Chapter 4 Section 1 Outline

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Chapter 4 Section 1 Outline

Revolutions in Europe and Latin America Chapter 4 Section 1 – 3 Outline

I. An Age of Ideologies-

Congress of Vienna tried to uproot the “revolutionary seed” and suppress nationalist fervor

A. Conservatives Prefer the Old Order 1. Early 1800s conservatives wanted to return the way things had been before 1789 by restoring royal families to the monarchy and their officials, noble land owners and church leaders. 3. Concert of Europe- an agreement that conservatives would work together to support the political and social order that existed before Napoleon and the French Revolution. 4. Wanted natural rights & believed that constitutional government lead to chaos as it did in France 1789.

B. Liberals and Nationalists Seek Change 1. Liberals Promise Freedom a. Bourgeoisie liberalism was the middle class ideas to shape public opinion b. Wanted governments to be based on written constitutions and separation of powers c. Later on in the century liberals start to support the principle of universal manhood suffrage which gave men the right to vote d. Liberals as well supported laissez-faire economics which was a free market and would help entrepreneurs succeed.

2. Nationalists strive for unity a. 1815 Europe had several empires that had many nationalities b. This included the Austrian, Russia, and Ottoman Empires c. Various nationalist leaders tried to unite and win independence for each particular group d. Nationalism gave people of the same heritage a sense of identity & the goal of creating their own homeland e. Nationalism also led to intolerance and persecution of other ethnic or national groups

C. Central Europe Challenges the Old Order 1. Serbia Seeks Independence a. The first Balkan people to revolt were the Serbs. b. The intense struggle was unsuccessful. c. There was a revival of Serbian literature and culture that added to a sense of nationhood. d. Milos Obrenovic- led the Serbs in a second more successful rebellion. e. He will harness the power of the Russians as they will share a common language and culture and the Serbs will win Autonomy from the Ottoman’s.

2. Greece Revolts to End Ottoman Rule: a. In 1821 the Greeks revolt under Ottoman rule. b. The Greeks united their once divided country to reconquer the rights of the individual. c. They will have the support of Great Britain, France and Russia. d. Eventually the Greeks will accept a German king, which will show no support for the nationalism that took place in the country.

3. More Challenges Erupt: a. Spain, Portugal and other Italian countries struggled for constitutional governments. b. Metternich urged conservative rulers to act decisively and crush dangerous uprisings. c. Troops would dampen the fires but would not crush them. II. Revolutions of 1830-1848

A. French Rebels Win in 1830 1. Citizens Lead the July Revolution- Louis XVIII was restored to the throne by the Congress of Vienna he wisely issued a constitution, the Charter of French Liberties. a. When Louis XVIII died his younger brother Charles X inherited the throne. b. Eventually radicals will fire on soldiers and pelt them with stones and force King Charles X to abdicate and flee.

2. The Citizen King Rules France- The new king will be Louis Philippe as he was a cousin of Charles who supported the revolution. a. He was called the citizen king because he owed his throne to the people. b. His policies favored the middle class and the bourgeoisie giving people the right to vote.

B. The Spirit of Reform Spreads “When France sneezes, Europe catches cold.” 1. Belgium Wins Independence- Britain and France were in support of separate countries for Holland and Belgium. a. The Congress of Vienna wanted a secure boundary to help prevent French expansion. b. Students in Belgium threw up barricades in Brussels. c. That will allow them to be an independent state with a liberal constitution.

1. Rebels Fail in Poland- Poles also staged an uprising in 1830 that will fail. a. This revolt will be crushed by Russian forces, and the survivors will flee to western Europe and the US.

C. The French Revolt Again in 1848

1. Radicals grew discontent and wanted a French Republic. a. Bread prices rose, people lost jobs, and their were poor harvests. b. The newspapers blamed the government.

2. Turmoil Spreads During February Days a. During the February Days overturned carts, paving stones, and toppled trees again blocked the streets of Paris. b. Louis Philipe will abdicate and a radical group proclaimed the Second Republic.

3. The Working Class Loses out “June Days” a. The liberals turned violently against the protestors, and peasants feared that the liberals (bourgeois) would take their land. b. Feelings of fear and distrust deepened on both sides.

4. A New Napoleon Comes to Power a. The National Assembly wanted to restore order and issued a constitution for the Second Republic. b. It created a strong president and a one house legislature. c. All men could vote. 9 million vs. 200,000. d. Louis Napoleon (a nephew of Napoleon) cared about social issues e. He will become Napoleon III and ended the short lived Second Republic. f. He would eventually embark on foreign adventures that would bring down the empire.

D. Revolution Surges Throughout Europe

1. Change in the Austrian Empire: a. Students will demand change and the workers will join them. b. Metternich will resign and flee. c. In Hungary they will be led by a journals named Louis Kossuth 1. He will demand:Independent Govt, end to serfdom, constitution d. The Czechs will make similar threats and the Austrian govt. will give in. e. The military will regain control and smash the radicals in Hungary and Czech

2. Italy Revolts and the Goals of the Nationalists: a. End Hapsburg rule and set up a constitutional government b. Revolutionaries even expelled the Pope from Rome c. Austrian troops will oust new governments in Northern Italy

3. Rebellion in the German States a. University students were demanding national unity b. Prussia’s King Frederick William IV agreed to a constitution c. Instead of uniting the people William rejected it because it came from the people. d. Most revolts will fail because they did not have mass support, and constitutions were replaced.

III. Revolts in Latin America

A. Discontent Fans the Fires:

1. Social and Ethnic Structures Cause Resentment: a. Spanish born Peninsulares, members of the highest social class, dominated Latin American Social and Political life. b. Many Creoles-the European descended Latin Americans who owned ranches resented their 2nd class status. c. Mestizos, people of American and European descent were angry at being denied status.

2. The Enlightenment inspires Latin America a. The American Revolution inspires the people of Latin America as they had copies of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. b. Simon Bolivar will travel Europe and set most of Latin American free. Napoleon’s invasion of Spain will spur him to action.

3. Napoleon invades Spain a. The invasion of Spain by Napoleon is what really set Latin America in motion to freedom 1808. b. Latin America saw this as a time of weakness for Spain.

B. Slaves Win Freedom for Haiti

1. Toussaint L Ouverture Leads a slave revolt in Haiti a. He was a former slave that was intelligent and will lead the revolt b. In 1802 Haiti will be invaded by France and Toussaint will be carried away in chains back to France where he will die. c. Haiti will become a Republic in 1820. C. Mexico and Central America Revolt 1. Father Hidlago cries out for Freedom a. In 1810 Father Hidalgo summoned the people to prayer and fight for their independence. “ El Grito de Dolores” the cry of Dolores. b. After he issued the “Grito” he was arrested and executed.

2. Jose Morelos Contiues the fight a. Father Jose picked up where Father Hidalgo left off and wanted to abolish slavery and give all men the right to vote. b. He too was arrested and shot.

3. Mexico Wins Independence 1821 a. They become independent when all classes join together to fight

4. New Republics Emerge in Central America a. Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Costa Rica

D. Revolution Ignites South America 1. Bolivar Begins the fight a. He will march armies across Andes and attack Spanish at Bogota’. b. He will be inspired by the US Revolution and French Revolution. c. When Napoleon will attack Spain and put his brother Joseph in power Simon Bolivar will attack the Spanish. d. He will free Venezuela and he will be known as the Liberator. 2. San Martin Joins the Fight a. Martin will join Bolivar as he will help lead Argentina to freedom over Spain. 3. Freedom Leads to Power Struggles a. Destructive Civil Wars will follow as people fight for power b. “We have achieved our Independence at the expense of everything else” Simon Bolivar 4. Brazil Gains Independence a. When Napoleon conquers Portugal the king will flee to Brazil b. When he left to go back he left his son Dom Pedro in charge c. Dom Pedro will give his people a constitution, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and an elected legislature.

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