Module 3 Continuous Professional Development s2

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Module 3 Continuous Professional Development s2


Present -: Cllrs. A MacCreadie (Chairman) (AM), R Toms (RT), G Bone (GB), P Waller (PW), E Green (EG), D Laud (DL), M Harvey ((MH) Left at 8pm), H Farmer (HF) & P Harris (PH)

Also attending -: Mrs K Rees (Clerk) & 4 members of the public 062/17 Public Safety Announcement:

063/17 Apologies: None. 064/17 Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda: None. 065/17 REGISTERED/NON- REGISTERED INTERESTS & DISPENSATIONS: None. 066/17 Public Session :

067/17 Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 10th April 2017, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman. The draft minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 28th April 2017 were accepted as a true record. 068/17 Cornwall Councillor Report: None. See 066/17. 069/17 Planning Application, Appeals & Decisions:

PROPERTY RESOLVED COMMENTS PA17/03286 Land South West of Kestle OBJECT Poor access, development not in curtilage Mill House of property, not an infill site & unsustainable. (P/S: PW/HF (1 against))

There decisions were read out.

Car Parking at the Plume of Feather’s Pub is becoming a real problem. The hotel is now half built but the additional car parking spaces which were a condition of the application have not been provided. Other planning applications have been submitted, which, if approved, will affect things further. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact enforcement to see if there is any planning breach. 070/17 Matters Arising a) Highway Issues: The trees in the dipper at Rejerrah have now been cut. It was reported that the 30mph signs in Fiddlers Green at Rose Cottage need to be cut out and there is ivy growing out of the Church wall which needs attention. RESOLVED: Clerk to report to Highways. EG advised that he is keeping a log of parking issues along Halt Road and is investigating the legalities of parking on pavements. b) ‘Welcome to St. Newlyn East Signage’: Installation should take place in June. NOTED. c) Installation of a Multi-Use Sports Court: The quote for the floodlights is much more expensive than the ballpark figures given in previous quotes. It was discussed that the PC could continue with the installation of the pitch without the lights but put in the infrastructure. PH would like to employ a local architect to submit the planning application for the floodlights. RESOLVED: Fee of up to £500 to be paid to local architect to submit planning application. Clerk to investigate grants for floodlights. d) Neighbourhood Plan Update: PW advised that the Steering Group & Focus Groups have now been set-up. The next meeting of the Steering Group is on 18th May. NOTED. e) Update - Purchase of the Methodist Chapel: No update. The sale is with the solicitor and going through the legal process. NOTED. f) Maintenance Work in the Parish Play Areas: HF has got the swing seats and chains which will be installed in due course. The Clerk has ordered the seats for the exercise equipment. NOTED. g) Installation of a Handrail at the War Memorial: The Clerk has written to the Civic Society but has not yet received a reply. NOTED. h) Maintenance Issues in the Cemetery including Tree Works & Broken Paving Slabs: DL has been unable to get a quote. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact TMS for quote. i) Employment of a New Caretaker at the Public Toilets: RESOLVED: Council to go into Closed Session at the end of the meeting to discuss. j) Parish Council Elections: The vacancies have been advertised on the facebook page and website and an advert will hopefully go in the Parish Magazine this month. To date, there has been one expression of interest. NOTED. k) Lease of Field in Mitchell: Following the advice received from CALC it was RESOLVED to offer the Mitchell Village Association an annual grant of £200 to cover the cost of the lease. 071/17 Business Matters: (a) Code of Conduct & Planning Training: All Councillors with the exception of MH are now confirmed on a Code of Conduct Training Course. AM confirmed on the Planning Induction Course. NOTED.

(b) Parish Council Insurance 2017: As none of the details for 2017/18 have changed it was RESOLVED to proceed with Zurich Insurance.

072/17 Correspondence:

SNE Allotment Association Request for grant from Carland Following discussions, it was RESOLVED Cross Fund to make an award in principle of £500. George Luckraft Request to use Carland Cross Paying a utility company to improve money to improve Broadband Broadband in the area does not meet the criteria of the Carland Cross Fund. However, it was acknowledged that this is a problem in the Parish and it was RESOLVED that this would be an agenda item next month. David Marchant Burial Services NOTED.

Countryside Access Team Collapsed wall along Footpath 8 NOTED – The footpath in on Trewithen Land. Mr J Grigg Removal of floodlight in the Following discussions, it was RESOLVED Recreation Ground that it would be the Football Club’s responsibility to remove the floodlights and the PC would give as much notice as possible. St. Newlyn East Cricket Request for Carland Cross The original grant was awarded for the Club Funding towards mower repair cricket nets and the Carland Cross Fund is for capital projects, not maintenance. RESOLVED: Advise that the funds cannot be diverted but suggest they apply to the Parish Council fund instead. Mrs J Hoskings Overgrown trees in Mitchell Play PH has looked at the issues raised. It was Area RESOLVED to ask Mark Dalby to cut the top of the hedges & strim the perimeter of the park. Cllr. D Potter Tour of Britain Update NOTED

Mr Ridout-Jamieson Bridge at Trewerry Mill RESOLVED: Clerk to write acknowledgement & forward to Highways. Open Reach Manhole covers on The Triangle RESOLVED: Reply to say that the situation is unacceptable and the highway covers should be replaced with 2 pedestrian covers.

073/17 Reports from Outside Bodies: GB & DL attended a meeting of the Trevilson Trust. PW, RT & GB have attended Neighbourhood Plan Events. 074/17 Finance: a. Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £4908.74 were approved for payment (appendix 1). b. Urgent Financial Matters: None. c. To Approve the Internal Audit 2017: The Clerk read out the report from David Wright confirming that the accounts were maintained to a good standard. RESOLVED: The audit document and governance statement were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. 075/17 Items for the June 2017 Agenda:  Maintenance to BT Phonebox & Fingerpost in Mitchell (PH)

 Anti-Social Behaviour at The Pheasant

 Flytipping at The Stiles

 Broadband Problems in the Parish

076/17 Closure: There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. He advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 15th May 2017 at 7.30pm in the Primary Room, St. Newlyn East Methodist Chapel. The meeting closed at 21.25pm 077/17 Closed Session: The Council went into Closed Session to discuss the applications received for the Caretaker Post at the Public Toilets. A discussion ensued. The applications were of a high standard and it was a difficult decision. RESOLVED: Parish Council to employ Steve Irish on a permanent basis from 01st June 2017.


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