SC Minutes Oct
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W.C.E. School Council Meeting Minutes – Oct. 24, 2011
Attendance: S.McRae-Chair & parent, T. Tarantini-secretary & parent, S.Nyman- principal, K. Lidstone-teacher rep, Karel Grant-SRFN representative, L. Jackco-parent & MFN Education Director, Kathleen McCoy-parent, Marlene Bruneau-parent, Vice-chair & MFN representative, Cindy Goyton-Lipinski-parent, C. Gordon-parent, Diana Trivers- parent, Lydia Roy-communications rep & parent, Charlene Pellarin-parent, B. Dumencu- parent; L. Jackco until 6:43 p.m. Regrets: Jared Bissaillion-student rep, S. Shamas, L. MacLeod
1. Meeting called to order 6:33pm. 2. Approval of Agenda – All in favor 3. No declaration of pecuniary interest. 4. L. Jackco introduced herself and shared some information about her role. M. Bruneau will relay WCE sc information to L. Jacko. 5. Approval of last meeting minutes- motioned by C. Pellarin, 2nd by M. Bruneau- all in favor 6. Business arising from minutes a) Election of chair - S. McRae will stay on as Chair for first semester - All in favor. S. McRae requested help for Gr. 8 BBQ. L. Roy will continue as Communication rep. for this year. Motioned by T. Tarantini, 2nd by C. Pellarin – All in favor. b) School Climate Survey report – 70% of students participated. Results showed satisfaction with teams & clubs; how they are assessed & the fairness of grades; how clean WCE is; Students always feel safe, welcomed, treated fairly by their peers. 95% have learned about different types of bullying. 60% responded they intervened when they noticed bullying. QUESTION for PIC – can we (parents/school council) have a say with presenting questions? S. McRae to contact PIC. Motion to have S. McRae & K. McCoy look over the survey – all in favor. c) PIC workshop update – Barbara Coloroso Videoconference in Elliot Lake (Roman Ave.) will be held on Wednesday October 26, 7:30pm. S. McRae & T. Tarantini to attend & report back to council at next meeting. NOTE – WCE SC to request Blind River videoconference location for future events (Elliot Lake is almost as far as SSM for parents in the Iron Bridge area). 7. New Business a) Gr. 8 Transition BBQ – invite for gr. 8 students and their families to attend Eaket BBQ done by Student Services. Volunteers to approach S. McRae b) Post secondary transition – information given to Gr. 12’s re: college & university appreciated. c) Safety hazards – area near staff parking lot where water not draining is forming a huge puddle. Investigation determined area in question is Town property. Concern has been brought to the town - looked at it Friday; follow-up next meeting. 8. Correspondence a) People for Education – information about organization and yearly conference circulated. b) Growing Success - K. Grant contacted Dr. Lorna Earl and has arranged for author to come to area. Will discuss opportunity with Mrs. Nyman. 9. Administration report – S. Nyman: a) Keep & USE- Eaketstaff as login – royal-pswd. b) Mental health training for staff provided for crisis management. Ministry does not fund this training. Some support staff members, such as guidance, principal, and vice-principal, have been trained. Most staff to be trained as appropriate (EAs at Nov.’s PD Day). c) Video surveillance policy (draft) - Funded from ministry and Board - can put camera within school for health welfare & safety - not in washrooms & change rooms. Will be located at entranceways for the washroom & change rooms. d) Exchange program “YES CANADA”. e) First Nations – Student First – Mrs. Nyman to attend this meeting. More information at “” f) CANstruction – hoping to hit 500 cans. Every student encouraged to bring in nonperishable items for Food Bank. 10. Teachers report – K. Lidstone – All teachers busy around the school. PLC – teachers attending literacy skills conference to improve. More & more teachers are becoming involved with extra curricular activities. 11. Student rep – absent; no report 12. SC goal setting & discussion – deferred to next meeting. Sc members asked to consider 2 questions posed with agenda email and forward responses to S. McRae prior to next meeting. 13. Other – L. Roy concern re: drinking water access in the gym. K. Lidstone reminded us that water fountain across from the gym in filtered & ready for use. 14. Adjournment at 7:50pm. 15. Next meeting - Monday November 28, 2011 @ 6:30pm