Chaney-Monge School District #88

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Chaney-Monge School District #88


I. Call To Order The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Chaney-Monge Board of Education was held on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 in the Chaney-Monge School Library. The meeting was called to order by Board Member Renee Vulgaris at 7:02 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll Call Present: Maves, Morales, Palya, Vulgaris. Absent: Attaway, Arinaga, Santoro.

Others in Attendance: Interim Superintendent Gus Tomac, and Principal Jackie Hall.

III. Communications – None.

IV. Public Participation –

a. Interim Superintendent Tomac and Lions Club Member Oscar Miranda presented awards to the following Lion’s Club Students of the Month for April: 5th grade: Mathew Brice; 6th grade: Niko Miranda; 7th grade: Dhiann VandeBogart; and 8th grade: Kai Hardy.

V. Superintendent’s Report – Interim Superintendent Tomac discussed the following: Technology Survey – Technology Readiness Survey conducted by Lockport Township High School which included 32 of Chaney Monge former students. Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax – We receive $54,000 each year and Attorney General Madigan is trying to direct schools to use this money to pay TRS for teachers. Bill was filed yesterday and it will be discussed about tomorrow. IL Youth Survey – He has not yet had a chance to really look at the survey yet. He does not yet have a comparison from prior years to see any trends and also does not yet have the comparative data for the county. Seminar – Marilyn Conger attended the Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members and has provided information obtained from that meeting. Also included is information for A District Secretary Workshop for 2013 which would be good for Marilyn Conger and Andy Sigfried to attend. Action Items – There was brief discussions on action items to be approved along with information supplied by Director of Business Mary Ann Egizio in regards to Ceres Food Group and lighting issues.

President Santoro arrived at 7:30 p.m.

VI. Other Business – None

Consent Agenda

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Maves to approve the Consent Agenda items marked: VII, VIII, and IX as presented. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Attaway, Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED. VII. Amendments to the Agenda – None.

VIII. Minutes

Minutes of the April 17, 2012 Business Meeting.

IX. Financial Reports - April and Interim May bills as presented in the amount of $269,119.76.


1. Acceptance of Board Member Resignation

Motion was made by Palya and seconded by Morales to accept the resignation of Board Member Scott Attaway from his current position on the Board of Education effective May 15, 2012. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

2. Approve the Appointment of a new Board Member

This item has been tabled until the next meeting.

3. Approval of the Slate of School Board Officers for 2012-2013 Board of Education

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Morales to approve the slate of School Board Officers for the 2012-2013 Board of Education as presented. There was no discussion.

President: Rich Santoro

Vice-President: Liz Maves

Secretary: Renee Vulgaris

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

4. Approval of Reorganization Items

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Maves to approve the reorganization items “a” through “g” as presented in exhibit “A” below.


a. 2012-2013 Meeting Dates and Times: Below are the dates of the first and third Tuesdays of each month. The new board may choose to alter the meeting schedule and times. A copy of the final schedule will be passed along to the Media as per their request. All Meetings begin at 7:00 PM. MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR b. WORK SHOP 1 5 TBA 7 4 2 6 4 1 5 5 2 MEETING 15 19 17 21 18 16 20 18 15 19 19 16 School District Attorneys: Hinshaw Culbertson & Scott Nemanich are willing and able to continue services as our regular board counsel for 2012-1013.

c. School District Treasurer: Mary Ann Egizio is the current Board Treasurer. She continues to do an outstanding job and will, no doubt, continue to do so in the future. The stipend shall be $2,500.

d. Board Recording Secretary:

D:\Docs\2018-01-01\05dca3a4a6fb092f0634e08c56c2b9bd.doc PAGE 2 Marilyn Conger is ready and willing to continue to serve as the Board’s recording secretary. The stipend will remain the same at $800/year for the Board’s recording the minutes of the regular monthly business meetings.

e. School District Policies & Procedures: Adopt the policy and procedure manuals as presented and to continue to subscribe to the IASB policy manual subscription service

f. School District Depositories: Designate all federally insured banking and savings and loan institutions in Illinois as depositories for district funds and investments for the 2012-12013

g. Establish Board Committees and Membership

a. Building and Grounds Committee Chair: Palya Member: Morales Member: Santoro

b. Building Usage Committee Chair: Vulgaris Member: Maves Member: Santoro

c. Safety Committee Chair: Vulgaris Member: Arinaga Member: TBA

d. IASB - Legislative Representative Name: Santoro

f. Park District Representative Name: Palya

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

5. Approval of Educational Programming for FY13

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Vulgaris to approve the class schedule and educational programs for the 2012-2013 school year as presented with no substantive changes from the current school year. There was no discussion.

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

6. Approve School Calendar FY13

Motion was made by Morales and seconded by Maves to approve the 2012- 2013 school calendar as presented. There was no discussion

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

7. Accept the April 2012 CMMPA

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Vulgaris to accept the April 2012 CMMPA report as presented. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

8. LASEC – Board of Director’s Items

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Morales to affirm the decisions of the LASEC Board made during the May 9, 2012 meeting. There was no discussion.

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

D:\Docs\2018-01-01\05dca3a4a6fb092f0634e08c56c2b9bd.doc PAGE 3 9. Approve the Student Medication and Discipline Procedures

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Maves to approve the student medication and discipline procedures as presented. There was no discussion.

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

10. Approve the 2012-2013 Student Handbook

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Morales to approve the 2012- 2013 Student Handbook as presented. There was no discussion.

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

11. Approve the 2012-2013 SAFE Team recommendations.

Motion was made by Palya and seconded by Maves to approve the 2012- 2013 SAFE Team recommendation items 1 through 22 as presented. There was no discussion.

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

12. Approve the contract renewal with Cere’s Food Service for FY13

Motion was made by Palya and seconded by Vulgaris to approve contract renewal with Cere’s Food Service for FY13 at $2.3301 per meal. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

13. Approve the 2012-2013 School Meals pricing for FY12

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Palya to approve the 2012- 2013 School Meals pricing at $2.90 per meal for student lunches and $3.30 per meal for adult lunches. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

14. Approve the employment of Michelle Bassett

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Maves to approve the employment of Michelle R. Bassett as the Junior High X-CAT Instructor for the 2012-2013 school year at a base salary of $33,626.00. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

15. Approve the new collective bargaining agreement with CMTO

Motion was made by Vulgaris and seconded by Palya to approve the new collective bargaining agreement with CMTO for FY13 and FY14 as presented. Principal Hall asked if the new positions had to be

D:\Docs\2018-01-01\05dca3a4a6fb092f0634e08c56c2b9bd.doc PAGE 4 posted. Interim Superintendent Tomac indicated that yes it would. There was no other discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

16. Approve the list of Summer Projects and related items

Motion was made by Palya and seconded by Vulgaris to approve the list of summer projects and related items as presented, not to exceed $60,000. There was no discussion.

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

XI. Superintendent’s Report – Interim Superintendent Tomac discussed the following: Nurse Report - Briefly discussed the School Nurse Contact Report through April 2011- 2012.

XII. Principal’s Report – Principal Jackie Hall discussed the following: Homeschool – She has received one written request for a 7th and 4th grader to be homeschooled that would like to continue with band. She has 2 more that have not yet been received in writing. Internal Job Appointments – Kim Vaccaro has now been appointed to the K-8 Reading Specialist position. Jill Carter has now been appointed to the Reading Intervention Specialist position. This also means that will need to fill the kindergarten and 1st grade positions. We will also have to train these 2 positions in Target. She is also interviewing internal employees to take the place of Dyanne Vogrin. Kindergarten – She recommended that there be no kindergarten switch for the year. She will need to look at the special schedule and get back to the board about a final decision. Tech Plan – The Tech plan was kicked back and needs few minor adjustments. Discipline Report – The discipline reports was passed out and briefly discussed.

XIII. Committee Reports – None.

XIV. New Business – Interim Superintendent Tomac asked the Board if they wished to acknowledge Jan Mount and Jan Brunke during the graduation ceremony coming up on Tuesday, May 29th, 2012, and they did.

President Santoro indicated there was a new pastor for the church on Theodore Street. Principal Hall indicated that we have already asked Father Doyle for this year’s graduation but will keep him in mind for next year.


Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Palya to go into Executive Session at 9:03 PM for the reasons of personnel [5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1)].

Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Palya to come out of Executive Session at 9:47 PM. A vote also signifies being present.

D:\Docs\2018-01-01\05dca3a4a6fb092f0634e08c56c2b9bd.doc PAGE 5 Roll Call Ayes: Maves, Morales, Vulgaris, Palya, Santoro. Absent: Arinaga. There being four (5) affirmative votes, the MOTION CARRIED.

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Palya to approve the minutes of the Executive Session.

AYES: ALL the Motion Carried.

XVI. Adjourn

Motion was made by Maves and seconded by Palya to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 P.M.


Board of Education District #88

______Richard Santoro, President

______Vicky Morales, Secretary

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