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Oregon Department of Education 255 Capitol St NE Salem OR 97310-0203
2009 K-8 Math Summer Institute: “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model” August 10-14, 2009
Overview In conjunction with the Oregon Department of Education, the Southern Oregon ESD and the Noyce Foundation are providing a Math Summer Coaching Institute for K-8 teachers and leaders.
The expectation for participating coaches, site leaders and teachers include: 5 days of professional development during the summer of 2009 5 days of follow-up professional development during the 2009-10 school year In-classroom coaching or site leader activities during the 2009-10 school year.
The Coaching Institute is for coaches and their target teachers or site leaders to establish either a coach-teacher relationship or leader-site leader relationship, improve their own teaching math content, and plan for the school year. Teams can be made up of members from more than one district, ESDs, and IHE (Institution of Higher Education). The math coaching-leaders work intensively throughout the school year with a cadre of teachers or site leaders for the purpose of improving math instruction and learning. The goal is to jump-start the partnerships, build a learning team, and grow in mathematical understandings. Each math coach/leader recruits three to four teachers/site leaders they will work with intensively during the 2009-10 school year. The group of four or five attends the CoachingIinstitute as a team.
The Coaching Institute will be held Monday, August 10 through Friday, August 14, 2009. The location of the training will be Southern Oregon University Each session will begin at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at 3:00 p.m.
Participants will select one mini-course in addition to the whole group session and district team planning. This mini-course will be offered by grade level span and will include math coaching training, math content (by grade span), pedagogy and the use of assessment in the classroom.
ODE and SOESD will provide five follow-up professional development sessions throughout the 09- 10 school year. Each district must commit to supporting the participants with five days of release time in order to attend the five follow-up sessions.
1 Institute Grant Application: For K-8 Math Teams from Districts, ESDs, and IHEs
The Department is pleased to make available Institute grants of up to $3,000 per team—a team must have four or five members—to reimburse participation in the Math Summer Institute and/or for planning activities associated with the 2009 K-8 Math Summer Institute: “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model that will be held on August 10-14, 2009 in Ashland, at Southern Oregon University.
. “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model” Institute Grants must be submitted no later than May 1, 2009.
. Funded activities must be completed by September 30, 2009.
. The grant funds are only for travel-related expenses, stipends, and associated professional development follow-up and offset the cost of participation in the Summer Institute.
. The grant funds can only be used to support professional development activities in mathematics grades K-8 associated with the design and implementation of math coaching within a district or region..
These grant funds must be expended by September 30, 2009. Priority will be given to: Districts with schools in Title I School Improvement status Partnerships that include more than one school district Math coaching supported during the 2009-10 school year
If you have questions regarding the institute, grant funding, application process or other issues related to the institute, please contact Bev Pratt (503) 947-5806 or [email protected]
2 2009 K-8 Math Summer Institute: “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model” August 10-14, 2009 Grant Application
District Name Fiscal Agent/Fiscal Contact Person School Name Mailing Address Project Director/ City, State Zip Team Leader Mailing Address Email City, State Zip Phone Email Fax Phone Fax Title I Status
Please include the following with your application: 1. Narrative responses to the following questions: a. What data has been used to determine the needs in your school/district? b. How will the grant funds support math coaching and math instruction in grades K-8? (Please be specific.) c. Professional development activities must reflect math content. Please describe the specific professional development activities that will be funded using these grant funds. 2. Describe in detail the responsibilities of each partner. Preference will be given to two or more districts working in partnership. 3. Describe how the grant will be supported during the 2009-10 school year. (Bonus Points) 4. Complete budget worksheet, using the categories listed below 5. Complete assurance form 6. Send team registration for 2009 Math Summer Institute to Linda Dunn by May 1, 2009. 7. List the team members below: Please choose your Project Director/Team Leader carefully. The Project Director/Team leader will receive all contacts from ODE concerning the Summer Institute. It will be their responsibility to keep team members informed.
August 10-14, 2009—Note: To be eligible for grant funds, teams must have 4 to 5 members. Title First Name Last Name E-mail address Math Coach K-2 Teacher 3-5 Teacher 6-8 Teacher Project Director/Team Lead
3 2009 K-8 Math Summer Institute: “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model” August 10-14, 2009 Grant Application
Budget Worksheet
Grant funds may be used for the following activities:
Category 1: 2009 Math Summer Institute expenses including stipends: Using the attached budget form, identify the costs associated with participation in the 2009 Math Summer Institute that will be reimbursed by the Institute Grant. Costs must be accurate and verifiable.
Category 2: Post-Institute Follow-up Planning: Allowable activities are professional development activities in mathematics grades K-8. stipends for continued team planning, materials used during staff development and/or team planning time.
Please describe the specific professional development activities that will be funded using these grant funds associated with the focus of the 2009 Math Summer Institute. Activities must be completed no later than September 30, 2009.
Note: You may request funds in any one or both categories. Total request must not exceed $3,000.
4 2009 K-8 Math Summer Institute: “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model” August 10-14, 2009 Grant Application
Institute Grant Budget Categories Funds Requested Total Cost Be specific; show how cost figures were obtained; use additional sheets, if necessary
Salary/stipend/travel- related expenses associated with the August 10-14 Math Summer Institute (Lodging, mileage, food, etc.)
Professional Development expenses aligned to math instruction in K-8
Administrative Service Costs, if required (Maximum 5%)*
* The fiscal agent may use no more than 5% of the requested funds for administrative service costs.
5 2009 K-8 Math Summer Institute: “Improving Math Content Instruction through a Coaching Model” August 10-14, 2009 Grant Application
Required Assurances . The applicant assures and certifies compliance with all regulations, policies and requirements as they relate to the acceptance and use of federal funds for programs included in this application. . The applicant member agrees to carry out the project as proposed in the application. . None of the monies received through the Math Summer Institute Grants shall be used to replace funds for existing programs that are a responsibility of the school district. Institute Grant Funds may be used to supplement, not supplant, regular education programs. . All requested information related to grant activities will be provided to ODE in a timely manner. . The district will support participants with 5 days of release time during the 2009-10 school year.
Project Director/Team Leader Title Date
Superintendent Title Date