Health and wellness tips for your work, home and life—brought to you by the insurance specialists at Greene-Hazel Insurance Group

Eating Organic The healthier option

According to the Organic  Synthetic fertilizers and production standards that pesticides organic farmers must adhere Trade Association (OTA),  Sewer sludge fertilizers to. eating organic foods is not Want to buy organic but can’t  Genetic engineering and afford the price tag? Try only healthier for your body, it growth hormones visiting a local farmer’s is also better for society and  Irradiation market or natural food  Antibiotics cooperative, which have less expensive in the long run.  Artificial ingredients competitive prices on organic foods. If you join the co-op, What is Organic Food? Your Health you will usually save even Organic foods are farmed or Now that you know how to more money. Also, consider processed in an earth-friendly identify organic foods, why organic options only for the manner. Organic applies to you should opt for them? foods you use most often, like agricultural products, meat, Unlike traditional agricultural milk, fruit, eggs, and hold off fish, eggs and dairy products, foods, organic products are on items that you use Instead of traditional farming grown without pesticides. infrequently. techniques, farmers control Pesticides potentially contain weeds and pests using cancer-causing agents and environmentally-safe practices heavy metals that can cause that not only benefit the earth nerve damage. but also consumers’ health. Foods can bear varying Costs organic labels depending on Organic foods are typically their makeup. priced higher when compared to traditional foods due to Regulations stricter handling and The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the use, definition and Did You Know...? meaning of the word “organic” on food labels. A federal The Environmental Working Group found that the 10 most standard was established to contaminated non-organic foods were: green peas, blackberries, restrict and prohibit the use of peaches, cherries, spinach, celery, cantaloupe, apples, strawberries, the following: and red and green bell peppers.

This brochure is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. For further information, please consult a medical professional. © 2007 Zywave, Inc.