The Outsiders by S
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The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton Vocabulary Terms
Ch. 1 & 2 Terms and Definitions Sentence from novel (page number) Asset (3): An advantage or source of strength
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unfathomable (10): Not capable of being understood or grasped
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rivalry (11): A continued striving for advantage over another
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gingerly (12): Cautiously; carefully
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Page 1 sagely (12): Wisely; knowingly
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roguishly (22): In a mischievous way
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incredulous (24): Not ready to believe; doubting
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nonchalantly (25): In a casual and unenthusiastic manner
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Page 2 abiding (34): Obeying
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digested (24): Thought over; absorbed
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Ch. 3 & 4 Terms and Definitions Sentence from novel (page number) sophisticated (38): Experienced in worldly ways
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aloofness (38): The state of being uninterested and unsympathetic
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Page 3 elite (41): Superior; top
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resignedly (44): Patiently accepting; in an unresisting way
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ember (47): A glowing piece of wood, coal, or other
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apprehensive (59): Anxious or fearful; uneasy
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Page 4 defiance (59): Open, bold resistance to authority
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contemptuous (59): Scornful, despising
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sheepish (65): Acting embarrassed or ashamed
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premonition (67): A feeling that something is about to occur
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Page 5 Ch. 5 & 6 Terms and Definitions Sentence from novel (page number) imploringly (72): In a pleading, begging manner
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sullenly (73): In a gloomy, silent, surly way
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hue (77): Color, especially a tint or shade
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subside (77): To sink back or down; become lower
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Page 6 elude (78): To escape understanding; baffle
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wistfully (82): Longingly; in a wishful manner
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doggedly (88): In a stubborn or persistent way
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conviction (89): A strong belief
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Page 7 detached (92): Uninvolved; indifferent; disinterested
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racking (98): Agonizing; tormenting
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Ch. 7 & 8 Terms and Definitions Sentence from novel (page number) radiate (101): To send out rays; to beam or shine
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delinquents (107): People (especially young people) who commit a crime
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Page 8 manslaughter (108): Unlawfully killing another without planning in advance
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brawn (109): Strength; physical power
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recurring (110): Occurring again and again
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aghast (112): Shocked; horrified; terrified
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Page 9 exploit (113): Daring act or heroic deed
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faltered (121): Spoke hesitantly; stammered
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jet (125): Black, usually highly polished
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divert (125): Draw to another direction; turn from its course
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Page 10 Ch. 9 & 10 Terms and Definitions Sentence from novel (page number) underprivileged (136): Not enjoying the social or economic benefits others have; needy or disadvantaged
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conformity (137): Acting according to general rules or standards
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ruefully (139): Regretfully; sorrowfully
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leery (139): Wary; suspicious
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Page 11 taut (142): Not slack; pulled tight
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contract (142): To draw together; shrink
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stupor (150): State in which the mind and senses are dulled; daze
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stricken (152): Tortured; agonized; heartbroken
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Page 12 delirious (157): Wildly irrational; mentally wandering
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clad (158): Dressed; wearing
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Ch. 11 & 12 Terms and Definitions Sentence from novel (page number) idolized (162): Adored; worshipped; blindly admired
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hearing (164): An appearance in front of a judge before a trial
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Page 13 guardian (165): Protector; one who watches over another
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liable (165): Likely
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flinching (168): Withdrawing or shrinking from
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acquitted (168): Set free after evidence has been considered
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Page 14 vacuum (173): State of emptiness; void
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veered (175): Shifted from one direction to another
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welled (176): Gushed up
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vast (179): Great in size or scope
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