostile application for modification are granted. The decision to grant applications is met by the Presidency. 5. Procedure The general procedure of the resolutions debate is based on the following scheme: a) Announcement of editorial text modifications (Presidency) – 1 minute; b) Reading out of operative clauses (committee member) 3 – minutes’ c) Clarification of questions for comprehension; d) (each delegation has 1 question to the committee) 6 – minutes; e) Introductory speech 3 minutes; f) Open debate (plenum – committee, via Presidency) 30 – minutes; g) A speech against the resolution is possible (by the plenum) 3 – minutes; h) Concluding defending speech 5 – minutes; i) Voting – 5 minutes; j) Announcement of the result.
6. Voting regulations One can generally vote with “yes”, “no” or “abstention”. Votes concerning applications do not allow abstentions. In voting the principle of a simple majority is carried out. This means, that a resolution must have more “yes” than “no” votes, to be accepted. If the sum of all abstentions is more than 50%, the resolution is rejected. Each delegate has one vote. The delegate decides mainly by his/her own conscience, but should align themselves with their own countries’ position. The speaker of a delegation collects the votes of his/her delegation and presents them during the voting procedure to the plenum. During the GA the Presidency asks the Committee Presidents concerning the resolution to get a general overview of their opinions. All voting is to be carried out in the following order: a) alphabetical standing of the countries; b) Committee Presidents (result as mere overview of the opinions).
7. Validity This standing order gains validity with publication. The delegates have to be informed about possible changes at the beginning of the plenary session. The Presidency ensures that the standing order is respected throughout the GA.
8 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Austria (accompanying teacher: Martin Wiesbauer)
Lisa Auzinger Monika Christine Minihuber Wallererstraße 246 Humplberg 5 A 4600 Wels A 4625 Offenhausen +43 69910870972 +43 6645637036 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Helene Bichlmann Sonja Schragen Vornholz 1 Steiningerweg 18 4625 Offenhausen 4600 Wels +43 6801228797 +43 6649118201 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Michaela Eder Elke Wiesmair Unterirrach 48 Dietach 12 4632 Pichl A 4600 Schleißheim bei Wels +43 6645090410 +43 6765856724 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Denmark (accompanying teachers: Katrine Skyum-Nielsen & Karin Bøhrk)
Anne Sofie Hartvig Pedersen Kristian Harsted-Simonsen Sankt Kjelds gade 31/3 Limfjordsvej 28 2100 Copenhagen 2720 Vanløse +45 20929249 +45 38347268 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Bertram Johann Eiriksson Maj Chanel Rafferty Hansen Mølle Alle 6/1 Saxogade 77/1 2500 Valby 1662 Copenhagen +45 60193002 +45 31750669 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Camilla Bak Marc Catchpole Øster Voldgade 14 Brønsholmvej 18 1350 Copenhagen 2980 Kokkedal + 45 40587648 +45 21626114 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Rebecca Lund Sara Bohn Larsen Østbanegade 11 Grønbakken 3 2100 Copenhagen 2720 Vanløse +45 26196972 +45 22428403 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
9 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Ulla Klint Heede Kristof Gasior Åvendingen 20 B Storebjerg 27 2700 Brønshøj 2670 Greve +45 22849792 +45 28348981 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Mathias Hulgård Kristiansen Mikko Damgaard Sørensen Magnoliavej 45 Koldbyvej 30 2000 Frederiksberg 2610 Rødovre +45 20683271 +45 30327886 e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]
Estonia (accompanying teacher: Ergo Aas)
Evelin Rootsi Kaisa Kotkas Rebase 5-15 Aia 44-10 50104 Tartu 48304 Jõgeva +372 55618933 +372 59039602 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Rauno Kiviloo Taara 43-21 10911, Tallinn +372 53306189 e-mail: [email protected]
Finland (accompanying teacher: Ilpo Ahlholm)
Tiina Tuomainen Henrik Pitkänen Karrintie 4b Rajametsäntie 28 c 27 00760 Helsinki 00630 Helsinki +358 503869888 +358 504031733 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Mila Tolppanen Erica Karlsson Asematie 14 b 7 Sigridsgränden 2b 02700 Kauniainen 02700 Grankulla +358 41449666 1 +358 505970993 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Mikaela Wikström Emilia Puotinen Richardsgränden 4a Yhtiöntie 7A 02700 Grankulla 02700 Kauniainen +358 505258907 + 358 505614251 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
10 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Maija Talja Noora Liljeroos Noora Purolaakso 31A Keihäsrinne 5b 02920 Espoo 02610 Espoo +358 505298054 +358 415398992 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Germany (accompanying teacher: Steffi Kruschel)
Sophie Conze Claire Fröhlich Gr. Weinmeisterstr. 1 Burchard-Eden-Straße 8 14469 Potsdam 28213 Bremen +49 170 60401050 +49 173 6390535 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Franziska Kretzschmar Martin Dominik Probstheidaer Straße 99 Hans-Böckler Straße 60 04277 Leipzig, 85051 Ingolstadt Germany +49 152 24060075 +49 151 59130239 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Maximilian Kunz Victoria Constanze Waldburgstraße 207d Hergenhahnstraße 7 70565 Stuttgart 65193 Wiesbaden +49 160 94979418 +49 160 97317344 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Sarah Schwerdtfeger Svenja Viola Bungarten Reventlouallee 25c Goethestr.22 24105 Kiel 56075 Koblenz +49 431 83000 +49 160 93593352 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Verena Walther Daniel Taylor Korianderstraße 30 Schnakenbergstraße 12 65191 Wiesbaden 28879 Grasberg +49 162 4316907 +49 152 24212233 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Poland (accompanying teacher: Waldemar Nehring)
Paulina Pawlikowska Joanna Mazur Krótka 8 Podgórna 36/3 14-200 Iława 87-100 Toruń +48 606676963 +48 604755382 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
11 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Joanna Łuniewska Beata Szymańska Bogucin 36L Polna 25 87-811 Fabianki 87-500 Rypin +48 508104847 +48 792499332 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Adam Chrupczak Tytus Szabelski Jodłowa 12 Dojazd 4b/56 87-100 Toruń 87-100 Toruń +48 662567319 +48 661033322 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Diana Wiśniewska Daria Sokołowska Sienkiewicza 12 Kościuszki 15/1 87-100 Toruń 14-200 Iława +48 661876587 +48 697886735 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Julia Protasewicz Dominik Szymański Sikorskiego 14 św. Józefa 7F/43 14-200 Iława 87-100 Toruń +48 663672576 +48 880236815 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Russia (accompanying teacher: Alexey Ignatyev)
Maksim Aborin Nikita Nechaev Krasnoarmeyski - 16/58 Zvereva 8/60 Gatchina Gatchina +7 89217769693 +7 88137175577 e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected]
Zinaida Ovsyannikova Yulia Kharinova Brusovskaya St., 8 -78 Shirokaya St., 2-21 195271 Saint Petersburg 196605 Saint-Petersburg +7 9213477223 +7 9216374337 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Yulia Tatarenko Dimitrova, 7/1 - 230 192284 St. Petersburg +7 9213354261 e-mail : [email protected]
12 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Sweden (accompanying teacher: Mats Öström)
Angela Zanbil Emelie Schlyter Dalkärrsleden 22 Kojgränd 8 162 71 Vällingby 167 72 Bromma +46 737241379 +46 73 891 23 50 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Julie Rosenthal Brydolf Melker Karl Artborg Sibyllegatan 30 Härdstigen 8 114 43 Stockholm 18776 Täby +46 736870950 +46 732517988 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Marie Tinggren Göthe Tobias Henriksson Wennerbergsgatan 1 Tantogatan 43 112 58 Stockholm 11842 Stockholm +46 762644458 +46 701456689 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Amanda Mindus Jacob Clason Nora Torg 51 Kungsvägen 21 18237 Danderyd 18279 Stocksund +46 735054907 +46 704448183 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Jakob AlexanderFall Bengtson Ekström Harvägen 1 Värtavägen 71 19143 Sollentuna 183 60 Täby +46 730962606 +46 735367815 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
13 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Presidents of the General Assembly
GA President – Miłosz Zieliński POL
Committee Presidents
The Committee on Fisheries
CP – Florian Schwetz AUT
The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
CP – Lidia Bryła POL
The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence
CP – Marzena Skubij POL
The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
CP – Yulia Tatarenko RUS
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
CP – Marthe Deutschmann GER
Deputy CP – Paulina Soból POL
14 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Participating schools
Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium der Franziskanerinnen Vogelweiderstraße 2-4 A 4600 Wels +72 424742830
Rysensteen Metropolitanskolen Tietgensgade 74 Struenseegade 50 2100 Copenhagen 2200 Copenhagen +45 33964141
Østre Borgerdyd Gymnasium Sankt Annae Gymnasium Stockholmsgade 59 Sjælør Boulevard 135 2100 Copenhagen 2500 Valby + 45 35426020 +45 36466222
Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasium Tallinn English College Munga 12 Estonia avenue 10 51007 Tartu 10148 Tallinn +372 746 1715 +372 6 461 306
Kauniaisten lukio Gymnasiet Grankulla samskola Kasavuorentie 1 Västra skolstigen 3 02700 Kauniainen 02700 Grankulla +35 895056568 +35 95056 316
Helsingin suomalainen yhteiskoulu Isonnevantie 8 00320 Helsinki +35 894774180
15 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Hermann von Helmholtz Gymnasium Europaschule Hermann Böse Gymnasium Kurfürstenstraße 53 Hermann Böse Straße 1-9 14467 Potsdam 28209 Bremen +49 331 2897580 +49 421 3616272
Christianeum Leibnizschule Otto-Ernst-Straße 34 Zietenring 9 22605 Hamburg 65195 Wiesbaden +49 404 2888280 +49 611 312251
Katharinen-Gymnasium Kieler Gelehrtenschule Jesuitenstraße 10 Feldstraße 9 85049 Ingolstadt 24105 Kiel
Anton-Philipp-Reclam-Gymnasium Hilda Gymnasium Kurfürstenstr.40 04103 Leipzig 56068 , Koblenz Tarostraße 4-6 +49 261 31459 +49 341 22457924
Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stefana Żeromskiego Gimnazjum i Liceum Akademickie ul. Sienkiewicza 1 Szosa Chełmińska 83 14-200 Iława 87-100 Toruń +48 89 6485696 +48 56 6555560
Zespół Szkół nr 10 w Toruniu V Liceum Ogólnokształcące Plac Św. Katarzyny 9 ul. Sienkiewicza 34 87-100 Toruń 87-100 Toruń +48 56 6222733 +48 56 6224518
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika IV Liceum Ogólnokształcące ul. Zaułek Prosowy 1 ul. Warszawska 1/5 87-100 Toruń 87-100 Toruń +48 566227418 +48 56 6221228
School № 49 Herzen University Malay Kamishovay St., 30 Posadskaya St., 26 192020 St. Petersburg 192020 St. Petersburg 8812325 14 11
16 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Saint Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education Liflyandskaya St., 4 190020 St. Petersburg 78122524283
Thorildsplans Gymnasium Drottningholmsvägen 82 Tensta Gymnasium 112 42 Stockholm Hagstråket 11 +46 850843500 163 63 Spånga +46 850837900
Viktor Rydbergs Gymnasium Viktor Rydbergs väg 29 182 62 Djursholm +46 86222110
17 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
The Committee on Fisheries
Fishing limits on the Baltic Sea and the North Sea vs. the fall of the fishing industry.
Committee President: Florian Schwetz AUT Deputy Committee President:
1. Sarah Schwertfeger GER 2. Maximilian Kunz GER 3. Marie Tingström SWE 4. Tobias Henriksson SWE 5. Adam Chrupczak POL 6. Tytus Szabelski POL 7. Sara Bohn Larsen DEN 8. Kristian Harsted Simonsen DEN
The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
The question of discrimination against women and inequality of pay.
Committee President: Lidia Bryła POL Deputy Committee President:
Delegates: 1. Julia Protasewicz POL 2. Joanna Mazur POL 3. Svenja Bungarten GER 4. Constanze Ely GER 5. Evelin Rootsi EST 6. Emelie Schlyter SWE 7. Jacob Clason SWE 8. Mila Tolppanen FIN 9. Noora Liljeroos FIN 10. Monika Minihuber AUT 11. Michaela Eder AUT 12. Mikko Damgaard Sørensen DEN 13. Maj Chanel Rafferty Hansen DEN 14. Bertram Johann Eiriksson DEN
18 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence The American National Missile Defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic and its effect on the EU-Russia relations.
Committee President: Marzena Skubij POL Deputy Committee President:
Delegates: 1. Dominik Szymański POL 2. Paulina Pawlikowska POL 3. Claire Fröhlich GER 4. Sophie Conze GER 5. Kaisa Kotkas EST 6. Angela Zanbil SWE 7. Sofia Bengtsson Ekström SWE 8. Mikaela Wikström FIN 9. Erika Karlsson FIN 10. Zinaida Ovsyannikova RUS 11. Elke Wiesmair AUT 12. Sonja Schragen AUT 13. Ulla Klint Heede DEN 14. Mathias H. Kristiansen DEN
The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Ecological threats arising from the project of the gas pipeline cross the Baltic Sea
Committee President: Yulia Tatarenko RUS Deputy Committee President:
1. Daniel Taylor GER 2. Dominik Martin GER 3. Jakob Fall SWE 4. Amanda Mindus SWE 5. Emilia Puotinen FIN 6. Maija Talja FIN 7. Yulia Kharinova RUS 8. Diana Wiśniewska POL 9. Beata Szymańska POL 10. Marc Catchpole DEN 11. Mia Rebecca Lund DEN 12. Anne Sofie Hartvig DEN
19 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Children’s safety on the Internet
Committee President: Marthe Deutschmann GER Deputy Committee President: Paulina Soból POL
Delegates: 1. Joanna Łuniewska POL 2. Daria Sokołowska POL 3. Franziska Kretzschmar GER 4. Verena Walther GER 5. Rauno Kiviloo EST 6. Melker Artborg SWE 7. Julie Rosenthal Brydolf SWE 8. Tiina Tuomainen FIN 9. Henrik Pitkänen FIN 10. Nikita Nechaev RUS 11. Helene Bichlmann AUT 12. Lisa Auzinger AUT 13. Kristof Gasior DEN 14. Camilla Bak DEN
20 TORUŃ/IŁAWA 2009 April 20th-25th, 2009
Our greatest thanks to the sponsors, supporters and hosts from Denmark: NORDIC COUNCIL OF MINISTERS from Toruń: Marshal of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship (Marszałek Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego), Piotr Całbecki
Member of the European Parliament (Poseł do Parlamentu Europejskiego), Tadeusz Zwiefka
Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland (Poseł na Sejm RP), Grzegorz Karpiński
Town Hall of Toruń (Urząd Miasta Torunia)
The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu)
Company P. W. "FORMATOR" sp. z o.o., 87-100 Toruń, ul. Grudziądzka 163 www.formator.pl
Bakery Cukiernia Sowa Spółka Jawna, ul. Ks. Schulza 3, 85-315 Bydgoszcz www.sowa-cukiernia.com.pl and from Iława and the area:
Marshal of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (Marszałek Województwa Warmińsko- Mazurskiego), Jacek Protas
Starost of the Poviat of Iława (Starosta Powiatu Iławskiego)
The Mayor of Iława (Burmistrz Miasta Iławy)
Publishing house Wydawnictwo Egis i Express Publishing z siedzibą w Krakowie www.egis.com.pl