Social Studies Concept Being Taught in This Lesson: Conflict Resolution______

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Social Studies Concept Being Taught in This Lesson: Conflict Resolution______

Book Kit Template

Social studies concept being taught in this lesson: _Conflict Resolution______Book Kit Title: Julius, Baby of the World Book Author and Publication Date: Kevin Henkes, 1990______ISBN#:______

This Book Kit was planned by: Lauren Payne ______

Grade Level this kit is intended for: 2nd ______

Core Curriculum Standard and Objective OR NCSS Standard this lesson teaches: ______UEN Standard 2 Objective 1 _ Describe behaviors that influence relationships with family and friends. Core Curriculum Standard: Conflict Resolution___

Materials for the Lesson: *”Julius, The Baby of the World” * Behavior word strips *My Kind of Friend worksheet

Lesson Objective: Our actions affect the relationships around us. Students will learn about behaviors that can aide in resolving conflict.

Background Knowledge:

Anticipatory Set/Invitation to Learn: Today we are going to learn about how to resolving conflicts with others. Who knows what the word conflict means? Raise your hand if you have ever not gotten along with a friend, family member, or parent.

Listening Focus: While I read the book I want you to pay attention to how Lilly treats Julius.

Method for sharing the book: I would read the whole book straight through, pausing to point out different conflicts in the story. Some questions I would ask:  Why is Lilly treating Julius this way? Student: because she is jealous.  Have any of you ever felt this way about a brother or sister?  How does Lilly feel when her parents say that Julius is the baby of the world?  What makes Lilly treat Julius better? Students should realize that Lilly is having a conflict with Julius.

Instructional Procedures: Today, we are going to talk a little more about what you like and don’t like in a friend. Let’s start with “I don’t like it when a friend...” (Write statement on board.) What are some of the words I could write under this sentence? Elicit student responses. (Some examples might be put downs, brags, tattles, teases, dishonest, etc.)

Repeat activity using the statement "I like it when a friend..." (Some examples might be honesty, kindness, talk to each other, do things for each others, share compliments, etc.)  Role play different situations in which students demonstrate what they like and dislike about friends (e.g., taking sides, put-downs, arguing with a friend, etc.).

Select two students to role play.

First role play — Have the two students pretend to run into each other in the lunch room. Have them get into an argument and say mean things to each other

Second role play — Have the two students pretend to run into each other in the lunch room, but this time they are to be nice to each other.

Ask: How do you think both children felt in the first situation? How do you think both children felt in the second situation? Remind the students that handling situations in a positive way can make everyone feel good.

 Make a T chart on the board. On one side write : Appropriate Behaviors, and on the other Inappropriate Behaviors. Cut out the Behavior word strips and have students place them under the correct heading.

 Hand out “My Kind of Friend” worksheet. Have students brainstorm as many words as they can that describe the characteristics they like in friends and write them inside their person. Encourage the students to think of as many words as they can. .

Closure: I will close by explaining that sometimes we may have problems with those around us, but that we have to behave appropriately and think about how we behave.

Evidence of Student Learning: I will know that the student understands if they participate throughout the lesson, and if they have filled out the “Friend” worksheet with appropriate words.

Behavior Word strips: Saying kind words, punching your friend in the stomach, giving a compliment, telling someone to shut up, picking on your little sister, calling someone a bad or silly name, letting everyone play at recess, tattle telling, taking turns with others, helping others

Activity 1: Drawing and labeling a picture of the student’s family. Have students draw a picture of each member of their family and then write one positive strength that person brings to the family.

Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Knowledge

Activity 4: Watching the video clip When Friends Fight. This shows students that it is normal to have conflict in relationships, but provides way to resolve them in a smart manner. After viewing the clip have students share their own ideas about how to resolve conflict.

Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Evaluation Activity 5: Have children look back at the illustrations showing Lilly’s dream and nightmare about Julius. Ask them to write a description of what is happening in the two dreams. Encourage them to think about why Lilly is having these two dreams. What do they show about her feelings for Julius?

Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Synthesis

Activity 3: Quotes Have students organize the quotes from the book from beginning to end. After they have finished they can check their order on the answer sheet.

Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Analysis Organize the following quotes in the book from beginning to end. After you have finished, check your answers on the numbered sheet.

“Before Julius was born, Lilly was the best big sister in the world.” “After Julius was born, it was a different story.” “But her parents loved him.” “And she yelled insulting comments into his crib.” “Julius is the baby of the world, chimed Lilly’s parents.” “I am the queen,” said Lilly. “And I hate Julius.” “Lily tried to frighten Julius with her nifty disguises.” “All afternoon the relatives hovered over Julius.” “Julius,” said Cousin Garland. “I think his wet pink nose is slimy. I think his small black eyes are beady.” “You’re talking about my brother,” said Lilly. “Now repeat after me,” said Lilly. “Julius is the baby of the world.”

1.)“Before Julius was born, Lilly was the best big sister in the world.” 2.)“After Julius was born, it was a different story.” 3.)“But her parents loved him.” 4.)“And she yelled insulting comments into his crib.” 5.)“Julius is the baby of the world, chimed Lilly’s parents.” 6.)“I am the queen,” said Lilly. “And I hate Julius.” 7.)“Lily tried to frighten Julius with her nifty disguises.” 8.)“All afternoon the relatives hovered over Julius.” 9.)“Julius,” said Cousin Garland. “I think his wet pink nose is slimy. I think his small black eyes are beady.” 10.)“You’re talking about my brother,” said Lilly. 11.)“Now repeat after me,” said Lilly. “Julius is the baby of the world.”

Activity 2: Question and answer sheet about Julius, the Baby of the World Have students fill out the worksheet after reading the book to them. Level of Bloom’s Comprehension: Comprehension Julius, Baby of the World 1.) How does Lily feel about her little brother? How do you know? 2.) Why do you think Lily’s parents do not want to leave her alone with Julius? Do you think Lily liked being alone with Julius? Why or why not? 3.) Why did Lily’s parents treat her and Julius differently when they did the same things (like blowing bubbles and gurgling)? 4.) What do you think is the uncooperative chair? 5.) Why did Lily get upset when Cousin Garland said Julius was disgusting?

Game details and instructions: Six students will sit at a table and fill out a piece of paper with a question on it about themselves. The paper will have one question. After they have filled it out, the teacher will read aloud what each person wrote and have students guess which student wrote what. Tell them to answer their questions quietly and not to share with their neighbor. This game has 5 rounds and is meant to help the students get to know each other and to develop friendships. Questions:

What is your favorite book?

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

What animal do you remind yourself of?

Write down one interesting or fun fact about yourself that not many people know about you.

What is your favorite food?

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