EPFL Center for Digital Education MOOC Proposal

Before submitting a proposal, the applicant is invited to have informal discussions with the section director as well as with EPFL colleagues who teach similar courses. The form has to be sent to the section director and then to the school dean, who have to approve it before sending the form to the MOOCs Editorial Committee.

Section 1: Description of the project by the applicant

MOOC Title

Teacher(s) A MOOC is developed under the responsibility of an EPFL teacher. External teachers may participate as contributors Related Course(s) To which EPFL course does this MOOC correspond? Number of students In the related courses Target Audience ☐ Pre-university ☐ Propédeutique (BA1) ☐ Bachelor ☐ Master ☐ Professional ☐ General public ☐ … Language1 ☐ Français ☐ English MOOC 4 AFRICA Is this MOOC specifically ☐ Yes ☐ No designed for African students? Starting Date Production takes ☐ September 20… ☐ March 20… ± 6 months MOOC Platform ☐ Coursera ☐ EdX ☐ courseware.epfl.ch2 ☐ No preference

MOOC Length3 ? Weeks

4 Student Workload ? Credits

1 MOOCs recorded in French are subtitled in English and vice-versa. 2 courseware.epfl.ch is a local instance of the edX platform well-suited to serve on-campus students and continued education courses. 3 The duration of a MOOC is expressed by reference to an existing course, e.g. an EPFL course often 14 weeks times 2 hours lecture. We recommend splitting full courses into shorter MOOCs (5-7 weeks). 4 The participant’s workload is expressed in terms of credits: 1 credit = 30 hours of work. If this MOOC matches an existing course, you may use the same number of credits, proportionally to the duration. 2

Short Description

Table of Contents

You may also add it as appendix 3 4

Existing MOOCs on a similar topic

Please list their URLs and indicate how the proposed MOOC would be different

MOOC Sequences

EPFL is looking for building sequences of 3-4 MOOCs on the same theme.

Please list other MOOCs that could complement your MOOC proposal and form some kind of small curriculum.

This list may include MOOCs from our partner institutions such as X, ENS, TU- Delft, TU-München, etc, as well as our partners from the EuroTech and RESCIF networks 5

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes describe what MOOC participants will be able to do at the end of the MOOC.

If this MOOC matches an existing course, these outcomes have been defined in the EPFL course description sheet (“fiche de cours”)

Available Material

Describe the material that you already own and that could be used in the MOOC: videos, demos, applets, simulations,. ….

Beware that you may only use material for which you own copyrights, or for which you have received explicit authorisation to use them in the MOOC, or that are publicly available 6

Video Production

MOOCs are recorded in one of the 3 studios located on EPFL campus. If you anticipate other recording situations please describe them here, for instance, recording interviews, or experiments in a lab, capturing images from scientific equipment or recording in the field.

Learning Activities

Between videos, participants have to complete exercises, do quizzes, use simulations, enter programming code, etc. These activities are often used as assignments.

Which activities will you ask them to do?

How will these activities be graded?

You may discuss options with Center for Digital Education 7


The costs of video production are covered by EPFL. Describe and justify here any other specific cost. In addition, 10 K are automatically allocated to pay TAs for helping with the preparation of slides, quizzes, etc.


List here any financial support you obtain from your section, from your school or from any other source


Please add any comment for the editorial committee.


 Please send this file to your section director

Section 2: Evaluation by the section director


This MOOC is relevant for the course(s) mentioned on page 1 ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A This course is expected to remain in the curriculum for 5 years ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A The financial commitment of the Section on page 6 are correct ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

If the MOOC does NOT correspond to a course of the Section, please rate the teacher expertise on the proposed contents:

Based on the teaching evaluation records, please rate the teaching skills of this teacher:

How important would this MOOC be for the section? Why ?

Any comment to the MOOC Editorial Committee

Given the above elements, the section supports this proposal ☐ Yes ☐ No


 Please send this file to your Dean

Section 2: Evaluation by the Dean of the School (Doyen de Faculté)


This teacher is expected to remain at EPFL for 5 years ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

The financial commitment of the School on page 6 is correct ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A

Would this MOOC provide a high visibility to the School ?

Could this MOOC generate revenues ? If yes, from which audience?

Any comment to the MOOC Editorial Committee

Given the above elements, I support this proposal ☐ Yes ☐ No


 Please send this file to [email protected]