English Pre-AICE English Literature Grade 9
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English Pre-AICE English Literature Grade 9 Classroom Syllabus
Instruction: Ms. Prozzo Bldg. 8 Room 123 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (941) 355-2967 Remind App: https://www.remind.com/join/msprozzo Ext. 65236 or Enter 81010 texted to @msprozzo
Dear Students: Welcome to Ms. Prozzo’s Pre-AICE Class! I look forward to meeting and working with all of you. This course emphasizes the improvement of reading comprehension, literary analysis, writing process, and oral response to a variety of literary genres through cooperative group work, deep analysis, technology, and research. Our learners are: 1. confident in working with information and ideas -their own and those of others 2. responsible for themselves, responsive and respectful of others. 3. reflective as students, developing their ability to learn 4. innovative and equipped for new and future challenges 5. engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference
Furthermore, as part of the Cambridge Academy, you will also prepare for the Florida State Assessment (FSA) which focuses on Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. I STRONGLY encourage parents to visit the Department of Education website by accessing this link: http://fsassessments.org/students-and-families/ Here you will find standards, graduation requirements, FAQ’s, practice tests and more!
For starters, let’s review the academic aims and expectations of this class:
AIMS: Enable students to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in speech and writing. Enable students to understand and respond appropriately to what they hear, read, and experience. Encourage students to enjoy and appreciate variety of language. Complement students’ other areas of study by developing skills of a more general application (e.g. analysis, synthesis, drawing of inferences). Promote students’ personal development and an understanding of themselves and others.
OBJECTIVES: AO1: Show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts in the three main forms (Drama, Poetry and Prose), supported by reference to the text. AO2: Understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond the surface, and form to create and shape meanings and effects. AO3: Recognize and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure and form to create and shape meanings and effects. AO4: Communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts.
1 I. Materials For this Language Arts class, you will need: 1. A HUGE binder with loose leaf paper 2. Dividers that separate your binder into 10 sections:
Bellwork Perrine’s Packets Literary Hand Outs Short Stories Poetry Novel Drama Vocabulary Tests/Quizzes Cornell Notes
3. A Traveler Folder: think of this as your mini folder to store homework in so you don’t have to carry your bulky monster binder in your backpack. 4. Sticky Post It Notes (optional) 5. Pencils and blue or black pens. NO COLORED PENS 6. Highlighters (please have 3-5 for color coding) 7. USB Flash Drive 8. Index Cards
II. Preparedness As soon as you walk into this classroom, you need to sit in your assigned seat. At that point, you need to take out your binder and begin to respond to your daily Bellwork. When the bell rings, I begin class. You must be in your seat ready, quiet and waiting for further instruction. I mean business. Follow those expectations. YOU ARE IN YOUR SEAT AND NOWHERE ELSE. YOUR BINDER MUST BE ON YOUR DESK.
III. Notebook Upkeep Since your binder will serve as a study reference, it is important that you keep it neat and up to date. Your binder will be graded periodically each nine weeks. Keep your work dated and in order. Your binder should be up to date with notes and assignments/drafts in the corresponding sections of the binder. IT MUST BE PRESENT EVERY SINGLE DAY WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO GET IT IF YOU FORGOT IT.
IV. Absenteeism/Tardies Whenever you are absent, you are responsible for making up any missing assignments (including Bellwork) so make sure to ask me or a fellow student what we covered the day you were missing. I will not go to you to remind you, so it is imperative that you seek out the missing assignments. You can also use REMIND to ask me. Currently, I do not have a web page. If any parent wants to donate clerical time…
Make Up Policy: 1. Announced Tests taken when students are absent must be made up the day of their return at lunch or after school; otherwise, the student receives a zero. PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY FOR PARENT PICK UP AFTERSCHOOL. We do not make up tests/quizzes during instructional time. If a student is absent multiple days, they receive equal allowance of time for make-up. Academics come first before rehearsal or other practice.
2. Announced Classwork given prior to the absence is still due upon return.
3. New Classwork given during student’s absence will be given another day (or more depending on the length of their absence.) You may need to come in at lunch or after school to allow me to teach you what you missed. You may also email me or call me afterschool. See the contact information on the front.
2 REMINDER assigned due dates are hard and fast.
Major projects, assignments, and essays will NOT be accepted past the assigned due date.
There is no such thing as “late work.” If you have a special circumstance, please have your parent email or call me BEFORE THE ASSIGNMENT IS COLLECTED.
However, if… - Your printer failed, ran out of ink or exploded: write it by hand. - Your little brother, sister, dog, cat or goldfish ate it, peed on it or buried it. Do it over. - You miss your airplane flight, use REMIND or email.
V. Home Work Homework is an extremely important part of this class, and of your overall grade. You must read or review material each night for a minimum of 30 minutes
Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is a serious act of academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated. Students must cite all work that is not their own. This requires students to give credit for any and all information used as the basis for essays, projects, and any other assignment. A “Works Cited” must be used whether information from primary or secondary sources is summarized, paraphrased, or quoted. Any work submitted which is plagiarized will receive an automatic zero and a referral will be written out. A parent/student signature form is attached and will be kept on file in the classroom.
VI. Grading Policy GRADES will be posted on GRADEBOOK electronically. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check grades online. Attached is a sheet to show you how to access your child’s grades. Keep in mind that I am able to see how frequently parents and students do and do not check student grades.
English Grading Scale The District Grading Scale Writings/Essays 25% A (90-100) Genre Analysis 20% B (80-89) Notes/Research/Vocab 15% C (70-79) Tests/Quizzes/Projects 20% D (60-69) Employability Skills 20% F (59 and below)
Writings and Essays: 25% This work includes all in-class and out of class writing assignments: This work includes all paragraphs, outlines, rough drafts and completed essays including Florida State Assessment practice work. This may be collaborative or independent work.
Genre Analysis: 20% This work includes specified work that pertains to the analysis of the genre we are studying whether it is fiction or nonfiction. This work includes Perrine’s Analysis Questions, Cambridge practice in workshop books, collaborative and individual work.
Cornell Notes, Research and Vocabulary: 15% This work includes all in and out of class assigned research and vocabulary work. Please note ALL research sources must be cited properly all of the time or no credit will be awarded. This category also includes Web 3 quests or other small or large computer-based research assignments. Vocabulary work may include specific practice packets with SAT words and subsequent assignment/projects to help embed them.
Summative Assessments (Tests and Quizzes)/Projects: 20% This includes all vocabulary, reading, and mechanics tests. Additionally, any class project that counts as a test will be reflected in this category. Please make sure that you are extremely familiar with my policy for missed test. Please refer back to “Make Up” Policy.
Employability: 20% Students will begin each quarter with 100 points in employability skills. Points will be deducted for the following: 5 points- Unexcused absence 3 points- Tardy 2 point for each- Being unprepared for class, not honoring Classroom Expectations (see further), violating the dress code, nonparticipation in classwork or homework, and not being on task ~~~~Grammar Bellwork Credit: Bellwork is done at the top of each class and counts as a grade in ESKILLS. If a student is late or absent, they are still expected to make up the Bellwork. Failure to do so will result in a loss of points. We collect, grade, evaluate and TEST on our Bellwork. ~~~~Notebook Check Credit will be turned in periodically as an ESKILLS grade. ~~~~Random Assignment Check: at any time, an assignment may count at Employability grade.
VII. Late Work LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Excused absences are the only exception. Refer to Make Up on p.2. Assignments must be handed in the day they are due. Failure to turn an assignment in on time, will result in a zero in my grade book. Remember that you are getting an extra .5 weighted GPA for taking this course. You must earn that highly valued grade with true commitment. Failure to turn in assignments will lead to failure in the nine weeks.
VIII. Classroom Expectations 1. Concentrate on the material being taught. 2. Listen to the questions and answers of others. 3. Take notes. Periodically review previous notes and assignments-in other words-STUDY! 4. Follow the class rules: . Be seated, quiet, and ready to work when the bell rings. Bring all necessary materials to class every day. . Follow directions the FIRST time they are given. . Raise hand and wait to be recognized before speaking. . Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. . Do not drink, eat, or chew gum in class. . Stay in your seat unless permission is given to leave it. . Show consideration and respect for others. . PHONES: Only if asked or by teacher for classwork. . As soon as teacher gives class quiet signal, students will quiet down, focus attention to the front of the class, and repeat the signal.
VIIII. Miscellaneous
TURN IN NEAT WORK. Papers are to be clean, EVERYTHING you turn in MUST have a proper heading (see below). NO wrinkles, NO torn edges, NO artwork/doodling.
4 NO COLORED PENS. Blue or black ink only.
WORD PROCESSED WORK PRODUCTS; If you like to word process your homework, that’s acceptable, but all work must be DOUBLE SPACED, must use A PLAIN FONT, must be 10 OR 12 POINT ONLY and must always be GRAMMAR/SPELL CHECKED.
HEADINGS ON PAPER: In the upper right hand corner, please write your full name, date and class period
NO NAME PAPERS: If you want that grade, you should have put a name on it. Points off if you forget!
KEEP EVERYTHING. Sometimes you’ll need to show proof that you did an assignment and you may want the work we’ve created to assist you in future ELA classes.
HOMEWORK IS DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD. I will not accept work that you give me in the middle or at the end of class.
BE PROACTIVE. BE RESPONSIBLE. Your job is to be honest and meet the challenges of this course in a straightforward way. Please address your problems in a responsible manner by coming to me as soon as the need arises. E-mail and office hours are great ways to communicate with me regarding homework questions.
TEACHER EMAIL: If you write to me, that’s fantastic. However, you must write a proper email starting with a greeting and ending with a polite goodbye.
LANGUAGE is powerful in determining how others see you. As this is a formal English class, it is essential that we practice formal, academic English. This includes in-class discussions, as well as ALL written work that is turned in for a grade. Abbreviations, “texting” language and slang terminology are to be avoided in all assignments.
BATHROOM: Oh! Did I forget to mention this? Last ten minutes with my pass. Emergencies speak to me on the side.
5 In closing,
During our time together we will be reading and writing about literature. As we practice close reading of novels, drama, short stories and poetry, our constant focus will be upon the response of the reader (us) to what effects the author has created. We will start from the premise that authors intentionally craft their works in order to communicate a message and generate a response from their audience. Our responses, both verbal and written, to each piece of literature will ask students to move away from passively experiencing a piece of literature. Instead we’ll practice connecting and relating to the ideas it presents, analyzing its characteristics and evaluating its quality.
Because reading and writing are closely tied, your experiences reading quality works will provide you with inspiration to write well. This powerful combination, combined with a sincere effort on your part will help you grow as a thinker and writer. Throughout the process, your peers and I will provide specific feedback that will help direct your growth, both as a reader and a writer. Cambridge Pre-Aice Literature is for students who are passionate, insightful, and dedicated. Thank you for taking the challenge. I look forward to our time together.
Most Sincerely,
Rebecca S. Prozzo