APCO General Business Meeting s1

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APCO General Business Meeting s1

APCO General Business Meeting May 7-8, 2015 Running Y Ranch, Klamath Falls, OR

Call to Order President Sheila Thompson called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. on May 7th, 2015.

Treasurer Transition (Sheila Thompson) Doug Kettner has been appointed to the position of Treasurer and is authorize to be added to all Association banking accounts as of today, 5/7/15, by Sheila Thompson, President

Scholarships (Marie Longworth) Marie Longworth reported that APCO turned in 3 scholarship requests for the next biennium, starting on July 1, 2015. DPSST was willing to approve those to cover National NENA coming out of the next biennium.

APCO Social Media Policy (Cheryl Bledsoe) We have updated the Oregon APCO-NENA website at www.oregonapconena.org and are actively taking suggestions for other content to post on the website. Please take a moment to evaluate the website and provide your feedback to Cheryl Bledsoe or Steve Watson, who are administering the website.

Cheryl handed out an APCO-NENA Communication strategy for review. We will have more discussion of this strategy during the later session today on Social Media.

Western Regional Update (Mark Spross) APCO Western Regional Conference March 8-10, 2016. Important to have a strong presence. Consider both volunteering and bringing staff to this event. Volunteer coordinator chair = Leslie Taylor. Mark asked each of the chairs to stand up for the conference.

Key Updates:  Mark Chandler & Tami Atkinson have secured motivational speaker, JR Martinez, will be the breakfast speaker (Injured military veteran, winner of Dancing with the Stars, actor).  Laura Wolfe is working with the hotel. Book the hotel rooms early because the deluxe rooms are the same price as the regular rooms.  Light rail transportation is free for conference attendees  Convention Center is secured. Received $20K grant which covered the facility itself, but not the actual contents of what we will use during the event.  Limited parking, but hotel has a parking garage which may be an additional expense.  Finalizing contract for the vendor floor and the registration elements of the conference.  As you are out and about traveling, don’t be afraid to talk about the WRC Conference and invite people to attend.  Thank you, Mark Enfeld, for helping out with printing frisbies and flyers for marketing this event.  Spent about $10K to date. Kelly Dutra is the sponsorship chair.  Call for papers will be published on the website on Monday which will be pushed out on the listserv.  Website is www.apcowrc2016.org  Gina is working on itinerary ideas that we can post on the website for day trips or outside of the conference.  We will have a booth at National APCO in Washington DC. If you wish to help staffing the booth, please contact Mark or Margie.  Alaska Airlines and Amtrak will be offering travel discounts for this event.

Supervisors Academy at DPSST (Mark Spross) Leadership Academy is back at DPSST and it is for all disciplines. So far, about 6 telecommunicators have attended this training. Feedback has been very positive. While police-centric, feedback has said that there is a lot of good information and leadership development for staff. If you have been tracking the decertifications that have been coming out, trend recently has shown an increase in decertifications at the management level. Line level decertifications have been stable, but decerts are still concerning.

Constitution & Bylaws (Sheila Thompson) Constitution has been updated by the E-Board and Membership Committee. Seeking everyone’s comments, feedback and suggestions. Send your feedback to Cheryl Bledsoe.

This afternoon, editing will occur for the bylaws. These, too, will be posted on the website and information sent out via the listserv.

Correspondence None received

Conference/State Meetings Restructuring Discussion about how the APCO Chapter conferences are put together. Margie shared. Because we are seeing the same groups of administrators/managers at these meetings, wonder if we should focus training on the Fall Conference for the line level dispatchers and supervisors. Might be nicer to condense the time period to 2-3 days instead of all week.

Used to be more of a Wednesday-Friday schedule. Dynamics may have shifted due to the change from meeting 3 times to 4 times a year.

General agreement on restructuring these meetings.

Treasurer’s Report (Doug Kettner) $12K in checking Haven’t paid for this meeting or received revenue Oppenheimer information is about the same as last meeting

DPSST Update (Tami Atkinson) Training Plan/Job Task Analysis nearly finished sent to Policy Committee for review. Will move us into the problem-based model curriculum which will use iPads rather than Powerpoint. Emotional/Physical wellness will be included in future curriculum.

DPSST has an eye on several piece of legislation

Still room in the September & December Telecommunications Classes. 9-1-1 Goes to Washington Weather restricted participation due to flight issues. Ann Rakosi, Larry Hatch, Pat Lustig & Theresa Connell attended this event. FirstNet paid for Ann and Larry’s participation. Group was able to have meetings on Capitol Hill. Highlights were meeting Susan Bonamici. Questions asked about location accuracy. Lots of meetings and other interest groups also on the hill at the same time. Good to get our message out there.

Margie noted that it’s important to this group to send 1-2 people to this event. Gordon shared that it is good to send invitations for awards events to Senators/Legislators and keeping in contact throughout the year.

Vacancies Membership and Amber Alert Committees will both have vacancies. Let the President (Sheila) or Secretary (Cheryl) know if you are interested.

Pam Brost is retiring next week. Telecommunications Policy Committee will also have an APCO vacancy on this which meets quarterly. Next meeting won’t be until August. Pam’s role has been the APCO Chapter representative.

Larry has been sharing information about the FCC Advisory Committee he participates on.

Training Committee (Marie Longworth) Excitement about the Fall Conference which will be our last year at Sunriver.  Dates = Tuesday, October 13-16  Tuesday, 1300, will be the keynote speaker, John Pennington.  Wednesday will have breakout sessions for management, line level and technical track. (10a-5p breakout sessions).  Looking to have a vendor-sponsored cocktail hour from 5:30p-7p. Thursday will have vendor show and closing keynote speaker with business meeting Friday morning. Hospitality on Tuesday and Thursday. Tentative agenda will be coming soon.  Brandy Ritter is aiming to have sponsor letters out by the 15th of this month.

Membership Committee (Jeanne Dilley) Jeanne has been working with Monica Bruley to update the Constitution and Bylaws. There has been a number of versions, but would like to see this get done. Please give feedback and comments. Aiming to align the documents with National APCO & NENA. Needs to reflect our local chapter’s

Jeanne is retiring. If the documents can be updated, Jeanne recommends that Monica take over as chair, but currently she is restricted from this opportunity.

Plug for the Amber Alert Committee. Can participate virtually or via teleconference. Meets quarterly. When there is an Amber Alert that goes out, committee reviews the after-action.

LEDS/DMV Committee Jeff updated that is good for APCO to be involved. Ann asked if there has been any discussion of disabled plates where a zero is entered into the plates which screws up the LEDS run.

Interlock Ignition devices have been discussed. Use of deceased driver’s license, Jeff will be recommending moving the deceased to line 2.

CJIS seems to be a bit contentious right now. Not meeting regularly.

NW Leadership Conference Telecom had less than 9 people out of 700 who attended. Held at Jantzen Beach Red Lion.

Awards Committee Decisions have been made on APCO Chapter awards and notifications have been made to award winner agencies. Sheila asked if we could send out a letter to nominees? Cathy will ask Brandy to get with Cheryl and determine how to notify nominees.

SIEC Committee No Report

Executive Committee Margie reported out from the Western Consortium Selected Conferences for 2017 at Northern California and 2018 in Tacoma, Washington. Rules have changed about whether regional conferences can occur in proximity to national conferences. Talk at the EC level about whether there should be geographic parameters.

Big discussion occurred at Consortium Meeting about disbanding spectrum management committee. Executive Board is looking at this topic. Jennifer Reese will be the EC rep and has begun listening in on these calls. Margie believes that there will be a request for chapter letters. It is her opinion that this will be worked out without us needing to be involved.

Margie is participating in a task force review of National Committees. Turned away 100+ people who wanted to participate in committees last year. Lot of work over the past couple of year to put out both service and term limits. Committees open from January 1st to April 1st.

Kelly Dutra asked about coordinating in advance about speaking up at Consortium Meetings. Margie agreed that this is a good idea.

Legislative Committee Margie shared that most of the legislative updates were shared yesterday.  Exigent Circumstance Forms, watching House Bill 2919  9-1-1 Tax, House Bill 2351, /AOC hasn’t died yet, but nothing has been scheduled yet.  HB 2426, Hearing in the Senate committee next Monday at 1p.

Technical Committee Theresa Connell reported they are looking for speakers for this Fall. Looking for panel discussion of speakers on logging for text-2-911. Also looking at web security risks, CJIS best practices, GIS importance, Next Gen Acronyms.

Professional Standards Mark Chandler reported that recently Laurie Taylor was recently appointed to work on AOA standards.

EMS Committee No Report

Historical Committee Ann shared that there has been a list of questions that are being posed from folks in the RPL process. Would like to see a Chapter History section on the website. Leslie said that when she was president, this information was available on a spreadsheet.

Membership Committee had a list of the past presidents. Need to collect and centralize this information that includes Charter, past officers, etc.

Jeff & Laura does have the standardize form now from national in order to capture chapter history.

OEDI Conference was successful. Most of the work focuses on the conference. Kelly is still new to the Board. Working to make connections with sponsors/vendors.

Meeting was initially adjourned at 9:42 a.m. on May 7th, 2015.

APCO General Business Meeting, Part 2

Meeting Called to Order at 8:35 a.m. on May 8, 2015 as a continuation of 5/7/15 Business Meeting

9-1-1 Advisory Committee (Doug Kettner) Covered in the State's report. Nothing additional to report.

SIEC (Roc Rakosi) Quarterly meeting at DPSST, this coming Tuesday at 12p.  Steve Noel has moved over to FirstNet. Still works with Oregon, but he is no longer the SWIC.  Dave Solus (?spelling) is the alternate SWIC. Karl Larsen from Portland is assisting. Mike Duyck and Roc are currently vice chair and chair of the SIEC.  They met with Alex Pettit who isn't rushing into a hiring for Steve's replacement. Some of the State FTE positions, assisting the SWIC were moved into GIS. Alex Pettit is currently rearranging the deck chairs to address this situation and get things back on track.

Police Chiefs (Ann / Roc Rakosi) As of April 7th, chair of the Chief's Association is Roc Rakosi. Lobbyist, Kevin Campbell of Victory Group, has been working with many measures that affect law enforcement.

Interesting time in the legislature. Super majorities in both parts of the Oregon State Legislature which causes concern with regards to how this could affect law enforcement issues. Appreciate APCO-NENA's coordination.

Recreational marijuana was a big topic at the Chief's Conference.

Sheriff's Association (Laura Wolfe) John Bishop is the new Executive Director from Curry County. Laura is aiming to meet with him face-to-face soon.

New Business Check out the links for the Constitution and Bylaws for review and feedback. Will aim to vote on this at the October meeting. Both the Constitution and the Bylaws may be viewed at http://oregonapconena.org/meetings-conferences/

Sheila Thompson is resigning her position in Baker County as of next week which means that she can no longer be APCO President because she will be moving into a vendor role.

E-Board Recommendation is to move Ann Rakosi back into the Presidency, Mark Spross into the Past President role until Bob Cozzie assumes the presidency at the time he would have originally taken on these duties.

Leslie Taylor made the motion to accept the E-Board's recommendation. Cathy Orcutt seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously accepted by the membership. Mark, as past president on behalf of Oregon APCO Chapter, thanked Sheila for her service as president. Sheila will be moving to Noble 9-1-1, initially in a part time position. Other members shared additional thanks publicly for Sheila's service.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. on May 8, 2015.

Meeting Summary Prepared by: Cheryl Bledsoe, Treasurer

Submitted to the E-Board on: May 11, 2015

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