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Student Government Association The Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg Campus, Capital College Sixth Meeting of the First Session of the 47th Congress Thursday, October 10th, 2013 –12:00pm TL 118, Science and Technology Building
Call to order the Sixth Meeting of the First Session of the 47th Congress
o President Kenny Seaman
-Meeting called to order at 12:02
Master Roll Call
o Chief of Staff Gino Giovanni
o Senator Lipuma made a motion for Senator Ranalli to join the senate at 12:04. Senator
Dekorte seconded the motion.
Approval of Minutes from 10/3/13
-Senator Dahyia made a motion to approve the minutes from 10/3/13. Senator Kakuturu
seconded the motion.
-Senator Dekorte made a motion for Nana Nyantekyi to join the senate at 12:08. Senator
Dahyia seconded the motion.
Old Business
o THON Carnival
-SGA is doing Tic Tac Toe
- We need prizes for the carnival
-Senate is urged to please be in attendance
New Business
o Prospective Senator Christine Bangura
-Discussion of the prospective senator
-Christine Bangura takes the stand and tells us about her self and why she wants to be
in SGA -Discussion
-Senator Dekorte made a motion to approve Christine Bangura into the senate. Senator
Nyantekyi seconded the motion. Yes-8 No-0 Abstentions-0
-The motion passes
- Chief Justice Michael Passiment swears in Senator Christine Bangura o Fall Fest
-We need volunteers for the walking taco stand for fall fest o Stuff-A-Plush
- Is hosted by campus life and is occurring on October 24th o CCSG Reports
President Kenny Seaman covered the geography, commonalities, and student life
-Barry Bram was the guest speaker
-Engaged scholarship initiative
Dr. Brent Yarnal- Chair of the faculty senate
-We passed 3 pieces of legislator
-Supporting engaged scholarship
-Advising concerns
-Support of senate bill 410
- Pertains to membership on the board of trustees. Their does not
necessarily need to be a student representative on the board, we are attempting
to make the seat permanent. We would like one from University Park and one
from a commonwealth campus. o Geography breakout-campus issues
-Issue with the common hour
-Textbook issue -Talked about some of the events we are hosting. o Commonality caucus
-Upcoming events
-Issues on campus o Student affairs
-Tiers of SAF
-Facility fees o Academic affairs- Vice-President Megan Bennett
-New program- ALEX, gives students three chances for math placement tests
-Engaged scholarship-could in effect for spring 2016, we don’t think it is possible
-Academic advising-issues and solutions
-Veteran advising
-Some campuses have advising hours
-First year seminars
-Not all campuses require them
-Degree audit lessons for students
-Advising concerns
-We can’t blame the advisers entirely and we don’t want to target tenure advisers
-SRTE o Governmental Affairs- David Dekorte
-Voter registration
-Push for legislators on campus
-Senate bill 410
-House bill 209
-House bill 311-right to know law o Student Life- Chief of Staff Gino Giovanni
-Integration between all commonwealth campuses and University Park for sporting
events and other activities.
-PSU Knows No Hate, a University wide initiative for racial slurs and other actions
towards students.
Is being implemented by CCSG, UPUA, and, GSA
-Diversity Summit
-University wide calendar for all events and other social media networks for increased
-Get Connected
-Google Docs
-Issues between campuses
-Students on knowing what SGA is
-Leadership issues
-Issue on Global Programs in campuses
Financial Report
o Funding request 024 for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
-Funding request is denied, did not meet the 30 day requirement.
o Funding request 025 for the Math Club
-They are requesting $716.49 to attend the Regional Conference of the Mathematical
Association of America.
-Representative from the Math Club speaks
-Discussion -Senator Kakuturu made a motion to allocate $491.49 to the Math Club. Senator
Nyantekyi seconded the motion- 7-Yes 1-No 1-Abstention
o –Funding request 026 for IEEE
- They are requesting $500.00 for guest speaker Jim Watson, a professional engineer
from Washington D.C. to speak
-The representative from IEEE speaks
-Senator Dahyia made a motion to allocate $500.00 to IEEE. Senator Nyantekyi made a
motion sid to allocate 500$, second-nana, 6-yes 0-no 2-ab
-The funding request is approved
o Funding request 027 from the finance club
-They are requesting $6,298.30 for a tour of the Chicago financial building and other
-The representative from the finance club speaks
-Vice-President Bennett made a point that the finance club did not attend this months
ICC meeting on fundraising.
-Senator Lipuma made a motion to allocate the full amount. Senator Nyantekyi
seconded the motion. 0-Yes 4-No 5-Abstenstions
-The funding request is denied
o Restricted budget up for review and approval
Senator Dahyia made a motion to approve the budget. Senator Nyantekyi seconded the
motion. 7-Yes 1-NO 1-Abstentions
-The budget is approved
Judicial Report
-Continued approval and revisions for clubs
-Michael Passiment gave a PowerPoint presentation on Roberts Rules Senate Report
-No senate report
-Working on planning on meeting.
THON Report- Andy Dessel
-Next canning weekend is October 18th
-Friendly’s night was last night
-October 17 is the carnival for a cure from noon to 3 o’clock
-November 3rd is the Harrisburg 5k
Advisor Reports
-Card swipe information
Executive Reports
o Community Liaison Aretha Diri- no report
o Chief of Staff Gino Giovanni
-When giving a report I ask that you speak clearly and loudly so we can thoroughly
document it on the minutes.
o Vice-President Megan Bennett
-ICC meetings
-This month’s theme is fundraising
o President Kenny Seaman
-Office hours
-Talked to the registrar but is going higher for the common hour concern
-Healthcare concern- Penn State needs to pay your healthcare if you work more than 30
hours. Therefore you can now only work 20 hours and only in one job
-University wide celebration in the Olmstead Lobby
-Kenny will be representing Harrisburg in the homecoming parade in state college
tomorrow -Dr. Kulcarni is having a meet and greet today
Public Comments
-Kenny Seaman
-David Dekorte
o President Kenny Seaman
-Senator Nyantekyi made a motion to adjourn. Senator Kakuturu seconded the motion.
-The meeting was adjourned at 1:19
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Chief of Staff Gino Giovanni