Short-Term Mission Trip Leadership Responsibilities

1. Decide project, dates, and location for mission trip – start process about a year in advance.

2. Submit the EPC World Outreach Engage 2025 Mission Trip Information Form to the World Outreach Administrative Assistant

3. Investigate transportation, lodging and meal arrangements with the assistance of the host receiver – EPC World Outreach Arrangements Coordinator is available to make travel arrangements.

4. Prepare a budget proposal and determine the team member cost. Be sure to include all team expenses such as food, lodging, in country transportation, and cost of utilities for the host. It would be a good to include the cost of a team dinner with the host(s) or missionary on the field as your guest. No team cost should have to be covered by your hosts.

5. Determine dates for team meetings, any special training events, and a post-trip debrief.

6. Promote the mission trip and distribute materials to prospective team members. a. Provide details of trip, cost of the trip, expectations of team members and all team meeting and training dates. b. Team member applications with a due date should be distributed

7. Interview prospective team members. Select team members from applicants, inform all applicants of team member selections and prepare a team roster. Goal: Form team about six months prior to trip.

8. Prepare for team meetings. A hub location can be selected if the team is made up of participants from several churches. (See Guidelines for Team Meetings on page 1 of Section 5) a. Have copies of required waivers. b. Be sure all team members have a valid passport or have applied for a passport. c. Team members should turn in copy of front page of their passport to the leadership of the mission trip and retain a copy for themselves to store in a safe place separate from their passport while on the trip. d. Distribute the team list for team members to verify the information e. Prepare copies of Mission Trip Policies and Guidelines for discussion f. Make sure any training/devotional materials are available, prepared or ordered.

9. Determine whether or not visas are needed. If so, passports will be needed in order to request visas.

10.Necessary vaccinations should be discussed with team members. Follow up with reminders to team members.

11.On-field responsibilities a. Include daily devotion time and sharing/debriefing time while on the trip. b. Shepherd your team members through the on-field experience as they serve. c. Do a thorough debrief with your team before returning home to help them process the trip and prepare for returning home. d. Plan a time to debrief the host receiver before returning home. During this discussion the Post-Trip Host Receiver Evaluations could possibly be completed.

12.Post-Trip: Take advantage of any opportunity to share with groups within the church or members of the congregation how God worked through the team and how lives were changed as a result of the mission trip experience.