Pierce County Fire Commissioners Association

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Pierce County Fire Commissioners Association

PIERCE COUNTY FIRE COMMISSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION MINUTES February 26, 2015 FPD #21 – Graham Fire & Rescue – 23014 70th Ave. E.

CALL TO ORDER – FLAG SALUTE President Gustafson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

WELCOME and THANK YOU TO HOST President Gustafson thanked Graham Fire & Rescue for hosting the meeting. If anyone needs an ID badge please see Tony Judd after the meeting and he will take your picture and get the ID badge made up. Chief Baskett welcomed everyone. A lot of neat things going on in their neck of the woods – they were fortunate to pass their M&O Levy in the fall. Hiring 16 people, making great grounds. Diligently working on everything else as others.

ROLL CALL – SELF-INTRODUCTIONS Roll was taken with self-introductions, according to the sign-in sheet 8 Districts were represented by 19 attendees made up of Commissioners, Chiefs, Secretaries and/or visitors.

Chief Baskett thanked the support group for putting together the food tonight. They always do an outstanding job for us.

PROGRAM – Assessor Treasurer Mike Lonergan Vice President Ed Egan introduced Assessor Treasurer Mike Lonergan. He has met with the County Chiefs before and is pleased to be here to speak to the Commissioners. Elected official, been in office a little over two years now. Adopted a motto – better every day. Achieving that. County just recently did a survey and their office finished above average. Mission is two-fold – other counties have separate Assessor and Treasurer, our county charter combined the two. The Assessor assesses the property and Treasurer bills and collects taxes. A lot of times people aren’t even aware of what their taxes are because they go to their mortgage company – sent out about 80,000. Highest average tax rates in the State. We have 152 different rate areas in the County. Range from $11.00 up to $18.00, right around $15.00 for average. If collecting $1.50 or $2.00 per thousand. When values plummet, not able to collect full value plus 1% and new construction. Happy to say that recession seems to be over and starting to see more growth. Added for 2 years in a row $1 billion dollars in value in new construction. June, July and August looking strictly at new construction. Encourage with building permits, make sure the assessor is receiving all permit information so they can make sure to go out and value that. See handout distributed. 77 employees in all, about half engaged in appraisal activity – residential and commercial team. Statistics and appeals. Board of equalization looks at assessed value of property appeals. Customer service team. Have a live chat on website. Personal property team – actually business equipment. Cartography team – accurate map of every parcel in the county. Foreclosure avoidance team. 3 years behind in property taxes means they can auction the property. 146 parcels went to auction last year. County-wide about an 8% increase last year. Every 6 years look at every single piece of property in the County. JBLM on west, down Hwy 7 to 260th to 224th St. up 70th Ave. along Sunrise to Hwy 162 to 512 down Canyon, Brookdale to Hwy 7. 1/6th of County each year. Last year across the bridge looking at the Peninsula. Second handout distributed – 2014 Residential Revaluation Report – 2014 Residential Average Assessed

PIERCE COUNTY FIRE COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION 02-26-15 Page 1 of 4 Value Change by Fire District. Another handout distributed – 2015 Ad Valorem Taxes (side 1) and Summary of Budgets and Levies for Taxing Districts in Pierce County – 2014 Levies for 2015 Tax Collection (side 2). Every state has property tax. Some are more dependent on it than others. When reaches a certain limit, tax rebellion that comes up. Last handout distributed – Property Tax Exemptions for Seniors and Disabled Persons. Have to be 61 or older and request and show paperwork that overall income is under $35,000.00 the voted taxes go away. Exemption shifts the burden to other taxpayers. We do not tax tribal trust lands. Much better picture now that it was 3, 4 and 5 years ago. Do see values continuing to come back. Questions? Regarding the property tax exemption, do other assets come into play? Anything drawn out in a given year to put over the $35,000 would remove the exemption. Invitation Homes bought up homes, 600 here, foreclosed properties and renting them out, then as values come back will sell them. Rezoning of rural lands. Changes some depending on actual use, some will go up and some will go down. Brought along business cards for Kim Fleshman, Levy Specialist. Please be sure to notify her of personnel changes for notification purposes, etc.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved and seconded to approve the agenda as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

MINUTES OF January 22, 2015 MEETING Ed Egan moved and Sheila Niven seconded to approve the January 22, 2015 minutes as present. MOTION CARRIED.

TREASURER’S REPORT – SEE ATTACHED Claudia Jones moved and Margaret O’Harra Buttz seconded to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

SGT. AT ARMS – NAME BADGES Commissioner Coleman collected from those without badges.


SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Impact Fee Committee report - Ron Scholz Reported has not met since July. Capital Facility Plans supposed to be finalized. Did not make cut off this last fall for comp plan amendments. A few developments out in CPFR, GFR and Gig Harbor. Check with Chiefs to make sure this is moving forward.

REGULAR REPORTS: a) Regional Representative Report - Gene Dobry/Bob Skaggs Gene Dobry reported last months’ Board Meeting ended 2014 2% under budget. Healthcare committee met and reported of premium dollars collected, 96.6 cents out of every dollar was spent on claims. Ended year with 3.4 cents to the good. Medical plans had 48 large claims, greatest number since 2009. 4 large claims that exceeded $250,000. Also past couple of years with complaints for customer service with express scripts. Seeking a replacement. One of fellow districts, Pierce 17, has decided not to renew State membership. 7 new members so far this year. Also a proposal from Lighthouse Uniforms to provide Class A’s for deceased Firefighters. This Saturday Snure seminar. Next one is in Yakima, March 7th and Ocean Shores on March 28th. Topic is Board Meetings be compliant not defiant. Summer seminar in Chelan June 6 th Risk Management. Education committee to meet and discuss fall conference. Make sure and do PDC filings due April 15th.

PIERCE COUNTY FIRE COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION 02-26-15 Page 2 of 4 b) Legal - Joe Quinn Not present.

STANDING COMMITTEES: a) Fire Chiefs Association - Dan Rankin/Claudia Jones Claudia didn’t attend the last meeting. GEMT legislation and support for that and 5 top issues. Next meeting is in Buckley on March 5th. Ed Egan reported Keith Wright called and would like to speak at the next meeting at Edgewood on the GEMT. b) Legislative - Dale Mitchell Not present. c) Bates Technical College - Dan Rankin/Claudia Jones Claudia met February 17th and next meeting in June. Trying to get Fire Officer on line. Looking for blessing in funding to start Blue Card program. Staggering enrollment. 18 in recruit academy right now. Space left in September recruit class. Dan became Chairman by default. June 9 th at 11. d) Insurance No representative. e) Fund Raising Activities - Bob Skaggs President Gustafson had Denise draw the ticket. Mike Cathey won and donated the money back to the Association. f) Annual Picnic - Bob Skaggs President Gustafson reported the annual picnic will be held at the LeMay Car Museum again, cost will be $15.00 per person. Wayne Wienholz will be providing the BBQ. Ed Egan suggested everyone try to get a head count to Bob. g) Annual Banquet - Mike Cathey/Karen Megran Mike Cathey reported we almost broke even this year. Same place, etc. Need to get together with the Chiefs yet to make sure they are still on board. Ryan Baskett reported the Chiefs are going to send out a survey to try to get feedback on those that attended and those that didn’t and why. The Commissioners would like the survey sent to them as well. h) Scholarship & Education - Tom Sutich/ Gene covered different seminars coming up. There is scholarship money available. Contact if need more information. i) Awards Committee - Bob Skaggs/ Not present. j) Membership - Ray Lamoureux Not present. k) Programs - Ed Egan Next month at Edgewood speaker will be Lowell Porter from PCDEM. l) Sunshine - Dan Rankin

PIERCE COUNTY FIRE COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION 02-26-15 Page 3 of 4 Not present. m) NAEFO - Bob Skaggs Not present. n) Nominating – DORMANT - Claudia Jones /Dan Rankin o) Audit – DORMANT - Dan Rankin/Ed Egan/Claudia Jones p) SS911 Committee - Grant Erb LESA provided services, two different locations. All 7 agencies are officially members of SS911. All PSAPs are branches. CPFR is transitioning back to Fire Comm from Tacoma Dispatch May 5th. Ken Sharp is new Deputy Director for Fire Operational Planning. Recent audit with no findings or recommendations. New phone system down for about an hour on January 23rd. Budget items, sales tax up. Action items covered 4 items yesterday, contract with Motorola. 2nd item – 3 bidders to build hybrid campus. Exhaustive selection process was done. 2 property sites being looked at. Discussion on radios/fees/etc.

OLD BUSINESS: a) Nothing at this time.

NEW BUSINESS: a) By Laws Revisions – emailed out. Vice President Egan stated the biggest change was adding awards recognition for years of services, etc. Yellow highlighted are changes/additions. Claudia Jones moved and Tom Sutich seconded to approve the By Laws Revisions as presented. MOTION CARRIED.

GOOD OF THE ORDER: a) Vice President Egan reported the EPFR levy failed. A/C McDonald retired a month earlier than planned. Chief Thorson announced 2 weeks ago his retirement in April. Yesterday, Chairman Dale Mitchell received a letter from Commissioner Kuss who resigned. Effective Monday bringing in Kauffman and Associates – just hired Seattle Fire Chief. Passed 7 member Board and going to act on that this year. 4 members of 7 member Board up for election this fall. 3 to run for 6 year term and 1 for a 4 year term and then Kuss’s replacement will run for a 2 year term.

ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

NEXT REGULAR MEETING March 26, 2015 – FPD #22 – EPFR – 10105 24th St. E. Edgewood

Submitted by:

Denise Menge Secretary/Treasurer


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