Virtual Office Hours: Asynchronous (No Specific Time, Day Or Night)
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Virtual Office
Welcome to My Virtual Office Welcome to my office. This space is set aside for you to ask questions. Please post any questions or concerns about this week's activities, course requirements or assignments here. Virtual Office Hours: Asynchronous (no specific time, day or night). All student postings will be reviewed daily. All responses from the instructor may take 24 to 72 hours.
School Supplies! Always Check Here Each Month for New Additions!!! Print and use any of the following: notecard templates, drug card templates and procedure set-up cards to make quick study notes! The more you practice taking the test questions, the more you will become comfortable with tests when it's time to take the National Exam!
ATEC 102: Anesthesia Related Anatomy and Physiology
Week 1
Textbook Chapter Assignments 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 1-"History of Anesthesia" pp. Chapter 1-"History of Anesthesia" 3-10 pp.3-10 Chapter 2-"Scope of Anesthesia Chapter 2-"Scope of Anesthesia Practice" pp.11-20 Practice" pp.11-19 Chapter 3- "Approach to Learning Chapter 3- "Approach to Learning Anesthesia" pp. 21-26 Anesthesia" pp. 20-25 Week 1 Mandatory Videos to Watch Videos
History of Anesthesia (History of Anesthesia presented by Dr. Mansoor Madani of the Bala Institute of Oral Surgery - Bala Cynwyd, PA - )
NHD Documentary-History of Anesthesia (Uploaded by Miss Rosie Productions on Mar 7, 2010 This was the documentary that I created for the St. Louis National History Day competition. It won first place in the regional Senior Documentary Division, and It'll be going on to state in April.)
Week 1 Mandatory Website Readings Website Readings
Standards (Scope) of Practice for Anesthesia Technicians (ASATT)
Get Body Overview of the Human Body ( ) Complete any quizzes that follow the tutorials to help reinforce your learning of the materials. The weekly lesson quiz will include questions from this tutorial.
Ways to Administer Medications Notes
Lesson 1 Resources Folder: The information in this folder will support your learning and knowledge about important foundational topics related to Anesthesia and the Perioperative (Surgical) work environment. Be sure to add this information to your notebooks!! Patient Assessment Information: You Must Print This Document and Start Committing This Information to Memory!!! This Clinical Monitoring information will help you assess and determine if your surgical patient is presenting normal signs and symptoms or if they are in a crisis!
Week 1 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz that can only be opened and taken 1 time. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. There are 25 questions on this quiz. You must answer each question correctly before moving on to the next question. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!! Week 1 Discussion Board Give an example of a good study method to use for this class. Week 2
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 30 Central Nervous System Chapter 30 Central Nervous System Disease: pp. 453-452 Disease: pp. 476-485 Chapter 7 Autonomic Nervous System:Chapter 7 Autonomic Nervous System: pp. 64-76 pp. 66-77
Additional Lesson 2 Resources Folder: (See folder) Week 2 Mandatory Videos to Watch
Neuroanatomy 9 (Brain) by Walid Aziz
Week 2 Mandatory Website Tutorials
Organization of the Nervous System Complete any quizzes that follow the tutorials to help reinforce your learning of the materials. The weekly lesson quiz will include questions from this tutorial. Neurosurgery: Anatomy (Brian O’Grady, MD): Week 2 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Notes Week 2 Discussion Board
This week I would like for each of you to observe some cases in your operating room and share with the class about the number of different types of Anesthesia and the drugs administered for those anesthesia types that you recognize from your readings last week!
Tell us if you are starting to connect the dots between what you're learning and what you see!
Week 2 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!! Hint: If you have completed and found all the answers on the study guide for this week, you will be successful on this quiz!! Week 3
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 16 Airway Management: pp. Chapter 16 Airway Management: pp. 207-239 219-251 Chapter 27 Chronic Pulmonary Chapter 27 Chronic Pulmonary Disease: pp. 406-424 Disease: pp. 430-447 Know the ETT/Suction Catheter/Stylet Know the ETT/Suction Catheter/Stylet Size Table 16-6 on page 219 Size Table 16-6 on page 230
Additional Lesson 3 Resources Folder:
Intubation of Pediatric Patients (Picture of Airway Positioning of Pediatric Patients): Correct positioning of the child more than 2 years of age for ventilation and tracheal intubation. (A-top) With the patient on a flat surface, the oral (O), pharyngeal (P) (B-middle) A folded sheet or towel placed (C-bottom) Extension of tracheal intubation. tracheal (T) axes pass through three divergent planes. under the occiput of the head aligns the pharyngeal and tracheal axes. the atlanto-occipital joint results in alignment of the oral, pharyngeal, and tracheal axes---sniffing position. (Reprinted from Coté et al. [11]. Copyright 1993 with permission of Elsevier.) Website Reading: Bullard Scope Intubation: Week 3 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments
The Airway Carnival (Make Notecards):
Airway Management: The Basics of Endotracheal Intubation (The Internet Journal of Academic Physician Assistants ISSN: 1092-4078): management-the-basics-of-endotracheal-intubation.html
Airway Perfusion and Ventilation (University of Virginia School of Medicine: Airway):
Pitfalls in Pediatric Trauma: Week 3 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 3 Mandatory Website Tutorials The Respiratory and Urinary System
Complete any quizzes that follow the tutorials to help reinforce your learning of the materials. The weekly lesson quiz will include questions from this tutorial. Week 3 Mandatory Short Videos to Watch
Ventilation Perfusion Matching (by
Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation (sample video from Week 3 Lesson Quiz and Optional Bonus Quiz Notes Week 3 Discussion Board: ET Tubes! Again, this week your responsibility is to observe several cases and determine if the appropriate sized ET Tube was used on your patients for general anesthesia. Use the Table 16-6 in chapter 16 of your text as a reference. Share with the class the following you have seen used this week, from pediatrics to adults: 1) Various sized ET tubes 2) Different types of ET tubes used (cuffed, uncuffed, spiral tubes, etc.) 3) ET Tube placement (i.e. cm where the tube was taped and share about the common trend [numbers] you see in adults and/or in peds patients.) Only 1 substantial posting is required this week. You will not receive points for responses that do not have meaningful contribution to this week's discussion!
Week 4 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 6 Clinical Cardiac and Chapter 6 Clinical Cardiac and Pulmonary Physiology: pp. 49-63 Pulmonary Physiology: pp. 50-65 Chapter 25 Cardiovascular Disease: Chapter 25 Cardiovascular Disease: pp. 365-392 pp. 383-417
Week 4 Mandatory Short Videos to Watch
The Anatomy of the Heart and the Heart Contraction and Blood Flow Video Click on Anatomy and read about the anatomy of the heart. Watch the video on heart contractions and blood flow on page 2 of the website.
Week 4 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments Lymphatic System and Immunity (By the ”Lymphedema People”):
Preoperative Fasting Guidelines for adults (NPO) by Ronald S. Levy, M.D.: Week 4 Mandatory Website Tutorials
The Circulatory System: Complete any quizzes that follow the tutorials to help reinforce your learning of the materials. The weekly lesson quiz will include questions from this tutorial.
Week 4 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 4 Lesson Quiz Notes Week 4 Discussion Board: free week
Week 5-Midterm Exam Week 1) Mandatory mid-Course Evaluations 2) Registration if necessary for next semester 3) Midterm Exam 4) Discussion Board (Pulse Check: How are things going?)
Week 6 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia None this week! Happy Thanksgiving!! None this week! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Week 6 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Week 6 Mandatory Website Tutorials Muscle Tissue Physiology (Muscle Fiber Anatomy & Muscle Contraction Physiology)
Complete any quizzes that follow or watch any videos the lesson has to help reinforce your learning of the materials. The weekly lesson quiz will include questions from this information.
Association for Vascular Access: Education (Learning Management Systems) CathED CVAD Introduction and Lessons 1-5 Week 6 Lesson Quiz
Notes Week 6 Discussion Board: Diversity Some of you may not celebrate certain holidays. Sometimes, during the intraoperative setting, you do not have a chance to get to know your patient outside of their preop surgical interview before surgery. Sometimes we do not know very much about our co-workers that we work beside every day. Share with your classmates about a holiday, recipe or tradition that you enjoy. Week 7 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 30 Central Nervous System Chapter 30 Central Nervous System Disease: pp. 453-452 Disease: pp. 476-485 Chapter 7 Autonomic Nervous System:Chapter 7 Autonomic Nervous System: pp. 64-76 pp. 66-77
Week 7 Mandatory Videos to Watch Spine Universe: Spinal Anatomy Animation Week 7 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (Also see folder for pdf files of upper and lower extremity nerve blocks)
Nerve Blocks (NYSORA)
Complications of Peripheral Nerve Blocks (NYSORA) compliations_of_regional_anesthesia.html Week 7 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 7 Lesson Quiz
Notes Week 7 Discussion Board: Welcome to Week 7! Just a couple of weeks left in the quarter!!! How do you like the NYSORA website? Do you find the information useful or helpful?
Week 7 Notecard Activity
Make notecards on the block tray setup and on the various needle lengths and block techniques on the NYSORA Nerve Block web page: block_tray_set-up.html
Week 8 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 19 Patient Positioning and Chapter 19 Patient Positioning and Associated Risks: pp. 291-303 Associated Risks: pp. 300-318 Week 8 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
Week 8 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 8 Discussion Board: List the different types of patient positions you have seen used this week or in the operating room at your hospital!
Week 8 Lesson Quiz (Test at Website with CE) Pfiedler Enterprises: Basic Principles of Patient Positioning: Notes Additional Patient Positioning Resource Information Folder:
This is a very informative web site about patient positioning in the surgical environment. The information in this folder will support your learning and knowledge about important foundational topics related to Anesthesia and the Perioperative (Surgical) work environment. Week 9 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Read only: Read only: Page 94 and Page 467 (brief Page 96 and sections on MH) Page 491 (brief sections on MH)
Last minute information for the final exam You will be tested on information on MH in your final exam!! Use study guides from weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 9 to study for the open book-final exam! Remember to complete your final course evaluation and all other pending assignments for the quarter that have not been completed so you can receive your grades and receive any tuition reimbursement, etc. for the quarter. Week 9 Mandatory Malignant Hyperthermia Poster Reading (from the 2005)
(Also see folder for week 9): MHAUS POSTER 13.75 X18 8-2 File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View EMERGENCY THERAPY FOR. MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA. Produced By the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States.
Week 9 Mandatory Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) Web Site:
Final Exam: 120 Questions DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAM IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO TAKE IT TO COMPLETION. OPENING AND CLOSING THIS EXAM WILL BE INTERPRETED AS: LOOKING AROUND/PRINTING. THE TEST WILL AUTOMATICALLY SUBMIT UPON CLOSING AND YOUR GRADE WILL BE ZERO!! THIS IS CONSIDERED CHEATING!! The Final Exam is available and will be due no later than Thursday, December 15, 2011, by 11:59pm (pst), however you must email me from the course home page, or send a text message to receive the password to enter the exam. Do not email me for the password unless you have completed all required assignments for the course prior to the final exam. *CCHS Students: in addition to the above mentioned requirements, you must also have your "CCHS Student Responsibilities and Account" up to date with the school prior to requesting the password for the final exam. *You cannot take the final exam unless you have completed all of the prior week’s mandatory assignments. So do not try to open the final exam unless I have granted permission to you. *Students that receive the code will be check-off on the list. Anyone not checked-off the list by me and caught taking the final exam using a borrowed code, will automatically receive a zero-no exceptions! 1) Complete the Mandatory Final Course Evaluation (21 Questions) Happy Holidays!! Optional Bonus Quizzes: Anatomical Planes of the Human Body Jet Ventilation or MADWYs Cuffed Oropharyngeal Airway (COPA)
Resources: (ASATT) The American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (NSCC) North Seattle Community College eLearning Student Support (NYSORA) The New York School of Regional Anesthesia AVA Learning Management System: CathEd Carolinas College of Health Sciences (CCHS) Davis's Drug Online Drug Information Online Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the US Neurosurgery Neuroanatomy North Seattle Community College Library A library page for the Anesthesia Technician program Online Textbook About Human Anatomy and Physiology Spine Universe The Airway (University of Virginia School of Medicine) The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) The Lymphedema People The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Why do Anesthesia Technicians Need Training? Reasons for certification through the ASATT ATEC 105: Anesthesia Related Basic Pharmacology Week 1
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 1-"History of Anesthesia" Chapter 1-"History of Anesthesia" pp.3-10 pp.3-10 Chapter 5- "Basic Pharmacologic Chapter 5- "Basic Pharmacologic Principles" pp. 37-48 Principles" pp. 35-49 Objectives for Week 1: -To list various ways medications are administered. -To define the use of various types of airway equipment used in a surgical setting. - To gain understanding of the basics of anesthesia. -To begin understanding the principles of pharmacology related to anesthesia.
Week 1 Mandatory Short Videos To Watch
Anaesthesia CME-RSI-Rapid Sequence Induction:
General Anesthesia (from Notecard Activity:
Make notecards on the "Topicalization of the Airway" At The Airway Carnival!! Start this week off by creating drug cards on anesthesia medications you were exposed to at the "Airway Carnival" See the PDF on How to Make Your Drug Cards!
Week 1 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments Standards (Scope) of Practice for Anesthesia Technicians:
Substance Abuse Among Healthcare Workers: healthcare-professionals_49.html
Week 1 Mandatory Lesson Readings (See folder) Week 1 Discussion Board: Welcome to Week 1!! How are things going? What problems have you had in this 1st week of the program?
Week 1 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!! Hint: If you have completed and found all the answers on the study guide for this week, you will be successful on this quiz!!
Notes Your responsibilities this week are to complete all the mandatory assignments: *To take the Syllabus/Basic Computer Skills Crossword Puzzle Quiz *Complete your study guide for week 1 in order to complete the week 1 lesson quiz by Tuesday of week 2. *Complete Week 1 Lesson Quiz. Due Tuesday, October 25, 2011. *Post your responses on the discussion board (minimum of 2 responses). Useful advice: Click on all the buttons for the week to see what is in each folder that needs to be completed or read.
Week 2
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 14 Choice of Anesthetic Chapter 14 Choice of Anesthetic Technique: 178-184 Technique: 190-197 Chapter 18 Peripheral Nerve Blocks: Chapter 18 Peripheral Nerve Blocks: 273-290 284-299
Notecard Activity: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System: The following drug classifications affect the autonomic nervous system. Use the following as an example for your drug cards: DRUG CLASS: Adrenergic Drug are various drugs that interfere with the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system by affecting the release or action of norepinephrine and epinephrine. The former are hormones, secreted by the adrenal gland, that constrict blood vessels (thus increasing blood pressure) and accelerate the rate and force of contractions of the heart. Example of an adrenergic drug: Generic Name: Albuterol Brand Names for Albuterol: Proventil; Ventolin Ex. Albuterol is a bronchodilator used in treating asthma and other conditions with reversible airway obstruction. PRESCRIBED FOR: Ex. Albuterol is used in the relief and prevention of airway obstruction (bronchospasm) in patients with asthma and in patients with exercise-induced asthma. DRUG INTERACTIONS: Ex. Albuterol is used with caution in patients with coronary heart disease or in patients with cardiac rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias). SIDE EFFECTS: Ex. Albuterol can cause side effects including palpitations, fast heart rate, elevated blood pressure, tremor, nausea, nervousness, dizziness, and heart burn. Throat irritation and nose bleeds can also occur. Make drug cards for studying this week for each of the drug classes. On the front of the drug cards, write the definition of the drug class and any contraindications or side effects for the overall drug class. For the drugs listed under each class, just list the drugs as their generic name and trade name (Brand name) in parenthesis on the back of the appropriate drug card classifications. DRUG CLASSES: a. Adrenergic drugs -albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil) b. Adrenergic blocking drugs -doxazosin mesylate (Cardura) -altenolol (Tenormin) c. Cholinergic Agonists -neostigmine (Prostigmine) d. Ganglionic blockers -scopolamine sulfate -phenobarbital -atropine sulfate e. Diuretic drugs -furosemide (Lasix) f. Antihypertensive drugs -Lopressor, Toprol XL (metoprolol)
Week 2 Mandatory Lesson Readings (See folder) Week 2 Additional Handouts and Resources Week 2 Discussion Board: Due Sunday, October 30, 2011, by midnight. The Discussion Board assignment this week is to begin to connect the dots between your patients, the anesthesia drugs they are given and the autonomic nervous system. Please read below... This week, learning the autonomic nervous system and drugs can be quite challenging. As you complete your studies this week, and for additional explanation, click on the following "Nervous System link" and read the overview of the nervous system: Next, observe one of your patients and their reaction to the surgical environment as they enter and leave the operating room suite, from preop holding---where they are given a drug like Versed to help them relax---to when they awake from surgery. Your assignment on the discussion board this week is to: share/post a new post to the class (on the discussion board) the characteristics you see or have seen in a patient, related to the autonomic nervous system (use the autonomic nervous system chart at the following Nervous System link): The vocabulary below is for the autonomic nervous system and includes an audio glossary for pronunciation of words: (You should be able to print this page from your screen in the upper right hand corner to add to your notebooks.) skip stuff Audio Glossary This information below is only being provided as an additional resource to help you understand the autonomic nervous system.
Click the cursor on any underlined term to hear it pronounced. Use the browser back button to return to the Audio Glossary. If you are unable to click on the words in the audio glossary to reroute to the web site, click on the link provided below, in this discussion board section for week 2, or manually type it into another internet browser and click on "audio glossary" in the right-hand column on the web page. ml Acetylcholine primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system; also present at somatic neuromuscular junctions and at sympathetic preganglionic nerves Acetylcholinesterase (AchE) enzyme that degrades acetylcholine within the synaptic cleft, enhancing effects of the neurotransmitter Adrenergic relating to nerves that release norepinephrine or epinephrine Adrenergic antagonist drug that blocks the actions of the sympathetic nervous system Alpha-receptor type of subreceptor found in the sympathetic nervous system Anticholinergic drug that blocks the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system Autonomic nervous system portion of the peripheral nervous system that gives involuntary control over smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands Beta-receptor type of subreceptor found in the sympathetic nervous system Catecholamines class of agents secreted in response to stress that includes epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine Central nervous system (CNS) division of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord Cholinergic relating to nerves that release acetylcholine Digestion the process by which the body breaks down ingested food into small molecules that can be absorbed Fight-or-flight response characteristic set of signs and symptoms produced when the sympathetic nervous system is activated Ganglion collection of neuron cell bodies located outside the CNS Monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme that destroys norepinephrine in the nerve terminal Muscarinic type of cholinergic receptor found in smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands Myasthenia gravis motor disorder caused by a destruction of nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscles and characterized by profound muscular fatigue Nicotinic type of cholinergic receptor found in ganglia of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Norepinephrine primary neurotransmitter in the sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system portion of the autonomic nervous system that is active during periods of rest and which results in the rest or relaxation response Parasympathomimetics drugs that mimic the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system Peripheral nervous system division of the nervous system containing all nervous tissue outside the CNS, including the autonomic nervous system Postsynaptic neuron in a synapse, the nerve that has receptors for the neurotransmitter Respiration exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs; also the process of deriving energy from metabolic reactions Rest-and-digest response signs and symptoms produced when the parasympathetic nervous system is activated Somatic nervous system nerve division that provides voluntary control over skeletal muscle Sympathetic nervous system portion of the autonomic system that is active during periods of stress and results in the fight-or-flight response Sympathomimetic drug that stimulates or mimics the sympathetic nervous system Synapse junction between two neurons consisting of a presynaptic nerve, a synaptic cleft, and a postsynaptic nerve Synaptic transmission the process by which a neurotransmitter reaches receptors to regenerate the action potential Additional Handouts and Resources (See folder)
Week 2 Lesson Quiz
Week 3
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 12 Neuromuscular Blocking Chapter 12 Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs: 135-154 Drugs: 143-161
Week 3 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Additional Handouts and Resources (See folder) The articles in this section will enhance your knowledge towards certification and as an Anesthesia Tech in the perioperative (O.R.) setting
Week 3 Mandatory Reading: Pharmacology Chapter 25: Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates-Review the 1st 19 pages (See folder) Week 3 Discussion Board: In the O.R. this week, observe a CRNA or Anesthesiologist giving a reversal agent to a patient. Share with the class the type of agent used and the changes in the patient that you observe.
Week 3 Lesson Quiz and Optional Bonus Quiz (Reversal Agents) Notes
Week 4
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 23 Fluid Management: 347- Chapter 23 Fluid Management: 364- 362 371 Week 4 Mandatory Reading (Also see folder)
IV Fluids: Do You Know What's Hanging and Why?
IV Fluids and Blood Products:
Facts About Intravenous Catheter Lines This article contains basic information about IV Catheters.
Week 4 Additional Resource Information (Also see folder) The articles in this section will enhance your knowledge towards certification and as an Anesthesia Tech in the perioperative (O.R.) setting
Peripheral IV Access Part I. Includes information about starting peripheral IVs!
Peripheral IV Access Part II. Excellent Information Including Drip Rates for Different Sized Catheters!! Week 4 Mandatory Lesson Readings (See folder) Week 4 Discussion Board: free week
Week 4 Lesson Quiz and Optional Bonus Quiz
Week 5-Midterm Exam
1) Complete the Mandatory Midterm Course Evaluation 2) Complete discussion board 3) Complete any registration for next semester if available
Week 5 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
Week 5 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 5 Discussion Board (picture): PULSE CHECK: How are things going? Notes
Week 6 5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 17 Spinal and Epidural Chapter 17 Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia: 241-271 Anesthesia: 252-283
Week 6 Mandatory Website Short Video
Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia: From
Additional Resource #1 (See folder) Some of you may have to assist with ultrasound guided regional anesthesia. Here is a resource that explains the various ultrasound techniques. ENJOY
Week 6 Additional Resource #2 The New York School of Regional Anesthesia (NYSORA) Another great resource for information about regional anesthesia. Review the neuraxial techniques and equipment sections. ENJOY!! Week 6 Discussion Board: free week
Week 6 Lesson Quiz and Bonus Quiz (see folder for bonus quiz info)
Week 7
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 10 Opioids: 112-122 Chapter 10 Opioids: 115-129 Chapter 11 Local Anesthetics: 123-134Chapter 11 Local Anesthetics: 130-142
Week 7 Mandatory Website Short Video Gastrointestinal Risks with NSAIDS: Taking Low Dose Aspirin and NSAIDs? Know Your Risk.
Week 7 Mandatory Lesson Readings (Also see folder)
Differences Between Opioid and Non-Opioid Analgesics:
Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs From:
Week 7 Discussion Board: In what ways do you see side effects of NSAIDS and some herbal over-the-counter medicines affecting patients for surgery? Do you see any of these side effects in your surgical environment? (Post picture of side effects of NSAIDS on Discussion Board)
Week 7 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 8
5th Edition Basics of 6th Edition Basics of Anesthesia Anesthesia Chapter 22 Hemostasis: 334-346 Chapter 22 Hemostasis: 348-363 Chapter 24 Blood Therapy: 355-362 Chapter 24 Blood Therapy: 372-380
Week 8 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) This section which includes your Week 8 Lesson Quiz Points Bonus quiz also in this section on Blood Products worth 15 Points! Register for a free account at the Mandatory-BloodSafe eLearning Australia website and complete the tutorial. This tutorial is your week 8 lesson quiz! Your test and assignment this week is to complete modules 1-5 on this website and email a copy of your certificate to me for 25 Points.
Optional Bonus Quiz on Blood Products and Massive Transfusion (see folder) Review PowerPoint before taking the quiz!
Fun Time!!! Learn About Blood Typing: For Education Only!! No Tests! This web site will teach you about blood products given to trauma patients!:
#1 (ER Ambulance ride)
Week 8 Mandatory Website Reading with optional bonus quiz: (cell saver and blood management products)
IntraOperative Cell Salvage Module (ICS)/Information:
Week 8 Discussion Board (Post picture of Blood Vessel Anatomy): Questions to answer: How often is cell saver used at your facility? Who operates the cell saver at your facility? Only 1 posting required this week!
Week 8 Lesson Quiz Complete the “Intra-operative Cell Salvage” Module. Know the 8 stages of ICS for the quiz this week. Week 9-Read before taking Final Exam! (See folder)
Week 9 Mandatory Website Reading (See folder) "Intralipid Treatment of Bupivacaine Toxicity" from the APSF (Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation):
Lipid Rescue Resuscitation:
FDA Approved Intralipid From
Week 9 Mandatory Lesson Reading (See folder) "Protocol IntraLipid Rescue" from Anaesthesia UK
MANDATORY FINAL EXAM AND COURSES EVALUATION! Covers Weeks 1-9 Bonus Materials: Anesthesia Related Special Considerations-Peds, Elderly, OB and Trauma Patients! Bonus #1 Perioperative Steroids Bonus #2 Preventing Medication Errors Bonus #3 Emergency Drugs Used in Anesthesiology and Critical Care Bonus #4 Pre-Mixing IV Fluids Bonus #5 Special Considerations: Peds, Elderly, Transplant, OB and Trauma Patients (read text and see folder for this quiz). Information retrieved from "The Basics of Anesthesia" textbook. Bonus #6: Intralipids (no handout) RESOURCES LINK (ASATT) The American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (NSCC) North Seattle Community College eLearning Student Support (NYSORA) The New York School of Regional Anesthesia AVA Learning Management System: CathEd Carolinas College of Health Sciences (CCHS) Davis's Drug Online Drug Information Online Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the US Neurosurgery Neuroanatomy North Seattle Community College Library A library page for the Anesthesia Technician program Online Textbook About Human Anatomy and Physiology Spine Universe The Airway (University of Virginia School of Medicine) The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) The Lymphedema People The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Why do Anesthesia Technicians Need Training? Reasons for certification through the ASATT
ATEC 106: Anesthesia Machines, Medical Gases and Scavengers Week 1 Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 1 Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Chapter1, Medical Review: "Scope of Read the Lecture 1/3-1/8 Anesthesia Anesthesia Gas Cylinders and Practice for Notes on Intro to Medical Delivery Systems, Delivery Systems, Containers: pp. 1- Anesthesia “Introduction to Gases, Cylinders pp. 185-206 pp. 198-218 24 Technicians" @ Medical Gases” and Piping Chapter 2 Medical Read the PDF on (video) Gas Pipeline Located in “The Physiology of And cryogenic Systems: pp. 25- orientation folder. Oxygen Delivery” storage 50 Orientation View the Basic Anesthesia Chapter 3 Suction Review: The PowerPoint on Equipment Equipment: pp.51-History of Oxygen Delivery 75 Anesthesia Devices Chapter 4 Oxygen “ NHD Read the PDF on Concentrators: Documentary Cryogenic Storage 76-81 Read the PDF Alarm Devices 7MUhwlfQw “Anesthesia Chapter 26 pp. Intro to Medical Machines” 828-836: Gases, Cylinders Basic Anesthesia and Piping videos: Equipment, Compressed gas Chapter 33 pressure pp.931-954: Equipment n6MDVqSFU Checkout and Compressed Air Maintenance, Fundamentals http://www.buybe hemes/Convergen ce/Custom/Video- Sample.aspx? course=Compress ed-Air- Fundamentals Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety http://www.buybe hemes/Convergen ce/Custom/Video- Sample.aspx? course=Compress ed-Gas-Cylinder- Safety Supply of gases and electricity; fail-safe; flowmeters; hypoxic guard: http://www.udmer ndex.htm Review Video: History of Anesthesia: NHD Documentary: Week 1 Mandatory Videos to Watch this Week
Readings: Compressed Air Fundamentals: Sample.aspx?course=Compressed-Air-Fundamentals Use of Wrong Gas in Laparoscopic Insufflator Causes Fire:
Videos: Compressed Gas Pressure: Compressed Gas Safety Training Video: Compressed Gas Cylinder Training Video - Missile Hazard:
Bonus Quiz in this section: Bonus Quiz-Medical Gases and Tank Sizes-Week 1
Week 1 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments: Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009 by Michael P. Dorsch for the University of Detroit Mercy Graduate Program in Nurse Anesthesiology Read the Following Sections: 1) Supply of Gases and Electricity 2) Fail-safe 3) Flowmeters 4) Hypoxic Guard
Week 1 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 1 Discussion Board: What type/brand of Anesthesia Machine(s) do you have in your facility? (post picture-2 faces with light bulb)
Week 1 Lesson Quiz
Week 2
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 2 Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Chapter 5 pp. 83- The Anesthesia Read the 1/9-1/15 Anesthesia Anesthesia 120: The Gas Machine web PowerPoint on Anesthesia Delivery Systems, Delivery Systems, Anesthesia site (overview): Anesthesia Machine Low pp. 185-206 pp. 198-218 Machine http://www.udmerMachine Pressure Systems Chapter 6 pp. Read through the and Anesthesia 121-190: 11.htm Research Article Simulation Vaporizers Components and on “Detecting Chapter 14 pp. Systems; Leaks in the Low 404-430: Hazards Vaporizers; Pressure of Anesthesia http://www.udmerSystem…” Machines and Read the PDF Breathing Systemsndex.htm “Vaporizers” Chapter 23 pp. Anesthesia Read the PDF 728-774 : Airway Equipment “OSHA Anesthesia Volumes, Flows Simplified and Machine Vaporizer and Pressures Explained: Preventive Vaporizers: Maintenance” http://www.equip m/index.html
Week 2 Mandatory Website Readings Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009: Anesthesia Gas Machine Website Overview Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009: Components and Systems Anesthesia Equipment Simplified and Explained Website: Vaporizers
Week 2 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 2 Discussion Board: I know this class started out crazy busy. Say something encouraging to your classmates to keep them pumped up!! (post 2 pictures: Go team and the cheerleader)
Week 2 Lesson Quiz
Week 3
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 3 Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Chapter 7 pp. Breathing Circuits View PowerPoints 1/16-1/22 Anesthesia Anesthesia 191-208: The and Using on “Anesthesia Breathing Delivery Systems, Delivery Systems, Breathing System:Breathing Circuits Breathing Circuits pp. 185-206 pp. 198-218 General Principles, and Ventilators: Systems-Lecture Common http://www.udmer5” Components, and View PowerPoint Classifications ndex.htm on Anesthesia Chapter 8 pp. Website reading: Machine Circuits. 209-222: Anesthesia Read PDF on Mapleson Breathing SystemsBreathing Systems Breathing http://www.capno Read PDF on Systems, Anesthetic Chapter 9 pp. ts/breathingcircuit Breathing Circuits 223-281 The s.htm Circle System Chapter 11 pp. 296-309: Humidification Equipment
Week 3 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments
Anesthesia Breathing Systems: Breathing Circuits The Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009: Breathing Circuits and Ventilators Week 3 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 3 Discussion Board: Take this week to become familiar with the anesthesia machine and other surgical equipment your facility uses. Post a message this week describing operating room equipment that you have had to troubleshoot. Also describe what you did to fix or resolve the problem. (post picture dough man with toolbox)
Week 3 Lesson Quiz
Week 4
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 4 Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Chapter 12 pp. Capnography: Read PDF on 1/23-1/29 Anesthesia Anesthesia 310-372: http://www.capno Continuous Flow Mechanical and Delivery Systems, Delivery Systems, Anesthesia Anesthetic Manual pp. 185-206 pp. 198-218 Ventilators Capnography: View the Slide Ventilation Chapter 13 pp. http://www.equip Show of the Systems 373-403 PowerPoint on Controlling Trace m/index.html Capnography Gas Levels Chapter 22 pp. 685-727: Gas Monitoring Chapter 10 pp. 282-295: Manual Resuscitators Week 4 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments Capnography. Enter the Site and Read: Time for Capnography-Everywhere and the AAGBI Safety Statement on Capnography:
Week 4 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 4 Discussion Board: For this week, everyone will receive points. Use this time to catch up on assignments. You can---and only if you need to---send me an email from the ANGEL email box on the announcement/"Home" page about any problems you are having in this online course. So we I can help you. I know a couple of you are new to the program, so I need to make sure you are doing okay with everything. If not we will take care of it immediately. If you are new and this is your first time in an online class---we need to talk on the phone---if you are having problems or online related issues. (post picture: boy with questions wearing a striped blue shirt)
Week 4 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 5
Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Understanding Web PDF Week Basics of Basics of Anesthesia Site Articles/ Anesthesia Anesthesia Equipment, 5th Readi PPT Edition ngs/V Readings ideos Week 5 Mid Term Exam Week. 1/30-2/5 Exam hint: know the answers to all the study guide questions from weeks 1-4
1) Complete mandatory midterm course evaluation
Week 5 Discussion Board: HOW ARE THINGS GOING!! (post go team and purple alien frog picture)
Week 6
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 6 Scavenging Scavenging and Read the PDF on 2/6-2/12 Equipment p. 987 CO2 Absorption: Anesthesia Gas Scavengers and Absorbents pp. http://www.udmerScavenging Anesthesia 227-232 Review PowerPoint Machine ndex.htm on Carbon Dioxide Scavenging Visit the Virtual Absorption Systems Anesthesia Briefly PDF on Simulation Machine Web site Sodasorb Manual. And Anesthesia login and Note: manual is Machine CO2 complete: Pre-Use 45 pages long. Absorber Check Simulation, Simulation Steps 1-3 http://vam.anest. preusecheck.php
Week 6 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments
The Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009: Scavenging and CO2 Absorption The University of Florida: The Virtual Anesthesia Machine (VAM) Web site. Click on Simulation Portfolio, then click on Anesthesia Machine Pre-Use Check US FDA 1993 and register as a new user. Then complete steps 1-3.
Week 6 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 6 Discussion Board: How many carbon dioxide cannisters does your facility's anesthesia machines hold and what type (NAME) of CO2 absorber is it? (post numbers picture)
Week 6 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 7
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 7 Machine Checklist “To Do or Not to 2/13-2/19 2008; Do a Preinduction Anesthesia Medicolegal; Check-Up of the Machine Check Cleaning and Anesthesia Readings and Test Sterilization: Machine” by http://www.udmerStefan A. Ianchulev, MD, Happy MLK Day! ndex.htm and Mark E. Monday, January Visit the Virtual Comunale, MD 16, 2012 Anesthesia “Modern Machine Web site Anesthetic login and Machines” complete: Pre-Use Check Simulation, Steps 4-6 http://vam.anest. preusecheck.php
Week 7 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments
The Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009: Read: Machine Checklist 2008, Medicolegal and Cleaning and Sterilization VAM Website Complete the Pre-Use Check Simulation, Steps 4-6:
Ex. Datex Aestiva Anesthesia Machine Check Procedure (Video) Week 7 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 7 Discussion Board: free week (post valentine’s picture)
Week 7 Lesson Quiz
Week 8
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 8 Test yourself: Print the free “The 2/20-2/26 http://www.udmerAPSF Anesthesia Part I: APSF Machine Workbook Workbook and ndex.htm Chapter 1 Version Troubleshooting Visit the Virtual 1.1a (60 pages) “. the Anesthesia Anesthesia Watch your Machine Machine Web site printer. If the login and session times out, Monday complete: Pre-Use go back in and February 20, Check Simulation, reprint the missing 2012 Steps 7-9 pages. Save and http://vam.anest. review as summary notes preusecheck.php final exam. Begin reviewing the Lecture Notes on the Anesthesia Machine and Equipment Troubleshooting Notes.
Week 8 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments
The Anesthesia Gas Machine 2009. Test Yourself!! (No need to submit answer to Instructor.) VAM Website. Complete the Pre-Use Check Simulation, Steps 7-9:
Week 8 Mandatory Handout Readings: Printing from VAM Website (see folder) Print the free “The APSF Anesthesia Machine Workbook Chapter 1 Version 1.1a (60 pages)“. Watch your printer. If the session times out, go back in and reprint the missing pages. The Free APSF Anesthesia Machine Workbook. The website will only let you print it. The workbook is 60 pages. Save and review as summary notes for the final exam!
APSF Anesthesia Machine Workbook VAM Website.
Week 8 Discussion Board: How are things going with the Anesthesia Machine web site? What part of the machine studies is the most difficult part you are trying to learn? (post picture of boy tying a scarf around his head)
Week 8 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 9
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition
Week 9 Chapter 30 pp. Visit the Virtual View the Picture of 12/12-12-15 871-883: Anesthesia Medical Gas Tank Part II: APSF Equipment for the Machine Web site Sizes and Workbook and MRI Environment, login and Complete the Troubleshooting complete: Pre-Use Medical Gas Tank the Anesthesia Check Simulation, Size Quiz Machine Steps 10, 11, 12, Continue and 14 reviewing the http://vam.anest. Lecture Notes on the Anesthesia preusecheck.php Machine and Equipment Troubleshooting Notes.
Week 9 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments
VAM Website. Complete the Pre-Use Check Simulation, Steps 10, 11, 12, and 14.
Troubleshooting the Anesthesia Machine ( Know this information for next week's lesson quiz Week 9 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Website: Periodic (P) Table: The Interactive Periodic Table Read about oxygen and other elements on the periodic table! Week 9 Discussion Board: free week
Week 9 Lesson Quiz-none this week. Combined with week 10’s quiz. Week 10
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 10 Chapter 15 Complete the: View the 2 PDF 2/27-3/4 pp.431-442: LatexAssessment: handouts on Latex Part III: APSF Allergy "Test Oneself" Allergies Workbook and Steps 1-14 at the View the PDF by Troubleshooting Virtual Anesthesia the Tennessee the Anesthesia Machine web site: College of Machine http://vam.anest. Veterinary Medicine on preusecheck.php “Anesthesia Equipment Continue reviewing the Lecture Notes on the Anesthesia Machine and Equipment Troubleshooting Notes
Week 10 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments VAM Website. Complete the: Assessment "Test Oneself" Steps 1-14.
Week 10 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 10 Discussion Board: The quarter is almost over. The good news is the next time I offer this class I may not use that VAM website due to the tremendous amount of problems we have had with registration, etc. If you were still unable to print the workbook let me know and I will email it to you. Some of you will be finishing up the program at the end of this quarter. Everyone, post here and let me know what you would like to learn before you go. (Before you post, look ahead and make sure what you want to learn about is not already covered in the weeks left or in the bonus section.) (Post picture of detective)
Week 10 Lesson Quiz: Combined Week 9 and 10 Quiz Week 11
Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings/ Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesi Videos PPT Anesthesi Anesthesi a Readings a a Equipmen t, 5th Edition Week 11 Anesthesia Review the flyers 3/5-3/11 Equipment in the Medical Gas Anesthesia Simplified and Safety Folder by Machine/ Explained: the FDA. Electrical Safety Electrical Safety : Read the PDF on and Medical Gas http://www.equip Safe Use of Safety Anesthetic Gases m/index.html View the Watch the Fire PowerPoint on Safety Video from Electrical Safety ASPF Humidity and Scavenging
Week 11 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments Anesthesia Equipment Simplified and Explained: Electrical Safety The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) (Download the Fire Safety Video from APSF (PC or MAC))
Week 11 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 11 Discussion Board: no discussion board this week!
Week 11 Lesson Quiz Week 12-Final Exam Week
Reading 5th 6th Edition Understanding Web Site PDF Week Edition Basics of Anesthesia Readings/Vid Articles/ Basics Anesthesia Equipment, 5th eos PPT of Edition Readings Anesth esia Final Exam Week Final Exam Week. 3/19-3/21 Exam hint: know the answers to all the study guide questions from weeks 1-4 and 6-10 *The Final Exam will be due no later than Wednesday, March 21, 2011, by 11:59pm (pst). All weekly lesson quizzes and bonus quizzes and the Basics of Anesthesia Review Pre-Test are fair game on this exam! *CCHS Students: in addition to the above mentioned requirements, you must also have your "CCHS Student Responsibilities and Payment Account" up to date with the school prior to completing this course for the quarter. Final Exam Week! Test is Ready. There are 189 questions. This test is all of the questions from the entire semester!
Notes NSCC: The information contained within these courses, websites, and other listed resources are intended for general understanding and education. Nothing contained in these courses, or other listed resources, should be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. These courses and other listed resources do not constitute any form of professional health care advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider regarding personal health or medical conditions. The content of these courses, websites, and other listed resources are informational only. You should always follow the policies set forth by your institution, state regulating authorities, and federal regulating authorities. This project was funded in part by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. The Seattle Community Colleges are an equal opportunity employer / program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Log-in Information Form: Use this form as a safe place to remember usernames and passwords for this course! Gradebook Setup-ANGEL 7.4-NSCC
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Options: Treat ungraded items as zero Exclude instructors from averages
Gradebook Mode: Points
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RESOURCES LINK Communicate links o Anesthesia Technical Services Discussion Room -Documents o Troubleshooting Cards o Troubleshooting Cards (locked format) -Interactive Websites o A list of several anesthesia simulators o A very good website for anatomy. o An interactive anatomy and website. o University of Florida's simulations in anesthesia. -North Seattle Community College Library o North Seattle Community College Library -Useful Links o American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians o American Society of Anesthesiologists o Anesthesia Patient Saftey Foundation o Anesthesia Wiki o Malignant Hyperthermia Association o Online Anesthesia Machine Text-Book -Videos o ANGEL Step 1 o ANGEL Step 2 o ANGEL Step 3 o ANGEL Step 4 o Why do Anesthesia Technicians Need Training?
Bonus Quizzes for ATEC 106 (see folder) Reading 5th Edition 6th EditionUnderstanding Web PDF Week Basics of Basics of Anesthesia Site Articles/ Anesthesia Anesthesia Equipment, 5th Readi PPT Edition ngs/V Readings ideos Bonus Quizzes Quizzes to be Posted after Mid-term Week. It is Total Bonus Points to earn in this section: Up to 100 points! recommended that you take all 6 quizzes, Topics: since the A) Circuit and Mask Humidifiers, PEEP and CPAP/BiPAP information B) Case Set-up-Adult will be on the C) Case Set-up Pediatrics final exam. D) Malignant Hyperthermia Patients and the Anesthesia Machine These quizzes E) Case Set-up: Trauma Patients are worth 5- F) Case Set-up Transplant Patients 15 points!
Read the example here before beginning the math quiz that is ready in this section: Keep these numbers in your head forever: A full Oxygen tank has 660 liters and 2200 psi. You have a tank with 725 psi left and are helping the CRNA travel with this patient to the NICU with the O2 tank set and running at 4 liters a min. The elevator breaks down with you the CRNA and the patient trapped until maintenance can come and rescue the team. How long will this O2 tank last in the elevator? Use the following formula to solve this equation: Step 1: Amount of liters in a full O2 tank ÷ Amount of psi in full O2 tank. Step 2: Then multiply this answer by the amount of psi you have in the tank you are using for transport to determine how many liters of gas are in your tank. Step 3: The amount of O2 in liters that you have ÷ the flow amount (liters) you will be running on the tank to get the number of minutes the tank will last. EASY WAY = if 660/2200 = 0.3, then 725 x 0.3 = 217.5. Now you know how many liters are in your tank!! Take the liters and divide by the flow 217.5 L over 4 liter per minute (217.5 / 4). Thus: 217.5 divided by the 4 liters/minute= 54.37 minutes. So you have 54.37 minutes to transport this patient on this O2 tank. Bonus Quiz 1: is math problems for the formulas above Bonus Quiz 2: Read about Malignant Hyperthermia and the Anesthesia Machine before taking the quiz! Bonus 3: Circuits, Masks, Humidifiers, PEEP, CPAP versus BiPAP (no test on Peep) Bonus 4: Anesthesia and Trauma Patients Bonus 5: Anesthesia and Transplant Patients Bonus 6: Case Set-up for Adults and Pediatrics
ATEC 108: Clinical Monitoring Week 1 Orientation Folder 1) -Upload picture of man on computer typing
-Brush up on your Basic Computer Skills Through the Conneticut Distance Learning Consortium. Print your quiz results from each module and save them to study for the Syllabus/Basic Computer Crossword Puzzle Quiz
Basic Online Skills
Welcome to a short, easy-to- master, web based course on basic online skills. Our goal is to give you a solid foundation. Once you have understood these basics, you will have a clear understanding on which to build your future knowledge of and skill with computers and the Internet.
This course is divided into four separate modules: Computer Skills; E-Mail Skills; Word Processing Skills and Web Skills. Each module is self- paced and includes review questions so you can check how much you have learned.
To begin, click on any of the four module links below:
Computer Skills | E-Mail Skills | Word Processing Skills | Web Skills
Created, designed, and produced by Dr. Robert McCloud, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Director of Online Learning, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut. Contributing authors: Professor Sandra Honda, Professor Cyrus D'Amato.
For the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium 85 Alumni Road Newington, CT 06111 860 832-3888
Under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education.
©2005 Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium
Please contact the CTDLC for information about use or reproduction.
Basic Online Skills by CT Distance Learning Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
2) American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians - Standards of Practice Position Statement for Anesthesia Technical Coverage American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians Standards of Practice (download as pdf) Introduction The following information declares the position of the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT). This will describe the standard of practice for the anesthesia technician, the certified anesthesia technician and the certified technologists. The standards of practice are directions or recommendations that are intentionally presented in a broad manner in order that the standards of practice will address the vast variety of settings in which the anesthesia technical personnel are employed. The following information will identify three levels of practice: In September 1991, the Advisory committee on anesthesia technicians and technologists developed Training Guidelines and a functional Description of the Anesthesia Technician and Technologist. In 1994, The ASATT developed an Advisory Committee for Certification of the Anesthesia Technicians/ Technologists. In 1997, the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians appointed a Scope of Practice Taskforce, which presented a Standards of Practice that was adopted by the Board of Directors. With the growing demand for qualified anesthesia technical personnel, a task force reviewed the Standards of Practice in 2006 to include three levels of practice: anesthesia technician, certified anesthesia technician and certified anesthesia technologist. Functional description of the anesthesia technicians and technologist: Anesthesia technicians, certified anesthesia technicians and certified anesthesia technologists are integral members of the anesthesia patient care team. Their role is to assist licensed anesthesia providers in the acquisition, preparation and application of the equipment and supplies required for the administration of anesthesia. In this role, they contribute to safe efficient and cost-effective anesthesia care. Anesthesia technicians and technologists provide support in anesthesia for routine and complex surgical cases. They provide this service by preparing and maintaining patient monitoring devices and anesthesia delivery systems before, during and after anesthesia. Depending on individual expertise and training, the task of the anesthesia technician, certified anesthesia Take the Sensor Quiz On- technician and certified anesthesia technologist may include equipment maintenance and servicing such line as cleaning, sterilizing, assembling, calibrating and testing, troubleshooting, requisitioning and recording of inspections and maintenance. The may operate a variety of mechanical, pneumatic and electronic equipment used to monitor, evaluate and manage the patient undergoing anesthesia. The anesthesia technologist who has the appropriate training may perform inspection, maintenance of inventories and service records. They may also provide support in areas of pressure monitoring, autotransfusion and laboratory functions. Individuals functioning as anesthesia technicians or technologists should be capable of a level of self direction and supervision that is commensurate with their training. Definitions and Qualifications Anesthesia Technician The anesthesia technician is an individual who has not met the requirements to apply for the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians national certification examination, or has met the requirements but has opted to not pursue the credentials of becoming a Certified Anesthesia Technician. The anesthesia technician is an integral member of the anesthesia patient care team. Assists the licensed anesthesia providers in various settings Performs duties under the direct supervision of a licensed anesthesia provider and/or Registered Nurse (RN) Provides support for routine surgical cases by assisting in the preparation and maintenance of patient equipment and anesthesia delivery systems before, during and after anesthesia Performs first level maintenance on anesthesia equipment Cleans, sterilizes, disinfects, stocks, orders and maintains the routine anesthesia equipment and supplies Education The preferred entry-level education is high school diploma or GED. Previous work experience may be reviewed. Educational requirements to work in the role of an Anesthesia technician are at least a high school education. In some cases a two-year degree in healthcare may be required. Competencies The anesthesia technician demonstrates proficiency in: Basic life support Purpose, use and care of physiological monitors relating to the administration of anesthesia Ethical and legal issues and responsibilities Biologic hazards, infection control, and standard precautions Fire, electrical, laser and explosion hazards in the operating room and other anesthesia related areas Storage, use and safe handling of bulk and cylinder gases Structure, function and care of all components of anesthesia delivery systems Sterile technique and the principals of aseptic practice Usage of common anesthetic gases Type and indications for local, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), regional and general anesthesia Principles of purchasing and supply levels Communication skills Certified Anesthesia Technician (Cer.A.T.) The Cer.A.T. is a technician who has successfully completed the examination requirements established by the ASATT. The Cer.A.T. is an allied healthcare professional who is an essential member of the anesthesia patient care team, as observed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) and the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN). The certified anesthesia technician performs duties under the supervision of the licensed anesthesia care providers. The American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians is a member of the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA), a nationally recognized organization that establishes standards for credentialing examination programs. The functions of a Cer.A.T. may include: assisting the licensed anesthesia provider in clinical settings such as: the operating room (OR), obstetrics suite (OB), interventional and/or diagnostic radiology, Post anesthesia care unit (PACU), intensive care unit (ICU), CATH LAB, emergency room (ER), endoscopy, dental suites, ambulatory surgery suites, animal and research laboratories. demonstrating practical knowledge and expertise in all general areas of anesthesia. The certified anesthesia technician must have a thorough knowledge of the set-up, operation and troubleshooting of anesthesia delivery systems, monitors, and ancillary devices. The certified anesthesia technicians will maintain a sufficient inventory of all equipment and supplies. being knowledgeable of all guidelines, policies and safety requirements as determined by all relevant regulatory and standard setting agencies or organizations. possessing an understanding of anatomy and physiology as it applies to anesthesia care. performing effectively in the areas where anesthesia is provided, assist the licensed anesthesia provider with patient assessments, evaluations, transport, positioning, insertion of intravenous and other invasive lines, and airway management. performing administrative duties that include: • Employee scheduling, payroll, evaluations and program development • Reviewing job descriptions and service agreements actively participates in the development and/or administration of continuing education for the anesthesia technicians Education ASATT recommends that the candidate seeking certification should meet one of the following requirements: A minimum of two (2) years of experience as an anesthesia technician and high school diploma or GED A graduate of an ASATT two-year approved program A graduate of an ASATT approved program and completion of required clinical component Competencies The Cer.A.T. must demonstrate competency in the areas that apply to the anesthesia technician as well as the following: An understanding of advanced life support Demonstrates the ability to perform technical duties in complex clinical situations Understands medical terminology as it relates to anesthesia patient care Demonstrates an understanding of anesthesia equipment and related supplies Demonstrates knowledge and practice of basic patient care related to anesthesia Demonstrates the ability to coordinate the daily routine of the technical anesthesia staff Ability to delegate responsibilities to other members of the anesthesia team Ability to prioritize Understands the costs that are incurred for anesthesia procedures Understands limitations of roles or practice area Maintains professional confidentiality Protects and upholds the rights of the patient Certified Anesthesia Technologist (CER.A.T.T.) A Cer.A.T.T. is an individual who has successfully completed both the Certified Anesthesia Technician and Technologist Examinations per the requirements established by The ASATT. The Cer.A.T.T. is distinguished from the Cer.A.T. by additional levels of training and experience.
The Cer.A.T.T. must demonstrate competency and/or knowledge of the following: Assisting the anesthesia provider with intra-operative fluid management including volume resuscitation Operating the auto transfusion equipment Maintaining current basic cardiac life support (BCLS), and/or advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) and pediatric advanced life support (PALS) Performing inspection and maintenance of the anesthesia gas delivery systems Setting up and troubleshooting the intra-aortic balloon pump. SCOPE OF PRACTICE IN ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY Introduction The American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT), acknowledges the scope of practice for the anesthesia technical personnel. The commitment of the ASATT is to ensure that efficient, safe, competent, and ethical practices are provided to society and maintaining professional standards of practice. The ASATT acknowledges that the anesthesia technical personnel are a part of the anesthesia care team as listed in the practice guidelines of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Duties Maintains and organizes the anesthesia environment, equipment, supplies and personnel to facilitate department functions. Follows the guidelines of Joint Commission of Accredited Hospital Organizations (JCAHO) Environment of Care Maintains the sterile supplies within the expiration date Inventories, orders and maintains departmental supply stock consistent with departmental demand. Cognizant of where supplies are kept and is able to obtain or stock them accordingly Maintains records of or has access to all preventative maintenance records Recognizes and adheres to JCAHO National Safety Goals Maintains material safety data sheets (MSDS) sheets on hazardous materials and latex allergy items for all supplies under anesthesia cognizance Maintains an inventory of equipment used by anesthesia to track repairs; loaners and demos. Conducts any quality controls needed to return such items after repair to service. Aids in the preparation of the capital budget for the department of anesthesia Provides training and orientation to staff and new personnel. The Cer.A.T.T. is expected to be the preceptor for AT and Cer.A.T.’s. Maintains pharmacy drugs within their expiration date and properly disposes of used drugs. Provides peri-operative technical support to the anesthesia professional staff for delivery of patient care. Is knowledgeable of JCAHO accreditation policies and procedures, sentinel events, National safety goals, environment of care and other JCAHO mandates directly related to anesthesia and patient safety Is knowledgeable of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) requirements for ancillary laboratories Maintains the availability of necessary equipment in each operating room Prepares and assembles transducer lines and equipment necessary for invasive pressure monitoring as necessary or requested. Has a working knowledge of hemodynamics and can perform cardiac calculations Demonstrates detailed technical knowledge and troubleshooting ability for anesthesia delivery system, scavenger system, gas analyzer, EKG, pulse oximeter and rapid infusion devices Completes hospital annual competency checklist which may include Autotransfusion; Stat lab; ACT; Waste Gas Survey; laser safety; Bronchoscope cleaning and sterilization and transfusion administration Makes available, assembles, and assists with operation of specialized equipment such as humidification units; fiberoptic endoscopic equipment; rapid infusion devices/blood warmers; patient warming devices; neuromuscular devices; infusion pumps and syringes; balloon pump initial setups and TEE setup Demonstrates speed and timeliness in all duties, particularly in preparation for emergencies and trauma procedures Assists anesthesia professional staff as requested: a. Assists in preparation and draping of patient for invasive monitoring/ procedures by licensed anesthesia providers b. Assists and anticipates needs of licensed anesthesia providers in invasive monitor insertion and procedures such as pulmonary artery catheter, central venous access, regional anesthesia, fiberoptic intubation and is familiar with the ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm c. Anticipates need for invasive monitoring according to daily OR schedule d. Aids in preparation of patients for major invasive monitoring and/ or complex cases including but not limited to placement of BP cuff, ECG leads, Pulse Oximeter, positioning and prepping e. Sets up OR for cases according to licensing restrictions which may include the following: Preparation of laryngoscope and intubation equipment, IV solution and tubing set-up and set up of IV warming devices f. Completes EKG course and monitors EKG for dysrhythmias g. Assists licensed anesthesia providers with volume infusions as directed during intraoperative volume resuscitations Demonstrates dependability of participation in department technician call coverage Participates in a system to support and continually improve the quality of anesthesia services provided to patients and their families, fellow employees, physicians and other customers. Participates in departmental Quality Improvement and Risk Management Activities Assists in the development of action plans in response to professional staff feedback regarding improvement opportunities Participates in overtime coverage situations as reasonably requested Maintains current BCLS certification and possibly ACLS and PALS Participates in the development and continuous updating of departmental policies and procedures directly related to anesthesia technical staff and performance duties Provides Intraoperative Autotransfusion Services as requested for elective and emergency procedures. Participates dependably in call coverage for the provision of intraoperative autotransfusion services Prepares and assembles software and operates the autotransfusion equipment consistent with department policy and procedural guidelines Maintains cleanliness and preparation of autotransfusion equipment and supplies Maintains complete and accurate patient records for all procedures during which intraoperative autotransfusion is utilized Provides estimate of blood loss via autotransfusion unit and total volume reinfused Assists with monitoring and evaluation of autotransfusion service quality and effectiveness Provides laboratory services and fulfills CAP requirements. Performs all quality controls for Point of Care testing devices Performs cyclic CAP surveys for all machines under the anesthesia department Maintains supporting documentation and quality control documentation Maintains an authorized user list Trains and recertifies staff on use of equipment Promotes and maintains positive relationships with all contacts. Facilitates resolution of conflicts and problems as appropriate Promotes effective interpersonal and interdepartmental relationships as observed and reviewed by manager Adopts a team approach to work as observed by manager Maintains professional attitude when serving our patients, physicians, employees, and visitors Accepts and gives constructive feedback Demonstrates ability to communicate effectively and cooperates with all contacts Complies with all department and hospital policies and procedures. Administrative Role The standards for administrative practice are included to offer direction/guidance to the certified anesthesia technician or certified anesthesia technologist who has administrative and educational responsibilities. These standards are very broad in scope and may apply in various situations. Standard I The Cer.A.T. or Cer.A.T.T. who is qualified by education, training or experience in management may perform administrative, logistical and fiscal duties and task as they relate to anesthesia services. The certified anesthesia technician/technologist is responsible to the individual/service under which these duties are reviewed. Competencies Organize and coordinates the use of anesthesia personnel Demonstrates team and leadership skills Demonstrates required management skills Communicates/written and orally in an effective manner Participates in developing continuing education/formal education programs Demonstrates knowledge of regulatory acts as they affect patients and staff Participates on hospital committees Collaborates with other professionals in the development of anesthesia budgetary issues Recommended Education and Experience Those recommendations as previously stated for the certified anesthesia technician and technologist A certificate, diploma or degree in health care administration A minimum of two (2) years experience in an administrative capacity in an anesthesia or health related field Standard II The Cer.A.T. or Cer.A.T.T. who is qualified by education and/or experience may develop educational activities and programs as they relate to anesthesia technology. Competencies Demonstrates advanced knowledge of anesthesia procedures that are performed by the licensed anesthesia providers, aseptic techniques, anatomy, anesthesia equipment and regulatory practices Demonstrates leadership skills Demonstrates advanced communication skills, oral and written Ability to assess learning needs of other departmental personnel and students Collaborates with other health care professionals to develop and implement education objectives Participates in continuing education and pursues formal education as it applies Recommended Education and Experience 1. A minimum of five years of experience as a lead or chief technician 2. A graduate from a program in anesthesia technology 3. A degree in an allied health field General Clinical Topics Required for: 1. The O.R. Environment Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 2. Sterile Techniques Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 3. Material Management Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 4. Basic Life Support Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist
Anesthesia Specific Topics Required for: 1. Basic Anatomy & Physiology Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 2. Types of anesthesia Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 3. Airway management equipment Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 4. Anesthesia Gas Machines & Delivery Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 5. Monitors & Accessories Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 6. Pharmacology for Anesthesia Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist 7. Intraoperative complications Certified Technician & Technologist 8. Intravenous Therapy Certified Technician & Technologist 9. Cardiac Monitoring Certified Technician & Technologist 10. Anesthesia for specific surgery Certified Technician & Technologist 11. Advanced Life Support Certified Technician & Technologist 12. Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certified Technician & Technologist 13. JCAHO Certified Technician & Technologist 14. CAP Certified Technician & Technologist Endorsed Topics Required for: 1. Autotransfusion Certified Technician & Technologist 2. Blood Analysis Certified Technician & Technologist 3. Intra-aortic Balloon pump Certified Technician & Technologist 4. The Anesthesia Gas Delivery system Technician, Certified Technician & Technologist Top of page Position Statement for Anesthesia Technical Coverage (download as pdf) The mission of the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT) is to establish a professional entity for the field of anesthesia technology that will positively affect healthcare and quality standards by raising the standards of patient care and by providing a safe and positive environment. With the growing number of complex surgical cases, off site procedures and advancement in technology, there is added stress on the healthcare system to provide skilled technical staff with specialized knowledge in anesthesia technology. Based on the revisions of the ASATT’s Standards and Scope of Practice and in an effort to assist hospitals in determining a ratio of technicians per rooms, the ASATT has recommended that for technicians and technologists practicing at these levels, the ratio for room coverage are as follows: General Anesthesia: One (1) per four (4) rooms. Cardiovascular Anesthesia: One (1) per two (2) rooms. Liver transplant: Two (2) per room. Offsite procedures: One (1) per two (2) areas. Outpatient/Ambulatory Services: One (1) per four (4) rooms during working hours. Additionally, the Society recognizes staffing needs according to anesthesia acuity levels and patient needs. Therefore, anesthesia providers should adjust their staffing needs accordingly. Level 1 Trauma centers provide in house technical coverage 24/7, 365 days a year. Level 2 Centers provide in house technical coverage 16 hours/five days a week and on call coverage for off hours and weekends. Level 3 Centers provide in house technical coverage 12 hours/5 days a week and on call coverage for off hours and weekends. Outpatient/Ambulatory Services provide technical coverage during working hours. Top of page
The American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians 7044 South 13th Street. Oak Creek, WI 53154-1429 Phone (414) 908-4942 ext 450 / Fax (414)768-8001 ASATT CustomerCare Center: [email protected]
3) The demand for Anesthesia Technicians is growing rapidly! Click here to read more about it... 4) Use this form as a safe place to remember usernames and passwords for this course! 5) Mandatory Basics of Anesthesia Review Pre-test Question: Q: Short Answer. Write out the flow of blood through the adult heart and back. Include the names of the valves, arteries and veins. You may use abbreviations.
Answer: IVC and SVC to RA thru Tricuspid Valve to RV through pulmonary valve to lungs via pulmonary artery to LA via pulmonary veins through mitral valve to LV thru aortic valve to aorta and heart and head and body back to IVC and SVC.
6) Syllabus Quiz:
1. Name one of the best ways to contact the instructor? Text Message 2. Where is the best email communication tool to contact the instructor? ANGEL Portal 3. How many days of the week is the ANGEL Portal available to you? Seven 4. Do you have to be logged on the the ANGEL Classroom at a certain time of the day? No 5. Is the Discussion Board a mandatory weekly assignment? Yes 6. What is the name of the online office you can use to contact the instructor? Virtual Office 7. What is the minimum number of points you need to pass this class? Five hundred thirty two 8. Being polite and respectful to others on the discussion board is an example of what? Netiquette 9. What is the minimum amount of time, in hours, that it will take for the instructor to respond or reply in the Virtual Office? twenty four hours 10. Fill-in-the-blank: If you take a quiz or a test and you do not see your grade immediately upon submission, this means that the instructor has to ______grade part of the assignment. (Manually)
Week 1 Mandatory Website Videos (See folder) -History of Anesthesia Video: NHD Documentary-History of Anesthesia (Uploaded by Miss Rosie Productions on Mar 7, 2010 This was the documentary that I created for the St. Louis National History Day competition. It won first place in the regional Senior Documentary Division, and It'll be going on to state in April.)
-Phillips Patient Monitors (no audio):
- Anaesthetic Technician Recommended Chapter Readings:
Reading 5th 6th Understandi Web Site/PPT PDF Week Edition Edition ng Readings Articles/Pow Basics of Basics of Anesthesia erPoints/Han AnesthesiAnesthesi Equipment, douts a a 5th Edition Week 1 Anesthetic Anesthetic Chapter 22: Gas "Scope of Practice for View PowerPoint 1/3-1/8 Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring, pp. 685-727 Anesthesia Technicians" @ “Introduction to Patient Non- Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 26 Alarm Monitoring” 305-316 319-333 Devices, pp. 828-836 View the “Phillips Patient View the Short PowerPoint Invasive Monitors” short You-tube on Anesthesia Monitoring Physiologic video: Read the PDF titled, Monitors“Anesthesia Monitoring Used in A Equipment” Anesthesia: View the video titled, Read the “ASA Guidelines Anesthesia “Anesthesia Technician”. for Determining (This is a video story Anesthesia Machine Machine about the work day of an Obsolescence” and the Monitors: Australian anesthesia “Australian and New Alarms, O2 technician. Notice the Zealand Minimum Safety concentratio difference in job Requirements for n analyzers, responsibilities compared Anesthetic Machines for volatile to what we do in the Clinical Practice” agent and United States. Video quality is blurred to protect NO2 organization information). analyzers Quality QES0 Control Logs
Week 1 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
Week 1 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 1 Discussion Board:
Click on "NewPost" in the upper left-hand corner to respond to the following statement: How are things going this week? 1 Posting This Week.
Week 1 Lesson Quiz (Test at Website with CE) Notes Week 2 Recommended Readings Readin 5th 6th Understan Web Site/PPT Readings PDF g Week Edition Edition ding Articles/ Basics Basics Anesthesi PowerPo of of a ints/Han AnestheAnesthe Equipmen douts sia sia t, 5th Edition Week 2 Anesthetic Anesthetic Review the Anesthesia Monitoring You-tube Read the PDF on 1/9-1/15 Monitoring Monitoring video: “Standards for Non- Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. Basic Anesthetic 305-316 319-333 Go to and view part Monitoring” Invasive I/Technology of the video lecture on approved by the Physiologi “Somanetics Cerebral Oximetry” American Society c Monitors (you can also view the PowerPoint PDF on the of Used in video lecture in this folder): Anesthesiologists Anesthesia House of : bin/absolutenm/templates/articledisplay.asp? Delegates articleid=3168&zoneid=3 Read PDF on Neurologic Cerebral Blood al System Flow and Monitors Intracranial Intraopera Pressure” tive EEG, Read PDF on BIS Intraoperative EEG Monitoring Monitor, Read the article Cerebral by Covidien titled, Oximetry “BIS Brain Monitoring for Critical Care”
Week 2 Website Videos and Readings Assignments (See folder)
-Anesthetic Monitoring Video
-“Somanetics Cerebral Oximetry” & Video from (Watch the Video Lecture. A PDF of the video lecture is also available on this site!) articleid=3168&zoneid=3 Week 2 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 2 Discussion Board: How often have you seen the cerebral oximetry monitor used at your facility this week? Tell the class about the type of case the monitor was used in.
Week 2 Lesson Quiz (Test at Website with CE) Notes
Week 3 Recommended Reading Readin 5th 6th Understan Web Site/PPT PDF g Edition Edition ding Readings Articles/P Week Basics Basics Anesthesia owerPoint of of Equipment s/Handou Anesthe Anesthe , 5th ts sia sia Edition Week 3 Anesthetic Anesthetic Chapter 24 Pulse Go to the University of Virginia School of Read the PDF 1/16-1/22Monitoring Monitoring Oximetry, pp. 775- Medicine and review the “Indications for titled, “ Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. 804 Endotracheal Intubation” Management of Non- 305-316 319-333 During Invasive et/anesthesiology- Anesthesia” Physiologi elective/airway/indications.cfm Read the article Read "Pulse Oximeter: titled, “End-Tidal c Monitors Carbon Dioxide Used in html Monitoring” Anesthesi a: Respirator y System Monitors Pulse Oximeter Capnogra phy and End-tidal CO2
Week 3 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -University of Virginia School of Medicine Review: “Indications for Endotracheal Intubation”
-Read: Pulse Oximeter from
Week 3 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 3 Discussion Board: What types of equipment are you responsible for calibrating at your facility?
Only 1 post this week.
Week 3 Lesson Quiz (Test at Website with CE) Notes
Week 4 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Understan Web Site/PPT PDF Week Edition Edition ding Readings Articles/ Basics Basics Anesthesia PowerPoi of of Equipment nts/Hand Anesthe Anesthe , 5th outs sia sia Edition Week 4 Anesthetic Anesthetic Chapter 27 Go to Sentry Health Monitors and read: Read PDF on the 1/23-1/29 Monitoring Monitoring Noninvasive Blood “What is Blood Pressure” “Maintenance of Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. Pressure Monitors, Aneroid Non- 305-316 319-333 pp. 837-844 it.asp Sphygmomanomet Go to the EKG Site to view basics er” Invasive “About EKGs”: http://www.the-ekg- Read PDF on Physiologic “Hypertension and Monitors Then view- Anesthesia” Used in “EKG Lead Placement for 3or 5 Lead Read PDF on Anesthesia: Systems”: http://www.the-ekg- “Heart Disease Cardiovasc and Anesthesia” Go to the MetroHealth Heart and Vascular Review the PDF ular System Center and read about Atrial Fibrillation: on “ECG Primer”, Monitors pp. 1-14, and p. EKG/ECG id=1503 29-definition of Precordial Go to the “Beginner’s Guide to Using a heart rate and Stethoscop Stethoscope” read the information and then pulse rate; p. 30. e, click on any of the links at the top of the Ask a CRNA to page to hear different types of breath give you a 6 BP Monitor, sounds: second test strip Defibrillato for a patient with rs and cope%20Basics.htm normal sinus Pacemaker Go to The University of Washington rhythm so you can s Department of Medicine: Advanced Physical determine the (cardioversi Diagnosis Learning and Teaching at the patient’s heart on) Bedside: and click on “Normal Heart rate. Sounds” and listen. Read the PDF on “Devices that Keep emo.html the Heart Beating by the FDA” Read the PDF “What is an Arrhythmia” Read the “Customized Earpiece for Precordial Stethoscope” Review the PDF “Anesthetic Management of Patients with Cardiac Pacemakers and Defibrillators for Noncardiac Surgery”
Week 4 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -What is Blood Pressure? Sentry Health Monitors -About EKGs from the EKG Site
-EKG Lead Placement from the EKG Site
-Atrial Fibrillation Metro Health Heart and Vascular Center
-The Beginner's Guide to Using a Stethoscope
-Listen to "Normal Heart Sounds"
Week 4 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 4 Discussion Board:
For this week, everyone will receive points. Use this time to catch up on assignments. You can---and only if you need to---send me an email from the ANGEL email box on the announcement/"Home" page about any problems you are having in this online course. So we I can help you. I know a couple of you are new to the program, so I need to make sure you are doing okay with everything. If not we will take care of it immediately. If you are new and this is your first time in an online class---we need to talk on the phone---if you are having problems or online related issues. Week 4 Lesson Quiz (Test at Website with CE) Notes
Week 5
Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Understandin Web PDF Week Edition Edition g Anesthesia Site/PPT Articles/PowerP Basics of Basics of Equipment, Readings oints/Handouts Anesthesi Anesthesi 5th Edition a a Week 5 Mid Term Exam Week. 1/30-2/5 Exam hint: know the answers to all the study guide questions from weeks 1-4
Week 5 Discussion Board:
HOW ARE THINGS GOING!! Only 1 Posting This Week!
Week 5 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 6 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Understandi Web Site/PPT PDF Week Edition Edition ng Readings Articles/Pow Basics Basics Anesthesia erPoints/Ha of of Equipment, ndouts Anesthe Anesthe 5th Edition sia sia Week 6 Anesthetic Anesthetic Chapter 25 Go to the Sorensen Cardiovascular Group Review Lecture 2/6-2/12 Monitoring Monitoring Neuromuscular web site to watch the slideshow presentation Notes titled Miscellaneo Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. Transmission on TCD: “Anesthesia” 305-316 319-333 Monitoring pp. 805- Read Lecture us System 827 Go to MedlinePlus and review “Doppler Notes on Monitors Ultrasound Exam of an Arm or Leg”: “Advanced Pain Temperatur Control and e Monitors icle/003775.htm Sedation” Transport Read the ECRI Institute’s Medical Device Read PDF on Monitors Safety Reports (MDSR) on “Suggested the “Physiology Guidelines for Blood Warmer Use”: of Pain” Infusion the PDF Pumps x?doc_id=8269 “Peripheral Blood Nerve Warmers Stimulation: Dopplers Train of Four” (including Read the PDF on Transcrania “Temperature l Dopplers) Monitoring” Nerve Stimulators and Neuromusc ular Junction Monitors (TOF) Transfusion s Pain Assessment Urine Output
Week 6 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Transcranial Doppler SlideShow
-Doppler Ultrasound of an Arm or Leg
-ECRI Suggested Guidelines for Blood Warmer Use
Week 6 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 6 Discussion Board:
No Posting this week. Continue to use this time to catch up on assignments! You will receive credit for this week!
Week 6 Lesson Quiz-no quiz this week Notes
Week 7
Recommended Chapter Readings Readin 5th 6th Understan Web Site/PPT PDF g Week Edition Edition ding Readings Articles/ Basics Basics Anesthesia PowerPoint of of Equipment s/Handouts Anesthe Anesthe , 5th sia sia Edition Week 7 Anesthetic Anesthetic Go to the University of Virginia School of Read the PowerPoint 2/13-2/19 Monitoring Monitoring Medicine and review the information under on “Invasive Invasive Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. Invasive Cardiac Monitoring Hemodynamic 305-316 319-333 Monitoring” Hemodyna et/anesthesiology-elective/cardiac/home.cfmRead the PDF on mic View Web site materials on “Transducer “Invasive Monitors: Setup: Zeroing, Calibrating and Leveling”: Hemodynamic Invasive Monitoring” Arterial Lib/MED_CD/E_CDs/anesthesia/site/content Review PPT on Blood /v03/030266r00.htm “Hemodynamic Go to UW Health and read about ECMO Monitoring” includes Pressure Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: information on Monitoring troubleshooting, TEE RANET_HEALTH_INFORMATION- leveling and zeroing SVO2 Swan FlexMember- transducers. Pressure Show_Public_HFFY_1109725221094.html Read the PDF on Transducer Go to and read “TEE or “Invasive Blood Transesophageal Echo”: Pressure Monitoring” s ECMO Cardiac Output CVP Monitoring
Week 7 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Invasive Cardiac Monitoring University of Virginia School of Medicine
-“Transducer Setup: Zeroing, Calibrating and Leveling”
-ECMO- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Show_Public_HFFY_1109725221094.html
-“TEE or Transesophageal Echo”
Week 7 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 7 Discussion Board:
Happy Valentine's Day!! No posting this week! You will receive credit for this week. Continue to use this time to catch up on assignments!
Week 6-7 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 8
Recommended Chapter Readings Readin 5th 6th Understandi Web Site/PPT PDF g Week Edition Edition ng Readings Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesia PowerPoint Anesthes Anesthes Equipment, s/Handouts ia ia 5th Edition Week 8 Anesthetic Anesthetic Go to the Department of Washington’s Read the PDF titled 2/20-2/26Monitoring Monitoring Anesthesia Awareness Registry and “Anesthetic Depth of Chapter 20, pp. Chapter 20, pp. watch the ASA’s short video “What is Monitoring” by 305-316 319-333 Patient Awareness Under General Veterinary Surgery I Anesthesia Anesthesia”: Review PPT on Monitors Awareness EEG awareness.shtml Read the lecture notes BIS on “Depth Indicators Awareness of Anesthesia” Monitors Anesthesia Patient Safety
Week 8 Mandatory Website Videos and Readings What is Patient Awareness Under General Anesthesia
Week 8 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 8 Discussion Board:
This week I want you to observe your patients for anesthetic depth or stages of anesthesia. Find a CRNA or Anesthesia doctor in your work area to help you identify the different stages of anesthesia and observe what happens with your patient. Report your findings here!
Week 8 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 9 Recommended Chapter Readings Readin 5th 6th Understand Web Site/PPT PDF g Edition Edition ing Readings Articles/ Week Basics of Basics of Anesthesia PowerPoint AnesthesAnesthes Equipment, s/Handouts ia ia 5th Edition Week 9 Chapter 18 Go to the University of Virginia School of Read the PDF titled, “ 12/12-12- Laryngoscopes, pp. Medicine and Read the information on Management of 15 520-560 “How to Intubate” Unanticipated Difficult Chapter 21 Devices for Intubation” Intubatio Managing the Difficult ernet/anesthesiology- n Airway pp. 661-684 elective/airway/intubation.cfm Equipmen Also review the information on Assessing t the Patient ernet/Anesthesiology- Elective/airway/Assessment.cfm
Week 9 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
-“How to Intubate” University of Virginia School of Medicine -Assessing the Patient University of Virginia School of Medicine
Week 9 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 9 Discussion Board:
Take this week to catch up on things. You will be awarded your discussion points for this week. There are 2 weeks left in the semester after this week. Review items that you have not completed. I will attempt to make a list for each of you---of items that need to be completed before the semester is over---and email it to you this week. Week 9 Lesson Quiz-no test this week Notes
Week 10
Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Understandin Web Site/PPT PDF Week Edition Edition g Anesthesia Readings Articles/ Basics of Basics of Equipment, PowerPoint Anesthesi Anesthesi 5th Edition s/Handouts a a Week 10 Chapter 16 Face Masks Visit 2/27-3/4 and Airways, pp. 443-460, and view all of the short Endotracheal Chapter 17 Supraglottic videos under “Videos and the Airway Airway Devices, pp.461- information under “Airway Devices and 519 Equipment” Special Chapter 19 Tracheal Review the list of “Airway Designed Tubes and Associated Equipment” @ ETTs and Equipment, pp. 561-632 Tracheostomy Chapter 20 Lung Isolation Also Visit the Airway Carnival Tubes Devices, pp. 633-660 at m/ and review the main tent and side show airway devices. Visit the “Airway TV Channel” @ Smiths Medical http://www.smiths- resources/videos/airway/index .html and review the Videos on: Tracheal Tubes, Tracheostomy, Difficult Airways, Introducers and Guides, Laryngeal Mask and Portex Cricothyroidotomy Kit
Week 10 Mandatory Website Videos and Reading Assignments (See folder) -Watch the Videos under the "Videos" Tab The Airway Site. Note: some of the videos are having Adobe Flash Issues. Keep clicking on the "play" button, to open the video
-Review the Airway Equipment List The Airway Site
-Review the Main Tent and Side Show Airway Devices The Airway Carnival!! -Review the Videos on: Tracheal Tubes, Tracheostomy, Difficult Airways, Introducers and Guides, Laryngeal Mask and Portex Cricothyroidotomy Kit The Airway TV Channel (Smiths Medical)
Week 10 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 10 Discussion Board:
Yay! The quarter is almost over! Some of you will be finishing up the program at the end of this quarter. Everyone, post here and let me know what you would like to learn before you go. (Before you post, look ahead and make sure what you want to learn about is not already covered in the weeks left or in the bonus section.) 1 posting required this week.
Week 9-10 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 11
Recommended Chapter Readings Readin 5th 6th Understand Web Site/PPT PDF g Edition Edition ing Readings Articles/ Week Basics of Basics of Anesthesia PowerPoint AnesthesAnesthes Equipment, s/Handouts ia ia 5th Edition Week 11 Read through the “Interpretation of the Read the PDF titled, 3/5-3/11 Arterial Blood Gas-Self Learning Packet”. “Intraoperative Fluid Laboratory The Post-test at the end is not Management and Testing: mandatory or required!! Blood Transfusion ABGs, Read the article at Science News: “High Essentials” Blood, Glucose Before Surgery Raises Risk of Read, “Point of Care Blood Dangerous Complications”: Coagulation Testing Glucose and Transfusion Coagulation 6/10/061015213650.htm Algorithms” PDF and TEG, Read the article: “Postoperative High Read the Lecture and Blood Sugar Appears to be Associated withNotes on “Tests Electrolytes Surgical Site Infection”: Performed Before Surgery” 0/09/100920172634.htm Review the PPT on Read “Infection Prevention during Blood Fluids and Electrolytes Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Administration” at the CDC: glucose-monitoring.html Go to and review “Common Laboratory Values for ABGs” m Read, “AARC Clinical Practice Guideline: Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis”: html Read the Pulmonary Critical Care Associates of East Texas article: “Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)” for additional procedure techniques: tml#ABG%20Picture Week 11 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases Self-Learning Packet The Post-test at the end is not mandatory or required!!
-High Glucose Before Surgery Raises Risk Of Dangerous Complications
-Postoperative High Blood Sugar Appears to Be Associated With Surgical Site Infection
-Infection Prevention during Blood Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Administration” at the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
-Review the Common Laboratory Values for ABGs
-Sampling for Arterial Blood Gas Analysis -Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
Week 11 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
Week 11 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 12 Final Exam Week! Final exam ready and covers weeks 1-11. This exam also includes Post Anesthesia Review Assessment Questions. 3/19/2012 to 3/21/2012. There are 241 Questions with 3 chances to take. No password needed. *CCHS Students: in addition to the above mentioned requirements, you must also have your "CCHS Student Responsibilities and Account" up to date with the school prior to requesting the password for the final exam. You have 3 chances to take this exam! Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Understanding Web Site PDF Week Basics of Basics of Anesthesia Reading Articles/ Anesthesia Anesthesia Equipment, 5th s/Videos PPT Edition Readings Final Exam Final Exam Week. Week Exam hint: know the answers to all the study 3/19-3/21 guide questions from weeks 1-4 and 6-10
The more you practice taking the test questions, the more you will become comfortable with tests when it's time to take the National Exam!
Notes Bonus Quizzes Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Understanding Web PDF Week Basics of Basics of Anesthesia Site/PPT Articles/ Anesthesia Anesthesia Equipment, 5th Readings PowerPoint Edition s/Handouts Bonus Quizzes to be Posted after Mid-term Week. Materials Topics: A) Set-up IV and Pressure Lines for Indwelling Catheters Bonus Quizzes (Arterial, Central Venous, Left arterial, PA, ICP) It is B) Miscellaneous Invasive Catheters and Kits recommended (Radial Artery Catheters, Swan-Ganz, Vascular Access Kits) that you take C) Drawing Blood Specimens all 7 quizzes, D) Intra-aortic Balloon Pumps and Pulse Generators since the E) Rapid Infusion Systems and Patient Warming Devices information willF) Autotransfusion (Cell Saver and Level I Rapid Blood Infuser Machine) be on the final G) PONV exam. These quizzes are Total Bonus Points to earn in this section: 110 points! worth 5-15 points Bonus Quiz 1-Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation curve -Critical Care Medicine Tutorial Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve -Overview of Critical Care Respiratory Failure
- Bonus Quiz 2-PONV Postop Nausea and Vomiting Bonus Quiz 3-Rapid Infusors and fluid warming quiz Bonus: Arterial Blood Gas Sampling Bonus: Inra-aortic Balloon Pumps (IABP) Bonus: Autotransfusion Bonus: Tips for Blood Specimen Collection Bonus: Quick Reference for Central Venous Lines Resources Links Communicate links
Anesthesia Technical Services Discussion Room This is where everyone can have their questions answered, well, except their test qusetions...
Documents Monitoring Cards Monitoring Cards you can edit
Monitoring Cards (locked format) These cards are in a set format.
Interactive Websites
A list of several anesthesia simulators Good site listing several interesting activities
A very good website for anatomy. Anatowiki
An interactive anatomy and website. Get Body Smart
Online Cardiac Practice Online ACLS
North Seattle Community College Library
North Seattle Community College Library A library page for the Anesthesia Technician program
Useful Links
American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians The national organization for certification.
American Society of Anesthesiologists This site sets the standards for anesthesia.
Anesthesia Patient Saftey Foundation A great resource for patient saftey issues in anesthesia.
Anesthesia Wiki ongoing anesthesia wiki
Malignant Hyperthermia Association The authoritive source for MH Videos
ANGEL Step 1 Intro to the ANGEL shell and layout
ANGEL Step 2 Accessing your class
ANGEL Step 3 Lessons Tab
ANGEL Step 4 Quizzes and Online Activities
Why do Anesthesia Technicians Need Training? Reasons for certification through the ASATT
The information contained within these courses, websites, and other listed resources are intended for general understanding and education. Nothing contained in these courses, or other listed resources, should be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. These courses and other listed resources do not constitute any form of professional health care advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider regarding personal health or medical conditions. The content of these courses, websites, and other listed resources are informational only. You should always follow the policies set forth by your institution, state regulating authorities, and federal regulating authorities. This project was funded in part by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration. The Seattle Community Colleges are an equal opportunity employer / program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
ATEC 110: Critical Care Procedures Week 1 Orientation:
Please Complete the Following Before or During Week One. 1) Mandatory Reading Assignment: Go to the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians Website and Review the "Standards of Practice" Which Describe Your Overall Job Responsibilities! -ASATT Standards (Scope) of Practice for Anesthesia Technicians 2) The Optional Computer Training Skills and Competencies (To Brush-Up on Your Computer Skills). -Click Here to Begin Your Basic Online Computer Training Brush up on your Basic Computer Skills Through the Conneticut Distance Learning Consortium. Print your quiz results from each module and save them to study for the Syllabus/Basic Computer Crossword Puzzle Quiz 3) Watch the "Why Train" Video or Read the PDF Article on "Why Train to Become and Anesthesia Technician". The demand for Anesthesia Technicians is growing rapidly! Click here to read and hear more about it...
4) Complete the Mandatory Syllabus Quiz---(Worth 25 Points)!!
Use this form as a safe place to remember usernames and passwords for this course!
The more you practice taking the test questions, the more you will become comfortable with tests when it's time to take the National Exam! Memory Tricks to Help When Studying for Exams
Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Web Site Reading P Week Editio Edition Assignments and VideosD n Basics of F Basics Anesthesi of a A Anest r hesia t i c l e s Week 1 Read through the certification handbook for R Dates: 4/2-4/8 Technicians and Technologists @ e Provider Support: a 1. Assess indications for Log onto the UK Blood Transfusion and Tissue d use of cell saver and Transplantation Services Department of t IABP Health Site and Complete the “Learn Cell h 2. Assess Salvage” E-Learning Modules. Upload a copy e contraindications for of your certificate of completion to the drop P use of cell saver and box. Follow the directions for the dropbox. o IABP w x.asp? e Publication=BBT&Section=22&pageid=974#lc r s P Watch the YouTube video on Intra-Aortic o Balloon Catheter Tutorial approx. 38 i minutes@ n Watch the short YouTube video on IABP t Intraaortic Balloon Pump o n “ I n t r o d u c ti o n t o C ri ti c a l C a r e ” R e a d t h e P D F o n I n t r o d u c ti o n t o M e d i c a l S u r g i c a l N u r s i n g T h u m b t h r o u g h t h e “ A n e s t h e s i a B il li n g G u i d e O c t o b e r , 2 0 1 0 ” R e a d t h e “ G u i d a n c e o n t h e P r o v i s i o n o f P e d i a t ri c A n e s t h e s i a S e r v i c e s f r o m
R C A ”
Week 1 Mandatory Videos to Watch -Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Tutorial (English) 38 minutes
-IABP Intraaortic Ballon Pump
Week 1 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Thumb through the certification handbook for both Anesthesia Technicians and Technologists To get to the certification handbook you must click on "Certification".
-Transfusion Therapy in Orthopedic Surgical Procedures Click here to complete the transfusion therapy module.
I will only accept certificates that have been submitted to this dropbox. If you are unsure of how to upload documents, please revisit the "Basic Computer Training Site" in the orientation folder. Part of your grade for this assignment includes your ability to complete this computer-related training skill for attaching documents and uploading them to the drop box. Put "Cell Salvage" in title area for dropbox submission. The points from this assignment are bonus points worth 100 points if submitted by the due date. In order to receive the 100 points, your certificate must be submitted no later than the midnight due date. No points will be awarded after that date and time! Please complete the self-study learning module in this folder on TRANSFUSION THERAPY IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGICAL PROCEDURES:
Week 1 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 1 Discussion Board:
Click on "NewPost" in the upper left-hand corner to respond to the following statement: How are things going this week?
Week 1 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!! Notes
Week 2 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Web Site PDF Articles Week Basics of Basics of Reading Anesthesia Anesthesia Assignment s and Videos Week 2 Watch the following Read the PDF Dates: 4/9-4/15 YouTube videos about “Understanding Adult Calculate hemodynamic the heart. You must Hemodynamics” data. understand basics Read the PDF Perform cardiac about the heart before “Hemodynamics” and outputs trying to understand carefully review the about hemodynamic formulas and normal data: values where noted. The Cardiac Cycle: Read the PDF on, “ The Heart and Cardiac mMM54 Output” Basic Heart Circulation (Pulmonary and Systemic Circuits) N5N1A Cardiac Output O8P7kw8 Ejection Fraction (EF) _AjHa8 “What is Cardiac Preload” @ -ai8A Watch the YouTube video on Introduction to EKG Interpretation (Part I) @ PJE-SE Week 2 Mandatory Videos to Watch
-The Cardiac Cycle.avi
-Basic Heart Circulation (Pulmonary & Sytemic circuits)
-Cardiac output
-Ejection Fraction (EF)
-What is Cardiac Preload?
-Intro EKG Interpretation Part 1
Week 2 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) What is Hemodynamics? by USCOM
Week 2 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 2 Discussion Board:
This week, I want each of you to go into a patient room and write down the following vital signs from the monitor: Blood pressure, pulse ox, heart rate, heart rhythm, respirations, art line pressure and CVP pressure if present. Remember, do not post any HIPAA violations!! Post your results on this week's discussion board. Have a CRNA or Anesthesia doctor help you if you cannot determine which numbers are which. 1 posting minimum this week.
Week 2 Lesson Quiz
This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 3
Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Web Site PDF Articles Week Basics of Basics of Reading Anesthesia Anesthesia Assignment s and Videos Week 3 Go to the Royal College Dates: 4/16-4/22 of Surgeons of 1. Observe vital signs Edinburgh and read on the patient. through the educational 2. Complications and review “Monitoring the Indications of the critically ill patient.” critically ill patient /journal/vol44_6/44600 10.htm#MEASUREMEN T Go the Merck Manual Website and review the readings on “Monitoring and Testing the Critical Care Patient” http://www.merckmanu tical_care_medicine/ap proach_to_the_critically _ill_patient/monitoring_ and_testing_the_critical _care_patient.html
Week 3 Mandatory Tutorial for Week 3 Mandatory Tutorial to Complete for Week 3 Read through the Critical Care Medicine Tutorial: What is Critical Care? Week 3 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Monitoring the Critically Ill Patient
-Monitoring and Testing the Critical Care Patient _testing_the_critical_care_patient.html
Week 3 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder. Note there are now 2 folders for this section) Week 3 Discussion Board:
This week, I want each of you to visit an ICU area in your hospital---for a few minutes and observe the interactions of the ICU staff with the patients. If you were a patient in the ICU, what types of work behaviors would you want the staff to exhibit and perform while taking care of you and your family?
Week 3 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 4
Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Web Site PDF Articles Week Basics of Basics of Reading Anesthesia Anesthesia Assignment s and Videos Week 4 Go to the Merck ManualRead the Lecture notes Dates: 4/23-4/29 Website and read on the Basic Anatomy Identify supplies and about, “Airway and Physiology of the equipment for cardiac Establishment and Lungs and respiratory Control” Read the PowerPoint (airway) procedures. http://www.merckmanuon the Basic Anatomy of the Heart, Lungs, tical_care_medicine/res Liver, Kidneys, and Skin piratory_arrest/airway_ Read the Handout on establishment_and_con “Airway Management of trol.html the Critically Ill Patient: Go to the Internet Rapid Sequence Scientific Publications Induction” Website and read about, “Airway Management: The Basics of Endotracheal Intubation” ournal/the-internet- journal-of-academic- physician- assistants/volume-1- number-1/airway- management-the- basics-of-endotracheal- intubation.html Go to /index.php/main/article /377/ and read about “Airway Management of the Trauma Victim” Week 4 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Airway Establishment and Control Note: 2012 rules for BCLS have changed. Make sure you are aware of the changes!! shment_and_control.html
-Airway Management: The Basics of Endotracheal Intubation number-1/airway-management-the-basics-of-endotracheal-intubation.html
-Airway Management of the Trauma Victim
Week 4 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 4 Discussion Board:
Take a break this week! Use the time to catch up on your assignments if you are behind. Next week is midterms and mid- term grades will need to be posted for faculty at North Seattle and Carolinas College of Health Sciences. You will receive credit for this week's discussion board!
Week 4 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 5 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Web Site PDF Articles Week Basics of Basics of Reading Anesthesia Anesthesia Assignment s and Videos Week 5 Mid Term Exam Week. Dates: 4/30-5/6 Exam hint: know the answers to all the study guide questions from weeks 1-4
Week 5 Discussion Board:
Everyone will receive points for this weeks discussion board! Pulse Check: How are things going so far? Week 5 Midterm Exam Mandatory Mid-term Examination. 140 Points. Due: Sunday, May 6, 2012 by Midnight! DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAM IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO TAKE IT TO COMPLETION. OPENING AND CLOSING THIS EXAM WILL BE INTERPRETED AS: LOOKING AROUND/PRINTING. THE TEST WILL AUTOMATICALLY SUBMIT UPON CLOSING AND YOUR GRADE WILL BE ZERO!! THIS IS CONSIDERED CHEATING!! Notes
Week 6
Recommended Website Readings Reading 5th 6th Edition Web Site PDF Week Edition Basics of Reading Articles Basics of Anesthesia Assignments Anesthesia and Videos Week 6 Go to the LifeLine to Read “Who are those Dates: 5/7-5/13 Modern Medicine Website people behind the Collaborate with and read about the “Role masks?” surgical team to assess of the Anesthesiologist” Read “Care of the anesthetic needs of http://www.lifelinetomod Surgical Patient” patient. An-Anesthesiologist/The- Role-of-the- Anesthesiologist.aspx Week 6
Week 6 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Role of the Anesthesiologist Anesthesiologist.aspx
Week 6 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 6 Discussion Board:
Your task this week is to observe a "time out" for a patient's surgical procedure. What are some items mentioned during the time out that you noticed?
Week 6 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 7 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th Edition 6th Edition Web Site PDF Articles Week Basics of Basics of Reading Anesthesia Anesthesia Assignment s and Videos Week 7 Watch the YouTube Read the PowerPoint on Dates: 5/14-5/20 Video on “Basic EKG” Demonstrate a EKG Training: Read the ECC knowledge of ECG Watching & Guidelines on PALS. application and Interpreting the This article is about 53 interpretation Defibrillator Monitor @ pages long and is from ACLS and PALS; however, it will AHq-c give you a basic understanding of Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Do not print unless you need to. Read the ECC Guideline on ACLS Read the ECC Guidelines on Pediatric Basic Life Support Read the ECC Guideline on Adult Basic Life Support Week 7 Mandatory Videos to Watch -EKG Training: Watching & Interpreting the Defibrillator Monitor
-AHA 2010 Guidelines: CAB BLS for Healthcare Provider.
Week 7 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
Week 7 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Mandatory Handout Readings for Week 7 The handouts on PALS, BCLS and ACLS are providing you with very basic information about the process. Please refer to your certification review in your department or testing center for more information. Week 7 Discussion Board: Mandatory Week 7 Discussion Group. No postings due this week. You will receive credit! Enjoy. Week 7 Lesson Quiz-1 This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 7 Preanesthesia Quiz-2
PreAnesthesia Quiz. 62 Questions worth 84 Points!
Week 8 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Edition Web Site Reading P Week Edition Basics of Assignments and D Basics Anesthesia Videos F of A Anesthe rt sia ic l e s Week 8 Go to and read the Re Dates: 5/21-5/27 Introduction and Chapters 1-9. ad Describe the principles the of acid base balance. show=sb&action=implode&id=2&sid=3 Po Use the navigation guide in the left column we to read the different chapters. rPo int, “N utri tio n in the Sur gic al Pat ien t” Re ad the PD F, “ Aci d Ba se Dis ord ers in Cri tic al Car e – Par t 1 of the An est he sia Tut ori al of the We ek 66 30t h Au gu st 20 07”
Week 8 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Read the Introduction and Chapters 1-9
-Short Review on the Respiratory System. Do not download anything just read the review information. -Arterial Blood Gas by Wisc-online
Week 8 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 8 Discussion Board: For those of you who will not have an opportunity to see a TEE performed this week...go to the website to brush up on TEE and then watch the video: Info: and Video (,-tests,-and-procedures- video/transesophageal-echocardiogram-(tee)-video.html). You should be able to click the links above to go to the websites. If not copy and past it into another web browser). After the TEE video there is also one on Cardioversion. ENJOY! This week I want you to observe an Anesthesiologist performing Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE). Tell the class what was going on with your patient and what the Anesthesia doctor discovered during the TEE exam. (Take notes if you have to). 1 posting minimum required this week.
Week 8 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!! Notes
Week 9
Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Edition Web Site Reading PDF Articles Week Edition Basics of Assignments and Basics of Anesthesia Videos Anesthes ia Week 9 Chapter 25, Chapter 25, . Read the PDF, Dates: 5/28-6/3 Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Disease, “Introduction to ECMO Demonstrate a Disease, pp. pp. 383-417 for Parents” to gain a knowledge of 365-391 Chapter 27, Chronic basic understanding of anesthesia for special Chapter 27, Pulmonary Disease, pp. the procedure and what situations: Chronic 418-447 the families are told - cardiac surgery Pulmonary Chapter 34, Pediatrics, about the procedure. -extracorporeal bypass Disease, pp. pp. 546-567 View the Picture: ECMO -neurosurgery 406-424 Read the PDF, -thoracic surgery Chapter 33, Chapter 36 Organ “Perioperative -trauma Pediatrics, pp. Transplantation, pp. 580- Considerations for Procedures 504-517 587 Anesthesia” -neonatal and pediatric Chapter 35, Chapter 37, Outpatient Read the PowerPoint surgery Organ Anesthesia, pp. 588-603 “Anesthesia Outside the -transplantation Transplantatio Chapter 38: Procedures Operating Room” -off-site procedures n, pp. 530-537 Performed Outside the Read the PDF, Chapter 36, Operating Room, pp. “Anesthesia in the Outpatient 617-628 Elderly” Surgery, pp. Read the PDF Lecture 538-549 Notes from the Airway Chapter 37, Carnival on “ Anesthesia Procedures for Diagnostic and Performed Interventional Outside the Radiology” Operating Room, pp. 550- 560
Week 9 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
Week 9 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Mandatory Handout Readings for Week 9: Anesthesia Outside the Operating Room Week 9 Discussion Board:
What are some of the out-of department procedures that your anesthesia department performs? 1 Posting Required this Week.
Week 9 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 10 Recommended Chapter Readings Reading 5th 6th Edition Web Site Reading PDF Articles Week Edition Basics of Assignments and Basics of Anesthesia Videos Anesthes ia Week 10 Watch the YouTube videos on: Live 3D Read the PDF, “ Dates: 6/4-6/10 Transesophageal Echo” Complications of Central Demonstrate Venous Catheterization” knowledge of issues Watch the rap music video on TEE from Read the PDF, “ Safety pertinent to the YouTube: Transesophageal echocardiographyof Transesophageal insertion of pulmonary (TEE rap) Echocardiography” artery catheters and CVAD Demonstrate a knowledge of set-up and placement of Transesophageal echocardiography transducer Week 10 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -Giving Scopes a Clean Bill of Health or
-Transthoracic Echocardiogram. Be sure to click over and read about TEE at this site! by the Cleveland Clinic gram_tte.aspx
Week 10 Mandatory Videos -Live 3D Transesophageal Echo
-Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE rap) Week 10 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 10 Discussion Board:
Go to the following website and read about ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) and watch the video at the bottom of the page. Tell the class about your experiences with seeing an ERCP procedure, if you have had a chance to see one. Week 10 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 11
Check your email boxes for the final course evaluation on or after June 3. Please complete this form for NSCC and CCHS! Have a fabulous summer!!! For those of you that will be taking the National Exam study the notes you have collected over the course of this program (especially the notes from the first 4 classes) and your Anesthesia textbooks. For those that will be fininshing the program starting in the fall, I will see you then. Classes start back in September, 2012, and will be offered through Carolinas College of Health Sciences (CCHS) only!!! It has been a pleasure having you in the program!!! Good Luck to Each of You. Recommended Chapter Readings
Reading 5th Edition Basics of Anesthesia 6th Edition Basics of Week Anesthesia Week 11 Final Exam Week. Dates: 6/11-6/15 Exam hint: know the answers to all the study guide questions from weeks 1-4, 6-10
Review all of the weekly quizzes, pre-tests, and weekly study guides for the final exam! It is highly probable that you will see the information again on the final exam!
Week 11 Final Exam You will have 4 hours to complete this exam which will automatically submit at the end of 4 hours whether you are finished or not. This is a one time exam! The absolute deadline for completion is Friday, June 15, 2012, by 11: 59pm (pst)!! If it is not completed by then you will receive a zero grade (unless prior written permission is requested and obtained from the instructor). Good Luck to Each of You!
Bonus Quizzes Reading Week 5th Edition 6th Edition Understanding Web Site/PPT PDF Articles/ Basics of Basics of Anesthesia Readings PowerPoints/H Anesthesia Anesthesia Equipment, 5th andouts Edition Bonus MaterialsQuizzes to be Posted after Mid-term Week. Bonus Quizzes Topics: It is A)Anesthesia Definitions and Terminology recommended B) Preoperative Assessment for Anesthesia and Surgery that you take C) OB Patients for Non-obstetrical Surgery and Anesthesia all the bonus Total Bonus Points to earn in this section: 47 points! quizzes, since the information will be on the final exam. These quizzes are worth anywhere from 15-20 points Bonus 1: Anesthesia Definitions Bonus 2: Preop Evaluation for Anesthesia and Surgery Bonus 3: OB Patients for Non-obstetrical Surgery and Anesthesia Notes Resources: Resources Links Communicate links
Anesthesia Technical Services Discussion Room This is where everyone can have their questions answered, well, except their test qusetions...
Procedure cards cards that you can edit
Procedure cards (locked format) These cards are in a set format.
Interactive Websites
A list of several anesthesia simulators Good site listing several interesting activities
A very good website for anatomy. Anatowiki An interactive anatomy and website. Get Body Smart
IABP tutorial Datascope online tutorial
Online Cardiac Challenge Fun online cardiac challenges
Online procedure tutorials Online procedure tutorials
University of Florida's simulations in anesthesia. Anesthesia Simulation Activities
North Seattle Community College Library
North Seattle Community College Library North Seattle CC's Anesthesia Technology Library Page
Useful Links
American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians The national organization for certification.
American Society of Anesthesiologists This site sets the standards for anesthesia.
Anesthesia Patient Saftey Foundation A great resource for patient saftey issues in anesthesia.
Anesthesia Wiki ongoing anesthesia wiki
Malignant Hyperthermia Association The authoritive source for MH
ANGEL Step 1 Intro to the ANGEL shell and layout
ANGEL Step 2 Accessing your class ANGEL Step 3 Lessons Tab
ANGEL Step 4 Quizzes and Online Activities
Why do Anesthesia Technicians Need Training? Reasons for certification through the ASATT
RSS Feed Patientaction | Patient care | Patient safety | Medication safety ...
I want to make sure everyone understands the correct formula and procedure for selection of uncuffed ET tubes, as you select and prepare the anesthesia cart for intubation in infants and children >1 years old. For those of you who have already taken the quiz, you did receive credit. The following, however is the correct posting for the question. Please adjust your study notes: For infants and children ≥ 1 yr, uncuffed tube size is calculated by (patient's age + 16)/4; thus, a 4-yr-old can have a (4 + 16)/4 = 5.0 mm uncuffed endotracheal tube. The tube size suggested by this formula should be reduced by 0.5 ( of 1 tube size) if a cuffed tube is to be used, which would require a 5- 0.5= 4.5mm cuffed tube, for the 4 year old, if so. Remember, as a technician, you should have a half size larger and a half size smaller ETT available on your anesthesia cart---AND the proper sized stylet and suction catheter anyway, in case of difficult or unexpected difficult intubation!! This is simply proper technique!! (Again, read the chapter on Airway Management in your Basics of Anesthesia Textbooks!!!). Also, patient ET tube selection can also be formulated using the patient's weight---see text book for those calculations.
ATEC 114: Survey of Perioperative Administration Week 1
Please Complete the Following Before or During Week One. 1) Mandatory Reading Assignment: Go to the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians Website and Review the "Standards of Practice" Which Describe Your Overall Job Responsibilities! 2) The Optional Computer Training Skills and Competencies (To Brush-Up on Your Computer Skills). Click Here to Begin Your Basic Online Computer Training
3) Watch the "Why Train" Video or Read the PDF Article on "Why Train to Become and Anesthesia Technician". The demand for Anesthesia Technicians is growing rapidly! Click here to read more about it...
4) Complete the Mandatory Syllabus Quiz---(Worth 25 Points)!!
The more you practice taking the test questions, the more you will become comfortable with tests when it's time to take the National Exam!
Mandatory Videos to Watch -CREST Services - Keeping Healthcare Technology Healthy Watch the following introductory AD on Healthcare Technology
-Cleveland Clinic Quality & Safety
Week 1 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) -History of the Operating Room
-American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians Standards of Practice
-ASATT Recertification Information Read the protocol on the ASATT's Certification (and Recertification) Process
-OR Basics, The Sterile Field
-Extra Info 1: Information about Fire Extinguishers
-Extra Info 2- Fire Extinguisher : 101
-Extra Info 3: The AORN Guidance Statement for Fire Prevention in the Operating Room
Week 1 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 1 Discussion Board:
Click on "NewPost" in the upper left-hand corner to respond to the following statement: How are things going this week? Only 1 posting minimum this week!
Week 1 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 2 Week 2 Mandatory Videos to Watch
OR Fire Safety 2011: Surgery vs. Anesthesia
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) Fire Safety Video Watch the 18 minute Video on Fire Safety Occupational Health & Infection Control Measures in Healthcare Facilities
Environmental Services: Cleaning the Operating Room
Week 2 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Complete the SCIP Surgical Care Improvement Project Continuing Education Module and read: Module 1: Reducing Surgical Site Infections -Understanding the Risk Factors
Patient Confidentiality and HIPAA, The American Medical Association topics/
Week 2 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 2 Discussion Board:
This week, I want each of you to go into an operating room and find examples of HIPAA violations---where patient information is left unattended and unprotected. Report your findings on this week's discussion board and what you did about your findings. 1 Posting Minimum this Week!
Week 2 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Week 2 Bonus: Electrical Safety CE Module Go to, register for a free account and then go to courses, operating room and complete the "Electrosurgical Safety Continuing Education Module" then upload a copy of your certificate of completeion or a copy of your certificate number to this drop box for 100 Bonus Points. I will not accept paper or emailed copies of your certificate. Part of your points will ensure me that you have been practicing in the basic computer training skills module found in the orientation folder. Notes Week 3 Week 3 Mandatory Videos to Watch
Sterile Processing Watch the view only video clip about sterile processing!
Medical Assistant Training Prepare for Minor Surgical Procedures
Gowning & Glove Sterile Technique Video
How to donn sterile surgical gloves & gown in operating room
Scrubbing, Gloving, Gowning - Pre OP
Week 3 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Create a free account and complete the Back to Basics: Surgical Skin Preparation Medline University
"Flash Sterilization - What Sterile Processors Need to Know"
Copyright © 2011 - Sterile Processing University, LLC - All Rights Reserved. This in-service (including photos) may not be copied or used without permission of the author. or For Permissions, read about the website author, Nancy Chobin.
*Questions?: E-mail [email protected] or call Heidi at 1-201-937-1343.
Leave a message if she is not there, she will return calls promptly.
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 930am - 530pm, Eastern time.
2) Ethylene Oxide (EtO or EO) Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities
Week 3 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 3 Discussion Board:
Take a tour through the Central Processing/Sterile Processing area of surgical services. (Ask someone who works in the area if they can give you a quick overview/tour of the area.) Observe the different areas where instruments are cleaned and processed. Was it more than you imagined? Report your observations.
Week 3 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!!
Notes Week 4
Week 4 Mandatory Videos to Watch
Sterile Processing Watch the view only video clip about sterile processing!
Preventing Cross Contamination in Endoscope Processing (February 2010)
Week 4 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008 or
Week 4 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 4 Discussion Board:
Take a break this week! Use the time to catch up on your assignments if you are behind. Next week is midterms and mid-tern grades will need to be posted for faculty at North Seattle and Carolinas College of Health Sciences. You will receive credit for this week's discussion board!
Week 4 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. You may also use your study guide to help you with the quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study guide!! Notes
Week 5
Mandatory Midterm Exam! Due Sunday, May 6, 2012 by Midnight! 155 Points! DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAM IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO TAKE IT TO COMPLETION. OPENING AND CLOSING THIS EXAM WILL BE INTERPRETED AS: LOOKING AROUND/PRINTING. THE TEST WILL AUTOMATICALLY SUBMIT UPON CLOSING AND YOUR GRADE WILL BE ZERO!! THIS IS CONSIDERED CHEATING!! You will have 3 hours to complete this exam which will automatically submit at the end of 3 hours whether you are finished or not. This is a one-time exam! The deadline for completion is Sunday, May 6, 2011. If it is not completed by then you will receive a zero grade (unless prior written permission or communication is requested and obtained from the instructor). Good Luck to Each of You! Week 5 Mandatory Midterm Course Evaluation 20 Points Will be Earned for Completing this Evaluation. The following is an evaluation survey for the online class you are completing this session. In order to improve the quality of the class and provide a better learning experience for future students, we would like to ask that you please take some time to complete the following survey. Your participation in this survey will be kept completely anonymous. You're participation is mandatory for this class. Also, the data you provide in this survey will NOT be used for, or in, any research and/or publications. What you have to say is very important and your comments will be seriously considered and may be used to improve the course for future sessions. Thank you for your participation!
Week 5 Discussion Board:
beating pulse jpeg. Pulse Check: How are things going so far? What information would you like to see in for bonus quizzes for this class---related to things that take place in the operating room? Everyone will receive points for discussion board this week! Notes
Week 6
Week 6 Mandatory Videos to Watch
Mixing the Antidote for Malignant Hyperthermia
Example of MH poster (See folder)
Week 6 Mandatory Website Readings
Cardiac Arrest: Read "Understand Your Risk of Cardiac Arrest" and "About Cardiac Arrest" The American Heart Association Your-Risk-for-Cardiac-Arrest_UCM_307909_Article.jsp For Fun: Play the ACLS Instant Jeopardy Review Game. Do not download anything!! And be sure to close on the "X" any advertisements that pop up at the beginning ACLS study guide Jeopardy Template
For Fun: Play the Code Blue Jeopardy Game! You will have to keep your score manually as you go through the questions! Code Blue in the Operating Room!
Week 6 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 6 Discussion Board: This week your task is to interview an Anesthesiologist or CRNA and find out if they have ever been a part of a malignant hyperthermia crisis in the operating room. Find out: what it was like (how did they feel), what was the hardest part about the case and how quickly staff came to help out. Do you know where your MH Crisis kit and cart are in your operating room? Do you know where the ice machine is? If you have never laid eyes on it or touched it, go do that, so you know where it is. Be sure to check the vials to ensure the Dantrolene is not expired or coming up on an expiration date. If it is, tell your manager or director immediately! (Dantrolene is expensive and management must ensure that the pharmacy has enough fresh stock immediately available!!). Tell me what you find (is your department ready?)
Week 6 Lesson Quiz Notes
Week 7
Shortcut Syllabus for ATEC 114
Week 7 Mandatory Videos to Watch Understanding Malignant Hyperthermia
The Preparation of Dantrolene
Week 7 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) Evaluation of the Difficult Airway by You will have to open an internet browser (Google) to go to the Medscape website to view the article.
Accidental esophageal intubation option=com_content&view=article&id=89&Itemid=126
Week 7 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 7 Discussion Board:
Mandatory Week 7 Discussion Group. No posting this week. You will receive credit. Enjoy!
Week 7 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study notes!!
Week 7 Mandatory PreAnesthesia Assessment Test Test your skills and see how much you know!! 2 Attempts! No Exceptions and No Extension of Deadline
Week 8
Week 8 Mandatory Video to Watch
World Health Organization (WHO) surgical safety checklist
Week 8 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder)
Anesthetic Gases: Guidelines for Workplace Exposures The United States Department of Labor
Interesting information about Waste Anesthetic Gases (WAGs) "Waste Anesthetic Gases---The Invisible Threat" Waste Anesthetic Gases, Hazards of
Week 8 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) The Basics of Sterilization Packaging for Medical Supplies and Equipment
Recommended Practices for Selection and Use of Packaging Systems for Sterilization Week 8 Discussion Board:
What protective measures does your institution have in place for protecting employees from anesthetic waste gases? Week 8 Lesson Quiz
This is an open book/open notes quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study notes!!
Week 9
Week 9 Mandatory Videos to Watch Surgery Department Design Related to Infection Control. Video/Webinar approx. 1 hour Week 9 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments (See folder) The Risks and Complications of Anesthesia A general overview!
Week 9 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder) Week 9 Discussion Board:
Communication is everything!! Give an example of excellent communication and task that you performed or were a part of, in the operating room, that helped you and other staff to provide excellent care for your patients!
Week 9 Lesson Quiz
This is an open book/open notes quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study notes!! Notes
Week 10
Week 10 Mandatory Videos to Watch
Documentation: Avoiding the Pitfalls
Week 10 Mandatory Website Reading Assignments “CFO: You Can Reduce Operating Costs While Improving Quality” Costs-While-Improving-Quality/ 5-S Lean Healthcare Program: See this example of programs that help educate healthcare staff on the Principles of LEAN
(See folder)
Week 10 Mandatory Handout Readings (See folder)
An Article on Regulatory Compliance and Anesthesia Management Click the "+ " sign to enlarge the print for the article Week 10 Discussion Board:
Principles of LEAN for Operational Excellence! Many of you have heard management discussing the Six Sigma's principles of "LEAN". This is a process used to create a more efficient and effective environment for businesses and both employees, and customers, and in our case patients! Read the information below about the process of LEAN and then tell the class at least one way you think your organization can save money and/or improve patient care. Only 1 posting minimum required this week! The thought process of Lean was thoroughly described in “The Machine that changed the World” by James P Womack, Daniel Roos, and Daniel T Jones in 1990. The fundamental objective of Lean is to create and maximize value through the elimination of waste. Organizations that re-think their end-to-end value chains and find ways to provide what their Customers value better, faster and with significantly fewer resources than their competitors can obviously develop an unassailable competitive advantage. The continued success of Lean thinking, principles and methods over the last two decades, makes Lean, together with Six Sigma, one of the main building blocks of every Operational Excellence initiative.
Week 10 Lesson Quiz This is an open book/open notes quiz. The quiz will not be in "word-for-word" format from your study notes!!
Notes Week 11 LAST WEEK OF CLASS!!! Week 11 Lesson-Final Exam and Course Evaluation from Email
Week 11 Mandatory Course Evaluations
Check your email boxes on or after June 3, for the final course evaluation. Please complete this form for NSCC and CCHS! Have a fabulous summer!!! For those of you that will be taking the National Exam study the notes you have collected over the course of this program (especially the notes from the first 4 classes) and your Anesthesia textbooks. For those that will be finishing the program starting in the fall, I will see you then. Classes start back in September, 2012, and will be offered through Carolinas College of Health Sciences (CCHS) only!!! It has been a pleasure having you in the program!!! Good Luck to Each of You. Final Course Evaluation!! Click here and read!!
Week 11 Final Exam
Notes Click Here!!!
Celebrate and take a break. You made it and you deserve it!!!
Bonus Quiz Section see folder Bonus Quizzes for the Quarter! Worth 15 points each. READY!! 1) Electrosurgical Units. Worth 15 Bonus Points Thumb through the "Principles of Electrosurgery" Reference Handout by Megadyne! Then take the brief quiz! 2) Lasers in the Operating Room. Worth 15 Bonus Points Thumb through the handouts on special ET Tubes and Lasers in the Operating Room and take the bonus quiz!
3) Oxygen Delivery---Worth 15 Points! Read through the website information on Oxygen Delivery and take the quiz Oxygen Delivery by The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne
4) Hand washing by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Worth 15 Points! Read through the website and take the bonus quiz! Resources Links Documents
Troubleshooting Cards Troubleshooting cards that you can change
Troubleshooting Cards (locked format) These cards are in a set format.
Interactive Websites
A list of several anesthesia simulators Good site listing several interesting activities
A very good website for anatomy. Anatowiki
An interactive anatomy and website. Get Body Smart
University of Florida's simulations in anesthesia. Anesthesia Simulation Activities
North Seattle Community College Library
North Seattle Community College Library A library page for the Anesthesia Technician program
Useful Links
American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians The national organization for certification.
American Society of Anesthesiologists This site sets the standards for anesthesia. Anesthesia Patient Saftey Foundation A great resource for patient saftey issues in anesthesia.
Anesthesia Wiki ongoing anesthesia wiki
Malignant Hyperthermia Association The authoritive source for MH
Online Anesthesia Machine Text-Book This link was given to us by Michael Dosch CRNA, MS, Ph.D.c
ANGEL Step 1 Intro to the ANGEL shell and layout
ANGEL Step 2 Accessing your class
ANGEL Step 3 Lessons Tab
ANGEL Step 4 Quizzes and Online Activities
Why do Anesthesia Technicians Need Training? Reasons for certification through the ASATT
Course Polls Bonus Points-Only Complete Each Poll One Time! 5 points for each course poll that you complete! Hi Everyone, I want you to watch these videos. It is the story about the "Tortoise and the Hare". They are cute and if you have children you may watch them with your children. They are YouTube videos and divided into 4 parts. The reason why I am asking that you watch these videos, is quite simple...some of you are flying through the lesson quizzes and tests trying to hurry and get assignments completed. Miscellaneous
YOU MUST TAKE YOUR TIME AND READ WHAT THE QUESTION IS ASKING. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU WILL MISS SOME OF THE MORE SIMPLE QUESTIONS ON THE NATIONAL EXAM...ALL BECAUSE YOU DID NOT READ ALL THE PARTS OF THE QUESTION!! I can tell that some of you are not reading the questions and that you're just flying through taking the quizzes. This is not the benefit of having multiple opportunities for taking the quizzes. The benefit is for you to learn (through reading the assignments) why you missed the correct answer and then get it right on the next try. Research what you missed so you will know the correct answers. "The Tortoise and the Hare" . Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4