Ø 2 Associates of Sukh Dev Singh Namdhari Arrested
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2 associates of Sukh Dev Singh Namdhari arrested.
One .315 Bore Rifle with 7 cartridges and one 12 Bore DBBL gun with 10 live cartridges recovered.
Special Investigation Team of Crime Branch, investigating the Ponty Chadha shootout case, has arrested two associates of the accused Sukh Dev Singh Namdhari namely Simranjeet Singh @ Lada s/o
Sh. Makhan Singh r/o Vill. Sihor, Mahesh Garden, PS Bilaspur, Distt. Rampur, UP, age 28 yrs and
Jagbir Singh @ Sonu s/o Sh. Kamaljeet Singh r/o Vill. Kaushalganj, Duryai Farm, PS Bilaspur,
Distt. Rampur, UP, age 28 yrs. One .315 Bore Rifle with 7 cartridges has been recovered at the instance of Simranjeet Singh @ Lada and one 12 Bore DBBL gun with 10 live cartridges has been recovered at the instance of Jagbir Singh @ Sonu .
On 17-11-12, in a shootout incident at Farm. No 42, Central Drive DLF, Chattarpur, Mehrauli, Ponty Chadha and his brother Hardeep Chadha were killed and one Narender Ahlawat was injured. One Sukh Dev Singh Namdhari who has brought a number of associates who have been assisting Ponty Chadha in smooth sailing of his trades in UP, Uttrakhand and Punjab had also come armed with weapons, hockey sticks and baseball bats etc to facilitate forcible possession of Farm. No 42, Central Drive DLF Chattarpur, Mehrauli. In this regard two criminal cases, one of forcible dispossession in which Hardeep Singh was murdered and other of murder of Ponty Chadha were registered and are being interrogated by Special Investigation Team of Crime Branch.
Earlier eight accused persons including Sukhdev Singh Namdhari and his gunman Sachin Tyagi have been arrested in this case.
CRIME & RAILWAYS: DELHI. Dated: 13.12.2012
The staff of PS Paschim Vihar apprehended an Auto Thief namely, Rajiv Goyal S/o Suresh Chand Goyal R/o H.No. 12 Sector- 7, Bahadurgarh, Haryana who had stolen a Maruti Esteem car No. DL 3FB 0070 on 18.11.2012 vide FIR No. 271/12 U/S 379 IPC from the area of P.S. Paschim Vihar who was using the same after changing the number plate to HR 70 AF 0070 and affixing a “JUDGE” sticker on wind screen. He came into light when he went to Action Balaji Hospital for admission of his father who was suffering from Brain hemorrhage on 26.11.2012. The owner of the vehicle noticed the car and informed the police. Police searched the vehicle and got information about admission of patient at Balaji Action Hospital. Rajiv Goel admitted over telephone that the vehicle belongs to him but he did not come to police station for enquiry. Later on, he was apprehended from Sector 15 Rohini, New Delhi and accordingly arrested in FIR No. 271/12 U/S 379/482 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar. During investigation the accused disclosed involvement in theft of more than 40 vehicles from different part of Delhi. During investigation it was also revealed that accused himself got registered the theft cases at P.S. South Rohini and P.S. K.N. Katju Marg of his own Maruti Zen Car & Hyundai Accent, got claim from Insurance Company and later sold them through fake registration papers. Till date 15 vehicles were recovered at the instance of accused Rajiv Goel and 15 cases have been worked out so far.
Rajiv Goyal S/o Suresh Chand Goyal R/o H.No. 12 Sector 7 Bahardurgarh Haryana, Permanent Address 21/92 Bahadurgarh Haryana (Age about 32 yrs.). He is a Law Practitioner, Advocate, member of Bahadurgarh Bar Council, Haryana.
1) Photo Identity Card issued from HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB & HARYANA CHANDIGARH Designation as “SPL.JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE CUM ADD CIVIL JUDGE (SR.DIV) Jurisdiction CBI Court Haryana.
2) Photo Identity Card issued from BAR ASSOCIATION BAHADURGARH Designation as “ADVOCATE”. 3) Photo Identity Card issued from PUNJAB & HARYANA HIGH COURT BAR ASSOCIATION CHANDIGARH Designation as “ADVOCATE”.
6) One Sticker having National Emblem “JUDGE”.
7) One Sticker Delhi Bar Association Tis Hazari Court Delhi
8) Original Forged Registration Certificates alongwith related documents of recovered vehicles.
9) Numbers of Keys/equipments used to unlock the vehicles chargers etc. found in the vehicles.
10) Maruti Esteem car No, HR 70 AF 0070 original number DL3FB 0070 stolen vide FIR No. 271/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
11) Hyundai Santro car No, HR 70 A 8606 original number DL8CJ 9413 stolen vide FIR No. 40/10 U/S 379 IPC P.S. North Rohini
12) Maruti Swift car No DL4CAM 3776 stolen vide FIR No. 74/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
13) Maruti 800 car No, HR 51 P 0383 original number 8CE 6587 stolen vide FIR No. 282/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Vikaspuri
14) Toyota Innova car No.DL 4CAE 9303 stolen vide FIR No. 120/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
15) Maruti Esteem car No, HR 26 AJ 2846 original number DL2CAA 9926 stolen vide FIR No. 131/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Vikaspuri
16) Maruti Wagon R car No, DL9CF 0893 stolen vide FIR No. 134/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
17) Hyundai Accent car No, HR 19 B 0041 original number HR 13F 0608 stolen vide FIR No. 376/11 U/S 379 IPC P.S. K.N.Katju Marg 18) Hyundai Santro car No, TN 07 S 8129 stolen vide FIR No. 208/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
19) Maruti Zen car No, HR 70 A 6276 original number DL4CAA 9976 stolen vide FIR No. 616/09 U/S 379 IPC P.S. South Rohini
20) Mahindra Bolero car No, DL4CAV 0343 stolen vide FIR No. 209/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
21) Hyundai Santro car No, HR 70 A 8606 original number DL8CJ 9413 stolen vide FIR No. 40/10 U/S 379 IPC P.S. North Rohini
22) Hyundai Santro car No DL4CS 0146 stolen vide FIR No. 232/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
23) Maruti Ritz car No, DL8CU0639 stolen vide FIR No. 235/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
24) Honda City car No, HR 52 C 0041 original number DL4CA 2186 stolen vide FIR No. 290/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. K.N.Katju Marg
1) FIR No. 271/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
2) FIR No. 40/10 U/S 379 IPC P.S. North Rohini
3) FIR No. 74/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
4) FIR No. 282/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Vikaspuri
5) FIR No. 120/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
6) FIR No. 131/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Vikaspuri
7) FIR No. 134/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
8) FIR No. 376/11 U/S 379 IPC P.S. K.N.Katju Marg
9) FIR No. 208/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
10) FIR No. 616/09 U/S 379 IPC P.S. South Rohini
11) FIR No. 209/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar 12) FIR No. 40/10 U/S 379 IPC P.S. North Rohini
13) FIR No. 232/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
14) FIR No. 235/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar
15) FIR No. 290/12 U/S 379 IPC P.S. K.N.Katju Marg
On 18.11.2012, Sh. J.K. Sharma resident of Paschim Vihar had lodged a report regarding theft of Maruti Esteem Car DL3FB 0070. Accordingly a case vide FIR No. 271/12 U/S 379 IPC was registered at P.S. Paschim Vihar. On 26.11.2012 the Owner of the vehicle noticed the car with number plate HR 70 AF 0070, near Action Balaji Hospital with “JUDGE” sticker on wind screen and informed the police, police searched the vehicle, got information about admission of patient Suresh Chand Goyal at Balaji Action Hospital. During enquiry it was found that Rajiv Goel admitted his father Suresh Chand Goyal, at Balaji Action Hospital on 26.11.2012 due to Brain hemorrhage. The accused mentioned his e mail I.D. as “[email protected]” in admission papers. When contacted over telephone, he replied that vehicle belongs to him but did not come to Police Station for enquiry. Later on, he was apprehended from Sector 15 Rohini, New Delhi and accordingly arrested in FIR No. 271/12 U/S 379/482 IPC P.S. Paschim Vihar .
A team under the supervision of Sh. Satish Yadav ACP/Punjabi Bagh comprising of Inspr. Anil Kumar Chauhan SHO/Paschim Vihar, SI Suresh Chand D-4207, ASI Shri Krishan No. 5003/D, Ct. Sandeep 1971/W, Ct Pardeep No. 3175/W. was constituted to unearth/know the modus operandi of accused Rajiv Goyal. The accused confessed that he had committed theft of more than 40 vehicles from different parts of Delhi and sold them to different persons on fake registration papers in last 03 years. He himself used to prepare the fake registration certificates on his laptop/printers. Thereafter he sold them in open markets and most of them were disposed off as scrap in DUJANA P.S. Beri Disttt. Jhajjar Haryana. During investigation the accused also disclosed that in the year 2009, he himself registered a case of theft of his own car No. DL4CAA 9976 Maruti Zen Estilo vide FIR No. 616/09 U/S 379 IPC P.S. South Rohini for getting insurance claim. Rajiv Goyal prepared fake registration papers as HR 70A 6276 and sold the same vehicle to Ramesh Dalal, native of Bahadurgarh Haryana. The vehicle has now been recovered. The accused further disclosed that in the year 2011, he again himself registered a case of theft of his own car No. HR13 F 0608 Hyundai Accent vide FIR No. 376/11 U/S 379 IPC P.S. K.N.Katju Marg for getting insurance claim. Rajiv Goyal prepared fake registration papers as HR 19B 0041 and sold the same vehicle to Manoj Kumar, native of Baharai Haryana. The vehicle has now been recovered.
Sincere efforts are being made to recover the rest of the vehicles which are presently at Kaithal, Kufri, Fatehabad, Jhajjar, Dujana, Sonipat, Jind and Bahadurgarh, Haryana, to arrest his associates i.e. receivers of stolen vehicles. Further investigation is in progress.
Staff involved in good work is being rewarded suitably.
The city of Delhi experiences foggy weather in winter season days. It becomes imperative on the part of all motorists to follow certain precautions to avoid accidents and related injuries. Motorists are advised to observe certain rules to cope up with fog:
Know destination and plan your route before you set out.
Keep vehicle in good condition. Make sure everything is in working order, specially lights, brakes, tyres, windscreen wipers, radiator, battery and car heating system.
If possible keep a high visibility jacket and torch in the car so that you can see and be seen in case to get out of the car.
Keep safe distance. Drive with lights on low beam, High beams get reflected back in the fog and impair visibility. Turn on fog lights if visibility is reduced (less than 100 meters).
Reduce speed and slow down, watch speedometer, don’t drive beyond headlights.
During fog and occasional rain, road could be slippery. One should be careful on slippery roads.
Honk periodically to let other drivers know your presence.
Do not attempt to overtake other vehicles. Use the right edge of the road or painted road markings/central divider as a guide and be patient.
One needs to keep an eye on the road and use one’s ears more carefully to judge traffic that cannot be seen.
Turn off music and don’t eat, drink, smoke while driving.
Do not stop on a freeway or busy roads.
If fog is very thick, it is best to pull over somewhere safe and wait for the fog to diminish.
All motorists are advised to follow these precautions for their own safety as well as the safety of other road users.
(Satyendra Garg)
Joint CP/Traffic, Delhi
CRIME & RAILWAY Dated: 13.12.2012
HC Azad Singh No. 45/Crime of AATS Crime Branch received a secret information that one Hemant Gandhi who is involved in illegal export of Red Sandal Wood from India to China is having a godown in the area of Janak Puri where in a huge quantity of Red Sandal Wood stock has been kept into store is lying. The same is to be illegally smuggled to China. On this information DRI Hq. Vikas Bhawan Delhi was informed and a team of police personnel consisting of Insp. Jai Bhagwan, ASI Rajveer Singh , HC Azad Singh, HC Dilbag Singh, HC Upender Singh , HC Krishan Kumar, HC Karambir Singh and Const. Rupesh Kumar was constituted under the supervision of ACP/AATS Sh Zile Singh & overall supervision of Addl. DCP/Crime Sh Bhisham Singh. The DRI Hq. officials under the leadership of Sh. D.P. Saxena Sr. intelligence officer in the presence of above police team organized a raid at WZ-19, Village Asalat Pur, Janak Puri Delhi and approximately 10 tonnes of high quality Red Sandal Wood having approximate value of more than 2 Crore was found lying there. The huze store of Sandal Wood was kept in store by one Hemant Gandhi and was to be illegally smuggled to China. The same has been seized and legal action in to the matter has been initiated.
Approx 10 tones of Red Sandal Wood of worth of more than Rs.2 Crore.
(S B S Tyagi)IPS Dy. Commissioner of Police, Crime & Railways, Delhi.
CRIME & RAILWAY Dated: 13.12.2012
4 pick pockets including 3 ladies arrested in a drive in the Metro.
3 cases of mobile theft solved and mobile phones recovered.
In a special drive, the staff of Metro P.Ss have arrested 4 pick pockets including 3 ladies in three separate incident’s. 3 of these ladies were arrested in P. S. Shastri Park and one other pick pocket arrested in P. S. Kashmere Gate Metro. Details are given below:-
1. Javed aged 24 years s/o Md. Anees, r/o House No. 326, J Block Sunder Nagri, Delhi. 2. Reeta w/o Azad, aged 20 years, r/o Juggi Camp near Ghodewala Mandir, Raghbir Nagar, Delhi, 3. Anju w/o Bahadur, Aged 20 Yrs, r/oR/o Juhggi Camp Near Ghodewala Camp, Raghubir Nagar, Delhi 4. Sanjeeda @ Munni w/o Saleem, Aged 24 Yr., r/o Jhuggi No. B-122, J.J. Colony, Tri Nagar Delhi.
On 10/12/12, while Police Staff of Kahmere Gate Metro was on duty at Rajiv Chowk Metro Station, one person namely Javed aged 24 years s/o Md. Anees, r/o House No. 326, J Block Sunder Nagri, Delhi, was apprehended red handed when he was trying to pick pocket the mobile phone of the complainant at Rajeev Chowk. Two mobile phones were recovered from his possession. Subsequently a case vide FIR NO. 57/12, dated 10/12/12 u/s 379/411 IPC was registered and accused arrested. On 10/12/12, while Police Staff of Shastri Park Metro was on duty at Kashmere Gate Metro Station, three women namely Reeta w/o Azad, aged 20 years, r/o Juggi Camp near Ghodewala Mandir, Raghubir Nagar, Delhi, Anju w/o Bahadur, Aged 20 Yrs, r/o Juhggi Camp Near Ghodewala Camp, Raghubir Nagar, Delhi & Sanjeeda @ Munni w/o Saleem, Aged 24 Yr., r/o Jhuggi No. B-122, J.J. Colony, Tri Nagar Delhi were apprehended at PS Shstri Park Metro. Cases vide FIR NO. 35/12, dated 10/12/12, u/s 379/511/34 & 36/12, dated 10.12.12, u/s 379/511 IPC were registered and accused arrested. During interrogation, it was revealed that these accused took the advantage of the crowd to carry out these illegal articles of pick pocketing in the Metro and other places. Special teams have been deployed to check and arrest pick pockets in the metro.
Previous involvement of the accused Javed :-
1. 92/12, 379/411/34 IPC, PS Sonia Vihar
2. 95/12, 25/54/59 A.Act, PS Sonia Vihar
Further investigation is under progress.
DATED 13.12.2012
With the arrest of one Hari Singh @ Amar Singh @ Hariya, aged about 51 years s/o Kanchan @ Singha r/o Village Khavwaravji, PS Nangal Rajvatan, Distt. Dausa, Rajasthan Present Add. 680, Prem Nagar, Stn. Block-I, Sultanpuri, Delhi, Central District police has nabbed a dreaded burglar who was absconding from the clutches of Rajasthan Police for the last 20 years.
On 12th Dec., 2012, an information was received by AATS/Central District that a person who is wanted in several cases of burglaries and thefts in Rajasthan would came at Ajmeri Gate Delhi to meet one of his acquaintance. Accordingly, a team comprising of Inspr. Shri Krishan, Inspr./AATS/C, SI Uttam Kumar, HC Vedpal, Ct. Dharambir, Ct. Chanderprakash and Ct. Mohan was constituted under the close supervision of Sh. N.S. Ghumman, ACP/Operations, Central Distt., Delhi. A trap was laid near the Exit Gate of New Delhi Railway Station at Ajmeri Gate side, Delhi. At about 1.45 PM, on the pointing out of the informer, one person was apprehended by the police team who revealed his identity as Hari Singh @ Amar Singh @ Hariya s/o Kanchan @ Singha r/o Village Khavwaravji, PS Nangal Rajvatan, Distt. Dausa, Rajasthan Present Add. 680, Prem Nagar, Stn. Block-I, Sultanpuri, Delhi. Hari Singh was arrested u/s 41.1 (a) Cr. P.C.
On sustained interrogation, he disclosed that he has committed several burglaries and thefts in Distt. Bundi, Dausa and Jaipur in Rajasthan. He also disclosed that several warrants for his arrest have been issued from different courts of Rajasthan and in order to evade his arrest, he came to Delhi around 10 years back and started living in the area of Sultanpuri, Delhi under the different name of Amar Singh s/o Singha, to conceal his real identity. He started selling illicit liquor in the area of Sultanpuri, Delhi. On sustained interrogation, it was revealed that Hari Singh is wanted in case FIR No. 613/01 u/s 457/380 IPC, PS Lal Soth, Distt. Dausa, Rajasthan. On verification, it was found that five separate arrest warrants have been issued from different courts of Distt. Dausa, Bundi and Jaipur North, Rajasthan against him. It was also found that accused Hari Singh is involved in two cases of Excise Act, PS Sultanpuri, Delhi. Information regarding his arrest has been given to Rajasthan Police. Suitable reward will be given to the police personnel who nabbed him.
Further investigation / interrogation is in progress.
1. FIR No. 188/82 u/s 147/323/452 IPC, PS Dausa, Rajasthan. 2. FIR No. 230/82 u/s 457/380, PS Bassi, Distt. Jaipur North, Rajasthan. 3. FIR No. 05/85 u/s 457/380 IPC, PS Lakhedi, Distt. Bundi, Rajasthan. 4. FIR No. 702/98 u/s 379 IPC, PS Dausa, Rajasthan. 5. FIR No. 613/01 u/s 457/380 IPC, PS Lal Soth, Distt. Dausa, Rajasthan.
Hari Singh @ Amar Singh @ Hariya s/o Kanchan @ Singha r/o Village Khavwaravji, PS Nangal Rajvatan, Distt. Dausa, Rajasthan Present Add. 680, Prem Nagar, Stn. Block-I, Sultanpuri, Delhi is 51 years old and illiterate. His wife Kamla is also involved in four cases of Excise Act of PS Sultanpuri, Delhi. Apart from above mentioned cases, Hari Singh is also involved in two cases of Excise Act of PS Sultan Puri registered vide FIR No. 329/99 and FIR No. 679/02.
Model Town police of North West District has worked out a case of house theft by arresting a domestic help Santosh Kumar Yadav @ Shintu aged 25 years. Jewellery items worth Rs. 50 lacs and cash Rs. 5.42 lacs have been recovered from their possession while he was apprehended from Shastri Park Metro Station, Delhi..
In the intervening night of 4/5.12.12, complainant, Sh. Ajay Bhatia informed the police that gold/diamond jewelries worth Rs. 50 lacs and cash of Rs. 17 lacs have been stolen from his H.No.B-265, 1st floor, Derawal Nagar, Delhi. None of almirah lock was found broken and he suspected the role of his domestic servant Shintu. They neither had complete name, address or mobile number of their domestic help nor submitted servant verification form in police. Even they did not know from which district/state, their domestic help belongs. Accordingly, a case vide FIR No. 325/12 U/S 381 IPC PS Model Town, Delhi was registered and investigation was taken up.
During investigation, a dedicated team comprising of SI Sunil Yadav, HC Sudhir No.754/NW and Ct Balkishan No. 1763/NW under the leadership of Inspr. Manoj Sinha, SHO/Model Town was constituted to solve the case. The said team under the supervision of Ms Shweta Chauhan, ACP/Model Town conducted raids at various places in Delhi and the name and address of the alleged domestic help could be ascertained only after interrogation of more than fifty persons. Thereafter, a team was sent to Jharkhand and came to notice after conducting several raids there that accused had left this place due to apprehension of loot of the booty. Later on, he was arrested from Shastri Park Metro Station, Delhi.
During interrogation, he revealed that he had planned to buy a house in Hazari Bagh and settle there lavishly. Further efforts are on to recover the remaining cash.
(Dr. P. Karunakaran) IPS Dy. Commissioner of Police, North West District, Delhi PRESS RELEASE DELHI POLICE 13.12.2012
NORTH DISTRICT LIFE CONVICT, WHO WAS ABSCONDING FROM PAROLE, APPREHENDED. BRUTAL DAY LIGHT MURDER CONVICT ONCE AGAIN BEHIND BARS. BUSINESS PERSONS OF AZAD PUR MANDI HEAVES A SIGH OF RELIEF. North District has arrested one person namely Sonu Sonkar s/o Roshan Pehlwan r/o H. No. 10, D-Block, Kabir Basti, Malka Ganj, Delhi, who was convicted for life imprisonment in case FIR No. 484/03 u/s 302/34 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act, PS Adarsh Nagar, Delhi and was absconding from parole.
INCIDENT & TEAM Sanjay @ Kala was a desperate criminal and is a BC of P.S. Subzi Mandi. In the last decade, he was very active in Azad Pur Mandi. The local habitants and businesspersons of Azad Pur Mandi were constrained to live under the terror of Sanjay @ Kala. In 2000, Sanjay @ Kala along with his two associates assaulted one shopkeeper namely Ajay Kumar of the Mandi with intention to kill. In this case, he remained in judicial custody for a long period. In retaliation, on 06.12.2003, Sanjay @ Kala, along with his brother Kanchu @ Pappu and his two associates namely Sonu Sonkar s/o Roshan Pahalwan r/o H. No. 150, Gali Akhare Wali, Kabir Basti, Delhi and Sonu @ Lullan s/o Jagdish Chaudhary r/o D-34, Kabir Basti, Malka Ganj, Delhi came to the shop of the shop keeper Mr. Ajay Kumar in broad day light and threatened him for being taken them to Court. Thereafter, Sanjay @ Kala fired at the shopkeeper at point blank range with a country made pistol. Sonu Sonkar also assaulted the shopkeeper with knife. In this incident, the shopkeeper succumbed to his injuries. Accordingly, a case vide FIR No. 484/03 dated 06.12.2003 u/s 302/34 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act was registered at Police Station Adarsh Nagar, Delhi. Sonu Sonkar, Sonu, Sanjay @ Kala and his brother Kanchu were subsequently arrested and sent to jail. On 15.11.2011, Sonu Sonkar, Sanjay @ Kala and Kanchu @ Pappu were convicted for life imprisonment by the Hon’ble Court of Sh. Devender Kumar Goel, ASJ, Rohini Court, Delhi, whereas Sonu @ Lullan was acquitted in that case. All three accused persons submitted Criminal Appeal vide No. 1590/2011 before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court against the said conviction Order but the Hon’ble Court dismissed the said petition and upheld the decision of the Session Court. Later, in the month of July 2012, convict Sonu Sonkar moved an application for parole on the plea of meeting his ailing mother, Smt Leela Devi. Local police opposed the parole petition of the accused and hence, the jail authority dismissed his application. Thereafter, Sonu Sonkar submitted a Criminal Writ Petition No. 1275/12 before Hon’ble Delhi High Court for seeking parole on the ground of filing SLP before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. Accordingly, on 11.10.2012, the Hon’ble Delhi High Court granted parole for a period of one month. On producing the surety, on 23.10.2012, Sonu Sonkar was released from Tihar Jail for a period of one month. As per the Order, he was supposed to report back to jail authority on 23.11.2012. But, neither did Sonu Sonkar submit any SLP before Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, nor did he report to the jail authority on the date fixed. Keeping in view the criminal background of the convict, Sonu Sonkar and gravity of the offence, a special team comprising of SI Sachin Yadav, ASI Nisar Ahmed, Ct Mahesh and Ct Vikash was constituted at Police Station Subzi Mandi under the supervision of Inspr. Tanvir Ashraf, SHO/Subzi Mandi and over all supervision of Sh. Budhi Prakash, ACP/Sadar Bazar. The team started developing intelligence about his whereabouts. It was noticed that a deep terror was created among the witnesses and businessmen of Azad Pur Mandi. Various raids were conducted at all possible hideouts of convict Sonu @ Sonkar, but he could not be traced. Finally, in the evening of 12.12.2012, the team got a significant lead regarding the movement of the absconding convict. Secret information was received that convict Sonu Sonkar would come to Kamla Nehru Park to meet his relatives. On this information, a trap was laid around Kamla Nehru Park and at around 08:40 pm, he reached Kamla Nehru Park, where the team members had already taken their position. On seeing the police party, convict Sonu Sonkar tried to escape from there but the police team overpowered him. Accordingly, he was arrested as per the provisions u/s 41.1 Cr.P.C on 12.12.2012. Intimation regarding his arrest has been given to Police Station Adarsh Nagar and Tihar Jail authority.
PROFILE OF ACCUSED Sonu Sonkar aged about 33 years s/o Roshan Pehlwan r/o H No. 10, D-Block, Kabir Basti, Malka Ganj, Delhi is married and has studied up to six class. He has two children.
(SINDHU PILLAI) IPS Deputy Commissioner of Police North District, Civil Lines, Delhi