9Th Grade World History

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9Th Grade World History

The Pathway 9th Grade World History Mr. Andry Content Area : In 9th Grade World History, students will explore the beginning of the modern era starting with the Renaissance through the post-World War II era. Materials Needed : Composition book (preferable one for every quarter), paper, and pen or pencil. Additional materials might be needed throughout the quarter for project-based assignments, but students will receive advanced notice of the required materials. I will provide everything else. Classroom Procedures:

1. Students will be on time to class, and school tardy policy will be implemented. 2. Students will bring all needed materials EVERYDAY, and school policy will be enforced. 3. Students will perform Bell Ringer work immediately upon entering the classroom. 4. If announcements come on the intercom, students will be silent. 5. Students will follow all classroom rules. 6. Students will follow all school procedures as outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook. 7. No food or drink will be allowed, including gum and sunflower seeds. 8. All electronic devices must remain put away and powered off, unless being used for instructional purposes. 9. Students will adhere to the Star Academy dress code at all times. 10. Students will remain in their desks once the bell rings and will be dismissed teacher.

Other classroom procedures:

 Passes – NO PASSES will be given during the first 5 minutes or last 5 minutes of class. Whenever possible, avoid interrupting direct instruction time.  3 Step method (for leaving class or moving from one station to the next) – 1) Clean up your area 2) Stand up 3) Line up

School Wide Rules:

1) Follow directions quickly. 2) Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3) Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 4) Walk quietly in the hallway. 5) COMPLETE uniform MUST be worn at all times.

Consequences: 1st Violation – Verbal warning 2nd Violation – Teacher/Student conference 3rd Violation – Parent contact 4th Violation – Parent/Student Conference 5th Violation – Referral to an administrator Grading Procedures : Star Academy expects work of the highest quality from all students. Student work will be graded for effort and quality. The following forms of assessment will be used in students’ final course grade: teacher made tests (multiple-choice, true-false, short answer, and essay), projects, notebook checks, homework assignments and student participation. There will be a project each quarter, with an emphasis on higher order thinking and presentation. More information will be provided throughout the school year.

Grading Percentages: 60% - Major Assessments (Test/Projects) 30% - Daily work/Notebook 10 % - Homework The following scale will be used when assigning grades: 90-100= A 89-80= B 79-70= C 69-60= D 59-50=E

Gradebook/Progress Reports: In accordance with MCPSS guidelines, all assignments that have not been complete or turned it will receive a “1” or “0”. Please check all comments in the gradebook/progress reports to gain clarity of why your student received a “1” or “0”. If there is a “1” in the gradebook for an assignment, the student needs to make-up the assignment. If there is a “0” in the gradebook for an assignment, the student failed to complete or make-up the assignment in the allocated time provided.

Make-Up Work In the event that a student is absent, he/she will have 3 days from the time he/she returns to school to make up tests or other assignments (unless other arrangements are made with me regarding make-up work). It is the student’s responsibility to make up ALL WORK MISSED. Failure to make up work will be reflected in the student’s grade! Parent/Teacher Conferences: I invite any parent/guardian that wishes to meet with me about their student to schedule a Parent/Teacher Conference during my planning period. My planning period is 4th period, 12:00 to 1:15. I WILL NOT MEET WITH PARENTS DURING ANY OF MY CLASSES.

Extra Help: If for any reason a student needs extra help during this course, individual arrangements can be made. I will be available before or after school for assistance. You may reach me through the school phone, dojo or e-mail. Attendance/ Tardy Policy Please refer to School Wide Policies listed in the Student Handbook

Contact Information Phone – 221-2050 Email – [email protected]

Please sign your name below indicating that you have read and understand the information presented in this syllabus.

______Student name (please print) Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

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