Classroom Policies and Procedures, French 3 CP, 2011/2012
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Classroom Policies and Procedures, French 3 CP, 2011/2012 Madame Preston, room 61F
PARENT & STUDENT RESOURCES: Check assignments & test schedule on the school website at: Check grades & attendance on Zangle Email teacher at: [email protected] (usually the best way to connect) Leave phone message at: (805) 497-6711 (please leave a number where you can be reached after 1:45 pm)
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Students are required to bring to class the following supplies every day: 1. Textbook (ALWAYS COVERED) 2. Workbook (manuel de classe) 3. Notebook: Three-ring binder with lined, loose leaf paper and dividers labeled in French with the following 5 sections: devoirs (homework), exercices de classe (classwork), grammaire (grammar), vocabulaire (vocabulary), culture (culture). Paper torn from a spiral notebook will not be accepted unless it has a clean paper edge (i.e. no frayed edges). 4. Pencils/pens, highlighters, including a red or green pen for correcting homework daily 5. Optional and very useful: French/English dictionary & verb conjugation book (available at local bookstores) 6. Occasionally students will be asked to bring colored pencils
CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students earn points daily for participating in class as follows: Bringing your notebook, textbook, and workbook to class daily Raising your hand before speaking or posing a question Staying in your assigned seat (unless we are working in groups) Speaking French ONLY to your classmates and teacher Staying “on task.” Here are some examples: o Working on your verbal assignments with a partner and speaking French when assigned to do so o Completing the warm-up assignments at the beginning of class o Not doing assignments from another class during French class (n.b. read your English class novels at home, s’il vous plaît J)— ask for enrichment assignments if you finish early…
ATTENDANCE: You are expected to be seated and have your materials ready (textbook open, homework ready to be checked, writing implements ready) when the bell rings. Regular attendance is essential to receiving a satisfactory participation grade. Please refer to the CVUSD student handbook for attendance policies. In the event of truancy, the student will receive zero credit for tests or quizzes taken on the day of the truancy and a zero for any class work completed or homework due on the day of the truancy. REMIND PARENTS TO TELEPHONE SCHOOL WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT, OR YOUR ABSENCE BECOMES A TRUANCY AND YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR MAKE UP WORK.
HOMEWORK: Homework worth 10% of your total grade and very important to helping you practice your French, master grammar concepts, and prepare for quizzes. It is assigned every night, including weekends, and should take approximately 45 minutes per night. Homework may take the form of completing grammar exercises from the textbook or workbook, practicing vocabulary, or practicing speaking French and/or recording yourself to hear your accent. Homework is checked off at the beginning of class and points are earned as follows: Homework complete = full credit Homework not attempted = no credit earned (you may show me the homework by the next school day for half credit) 1 Homework completed but not in class (i.e. “in locker,” “at home,” etc.) = no credit earned (you may show me the homework by the next school day for half credit) Homework 50% completed = half credit
MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENTS: Students have one day for each day of absence for making up homework and class work for full credit (i.e. if you are absent for one day, you have one day to make up assignments missed). Make up quizzes/tests are given either at the beginning of class or every Tuesday at lunch. Please see me the last few minutes of class to arrange a time to make up your test. It is a good idea to get a couple of phone numbers of classmates to get missed assignments and to pick up extra handouts. Assignments are CLEARLY posted in the classroom and online on the school website.
TESTS & QUIZZES: You will be tested regularly in the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking and culture. We will have grammar and vocabulary quizzes, chapter tests, and speaking evaluations.
GRADING: Points will be used on assignments and tests. These points will be totaled and assigned a letter grade according to the following percentages: A = 100-89.5%; B = 89.4 – 79.5%; C = 79.4 – 69.5%; D = 69.4% - 59.5%; Fail = 59.4% - 0.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: You are expected to do your own work and to try your best. Notes or other outside help or communication with others during a test are not allowed and will be referred to administration. ALL BOOKS, NOTES, NOTEBOOKS, ETC. MUST BE CLOSED, ZIPPED IN YOUR BACKPACK AND UNDER THE CHAIR OF YOUR DESK DURING ALL TESTS AND QUIZZES. Nothing containing the content of the test may be in anyone’s view at any time during any test. Any student not following these testing guidelines or attempting to obtain another student’s answers will receive a zero on that test and a referral will be turned in to administration. A second offense in any other class may result in a drop/fail from that class. Copying another student’s homework may also be considered a form of cheating. This is in accordance with the District’s Academic Honesty Policy (see CVUSD Student Handbook).
OTHER: Please display courtesy, respect, support and encouragement for your classmates and teachers NOT ALLOWED during class: gum, food, drinks, headgear, cell phones/electronic devices, earphones No writing in textbooks or on desks (fines will be assessed) Please pick up after yourself and others to keep our room neat Please see me if you have questions or need extra help before you get behind and your grade is in jeopardy: I am available to give you extra help if needed Speak French to me at all times, even when you see me around campus J
Student Name (print): ______Grade: ______Period: ______
I have read and understood the Classroom Policies and Procedures for French 2 CP and I agree to abide by the guidelines set forth above and to work to the best of my abilities in order to succeed in French 2 CP.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
I have read the Classroom Guidelines for French 3.
Parent/Guardian Name (print): ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Home Phone: ______
Parent/Guardian Work Phone: ______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______