Rotary Club of Point West Sacramento

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Rotary Club of Point West Sacramento

Rotary Club of Point West – Sacramento Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting January 10, 2017 7:00AM A T & T Building, 2700 Watt Avenue, Sacramento, CA

Board Members and Officers Present: President Desiree Wilson Secretary Beth Leonard Schatz Sergeant at Arms – Paul Cunha President- Elect Rick Bixler Mike Garcia Samantha Hoshida Tim Maliepaard Maia Schneider Paul Snyder Jeniece Thomas

Absent Board Members: Past President Toney Sebra Treasurer Dave Black President Elect Carl Naake Rich Fathy

Other Club Officials: N/A

Other Guests: Russ Fujii- GRC Committee Gary Hardesty- New member sponsor Janet Meredith- Lunar Lunacy Co-Chair Maria O’Neil- Lunar Lunacy Chair Sandy Thompson- New member sponsor Brent Ward- New member applicant Doug Weill- PWR Foundation

1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by President Wilson at 7:04am; quorum present. 2. New Member Interview A. New member applicant Brent Ward was interviewed for membership; sponsors Gary Hardesty and Sandy Thompson were present and spoke on his behalf. After introduction by sponsors, Brent’s self-introduction and Q & A period, Brent was dismissed. Board briefly discussed the application; approval of Brent Ward’s membership for posting was moved by Paul Snyder, seconded by Paul Cunha, and approved unanimously. 3. Secretary’s Report: Beth Leonard Schatz A. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Maia Schneider to approve minutes from meeting of December 13, 2016 as presented; seconded by Paul Snyder and approved unanimously,. B. Member Updates: I. Leave of Absence Requests: . Leaves of Absence: Two requests to extend LOAs expiring 12/31/16: Dan Stouder’s to 6/30/17, due to a delay in a major trial in his law practice; and Craig Heiser’s to 4/30/17, due to work and personal travel planned. Motion to

1 approve both requests was made by Beth Schatz, seconded by Paul Cunha, approved unanimously. . Request by Anne Osborne for LOA due to a RYE student living with her who requires transportation to school, which conflicts with club meetings. Moved by Beth Schatz to approve her LOA from 1/6/17 through 4/7/2017, seconded by Maia Schneider, approved unanimously. It was then noted that because Anne will be attending to a Rotary activity during the Club meetings, then that would qualify as a “makeup” meeting, and therefore she did not actually need a formal LOA. It was decided to allow Anne to decide which she would prefer. II. Exempt Status: Member Jamie Williams now qualifies for Exempt membership status and has requested it. It was moved by Paul Snyder, seconded by Paul Cunha to approve the exempt status request, approved unanimously. 4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Dave Black was not present, however Financial Statements were provided by Treasurer Black prior to the meeting. President Wilson reported that all dues are current except for one, whose LOA expired 12/31/16 (and therefore the dues are now past due). PE Rick Bixler will contact the member to determine why dues are unpaid or whether there is an intention to resign. 5. Old Business: A. District Conference (Santa Clara, 5/5 – 5/7/17) Hospitality Suite: Samantha Hoshida reported that Asst. Governor Jennifer Curtsinger sent an email to Area 9 Presidents in December seeking support for staffing and financing the cost of the suite. Samantha will keep us informed about progress on this. 6. New Business: A. Lunar Lunacy Budget & Charity partner proposal: Maria O’Neil & Janet Meredith—Maria and Janet presented their proposed budget, along with the draft Letter of Understanding (LOU) for the Club’s agreement with the event’s charity partner, the Court Appointed Special Advocates program (CASA). After some discussion and some agreed-to minor modifications to the LOU, it was moved by Paul Cunha that the Budget and LOU (as modified) be approved, seconded by Paul Snyder, and approved unanimously. The event date is 8/5/17. B. Grant Review Committee: Committee Chair Russ Fujii informed the board that the Charity Partner for Lunar Lunacy has been approved, and will again be CASA. Also, the Grant Application has been updated for 2017. 7. Executive Committee (EC) Report: Desiree Wilson A. Attendance Issues: President Wilson reported that one member has 0% attendance and is being contacted with notification that it is expected that a 50% attendance level must be maintained going forward or be subject to expulsion from the Club. B. Outstanding dues: All dues billed for 2nd half of the term have been paid except for one; as indicated above, that member is being contacted by PE Bixler. C. Anonymous donations: PWR has received a $10,000 anonymous donation from a club member, to be used during this term. Of that, ~$2,200 will be used to assist with the Club’s sponsorship of its commitment to the 50 Bikes for 50 Kids project; by consensus, the Board agreed that the remaining ~$7,800 will be reserved and a decision made at a later date. The Club has made a commitment to the Human Trafficking project, and a portion of funds raised at Festa di Vino will be used for that commitment. If they are insufficient, some of the $7,800 may be used to fulfill that commitment, and the remainder will be available for other grants, to be determined sometime after the results of Festa are known. In addition, a second $10,000 anonymous donation has also been received, for use during PE Bixler’s term. D. District Rotarian & Rookie of the Year, and District hall of Fame nominees: President Wilson informed the Board that nominations are open for these awards, and board members are encouraged to consider potential nominees. Names must be submitted by 4/15/17. E. PWR Smartphone/ Tablet Application: President Wilson informed the board that there is an opportunity to purchase a smartphone/ tablet app customized for PWR should the Club be interested in acquiring it. There would be a monthly cost for its use. Some questions were raised concerning what is required for the customization and maintenance, and Samantha 2 Hoshida offered to research to determine what all would be involved, and what the pros and cons were to using it, to assist the Board in making a decision on this.

8. President’s Report: Desiree Wilson A. Awards report: President Wilson reported that she believes that PWR does far more than the stated requirements for the district Awards, and that we therefore are worthy of winning a number of them. She will continue to seek additional information from the Board to complete the worksheets developed to track our progress in a number of areas. She again asked that Board Members please provide such updates as appropriate for each Board Member’s responsibilities. B. Website Calendar- Please provide updates to the Club’s calendar to Karl Forste and he will post them to the Website. There are a great many key dates missing! C. International Convention in Atlanta (June 10-14, 2017)—President Wilson encouraged members to attend this gathering. D. Rotary International Dinner 5/20/17, 5:30-9:00pm: President Wilson reminded the Board that on 5/20/17 there will be a dinner at the Folsom Community Center with RI President John Germ; cost is $53.74 per person. The club has purchased one table (located “front and center”) and there are two seats left for members who would like to attend at PWR’s expense. (Note that spouses/ guests are not sponsored by the club.) Those interested should notify President Wilson. She also informed the Board that our club has been requested to provide planning and staffing support for two bars at the event, which involves the purchase and delivery of beer and wine, purchase of a liquor license and staffing for the bars at the event itself. Tim Maliepaard volunteered to coordinate the effort on behalf of the club. Dinner (but not an assigned seat) will be provided to volunteers staffing the bars; it was thus noted that those staffing the bar be people other than those already planning to attend the event (i.e. sitting at the club’s table). 9. Board Reports: a. Club Service I- Tim Maliepaard: i. Brewfest is 9/16/17; memorial service for Dick Prater being held 1/21/17 at Haggin Oaks; meeting speakers are set through March; Demotion party is scheduled for 7/1/17 (to be held at Paul Cunha’s home, and to be chaired by Maia Schneider). b. Club Service II- Samantha Hoshida: i. Membership is going well, with several potential applicants showing interest; 2 X 2’s will be scheduled soon; Lunar Lunacy (8/5/17) planning now actively going, with Maria O’Neil as event chair. Presentation to the club scheduled for Friday 1/13/17. c. Club Service III- Paul Snyder: i. Festa di Vino: Tickets will be distributed to members at 1/20/17 meeting; Pacific Auction group has been engaged and Rob of “Rob on the Road” will be the event emcee; FdV committee recently met (1/9) with ~13 attendees, including a representative of Sierra Forever Families; committee working well together and sponsorships going well; Mark Albrecht is doing flyers. Desiree, Maria O’Neil, Paul Friedrich and Bob Porter to meet with Sacramento Chamber CEO regarding the event and the Human Trafficking connection, and also making Lunar Lunacy a “Sacramento Event.” Commitments from wineries and restaurants going well but more being sought. ii. Invocators scheduled through 3/3/17. iii. Bowling Bash is scheduled for 2/25/17; chairs are Drew Houghton and Glen Cheron. d. Vocational Service- Jeniece Thomas: i. No report e. Community Service I- PEE Carl Naake: i. Not present f. Community Service 2- Maia Schneider: i. Salvation Army holiday volunteer efforts (bell-ringing and food distribution) went well, chaired by Cheryl Queral and Bev Hoeft; Bev will likely chair the two Salvation Army activities next year; 3 ii. Maia is working with Dan Hall to find new volunteers to assist with blood drive, given Tony Park’s LOA and John Valentine leaving the club. iii. A Brewfest orientation for new members to be held 1/11/17 at Hoppy Brewing Co., in an effort to encourage volunteer participation from them. g. International Service- Rich Fathy: i. Not present h. Youth Services- Mike Garcia: i. Speech Contest is scheduled for 1/10/17; newly assigned event chair is Tom Knox— speech topic is “Serving Humanity.” ii. One hundred dictionaries have now been received for donation to the Mustard Seed School; delivery will be scheduled soon. Mike brought a sample dictionary for the Board to see. iii. The American River Parkway cleanup project has been delayed due to the weather (Discovery Park and nearby are currently flooded.) Brad Asbury is no longer the liaison for Interact; it is hoped that a new Interact liaison will be designated soon, as it is planned that they will participate in the project. i. President Elect- Rick Bixler: Rick reported that he is currently seeking hosts for the annual February Fireside Chats; an email will be sent to the Club soon to request volunteers. Also, Rick reminded the Board that if time is needed on the Club’s weekly meeting agenda, please notify President Wilson as early in advance as possible, and be clear about how much time is needed. j. Sergeant at arms- Paul Cunha: Paul reported that he is very pleased with the great crew he has and the excellent job they’re doing at the weekly meetings. k. Club Information Officer: Bea Maurer i. Not present

10. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:03AM. Next Board Meeting date is 2/14/17.

Respectfully submitted: Beth Leonard Schatz, Club Secretary V-1


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