14. shears 9. unbearable

Unit 4: Lesson 16 15. earring 10. disappear Rule: Vowel + /r/ sounds in 16. compare 11. reappear air and fear Review Words: 12. overhear 1. airplane buy 13. millionaire 2. careful year 14. shears 3. repair 15. earring 4. prepare Unit 4: Lesson 16

Rule: Vowel + /r/ sounds in 16. 5. aware compare air and fear 6. square Review Words: 1. airplane buy 7. barely year 2. careful 8. software 3. repair 9. unbearable Unit 4: Lesson 16 4. prepare 10. disappear Rule: Vowel + /r/ sounds in 5. aware air and fear 11. reappear 6. square 1. airplane 12. overhear 7. barely 2. careful 13. millionaire 8. software 3. repair 4. prepare 15. excited

5. aware Unit 4: Lesson 17 16. gigantic

6. square Rule: Words with /j/ and /s/ Review Words:

7. barely 1. office nice place 8. software 2. engine

9. unbearable 3. badge

10. disappear 4. ginger Unit 4: Lesson 17 5. giraffe 11. reappear Rule: Words with /j/ and /s/ 6. cylinder 12. overhear 1. office 7. celery 13. millionaire 2. engine 8. gymnast 14. shears 3. badge 9. budget 15. earring 4. ginger 10. emergency 16. compare 5. giraffe 11. smudge Review Words: 6. cylinder buy 12. concern 7. celery year 13. decided 8. gymnast

14. concert 9. budget 10. emergency 4. ginger Unit 4: Lesson 18 Rule: spelling the /k/ and 11. smudge 5. giraffe /kw/ 6. cylinder 12. concern 1. quart 7. celery 13. decided 2. court 8. gymnast 14. concert 3. squirt 9. budget

15. excited 4. squirrel 10. emergency 16. gigantic 5. require 11. smudge Review Words: 6. quarter nice 12. concern place 7. squint 13. decided 8. squid 14. concert 9. calendar

15. excited Unit 4: Lesson 17 10. canyon 16. gigantic Rule: Words with /j/ and /s/ 11. continent Review Words: 1. office 12. keyboard nice 2. engine place 13. kitchen

3. badge 14. liquid 15. correct 10. canyon 5. require

16. question 11. continent 6. quarter

7. squint Review Words: 12. keyboard black 8. squid thank 13. kitchen 9. calendar 14. liquid 10. canyon Unit 4: Lesson 18 15. correct 11. continent Rule: spelling the /k/ and 16. question /kw/ 12. keyboard Review Words: 1. quart black 13. kitchen thank 2. court 14. liquid

3. squirt 15. correct 4. squirrel Unit 4: Lesson 18

Rule: spelling the /k/ and 16. question 5. require /kw/ Review Words: 6. quarter black 1. quart thank 7. squint 2. court 8. squid 3. squirt 9. calendar 4. squirrel Unit 4: Lesson 19 15. loose 10. youth Rule: Vowel sounds in spoon 16. jewel 11. routine and wood Review Words: 12. acoustic 1. grouped blew 13. wounded 2. school foot 14. heirloom 3. choose

4. brook Unit 4: Lesson 19 15. loose Rule: Vowel sounds in spoon 5. understood 16. jewel and wood 6. afternoon Review Words: 1. grouped blew 7. spooky foot 2. school 8. shampoo 3. choose 9. mushroom Unit 4: Lesson 19 4. brook 10. youth Rule: Vowel sounds in spoon 5. understood and wood 11. routine 6. afternoon 1. grouped 12. acoustic 7. spooky 2. school 13. wounded 8. shampoo 3. choose 14. heirloom 9. mushroom 4. brook 5. understood Unit 4: Lesson 20 16. everybody

6. afternoon Rule: compound words Review Words: someone 7. spooky 1. outside cannot 8. shampoo 2. dishwasher

9. mushroom 3. highway

4. crosswalk 10. youth Unit 4: Lesson 20 5. mountainside 11. routine Rule: compound words 6. worthwhile 12. acoustic 1. outside 7. searchlight 13. wounded 2. dishwasher 8. nighttime 14. heirloom 3. highway 9. countryside 15. loose 4. crosswalk 10. headquarters 16. jewel 5. mountainside 11. throughout Review Words: 6. worthwhile 12. themselves blew 7. searchlight foot 13. whenever 8. nighttime

14. background 9. countryside

15. scorekeeper 10. headquarters 11. throughout 5. mountainside

12. themselves 6. worthwhile

7. searchlight 13. whenever 8. nighttime 14. background 9. countryside 15. scorekeeper 10. headquarters 16. everybody 11. throughout Review Words: someone 12. themselves cannot 13. whenever

14. background

15. scorekeeper Unit 4: Lesson 20 Rule: compound words 16. everybody

1. outside Review Words: someone 2. dishwasher cannot

3. highway

4. crosswalk