
Public Speaking - Speech #2 Anecdotes and Eye-Contact

Your next mission is to introduce yourself to the class. This will entail your sharing of a series of related anecdotes that convey a personal quality that you would like to emphasize or share. Consider qualities you are proud of or that may keep your classmates entertained.

Examples:  …that’s why everyone in my neighborhood calls me Scooter.  …that’s when my friends started calling me Mrs. Doubtfire  I’m the type of person who knows what is on her calendar 365 days from now.  I’m a procrastinator…I was even born 2 weeks late.

You may use your notes; in fact, you are encouraged to do so! A full script of your introduction and conclusion with bulleted items for the body is suggested.

Try to use transitions to smoothly go from one idea to the next.

In addition to writing a speech with unity, this speech should be used to help you reinforce or improve your use of eye-contact as a way to engage your audience.

Begin with an anecdote that can be concluded with your earning a nickname that fits you or a statement like: “As you can see, I’m the type of person who…” /10 points

Three interesting facts or short anecdotes that relate to your nickname or self- assessment /15 points

Provide closure to your speech by returning to the quality you emphasized throughout. You can say something along the lines of: “If you ever need someone to…” or “Next time you see…” /5 points

Establish eye-contact with all parts of the classroom during your speech; remember to use the thirds technique or “stage directions” to help you with this. /5 points

/35points When I was in the 5th grade, one of my friends was getting picked on by a few 8th graders. As someone who hates to see people at a disadvantage being pushed around, I promptly intervened. With my smooth talking and logical approach I kept my friend from getting beat up. They beat me up instead. That’s when my parents started calling me “Captain America.”

 Started by being taught empathy - Mother: What if that person is on his way to the hospital?  Honeymoon volunteered for split up kayaking  Bouncer in grad school

If you need help seeing things from another person’s perspective or just want someone to get his butt kicked in your place, call me… “Captain America” http://psych.fullerton.edu/mbirnbaum/web/personalityB.htm http://www.saleshelp.com/assessments/PersonalityStylesInventory/PerStyleInv.html