Minutes Downtown Development Partnership of Great Falls, Inc. October 26, 2016 Board members present: Kellie Pierce, Joan Redeen, Sheila Rice, Barbara Murfield, Tom Micuda, Jason Brantley Board members absent: Brett Doney, Brad Livingston, Craig Raymond, Garry Hackett, Greg Doyon, Jane Weber, Trevor Mikkelson Guests present: Carol Bronson Kellie called the meeting to order at 9:02am. 1. Introductions – 2. Consent Agenda - Approval of Minutes – A quorum was not present. 3. Financials – Sheila provided the financial report. July TIF update was provided. Barbara will send out invoices for FY2017 membership dues. 4. Major Project Updates – 1) Parking Management – Tom reported that the Parking Commission did not meet in October; the next meeting is scheduled for 11/21. The Commission will pick up right where they’ve left off in September with the discussion focusing on the possible creation of a parking assessment district. 2) Brownfields Assessments – Joan reported that there is nothing new, relevant to downtown, to report at this time. 3) Main Street – Joan reported that the Main Street Grant was approved; the City of Great Falls will receive $8K. The Pedlet project is moving forward and the goal is to have one in place by 5/1/17. Our National Main Street membership dues have been submitted to the Montana Main Street program for reimbursement. Next year’s Montana Downtown Conference will be held in Missoula next fall. Sheila reported on the recent Downtown Conference in Butte. Discussion was held on hosting a showcase of upper level residential during Cruisin’ the Drag May 6, 2017. Discussion was held on Placemaking and the BACI group. Discussion was held on the marketing plan that NW funded several years back; Sheila tasked Kellie with resurrecting the marketing committee and reviewing the plan. Sheila will provide that plan. Carol B, Joan and Kellie will meet to discuss marketing efforts for downtown, after reviewing the plan. 4) Downtown Promotion – Kellie reported that the Ghost Tours are this weekend; they sold out within two days. Safe Trick or Treat will be held on Monday. DGFA has five openings coming up on their board for 2017. The stroll and parade are progressing; a new stroll map is being created this year. The Parade is Saturday 11/26 and the Stroll is Friday 12/2. 5) Downtown Safety – Joan reported that the next business watch program that was scheduled for November has been cancelled due to the fact that it is Election night. The next one will be held on Tuesday, 1/10/17; the topic is Gangs with Officer Beecroft as the speaker. Our 2017 schedule is complete with dates, topics, speakers and sponsors. Joan will email it to everyone. 5. Initiative Updates – 1) Public Art – Sheila reported that traffic signal boxes is the current project that we would like to pursue as it is a project that is ready to go and can be done immediately. Joan noted that all that is needed is for the DDP to say GO and set an amount and the project will happen. She added that another topic for art has been funding an app that will help everyone locate all art locations downtown. Discussion followed on technological options; it was suggested that Jason Kunz with Socially Speaking be asked to present to the DDP about technology options. Sheila discussed other mural options and asked everyone to be on the lookout for other locations. 2) National Heritage Area – Carol reported that Jane Weber is the Chair of the non-profit working on proposed boundaries; things are moving quite quickly. 3) Wayfinding – Joan reported that this item had been removed from the agenda as Craig was not going to be present and there was nothing new to report. Discussion followed on Montana Main Street grant funds and wayfinding; Sheila will look into the possibilities. 6. Other Action Items –

7. Partner Action Updates – Farmers Market – Barbara reported that the Farmer’s Market had another successful year; she is retiring after 10 years. Barbara did not know if anyone would be replacing her on the DDP board in representation of the Farmers Market; Sheila asked that someone represent the Farmers Market as they are a good member to have at the table. NWGF – Sheila reported that NWGF is just finishing up the 12-plex at 1201 1st Ave South. It will be 12 3-bedroom apartments and a list of about 30+ people that are interested in them. They have sold 517 5th Ave South. NW has looked at other downtown properties for redevelopment; discussion followed on other possible downtown redevelopment projects. BID – Joan reported that the BID approved two new business incentive grants; one for a business going into 511 Central and another for a new clothing/gift shop going into the 400 block of Central. School – Jason reported that the bond passed; Whittier and Longfellow will be seeing work as a result. 8. Public Comment – No public comment at this time.

The next meeting of the Downtown Development Partnership has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 30th at 9am in the NeighborWorks Learning Center at 509 1st Ave South. The meeting was adjourned at 10:09am.