Plan in Tharaka has been working in Central and North divisions of Tharaka covering a total of 249 villages.

The Program team discussed and settled on training community volunteers and frontline staff to become ToTs for roll out of CLTS in villages. We scheduled training a 2 days training starting on 14/11 to 15/11/2008. The Facilitator was Eng. R Njoroge ( Watsan Advisor). In attendance were 18 CHWs from 18 CBOs, 7 PFs, M&E Fac., DATA for health and RMCO. It was also attended by 1 chief, PHT from the MoH and an official from Ministry of Water and Irrigation. The official opening was done by The DOI, representing the DC.


1. Learn more on CHWs and health issues 2. Home cleanliness and sanitation 3. To learn what is CLTS 4. To learn what is the difference between CLTS and PHAST 5. To seek extensive knowledge to serve the community 6. Communities to be leaders of an issue on health 7. Learn new approach on sanitation and to make friends

The training started with sensitization on waterborne diseases, CLTS and we practicals on how to roll out.

Below is the process of what we did


The facilitator asked each participant to say the ailments (s)he has handled, referred for treatment or come across in the last 3 months and which are caused through water contamination. This is what they indicated:

1. Diarrhea ///// // 2. Typhoid ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///

3. Intestinal worms ///// ///// ///// //// 4. Abdominal pains ///// ///// ///// //// 5. Vomiting ///// 6. Amoeba ///// 7. Ringworms ///// /////


The facilitator asked participants to say what contaminates the water to cause these diseases. They indicated that there was a relationship between human faeces, water and the diseases.

The facilitator illustrated how contaminated faeces get into water from open defecations into steams and to humans when it rains.

The participants saw the need for action after realising:

1. The dangers the diseases that infect them and the community e.g. typhoid, cholera, vomiting through drinking contaminated water. 2. The cost they spend in hospital for treatment of the diseases. 3. The devastation that members of the community experience.

Toilets coverage in the CBOs

The facilitator asked each of the participants to say out of every 10 house holds in their village how many have a toilet. The responses are shown below:

Name of the CBO Number of toilets Remarks Kathangachini N/A Twathanju N/A Gatunga 6 Matakiri 10 Kereria 7 Kithigiri 7 Kamatungu 5 Marimanti 7 Kirangare N/A Kanyuru 9 Gituma 8 Karuguaru 9 Kamwathu 7 Mutuma 6 Ibote 7 Rukenya 8 Karocho 6 Kathuura 9 Turima 5 Kaguma N/A Average latrine coverage 7 NOTE: N/A- The CBO representative either did not attend or was not there at the time they reported the coverage of toilets in their village

As part of practicum for the training, participants chose to roll out CLTS in Mathiga village of Marimanti CBO.

Community members doing Village Mapping in Mathiga village Pricilla Kagendo facilitating shit calculation


Name of the Village: Mathiga Village (Marimanti CBO) House holds (H/H): 18 Number of persons per H/H: 10 Population of the village: 10 x 18 = 180 people

The amount of SHIT that each person produces per day = ½ kg. The amount of SHIT the village produces each day = ½ kg x 180 persons = 90 kg. The amount of SHIT the village produces each month = 90 kg x 30 days = 2,700 kg. The amount of SHIT the village produces each year = 2,700 kg x 12 months = 32,400 kg The 32,400 kg of shit = 32 ½ tons of shit or 32 ½ pick ups full. The community members raise hands after getting triggered to take action against open defecation

Participants doing a transect walk

CLTS ACTION –PLAN The participants come up with action plans to roll out CLTS in their villages. The period for roll out was from November 2007 to May 2008.

The table below illustrates CLTS roll out in the DA

CBO Village Toilets FOR NEW TOILETS REMARKS Covered before Holes Holes Completed Total CLTS dug covered toilets toilets Turima 9 4 Kathuura 5 Ibote Karocho Kamatungu 6 Kithigiri 10 Kirangare 9 Kaguma Gituma Rukenya Kanyuru 3 Matakiri Kereria Gatunga Karuguaru Kamwathu Mutuma Twathanju Kathangachini Marimanti 12 2 8