Third Grade Field Trips!

Throughout your child’s school year the teachers work hard to provide experiences that help bring third grade curriculum alive. We’ve provided you a breakdown of what we would like to do this year by quarter and the approximate costs for each event as well as the cost for the tax credit fees. These activities are simply our “wish list” and will only be made possible through generous donations via tax credit. We hope that you will be able to help us make these amazing opportunities available to your child by taking advantage of the Arizona’s Tax Credit for Education. The fees collected do not fully cover the cost for the trip so we are relying on additional tax credit donations to cover the cost of the trips. Please remember that anyone who pays state taxes can donate tax credits ($200 for single, $400 for a married couple). In order to access the tax credit money, every student has to pay the below fees. Unlike last year, all fees will be collected online through your child’s infinite campus account. This means every parent will need to gain access to the Infinite Campus parent portal. Per Chandler’s new district policy and in order to simplify and maximize the efficiency of the process, our school is only able to accept debit, credit card or e-check payments on the Infinite Campus online payment system. The school/teachers will not be collecting the fees.

We appreciate your generosity, The Third Grade Team

1st Quarter Tax Credit Fee (per Estimated Cost Per child) Event/Trip Art Masterpiece(for the year) $5.00 $660.00 Chandler City Council $5.00 $500.00 2nd Quarter Cost Environmental Education $10.00 $1,000.00 Exploration Phoenix Theater Play $10.00 $1,600.00 3rd Quarter Riparian Preserve $10.00 $1,400.00 4th Quarter STEM at Top Golf $10.00 $2,400.00 Total Cost $50.00 $7,560.00 Estimated Cost Per Child $50.00 About $58.00