Biology CP I Exam Study Guide Semester II 2000 Sister Ruth

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Biology CP I Exam Study Guide Semester II 2000 Sister Ruth

Honors Exam Study Guide Semester II 2016 Sister Ruth

Book Modern Biology 2006 Online Edition 2006

The Biology exam will consist of multiple choice, completion matching and labeling items on diagrams. You will be using a scan-tron for your answers. There might be one essay question.

You may create an index card to be used for reference during the Biology exam. It will be checked at the start of the exam to be sure it meets the criteria listed below. If the card does not meet all the criteria listed below, it will be collected and you will not be allowed to use it for reference during the exam. It will be turned in along with your exam. Making the reference card is optional.

Note: The index card is not a substitute for studying for the exam. It is a tool that you may make as you study, perhaps with key words or prompts to help you remember ideas or details to help you think through questions on the exam. Often the experience of making the card helps with preparation for the exam such that many students don’t even need the card while taking the exam. Criteria: 1. Size: 4 x 6 index card 2. You can use one side only 3. It must be hand written by you in blue ink. Mechanically produced or cut and paste items (text, diagrams or charts) may not be included. 4. Your last name must be written on the unused side of the card.

Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Genetics - who Mendel was and be familiar with his experiments - Mendel's laws / principles - the difference between homozygous and heterozygous genotypes - how to do genetic problems using a Punnett square - how to determine genotype and phenotype ratios - what incomplete dominance is and how to determine the results of - crosses involving incomplete dominance - dihybrid crosses - the difference between a gene, chromosome and allele - the genotypes of ABO blood types - how to predict the possible blood types of offspring using Punnett squares

Chapter 12 Inheritance Patterns and Human Genetics - the difference between germ cell and somatic cell mutations - when mutations occur most often - distinguish between inversion, translocation, nondisjunction, point (gene) and chromosome mutations - causes of mutations - genetic problems involving sex-linked traits - sex-chromosomes, sex determination - interpreting a Pedigree - difference between single allele, polygenic and multiple allele traits - Codominance, sex-limited traits, sex-influenced traits - how genetic disorders are detected; disorders caused by nondisjunction - genetic counseling, amniocentesis

Chapter 16 & 17 Population Genetics, Speciation, Classification & 17 - Causes of genetic variation in populations - Relationship of bell curve to variation in a species - Conditions necessary for equilibrium in a population - Effects of Immigration emigration on a population - stabilizing selection, disruptive selection and directional selection - compare punctuated equilibrium with gradualism - taxa levels: order and sequence (Kingdom, Phylum, Class etc) - taxa categories for humans - scientific names –how determined binomial nomenclature - Cladograms how to analyze and contrast

- shared characters and derived characters

Chapters 18 20, 21 Ecology

- Concept of interconnectedness - Components of Lithosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere and Biosphere - Identify sphere to sphere interactions and chains of interactions in regard to events that cause climate changes; impact of disturbances in the ecosystem - biotic and abiotic factors - tolerance curve in regard to temperature, acclimation - conformers and regulators, dormancy, migration - niches, generalists, specialists - symbiotic relationships: commensalisms, parasitism, mutualism - interaction predator/ prey relationships on natural selection - mimicry - compare species richness and diversity; latitude - contrast, compare food chains and food webs - types of producers and consumers and their roles and placements in food chains and food webs - how to read / interpret pyramids of biomass, numbers, energy - biogeochemical cycles: water, carbon, nitrogen - characteristics of the major world biomes - Equations for Photosynthesis and Respiration

Study all terms for chapters 18 20 and 21

Diagrams: water and carbon cycles, pyramids of Energy, Biomass, numbers, Photosynthesis and Respiration Foldable Chapter 19 Population Ecology

- Compare population size and density, how size is estimated - Measurements used to describe changing populations - Clumped, random, uniform dispersion patterns - Factors affecting population distributions - Compare birth rate, mortality rate, life expectance - 3 types of survivorship curves - Exponential model and logistic model of population growth and assumptions for each - model - Describe density independent density dependent - Effects of agricultural revolution on human population

Terms for chapter 19

Diagrams Survivorship curves, exponential and logistic models dispersion patterns

Chapter 51 Human Reproduction - sperm and egg structure and pathways - structures and functions of male and female reproductive systems - ovarian / uterine cycle stages and functions of hormones that are involved - male hormones and functions - stages of human development - stages of pregnancy and birth Terms for Chapter 51

Diagrams: Human male and female reproductive system Anatomy of sperm cells Chapter 14/15 Origin of Life / Evolution -how fossils are formed, dated and descriptions of types of fossils such as imprints, molds, casts, and amber, carbon tracing - law of superposition -how homologous structures and vestigial organs suggest common ancestry of species; distinctions between these - Evidence for evolution such as: biochemical, embryological, homologous and analogous structures -Charles Darwin’s biography, and Natural selection /the name of his book -the relationship between natural selection and evolution -Lamarck – theory for evolution / acquired traits -types of evolution: Coevolution, Convergent, Divergent -characteristics of primates /anthropoids / hominids -characteristics types of hominids (hominid chart)

Body Systems Survey - Body systems table of notes - Body systems color plates: Digestive, Endocrine, Skeletal, Nervous, Muscular

Frog Packet -study all diagrams, observations, packet questions, color plates

Microorganisms -characteristics, environmental requirements, cell structure, nutritional modes, reproduction for bacteria, Protista, Viruses, - diagrams of each group and cell parts - terms as assigned for each group

Algae / Plants Characteristics and examples of Algae Characteristics and examples of major plant phyla

Animals Animal chart Study the objectives and terms and color plates, review sheets, and hand outs for the above chapters. Use review sheets as practice questions. You do not have to study video worksheets. Don’t forget to practice genetic crosses.

Note: You may want to try the quizzes and activities of the online edition of the book as practice.

You might also like to check out chapter resources pages.

They are listed below:

Chapter 51 Resource page

Chapter 10 Resource page

Chapter 9 Resource Page

Chapter 12 Resources page

14 / 15 Resource Page

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