Nash Mills Summer Edition

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Nash Mills Summer Edition

YOUR LOCAL COUNCILLORS ARE: - Tel. 01462 735553 Councillor Mrs L. Foster (Chairman) Contact Tina Boggins, Parish Warden via Clerk. 7 Crabtree Lane H.H. HP3 9EG. Tel: 01442 257203 Councillor Mrs J Maddern -1- 29 Swan Mead H.H. Bunkers Park by Geoff Doole HP3 9DQ Tel. 07711066696 Councillor Ms L Bayley [email protected] The winter work of coppicing is well behind us now and we 40 Highbarns H.H. were all pleased that we found a use for some of the timber HP3 8AF Tel: 01442 211602 we had cut to help with fencing on a project in Apsley. We Councillor G. Doole are still looking for other opportunities to use the cuttings so 25 Silverthorn Drive H.H. if you have an idea then please get in touch. HP3 8BX [email protected] Tel: 01442 267050 The last project of the winter made a change from sawing as we built some simple seats that can be used by people Councillor T. Collins walking the Park to take a moment to reflect or, in my case, 328 Barnacres Road HP3 8JS catch your breath. Just as we had used our trimmings to

[email protected] help another project in Dacorum we were given timber from Tel: 01442 405220 Chipperfield woods with which to make the seats. Digging Councillor Mrs H. Gough (Vice Chairman) holes one foot square and 3 feet deep in our soil is not as [email protected] easy as it appears but about 5 teams achieved it within a 25 Swan Mead H.H. Tel: 01442 382989 couple of hours adding 5 new benches to the two we already HP3 9DQ had erected. They have been checked for level and are Councillor Mrs J. Doole [email protected] remarkably flat and secure so completely safe on which to 25 Silverthorn Drive H.H. Tel: 01442 267050 rest. HP3 8BX The usual summer litter pick was undertaken by the local Councillor D. Jackson Scouts as part of their activities that replace the old Bob a Job 27 Swan Mead week so a grateful thanks to them. We have a new project [email protected] for the summer – Ragwort pulling! It is not some traditional Tel: 01442 230892 Old English custom that is having a revival but a necessary HP3 9DQ part of the open space management to allow the grass to be Mrs Linda Sutton, Parish Clerk cut and used for animal food as Ragwort is poisonous to [email protected] cows. The group will meet at 9.30am on Saturday 10th 154 Hitchin Road Stotfold Herts SG5 4JE August at the car park and the Hemel Hempstead Conservation group will be joining us and bringing a fire pit the start of the Universal Penny Post system the machines for a BBQ after the hard work is done. If you want to join us were kept behind locked doors. This paper incorporated a series of coloured silk threads into the wet pulp so that the can you let us know so that we can manage salads and paper could not be forged. drinks but you need to bring your own meat or veggie burgers. Contact Linda or myself to confirm. We are a The paper was printed and cut into rectangles for sale at friendly bunch so do join us. Post Offices. Later envelopes, then known as ‘pockets’, were made using the same silk thread paper. When Enjoy the park this summer – its official that we will get one perforated stamps came into being, the threads caused but no one is going to guarantee how long it will last! -3- -2- blockages in the perforation punches and so its use came to More Rural Life by Mike Stanyon an end. Readers of earlier issues will know that I have been dipping into the memoirs of John Turner who was born in Nash Mills Other manufacturers complained that Dickinson’s patents and later emigrated to America in 1872. I have mentioned gave him an unfair monopoly but the die had been cast and before that he was born at Mount Pleasant, a three storey Dickinson had become so well established in the production tenement once located by Nash Mills School. Three families of envelopes that he was able to extend the Apsley paper lived there and on the ground floor there was a communal mill to incorporate vast buildings for the manufacture of bakery where the local women came to bake their bread. He envelopes and stationery. tells us that the tenement was owned, and presumably built, by the mill owners. This would have been long before the Employment for many thousands of people was eventually days of John Dickinson who bought the mill in 1811. One created so that John Dickinson and Co had become the can only imagine what an important centre the bake-house World’s largest stationery producer by the 1950’s. All of would have been for local news. which sprang from those early developments in Nash Mill.

Part of his narrative reminds us that in the 1840’s and 50’s NASH MILLS VILLAGE HALL there was still a ‘Statute Fair’, held in Hemel Hempstead, where anybody seeking employment would go to be hired. The Village Hall is still in the process of being refurbished and work This seems to have been restricted to the unskilled workers to build the extension at the rear and replace the roof is about to like farm labourers and domestic staff not the paper mill commence. It will be available for use at the end of August for workers who had been trained in their tasks. During the celebrations/parties, training, dancing and meetings. eighteenth century it was common for papermakers to ‘tramp’ from mill to mill. This system allowed them to gain A working group undertakes minor maintenance jobs and cleaning board and lodging and to be employed at mills which were once a quarter on Saturday mornings and if you feel you can give registered with their union. During the nineteenth century some time to do a little painting, carpentry, weeding, cutting the grass or general washing down and tidying up, your support would this system died out as mechanised papermaking became be much appreciated by the Hall and the Trustees. We also more normal and we have no evidence that Nash Mill was provide refreshments to keep us going during these sessions. ever on their route. The Chairmanship has recently changed to Keith Gower and the John Dickinson’s innovative processes made casual labour Trustees are looking for an additional member to join the group unwelcome. In 1840 when he was making special paper for looking after the Hall with a view to possibly reducing the average Nash Mills Parish Council is currently undertaking age to? and helping plan the future for the Hall. a survey on the number of grit bins in the parish. If If you are looking for a venue for an event, the facilities include a you are aware of where one could be sited safely large hall with beautiful parquet flooring, small room, kitchen with 2 please contact any of the team (contact details are gas cookers, seating for 120 and parking for 35 vehicles. at the front of this edition) or email To see the site visit [email protected] or if you see ttp:// or to view Tina our Parish Warden on her rounds let her the Hall or make a booking contact the Secretary, Mrs Barbara Palmer on 01442 395414. know. We would appreciate your thoughts.


SJM Accountancy Services Ltd -5- Caters for all accountancy work from individuals/sole SUMMER SURPRISES traders up to consultancy work for large corporate 1) By what name is Lancelot Brown more usually known? 2) What companies colour is a Welsh poppy? 3) Name the organic gardener, almost as Tax returns for individuals, sole traders and companies famous for his long blonde plait as his organic books. 4) What Vat advice and returns colour is a Himalayan poppy? 5) Give the alternative name for a Mountain Ash tree. 6) Which kind of bulbs were once exchanged CIS returns as a form of currency? 7) By which Latin name was Rosa Gallica Rental property taxation previously known? 8) What is sushi traditionally wrapped in? 9) If Account preparation for self employed, ltd companies and you had Lafite-Rothschild on your dinner table, what would it be? 10) May Queen, Wisley, Foxwhelps and Lane's Prince Albert are partnerships all species of what? 11) What is allspice alternatively known as? Management accounts 12) What colour is Absinthe? 13) What flavour is Cointreau? 14) If Set up or advice for new accounting systems, you were to cut a hare into pieces, marinate it in wine and juniper forecast/budgeting, payroll, cash flow berries then stew this slowly in a sealed container, what would this recipe be called? 15) How many crocus flowers does it take to Commercial / Project accountancy consultancy work for make a pound of saffron? 16) If you were painting with tempera, large companies what would you be using to bind together colour pigments? All work completed by a fully licensed ACCA Accountant 17) What is John Leach famous for making? 18) What is another name for Hedera Helix? 19) What well known vegetable whose Fast, friendly & efficient service flower heads are known as curds, belong to the Brassicaceae Call or e-mail for advice or a free estimate family? 20) What is the Buddleia a perennial woody species commonly known as? Telephone: 01442 231504 Mobile: 07799 411236 Answers to the Clerk (address inside cover) by th E-Mail: [email protected] the 30 September 2013. ANSWERS TO WINTER 2012 GRIT BINS IN NASH MILLS 1) Felix Barnard. 2) Denmark. 3) Sweden. 4) Cologne Cathedral. age event so if you would like to join us come along between 3pm 5) 1957. 6) Peel, boil & soak in sugar water and vanilla & dry in -5.30pm and enjoy the fun! hot oven. 7) Gingerbread House. 8) Poult. 9) Tinsel. Our Saturday Morning Café continues to attract both members of our 10) Wenceslas. 11) Bon-bons. 12) Austria. 13) Mince pie. congregation as well as local residents – so why not pop in between 10am 14) George V. 15) Specialist German Christmas bread. – 12noon for some refreshments and a chance to have a chat - we will be 16) White. 17) Panettone. 18) Mexico. 19) Six. 20) H20. pleased to see you!!

We were due to hold a concert earlier on this year but due to the weather, Thank you for all your entries. and lack of heat in the church this had to be postponed till later on in the year. Although the date has not been set yet, please look out for more details either in the local paper or on our web site which is The lucky winner with all 20 correct answers is S.Halladey, Chambersbury Lane. The prize of As we have now passed the longest day and the nights are drawing in!! £10 will be winging its way to her so well done! another event which is now only 4 months away is our ‘Christmas Bazaar’ on Saturday 16th November between 10am -1pm . So enjoy this year’s late summer, and hopefully we will have a mild autumn and -6- winter!! NEWS FROM ST MARY’S CHURCH, APSLEY from Peter Bladon -7-

As I write this, summer seems to have at last come! We had our G.Y.P. Community& Summer Fair on the 6th July. Anyway if you came along to GENERAL BUILDER it many thanks for your support and I hope the sun stayed out!!

On Saturday 22nd June some of us from St Mary’s went to the Alban Day Extensions, Patios, Alterations and maintenance. Festival which is held on St Albans Day each year to mark the death some 1,700 years ago of the first English martyr. This year it started with a References are available. procession through the city of St Albans to the cathedral. If you did not go you can watch it on BBC1 ‘Songs of Praise’ on Sunday 28th July. You might even see our special pilgrim’s banner from St Mary’s!! Contact: 01442 401718/07946451089

Our re-hung bells have now had a period of time to settle in, and we certainly have had quite a lot of bell ringers from other churches coming 43 Meadow Road, along to have a ring on them, and it is good to report that they all have Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead, agreed that they are a lot easier to ring. We have also had good reports from local people who have said how good it is to have them back and Hertfordshire. HP3 8AJ creating that very English sound on Sunday mornings and evenings.

The ‘Messy Church’ that started at the beginning of the year and is held most months continues to attracted some newer members as well as some Do you know someone of our normal congregation. This very informal event takes place on a who needs care? Our Nash Mills team Sunday afternoon with drama, craft, singing and model making and lots more. It ends with a short service followed by a shared meal. It is an all offers specialist Live-in Care. Working with people of all ages, our Live-in Carers provide one-to-one support, balancing independent living with bespoke care needs. K.A. CARTER We can assist with: • personal care ROOFING SPECIALIST • companionship RENEWAL AND REPAIRS BY THE • housekeeping LOCAL NASH MILLS EXPERT OVER Our award-winning service –Helping Hands 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE is rated Excellent by the Care Quality Commission. Find out how we can TILES, SLATES, GUTTERING, help you, please call CHIMNEYS, P.V.C FASCIA BOARDS & 0808 180 1027 or visit SOFFIT BOARDS FREE ESTIMATES TELEPHONE Established since 1989 BEFORE 9PM 01442 258015 MOBILE PM ONLY 07776029449 -8-

P. W. ANDERSON & WOODMAN BROS. LTD. -9- Solid Fuel Merchants Ken Hodson Calor Gas Suppliers Computer Hardware and Software Repairs, Horticultural Supplies Individual Tuition Upgrades and Advice for Home and Pet Food – Bird Seed Business Building Supplies Tel. 07974 156743 / 01582 794723 Barnacres Mill, The Denes, [email protected] Hemel Hempstead. k HP3 8AP  No fix, no fee for all repairs – you have nothing to lose! Telephone 01442 264271  Low hourly rate  Most repairs carried out in your home. If not the The school began 2013 by welcoming a new headmistress. computer will be picked up and delivered back to you. Mrs Elizabeth Thomas succeeded Mrs Kerstin Lewis who  Problems with Windows / Applications / Games / Internet retired at the end of Abbot’s Hill’s centenary year after / networks fixed. sixteen successful years at the helm. Mrs Thomas brings  Friendly training and instructions given in plain English! with her a wealth of experience and was previously Head of  Advice given on upgrades – many older computers can be Stonar School in Wiltshire. upgraded at a fraction of the cost of a new machine  Upgrades of hardware and software carried out. Abbot’s Hill is a dynamic school, with a spirit of adventure Apsley Domestic Cleaning and participation, offering wonderful opportunities for life and learning in every direction; a united community with an Local company established since outstanding record of achievement and sense of common 2002 purpose. Pupils are taught in small classes and teachers are able to get to know pupils as individuals. The recent Regular weekly cleaning and Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report (January 2012) stated that “small classes, in which pupils feel well known ironing with the same cleaner. and supported, enable them to fulfil their potential.” We vet cleaners at their home. Great importance is also placed in developing the individual You meet & approve cleaner before and giving every pupil the opportunity to discover and start. Typically £11 p/h Inc. develop their own unique talents and to shine. The ISI report noted that “the quality of pupils’ personal development is “Relax and leave the cleaning to us” outstanding” and also commented on the varied extra- curricular programme which “offers opportunity and choice 01442 235 253 for all”.

26 Great Elms Rd, Nash Mills, Hemel, School highlights this year included a superb production of HP3 9TJ Lionel Bart’s Oliver featuring pupils from Year 3 to Year 11. Key stage 3 girls joined school teams throughout the country -10- to produce news bulletins for BBC School Report and interviewed local shopkeepers about the horsemeat scandal.

-11- Abbot’s Hill is an independent day school for girls aged 3-16 and boys aged 3-5. A team of six Year 3 pupils won the annual Haresfoot Challenge competing in a range of survival, creative and imaginative activities to test their skills and teamwork -12- abilities. The ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ annual summer ball, organised by the Abbot’s Hill Parents’ Association, together with fundraising efforts by staff and Phil Cordell Telephone Engineer pupils raised over £7,000 for the Hospice of St Francis. Problems with your telephone? As part of a continuing programme of development work was carried out over the summer to create additional Do you have an internal fault? teaching rooms in the Stable Block and to extend and Do you need an extra socket? enhance facilities for Art & Design, Food Technology and ICT. Whole School Open Days take place on Saturday 5 Or is it in the wrong place? October 2013 2pm-4pm and Saturday 16 November 10am- Local, friendly ex-BT engineer with 12pm. There will be a Working Open Morning for the Prep School on Wednesday 9 October. over 20 years of experience. Will beat all BT quotes by miles!!! For more information visit: or call 01442 240333. Call Phil on 07779033602 anytime Venue Hire at Abbot’s Hill Residents’ Association Initiative Abbot’s Hill is the perfect venue for your celebration, be it wedding reception, party or other special occasion. We have Are you thinking of organising a Residents’ a dedicated catering team with many years’ experience who Association within Nash Mills? take pride in offering a unique service tailored to meet individual customer’s needs. Then contact either Dave Jackson or Helen Gough. All are councillors contact details are at The Victorian House, with library, drawing room, dining the front of this edition or available on the room and picturesque grounds, offers versatile space full of website: character, allowing us to cater for 50-250 guests. We may also be able to consider requests from organisations to hire out both indoor and outdoor sporting facilities. They can advise you and point you in the right direction! For further information, or to arrange a visit, please contact the Domestic Bursar on 01442 839127 or visit: Please speak to your Parish representatives as the Parish Council may be able to help with the cost of set up fees to get the group started. NMPC for Nash Mills resident’s dogs. Go along and collect a few bags each week. -13-

HARVEY MELLISH ELECTRICAL SERVICES All types of electrical installations Useful Numbers Domestic to Commercial Abandoned vehicles 01442 867858 Inspection and Testing reports, landlord Safety Age Concern 01442 259049 Inspections, Benefits Agency 0845 6060 265 PAT Testing & Electrical Maintenance Boxmoor Trust 01442 253300 Friendly and Efficient service Bulky household items collection 01442 867858 Please call for advice or a free estimate Citizens Advice Bureau 08448 731303 All work tested & certified Community Safety 01442 867865 Fully insured and qualified Council Tax 01442 867860 No Job too small Dacorum Borough Council 01442 228000 Telephone: 01442 231504 Dacorum Youth Forum 01442 228741 Mobile 07920127368 Dog Warden 01442 2228088 Email: [email protected] Environmental Services 01442 867858 Gas leaks 0800 111 999 PART ‘P’ APPROVED Hemel Hempstead Hospital 01442 213141 ELECSA Approved Contractor & registered member Housing and Council Tax 01442 867868 22722 Housing Repairs 0800 018 6050 Housing Services 01442 867878 Job Centre 0845 6043719 Minicom 01442 228656 Nash Mills Village Hall 01442 395414 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Neighbourhood Action 01442 228725 Pest Control 01442 867867 FREE DOG BAGS Pollution 01442 867866 Police Emergency 999 Police non-emergency 101 Town Tub Launderette situated at number 7 The Potholes 03001234047 Denes shopping parade (01442 252139) have Recruitment (DBC) 01442 867876 very kindly agreed to continue storing and Shopmobility 01442 259259 handing out the free dog bags purchased by Spatial Planning Team 01442 228000 Sports Centre 01442 228188 SS Benefits Enquiries 0800 882200 Veolia 0845 7823333 The Centre in The Park 01442 262746 Travel Concessions 01442 867870 Volunteer Centre 01442 214734 Waste Services 01442 228000/228778 Veolia Water Leaks/No Water/Flooding 0845 7823333 Edition 104 SUMMER 2013 Nash Mills Parish Council


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