Independent Animal Rescue

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Independent Animal Rescue

a happy home, but will also determine whether the animal will live or die. One can always find Independent Animal Rescue someone willing to take an animal, but finding a good home is a great deal harder. There are PO Box 14232 individuals who pretend to seek a companion Durham, NC 27708-4232 animal only to acquire them for research or other 919-403-2221 cruel purposes. Always carefully screen a new Email: [email protected] home and its occupants. Don't think it can't happen to you. Always ask for identification and references. Ask where they work. Legitimate callers will not mind when you GUIDELINES FOR explain why you need the information. Don't be afraid to ask questions, to make stipulations, or PLACING YOUR PET OR just to say "no." This brochure is designed as a STRAY ANIMAL IN tool to help you learn how to go about placing A NEW HOME your animal, how to evaluate a potential home, A NEW HOME and how to make the best possible choice for your animal. The future of this small life begins or ends with you. May you be wise in your HOW SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT choices. TO PLACE AN ANIMAL? YOUR CHOICES With Care! Not all people like animals, or are kind to them. If your companion animal is a pure breed dog or There are many unpleasant uses to which cat, contact the original breeder of the animal. animals are put including: Many breeders will take back the animal or assist you in placing him/her. Many breeders • Used as "bait" to train fighting dogs to kill have people waiting to adopt pure breed • Used as food for snakes or people animals.. • Sold to labs for experimentation • Sacrificed or tortured for occult purposes If your animal is not a pure breed, if you do not • Abandoned on the street or in the country know the breeder, or if you feel the breeder is where they die of disease, starvation, not the best choice for the animals' welfare, then predators or gunshot wounds from those you can attempt to put the animal up for who shoot animals for sport adoption yourself. • Maimed or killed by cars • Irresponsibly dumped at the pound to be If you are not able to put the animal up for euthanized adoption yourself, please do not take the animal to the pound to be euthanized or drop the animal off on the street or in the wilderness. Please call one of the many rescue groups to help you. They may be able to make referrals to help you place your animal. A veterinarian may also be able to help or may give you phone numbers of others who can help.

MAKING YOUR PET ADOPTABLE The only way to protect your animal from such an end is to ensure his/her future by finding Take your animal to a veterinarian for a and carefully screening a good home for your complete check up. A thoroughly vetted animal animal. The decisions you make on the animal's is a much more attractive adoption prospect. behalf will not only determine if they will have 1 Tell your vet about any behavior problems the bathing kittens or puppies. A professional animal may have so that physical causes can be groomer can safely give your animal a bath ruled out. Some behavior problems are caused if you do not feel comfortable doing it by easily treatable health problems. For yourself example, house soiling can be caused by worms,  Get the animal a new collar and leash to go diabetes, or urinary tract problems, to name-a with his new clean image. Make sure the few. collar is the right size. The safest collars for cat are the new breakaway collars. Having (NOTE: If you are helping a stray, tell your vet a pet that's neatly groomed complete with what you are trying to do and they may give you collar and leash makes a nice impression on a discount for services.) prospective adopters.

 Bring all vaccinations up to date. Have cats Correct any behavior problems the animal may tested for FELV & FIV. Have dogs tested have. You can not expect a new owner to accept for heartworms and start him/her on an adult animal that is not housebroken or heartworm preventative if he/she is not trained. Be honest with someone inquiring about already on a preventative medicine. Make your animal. If you are trying to place an animal sure that you get a rabies license tag when because of behavioral problems, do not expect your animal is vaccinated for rabies. the new owners to want to keep the pet anymore  Have a stool-sample checked for worms or than you did. If you place an anneal with other parasites and check for other internal behavioral problems in a home, they may try to parasites and treat external parasites, like return the animal or get rid of it. The new earmites, ticks and fleas to name a few. owners may not be as careful as you about how  If your dog or cat is not spayed or neutered, they get rid of the animal if they decide not to DO IT NOW!! It is much easier to adopt out keep it. If your animal has behavioral problems a spayed/neutered pet. There are major that make it unadoptable you have two choices: health benefits to spaying/neutering for the animal as well as for society in general. • Keep the animal until you have corrected the Spaying/neutering can decreases the risk of problem and then adopt it out. Obtain breast & ovarian cancer in females and professional help, if necessary. For information, prostate and testicular problems in males. contact your vet, local rescue groups, local (NOTE: If money is a problem, talk to your obedience classes, private trainers and vet, local animal rescue volunteer, or ask at behaviorists. your local animal shelter for low cost • Keep the animal permanently. No one will spay/neuter programs or certificates.) take better care of the animal than you can if you are concerned enough to want the best for Groom your pet. No one will want to adopt a the animal. companion animal that is smelly, unkempt and flea infested. (NOTE: All of this can be done by a groomer.)

 Get rid of mats and tangles by brushing thoroughly. You can try a brush mitt to protect your hand if the animal may scratch or bite while grooming.  Give your animal a bath. Even cats need baths PLACING AN AD IN THE sometimes to get them clean. Make sure the NEWSPAPER water is luke warm and the air is warm when they get out of the water. Dry them thoroughly with a towel so they do not chill. Use a vet recommended shampoo or a The trick to an effective ad is creating one that mild shampoo. It is not necessary to use a will generate inquiries (while not flea shampoo if your pet is on the, misrepresenting the animal) and, at the same Advantage or other flea control program. time, do some preliminary screening for you. Read labels carefully especially when You need a concise description of the animal 2 his/her needs, your requirements and your the future with regard to veterinary care or telephone number. Include the following nutrition. information:  Include your telephone number. Instruct the newspaper with whom you are placing the • Breed ad to abbreviate as much as possible. Your • Pet Characteristics ad should read something like this: British • Color Silver Tabby/Abysinian mix for adoption. • Your Requirements for a Home Young adult spayed female. Friendly, • Sex housebroken, great for a one cat home. • Your First Name Indoor only, ref. required. Peg (Phone #). • Neutered or Spayed • Your Telephone Number • Approximate Age OTHER ADVERTISING  If your pet is 0 - 1 1/2yrs, then give the age in months if known, ex. 18 mths is 1 1/2 yrs. He/she will be perceived as a young animal. Flyers Develop a flyer containing a picture of If I 1/2 - 3yrs, then describe him/her as a the animal (action shots are more interesting) young adult. If he/she is over 3yrs then and more detailed information. Copy these and describe as an adult. post them at work and in veterinarian's offices,  Emphasize your animals "selling points". groomers, pet supply stores, supermarkets, Keep physical descriptions brief and obedience training classes, and community concentrate on personality traits and other bulletin boards. Follow up with phone calls advantages. Is he/she friendly, housebroken, and personal visits. Bring your animal, when obedience trained, loves kids and other possible and reasonable. animals? Tell the good points of your animal, but do not exaggerate. Word of mouth Inform all your friends,  Target the type of home you want your pet co-workers, relatives, front desk staff of adopted into. Pre-qualify the home by veterinarian's offices about the animals stating definite requirements in a positive availability. Give everyone a flyer. manner. For example: No dogs or No cats. Fine with children over 10. Quiet, mature Free publications Research which local family pet. Ideal for senior. Always state publications will permit free advertising. "references required". This lets people know Sometimes the small towns surrounding big that you are a concerned pet owner who cities will print these type of ads free in their wants to do right by his/her animal and that newspaper. This gives you the advantage of they can expect a barrage of questions when possibly finding a home with some land for they call. outdoor running room for the animal.  NEVER, include the phrase "free to good home," even if it is true. In fact, do not put Phone referral - rescue groups List the any price at all. While it is true that "free" animal as available with your local breed will generate a lot of calls, the quality of the rescue and all animal rescue groups to obtain callers is generally poor. Not stating a price phone call referrals from them. gives you a lot of latitude. You can easily tell the wrong caller that the animal is $5,000 dollars and just as easily give the dog SCREENING APPLICANTS "free" to the perfect family on a fixed income, if you want to.  We recommend asking for a minimal Questions for the adopter adoption fee to help cover the expenses you Talking to prospective adopters can be have incurred for advertising, vet care and frustrating and time consuming. Refer to the to give you an indication of the type of home attached "Adoption Questionnaire" for you have found. Someone not willing to pay examples of questions you might want to ask a small amount for a fully vetted, cared for callers. Make copies and fill in the information animal may also cut corners financially in as you speak to the callers. People usually find

3 it easy to talk about animals and this to evaluate that person as a good owner as information usually helps you pick out the well. right family/home.  If the family or person has no pets currently,find  Get the first and last name and number ofthe out if they have had any pets in the past and caller first in case you are what happened to them. The answer will give accidentallydisconnected. you an indication of the type of future your  Ask who else lives in the home? Are there animal will face. People who have never had children? What are their ages? If the animal is an animal before should be advised of the not good with children, be up front with the considerable expense of taking good care of an caller and do not waste time. A young dog animal. They should also be made aware of the under 2 years, for example, responsibility involved in caring for another is almost always a bad choice for a family life who cannot care for itself. Talk about what with young children as the dog is not mature average feed bills and vet bills can run. Think enough to understand how to play non to yourself, can this person handle being a violently with kids. Children often engage committed, caring pet owner? If in your heart in "rough-play" that may frighten the animal the answer is no, then do not place your animal or represent aggressive behavior to the in that home. Are they prepared to educate or animal. A small puppy or kitten can also be reeducate an animal that has behavioral hurt by a young child. Does everyone in the problems? If they have had a pet in the last home like and want the animal? If the year, get the name of the animal and the vet person's partner is dead set against it, then they used. Call for a reference. Did they take the animal will be resented and possibly the animal for yearly check-ups? Stay away abused by that person. What would happen from anyone who has had a significant number to the animal if the only person in the home of pets in a short period of time. It will be who cares for it should die? You could not be unlikely that your pet would last there very sure the animal would have a good future. long either. Someone who has several animals  Find out if they currently have other pets who were either stolen, killed by cars, lost or inside or outside the home. If your animal is given away are undoubtedly a poor prospect. not good with other animals or if your animal  Does the person own the home they live in? does not get along with another animal of the Are they renting? If so does their lease allow same-breed and sex, do not waste their time for pets? Get the name of the landlord or condo and yours. Decline the home. Neutering will association and make sure that an animal is not change aggressive tendencies so do not allowed. Make sure they know what pet fees think that two males will get along just will be involved if any are required. Some because they are neutered. Remember, you places charge a base fee then add a monthly want this to be a permanent home where your fee to the rent. Make sure the adopter knows pet will be happy, so do not let your desire to what rules their landlord uses. place the animal cloud your good judgment.  Do they have the necessary room for a pet? Is  Ask why they want this animal. Look for their yard fenced with room enough for the someone who wants a household companion. dog to run? How tall is the fence? What kind Be aware of people seeking an animal for of fence is it? People who do not have an guarding or breeding purposes. Guard dogs are enclosed fence may allow the dog to run loose often discarded when their usefulness is over, in the neighborhood, which is mostly illegal and the last thing you want is to contribute to and dangerous, or they may chain the animal the animal overpopulation problem by which is a frustrating and desolate existence allowing your animal to be bred. Also be for an animal. Tell them you will want to come aware of people who pose as a good person and see the location where the pet will be kept. with a good home for the animal but really Get their address and check it out. Make sure want to obtain the animal for research the address exists and that the neighborhood is purposes. Call your references!' If someone suitable. wants the pet as a gift for another person, insist  Ask them where they will keep the animal. Be that the person who will be spending the next wary of people who say they will keep it in the decade with the animal be involved in the garage, on the back porch, outside only or in selection. This also gives you an opportunity the basement. They are probably not interested in making the animal a household companion .

4 Domestic cats and dogs have been selectively QUESTIONS FOR THE VET bred and engineered over the centuries to want and need human companionship and interaction. Unless the family or person spends  Explain that John/Jane Doe have asked to 10 hours a day in the garage or outside, an adopt your animal and you want to make intention to keep the animal only in these sure that the animal will get a good home. places or only outside is an indication that the Most vets would be happy to cooperate. animal will be isolated and alone for most of its lifetime.  Ask whether their pets get/got regular  How much time do they have to spend with the vaccinations and annual stool checks and animal? People in situations where the animal year round heartworm preventative for dogs. will be unsupervised for more than a few hours a day should not adopt a young animal (one  Were the pets spayed/neutered? If the under several months of age). This animal may answers are positive, you can be sure the develop behavior problems that arise from same will be probable for your pet. boredom and lack of timely discipline. People with young children are unlikely to have time to spend with an animal. Many parents seek a pet thinking that the pet and the children will QUESTIONS FOR PERSONAL entertain each other. They find that young REFERENCES children quickly lose interest in the pet. Pets have a great need for the mature interaction that only adults can give it and the pet not only  How long have they known John/Jane Doe? does not make less work for them by keeping  Do they have any pets now? their children entertained, but actually creates  Did they have any pets in the past that you more work for them.  know of?  Who will primarily be responsible for the  Are their pets well cared for? animal? Will the adult in the family be  Is their yard fenced in? (This will tell you responsible for the daily care of the pet? It's just how well they know each other.) If you O.K. for the children to participate in the care get a different answer than what you expect of the pet, but the ultimate responsibility you may have to do some further should rest with the adult! investigating.  If the person or family travels a lot, what will  If they were placing one of their pets for happen to the animal? Caring for an animal is adoption would they give it to John/Jane a 10-15 year commitment. Remind prospects Doe? that they may have to board animals during vacations or hire a pet sitter. They must also plan for the pet's needs if contemplating a move.  How will they discipline the animal if he/she misbehaves? How have they disciplined animals in the past? What restrictions will the animal have in the home? Is there anywhere the animal will not be allowed to go and why? What do they plan to feed the animal and where? Make sure that food is not located too close to litterboxes or cleaning supplies. Get two personal references. Even someone who does not now nor has ever owned a pet should know two people who can vouch for what kind of human being they are. Require a home visit/interview! ! Get a good look and feel for where your animal will be spending the rest of its life.

5 OBSERVE THE APPLICANT for you. Insist in seeing all the places in the WITH THE ANIMAL whole house and property where the animal will be allowed to go. IN YOUR HOME

PLACING THE ANIMAL If the preliminary screening and reference calls are positive, call the family and make an IN IT’S NEW HOME appointment for them to see your animal. Make sure they know that they will not be going home with the animal and that you will not make a Placing an animal in a home with no other final decision until all applicants have been pets If you approve of the family and the future screened. The animal will be friendliest to home of your animal, then go ahead and strangers in a familiar environment, so it's best deliver the animal to them. However, you need for the first visit to occur in your home. to remind them of the following recessive Encourage them to come when all those who behaviors that the anxiety of going to a new live in the home can be present. This is a home may cause. family/household decision, and it also gives you a chance to meet all the people your pet will be An animal that was previously housebroken exposed to in the home. It also gives you a may have an accident or two within the first chance to find out if getting the animal is an few days. The animal probably does not know unanimous decision where his/her bathroom is because his/her scent is no longer there. Try one of the At the interview, watch how they act with the following methods. Confine the animal to a animal. Do they approach the animal in an small space such as a crate or a small area like experienced way? Are they sensitive to the a bathroom to re-housebreak the animal. An animal's reaction to them and the animal's need animal in a small space with food, water and a to feel safe? Do they supervise children and waste area, will use the waste area so it can teach them to be gentle and patient. Do the kids keep its other areas clean. As the animal uses seem to respect the pet? the correct area for waste continuously, introduce the animal to more and more space until the animal can roam the whole house without soiling the wrong area. Be sure to VISIT THE APPLICANT'S remove the odor of accident areas completely HOME and cover the area temporarily so the animal can not get to the area. If the animal smells the waste there, it may use that area again thinking that it is an acceptable site. Another method to If you and your animal like the applicant and the try is to take feces/urine from the unacceptable applicant likes you and your animal, then set up site and put it at the acceptable site so that the a time that you can visit their home without the animal knows where the acceptable site is. pet to do an initial home screening. Never let an Again, completely remove the odor from the applicant take a pet to their home without first previous site. Do not try to force the animal or visiting their home! This is the only way that be harsh with the animal. This will make the you can truly verify who they are. If it appears animal scared and will make things worse. that something does not feel right about their home situation or if the home does not look like The average animal takes several days to a good place for your animal, you are not locked settle in. Some animals may take longer. into a promise to give them an animal. Let them Suggest that the new owners keep the same know that a home visit is a part of the screening feeding and exercise schedule for the first few process and that you will not allow your animal days to weeks so the pet can adjust. Also it to be adopted without a home visit. helps if the animal has something of it's own from the previous house to feel secure. For When you go on your visit, show up 30-60 example, it's own toys or bed. Do not force the minutes early. This gives you a chance to see new animal into a bath or grooming or training what the home looks like before they fix it up 6 until the animal is fully adjusted to the new dangers of a size difference as a large dog can home. accidentally hurt a small kitten in play.

Placing the animal in a home with other pets If the adopting family has a dog and you are FOLLOWING UP ON YOUR placing a dog, you will want the dogs to meet ANIMAL’S ADOPTION on neutral ground like a park. Dogs are very territorial and most dogs will resent a stranger Make sure the new owner's understand the on their territory. A dog's first impression of nature of the commitment they are making to another dog is hard to change. Your best your animal. Tell the new owner's that you will chance of a successful relationship is always want to keep in touch and visit a few times to on neutral ground. make sure everything is going okay. Tell them to call if there are any problems or questions. When placing a new cat in a home where cats Emphasize that the animal is to be returned to already live, go slow! We know you want your you if it does not work out. new cat to become best friends with the cat already in your household. But please follow Provide the new owners with a list of these guidelines to successfully make your cats medications and a feeding schedule. Include befriend one another in a matter of time. We some of his food in the adoption package. recommend keeping the cats in separate rooms Write down the animals normal schedule and for up to two weeks. After two weeks, switch activities. the cats, but leave their toys and litter boxes as they are and let them become used to each other's smells for a few days. Then slowly Send a favorite toy or blanket with the animal introduce them. Do not force them to get near to make them feel more secure in their new each other. Keep a watergun handy to separate surroundings. Provide the new owners with the them if there is fighting. They may take days animals rabies/ID tag. Advise the new owner to weeks to sort out the pecking order, not to leave the new animal unattended for a especially if there are two males. Expect a cat while as a sense of belonging takes time to who has previously behaved very well to develop. Give the new family copies of all vet exhibit some bad behavior due to jealousy of records, vaccinations, certificates or pedigrees. the intruder. They may try to punish you or Wait until the trial period is over before you turn destructive and start chewing or clawing. transfer AKC registration or pedigrees. List the names and numbers of training classes and If the adopting animal is a different species local breed rescue groups and encourage the (i.e., dog and cat), it will help if you only adopt new owners to call for advice. an animal who is younger than it. Adult animals will usually accept a baby animal and Have the family sign an informal adoption take over the chores of washing training and agreement which includes a waiver of liability. discipline. If you try to intervene and stop your (This protects you if the dog or cat destroys pet from disciplining the newcomer, he/she property or injures someone during the might become resentful. It also might be a adjustment period.) Also, the adopter must good idea for someone else to bring the new agree to return the animal to you if they decide animal into the home if your animal is they cannot keep him/her. Ask for a small fee possessive of you so that your animal will not to cover expenses that you have incurred if you be upset or resent you for abandoning him/her. rescued the animal. Do not allow the newcomer to usurp anything or place that belonged to the original animal. Most of all, feel confident that you have Remember to spend equal time with both placed your animal in the best possible animals to decrease the chance of regressive home. By following these guidelines, you can behavior due to jealousy. Cats and dogs be assured that your animal will be happy usually can work out their differences on their with his/her new family and the family will own. The only thing to worry about is the cherish their new member for a lifetime.

7 Notes and Comments about potential adopters:


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