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Tests for Higher Standards s1


HISTORY / SOCIAL SCIENCE Curriculum Framework


Virginia and US History

Dr. S. Stuart Flanagan, Professor Emeritus College of William and Mary

Copyright 1999-2003, S. Stuart Flanagan and David E. W. Mott Do not reproduce without permission. Tests for Higher Standards in History/Social Science Curriculum Framework - Simulation Test for Virginia and US History

Early America through the Founding of the New Nation (VUS.4b) 4. Patriots in the American Revolution (VUS.2) 1. Most people who arrived in Virginia would not have agreed with which of came: these Enlightenment ideas? A through the headright system. F Power of government resides in the B as slaves. people C as “cavaliers”. G Individual liberties are not as important D as indentured servants. as the needs of the government H People are granted natural rights which cannot be revoked by the government (VUS.2) J The people have the right to challenge 2. The first Africans were brought to an unfair government Jamestown in 1619 to:

F become household servants (VUS.4c) G work on tobacco plantations 5. The colonies were able to gain H increase rice production victory since Benjamin Franklin J work on indigo plantations negotiated a treaty of alliance with the:

(VUS.4b) A Spanish 3. Anglo-French rivalry led to the B English French and Indian War in which C Dutch the: D French A English were driven out of North America. (VUS.5c) B French were driven out of Canada and 6. Which of these best describes a their territories west of the Appalachian federal government? Mountains. C Native Americans defeated the French F The national government holds powers and keep them out of North America. granted to it by the states. D French defeated all Native American G The national government holds some tribes and expanded their territory in powers and the state governments hold North America. other powers. H The state governments meet together as the national government. J The national government assigns powers to the states.

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(VUS.5c) (VUS.7a) 7. How did the Constitution assign 11. The Emancipation Proclamation judicial powers? was issued after what event? A It assigned judicial power to the A South Carolina voted to secede executive branch. B the Union victory at Antietam B It established a separate and C Abraham Lincoln won the 1864 independent court. election C It did not address judicial powers. D the Confederate capital moved to D It left judicial power in the legislative Richmond branch.

(VUS.7a) Expansion, Reform, Civil War, and Reconstruction 12. A former slave that became a prominent black abolitionist prior to (VUS.6b) 8. President Andrew Jackson the Civil War was: introduced the idea that all F Harriet Beecher Stowe appointed federal jobs should be G Robert E. Lee awarded to the winning political H Dorothea Dix party’s supporters. This was called J Frederick Douglass the:

F spoils system (VUS.7b) G headright system 13. In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln H American system described the Civil War as a J Federal system struggle: A for independence from the south (VUS.6b) B to preserve the nation 9. The Panic of 1837 did all of the C to end foreign aggression in the following except: western hemisphere A lead to bank closings and the collapse D to maintain conditions of the of the credit system Compromise of 1850 B end the use of gold and silver coins

C bankrupted hundreds of businesses (VUS.7c) D put one-third of the population out of 14. The Civil War decided the issue of: work F nullification and states’ rights G equality among blacks and whites (VUS.7a) H foreign influence in the United States 10. What event marked the beginning of J industrialization in the United States the Civil War? F the split in the Democratic party G the secession of the Southern states H the bombardment of Ft. Sumter J the formation of the Republican Party

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(VUS.7c) (VUS.7c) 15. Which Amendment outlawed 18. All of the following occurred as a slavery in the United States? result of the Compromise of 1877 except: A 13th B 14th F military occupation of the South ended C 15th G Confederates that controlled the D 19th Democratic party regained power H the Democratic candidate became president (VUS.7c) J the “Jim Crow Era” began 16. Which of the following is not true about the economic effects of the Civil War on the south? Emergence of Modern America and World Conflict F the percentage of national wealth held (VUS.8a) by the south fell greatly 19. How did the pattern of immigration G thousands of acres of farmland were shift after 1870? destroyed A Most immigrants came from Asia and H slavery had ended as a labor system southern and eastern Europe, rather J the southern economy was now than northern and western Europe. booming since it had to produce for the B Most immigrants came from Asia and war effort India instead of Europe. C Most immigrants arrived by land rather

(VUS.7c) than by sea. 17. The Fourteenth Amendment states D Most immigrants settled in the South that: rather than the North. A slavery was abolished permanently in the United States (VUS.8c) B states were prohibited from denying 20. What African-American leader was equal rights under the law to any willing to accept racial separation American and believed that the path to C voting were guaranteed regardless of equality was through vocational “race, color, or previous condition of education and economic success? servitude F W.E.B. Du Bois D Congress has the power to levy income G Booker T. Washington taxes H Ida B. Wells J Dred Scott

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(VUS.8d) (VUS.10a) 21. Which amendment allowed the 25. The Lend-Lease Act allowed the direct election of United States United States to give: Senators? A Britain war supplies and old naval A 15th warships in return for military bases in B 17th Bermuda and the Caribbean C 19th B war supplies to aid Germany with its D 23rd war against the Soviet Union C Japan war supplies to defeat the French in Asia (VUS.8d) D the Central Powers the financial 22. What was the purpose of the backing they needed to win World War Sherman Anti-Trust Act? II F to punish companies that violated tariff agreements (VUS.10b) G to end fluctuations in gold prices 26. One of the Axis strategies in Eastern H to register unions with the federal Europe was to: government J to outlaw monopolies and companies F force Britain out of the war with a that restrict trade bombing campaign G stop American industrial and military strength with submarine warfare (VUS.9b) H defeat the Soviet Union quickly and 23. What was the intent of Wilson's gain control of their oil fields Fourteen Points? J conquer Bulgaria and gain control of A to establish a climate of open and its resources peaceful relations between nations B to ready the country for involvement in (VUS.10b) the war 27. What was the significance of the C to suppress wartime inflation American victory at Okinawa? D to guarantee American interests in the Pacific A It halted the Japanese advance into southeast Asia. B It brought the Soviet Union into the (VUS.9b) Pacific war. 24. The United States did not join the C It provided the US with a base to attack League of Nations because: Japan itself. F the financial cost would be too high. D It convinced the Japanese to surrender. G France was not allowed to join. H many in the United States did not want foreign policy to be decided by an international organization. J President Wilson feared communist influence.

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(VUS.10c) (VUS.11a) 28. Many Asian Americans were 31. Businesses made the war their awarded a high number of number one priority by: decorations and served in: A selling technology to the Germans and F Navajo units Japanese G Zoot units B ensuring that luxury items would still H Tuskegee squadrons be produced J Nisei regiments C cutting prices to help the American family D retooling from peacetime to war time (VUS.10d) 29. What attempted to ensure the production humane treatment of prisoners of war by establishing rules to be (VUS.11a) followed by all nations? 32. What is true of war bonds? A Terran Conference F Wartime inflation made them B Atlantic Charter unaffordable for most people. C Geneva Convention G They did not cover the entire cost of D Neutrality Acts the war effort. H Their purchase was made mandatory in 1944. (VUS.10e) 30. The Nuremberg trials were the first J They were unpopular and difficult to time: sell. F a nation's leaders were treated as full and complete equals in order to ensure (VUS.11b) that peace would be maintained 33. Many African Americans that were G a nation's leaders were held in the military during World War II individually responsible for their wanted to: actions during war time A avoid combat H that communist and fascists leaders B serve in combats roles were placed on trial for their war C only work in low skilled jobs crimes D leave the country J that American and British leaders were held responsible for their crimes on the battle field (VUS.11c) 34. In 1944 the United States Supreme Court ruled that the interment of Japanese Americans was: F justified on the basis of military necessity. G unjustified and illegal. H justified on the basis of Japanese aggression in Asia. J part of American imperialism. ______Copyright ©1999-2003, S.S. Flanagan & D.E. Mott 5 Do not reproduce without permission. 7-1-03 Tests for Higher Standards in History/Social Science Curriculum Framework - Simulation Test for Virginia and US History

(VUS.11c) (VUS.12b) 35. Which of the following was not an 38. What factor makes American eventual outcome of the internment participation in the North Atlantic of Japanese Americans? Treaty Organization such a departure from traditional A a public apology from the United American foreign policy? States government B financial payment to survivors of the F It gave American military aid to an camps ally. C effects upon the Japanese American G It established a peacetime military population alliance. D a guarantee of employment by the H It opposed communism. United States government for all J It was organized outside of the United survivors Nations.

The United States since World War II (VUS.12b) 39. The policy implemented by the (VUS.12a) 36. The United Nations was organized Eisenhower administration to deter after World War II to: any nuclear strike by the Soviets was to use: F protect the Western democracies. G prevent any nation from acquiring an A nuclear retaliation atomic bomb. B massive retaliation H create a worldwide organization C the domino theory dedicated to peace. D a first strike J solve the devastation and economic

problems caused by the war. (VUS.12b) 40. Which of the following occurred in the United States during the (VUS.12a) 37. What was the purpose of the Vietnam War? Marshall Plan? F Many Americans opposed the war and A to overthrow Castro in Cuba active opposition to the war occurred B to help rebuild war-torn Europe after on college campuses World War II G A economic depression was brought C to ensure the victory of pro-American about by the war governments in newly independent H The United States and its allies invaded African nations in the 1960s North Vietnam D to force the Soviet Union to crumble J Chinese forces came to the aid of North from within Vietnam invaded South Vietnam

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(VUS.12c) (VUS.13a) 41. John Kennedy was assassinated in 44. Who argued for Linda Brown before 1963 in: the Supreme Court in the case of Brown v. Board of Education of A Dallas, Texas Topeka, Kansas? B Washington D.C. C Richmond, Virginia F Thurgood Marshall D Miami, Florida G Clarence Darrow H Martin Luther King, Jr. J Lee Jackson King (VUS.12d) 42. What happened to end the Cold War? (VUS.13a) 45. What action did Prince Edward F The Soviet Union agreed to join the County, Virginia, take to register its United States in a war against Europe's disagreement with the Supreme economic power. Court’s decision in Brown? G The United States agreed to accept Communism as an alternative A It closed down its public schools for economic system. three years. H The Soviet Union adopted a B It encouraged its citizens to respond restructuring of their economy away violently to any efforts to enforce the from Communism which led to the decision. collapse of the Soviet Union. C It passed a resolution of secession. J The United States began trading with D It encouraged its teachers to go on the Soviet Union and was forced by strike until the Supreme Court American businesses to accept the end withdrew its opinion. of the Cold War.

(VUS.13b) (VUS.12d) 46. Which of the following was not part 43. Glasnost (openness) and perestroika of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? (economic restructuring) were enacted by Gorbachev in order to: F banned discrimination in for most employment and in public A save the Soviet Union from economic accommodations collapse G enlarged federal power to protect B save the United States from economic voting rights and speed up collapse desegregation in schools C rebuild Eastern Europe after the fall of H established the federal Commission on communism Civil Rights and a Civil Rights D preserve capitalism in Europe Division in the Justice Department to enforce civil rights laws J established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to ensure fair treatment in employment

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(VUS.13b) (VUS.14b) 47. Lyndon Johnson played an 51. The United States of America has important role in the passage of all been allowing ______to leave of the following except the: their Communist country and live in America since they are political A Civil Rights Act of 1964 refugees. B Twenty-fourth Amendment C Fourteenth Amendment A Canadians D Voting Rights Act of 1965 B Germans C Cubans D Japanese (VUS.14a) 48. Sally Ride was the first female ______in the United States. (VUS.14c) 52. The statement “That’s one small F general step for a man, one giant leap for G vice president mankind” was made by: H astronaut J senator F John Glenn G Neil Armstrong H Allen Shepard (VUS.14a) J Edwin Aldrin 49. Low prestige, low paying jobs for women are referred to as: Geography and Economics A glass ceiling B pink collar (VUS.3) C hit bottom 53. The economy of the New England D blue collar colonies was characterized by what two essential elements?

(VUS.14b) A slavery and plantation agriculture 50. Contributions from immigrants B shipping and fishing include all of the following except: C staple export crops and shipping D manufacturing and financial F new ethnic foods institutions G increased number of people for the labor force H new forms of music and art (VUS.3) J violence and racism 54. Religious tolerance led to a diversity of religions in what region? F New England colonies G Middle colonies H Southern colonies J Spanish colonies

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(VUS.6a) (VUS.6c) 55. The Democratic-Republicans led by 58. The Dred Scot decision by the United Thomas Jefferson were supported States Supreme Court ruled that: by: F slaves were free once they lived in a A bankers and business interest in the free state. Northeast G blacks could be separated from whites B farmers, artisans, and frontier settlers in as long as they were treated equally. the South H blacks were not citizens and therefore C shipbuilders and iron foundries in the had no rights under the Constitution. Mid Atlantic J slave trade outside the southern states D rice, indigo and silk plantations in the was illegal. Northeast

(VUS.8b) (VUS.6a) 59. The belief that government should 56. The 1820s was an era of rapid not regulate businesses or their expansion of a system of canals in practices was: the United States. What was the primary reason for building these A communism canals? B the progressive movement C the laissez-faire theory F to move immigrants to the West D capitalism G to ship farm goods to eastern markets more efficiently H to move naval forces quickly from the (VUS.9a) Great Lakes to the Atlantic 60. What was the purpose of the Open- J to reduce commuter traffic on the Door Policy? inadequate highway system of the era F to guarantee Cuban independence G to open China to free trade H to justify military occupation of the (VUS.6c) 57. The publication of what book Philippines stimulated anti-slavery feeling in the J to restrict the effect of dollar North? diplomacy A John Brown’s Body B Uncle Tom’s Cabin (VUS.9a) C Walden 61. The United States asserted its right D Moby Dick to involve itself in Cuban affairs with its victory in the: A Spanish-American War B War for Cuban Independence C Mexican-American War D World War I

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(VUS.9c) Civics 62. What was the long-term effect of the (VUS.4a) Smoot-Hawley Tariffs and other 64. In the “Social Contract” by John protectionist trade measures? Locke, dictatorial rule is challenged F They improved the ability of American by what principle? products to compete in foreign F The people promise to obey the laws markets. and rules established by their G They sparked retaliatory tariffs in government, so that there is a system of European nations, crippling world “ordered liberty”. trade. G The government has unlimited powers H They had little impact on the health of that cannot be taken away. the global economy. H Whenever government becomes a J They stimulated European leaders to threat to the people’s rights, it breaks form the European Economic the social contract and the people have Community. the right to alter or overthrow it. J The government rules for the

(VUS.9c) betterment of the people, thus the 63. How did the Depression affect people must always yield to the will of farmers? the government. A The poor agricultural economy continued largely unaffected. (VUS.4a) B Many lost their farms when they 65. In what way did the theory of the couldn't afford to pay their debts. social contract support the C The decline in world trade made American Revolution? American crops more desirable. A Britain had approved a social contract D The Depression brought many new in 1766, and could not void it without workers to the farms. the consent of the colonists. B The theory held that if one side violated the contract, the other side was freed of its obligations under the contract. C The social contract was a longstanding part of English common law that allowed rebellion against unjust monarchs. D The colonies had drafted and approved a social contract which called for revolution.

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(VUS.5a) (VUS.5d) 66. Which of the following was not part 69. Federalists believed in all of the of the Articles of Confederation? following except: F Congress had unlimited powers of A a strong national government that taxation shared some power with states. G each state had one vote in Congress B that a strong national government was regardless of size necessary to facilitate interstate H no common currency was established commerce and to manage foreign trade, J provided for a weak national national defense, and foreign relations. government C that a national Bill of Rights was necessary. D a national Bill of Rights would be (VUS.5b) redundant because the Constitution 67. What document written by George itself protected basic rights. Mason established the premise of basic human rights, which cannot be violated by governments? (VUS.5d) 70. Why did the Federalists agree to add A Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom a Bill of Rights to the Constitution? B Virginia Declaration of Rights C Bill of Rights F They thought the new central D Articles of Confederation government would be too powerful without a Bill of Rights. G They realized that a Bill of Rights was (VUS.5d) necessary in order to convince a 68. Which of these was a Federalist sufficient number of state conventions position? to ratify the Constitution. F separation of powers was unnecessary H They wanted to protect the rights of G individual rights needed to be women and freed slaves. guaranteed specifically J They thought that the French would be H checks and balances were not sufficient more likely to aid their new nation if to control the branches of the federal the Constitution included a Bill of government Rights. J federal power was needed to manage trade, defense, and foreign relations

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