Welcome to Bacon Elementary

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Welcome to Bacon Elementary

Message from the Principal The faculty and staff of Bacon County Elementary extend a warm welcome to the students and parents of Alma and Bacon County. Our goal is to assist each child in becoming the best and brightest in the state of Georgia. Bacon County Elementary serves students in grades three through five in a safe and inviting atmosphere. The teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators are dedicated to assisting students in meeting their academic and personal potential; we are here to help each student make the most of their education.

The purpose of the student handbook is to acquaint students and parents with the school’s policies, programs, and services. If you read the handbook carefully, you will find information about the daily procedures of the school, our expectations, our beliefs, and our mission.

A thorough knowledge of the regulations that keep the school functioning efficiently and an awareness of the opportunities offered at our school for growth and development unites all stakeholders as we strive for excellence in education. In partnership, the faculty and staff, students, parents, and community, can work together to provide each student with the best education possible as we strive to prepare students for a future of success.

If there are any questions, please feel free to ask a teacher or an administrator for clarification or for help. We are here to help in any way we can.

Sincerely, Darrell Ellis BCES Principal

BACON COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM MISSION There are two main goals that drive everything we do at Bacon County schools: Academic success for every child we serve. The development of good character in all. The first goal is achieved by challenging students with high academic standards and expectations for achievement through innovative programming and instruction. The second is achieved through a school, home and community commitment to character based on five core virtues: respect, responsibility, caring, honesty, and healthful lifestyles. The District has also committed to a systematic initiative to engage families in their children’s learning. Building action plans focused on family involvement.

BACON COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BELIEF STATEMENTS 1. Learning should be risk-free, both emotionally and physically, within a positive climate. 2. Education is a lifelong process that promotes growth and should carry with it a responsibility to be a productive citizen in a democratic society. 3. Education should be adaptable to changes in society. 4. Everyone can learn and deserves an equal opportunity to do so. 5. Individual learning styles and needs must be taken into consideration. 6. Education is a collaborative effort between all stakeholders. 7. Education should provide a student a broader perspective than is available in our local community. 1 Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) Bacon County Elementary School’s curriculum is aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) formally known as Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). The following link will take you to the Department of Education’s page dedicated to Elementary School parents. In addition to an explanation of the standards your child will be learning this year; there is extensive information regarding testing, support, and school options. http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/External-Affairs-and- Policy/AskDOE/Pages/Parents-Curriculum-and-Instruction.aspx School Visitors All visitors must report to the school office VIA THE FRONT ENTRANCE from 7:35 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon. Parents are always welcome and may visit at any time. Arrangements must be made in advance if parents wish to visit classrooms. Student Arrival / Designated Areas Upon arrival at school in the morning, students are to report to their assigned areas unless they are going to the lunchroom for breakfast. Students may enter classrooms at 7:35 each morning. The assigned areas are: Third Graders – report to third-grade wing (East Wing) Fourth Graders – report to fourth-grade wing (West Wing) Fifth Graders—report to fifth-grade wing (South Wing) Students eating breakfast should go directly to the lunchroom for a hot breakfast or for Grab-n-Go and not to homeroom. Students needing to use the restroom should report to a teacher on duty for permission. Parents should not drop off students before 7:20 a.m. as supervision is not provided before that time . Students who walk to school should be sure to cross the highway where the police officer is stationed. Students who ride bikes to school must walk their bikes (not ride) as soon as they enter our gates. Bell Schedule 7:35 – 7:50 a.m. – Arrival at school/breakfast 7:51 a.m. – Tardy Bell 3:05 p.m. – Dismissal of students (All times are subject to change) Tardy to School Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. will be considered tardy. Students should report to the office to obtain a tardy slip. Student Dismissal / Check Out Pick-up and drop-off of students are located in the driveway in front of the new gym (3rd & 5th) and the parking lot of the old gym (4th). Buses begin arriving at BCES around 2:55. We ask that parents refrain from parking in front of the building during this time so as to not block the buses from lining up in the afternoon. Early Checkouts (System Policy) Students will not be allowed to check out after 2:35pm unless an emergency arises. This is a Bacon Co. System Policy. All Day, Every Day Reward (Not Perfect Attendance)  At the end of each month, students who have been present all day, every day (no tardies and no check-outs), will be receive a 20 minute reward which includes a special treat (ice cream, popcorn, Popsicle, etc.).

Attendance Policy Grades K-12 2 1. By September 1st of each school year or within 30 days of a student’s enrollment in the Bacon County School District, the parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of such student, must sign a statement indicating their receipt of the attendance laws and possible consequences and penalties. In addition, students age 10 or older by September 1st must also sign a statement indicating their receipt of the laws and consequences for non-compliance to the Bacon County policy. This letter is then put into the student’s file for future reference. 2. Attendance clerks at each school will contact parent/guardian on the third consecutive absence to inquire about the student’s absence from school. Parents/guardians will be reminded of the importance of their child being in the classroom for instructional time. 3. After a student has accrued five (5) unexcused absences, the school will notify the parent/guardian of the absences and provide a copy of the Georgia statute regarding mandatory attendance (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1). A school administrator or designee will meet with the student to inquire regarding issues that can be resolved easily. This may result in referral to School Social Worker or other resources. 4. After a student has accrued eight (8) unexcused absences, the school will notify the parent/guardian of the absences and provide a copy of the Georgia statute regarding mandatory attendance (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-690.1) 5. After ten (10) unexcused absences, the school will notify the parent/guardian of the absences via mail and refer the student to the school social worker who may contact the family and/or refer to the Attendance Task Force. 6. Continued unexcused absences may warrant referral to Juvenile or State Court. Note: Chronic tardiness and chronic early check-outs will be addressed in all grades, and may result in referral to the Attendance Task Force. Attendance history will be shared with the Bacon County Juvenile Court, at their request, for any student with delinquency charges under the jurisdiction of the Bacon County Juvenile Court.

When a student is absent from school, a doctor’s excuse or written explanation must be sent to the school. This excuse is required by the end of the third school day the student is present following the absence. A maximum of five (3) written notes by the parent, per semester, will be accepted as excused. Excessive absences, tardies, and early check-outs will affect attendance awards and special field trips. Note: Chronic tardies and early check-outs will be addressed in all grades and may result in referral to the Attendance Task Force and possible referral to juvenile or State Court. Dress Code 1. Tank tops may be worn (straps MUST be 2 inches in width) 2. Shorts, dresses, and skirts (HEM must go past fingertips when hands are straight down by the side) 3. NO midriff tops 4. NO baggy pants - Pants should be fastened at the waist (loose fitting pants should be belted) 5. Long shirts must be tucked in (shirt cannot go past the bottom of the back pants pocket)-male students 6. Tops/Dresses with leggings (HEM must go past fingertips when hands are straight down by the side) 7. No yoga/work-out pants or capris unless worn with a shirt that goes past the fingertips when hands are straight down by the side 8. Hairstyles should not be a distraction to other learners 9. Body piercing is limited to the ear lobes 10. Holes in jeans (MUST go past fingertips when hands are straight down by the side) 11. NO T-shirts with improper suggestions, advertisement of any alcoholic drink, illegal substance, or vulgar language

Breakfast / Lunch 3 Breakfast is served from 7:20 a.m. until 7:50 a.m. Those students wishing to eat breakfast should enter the lunchroom as quickly as they can after arriving on campus. Students who arrive at the lunchroom after 7:50 a.m. will not be served breakfast. Special provisions may be arranged when necessary. After breakfast, students will be dismissed by the teachers on duty to return to the classroom. Students are reminded that no food is to be taken out of the lunchroom. Also, as students finish breakfast, they are to go directly to their classrooms and not linger in the hallways. Drinks brought by students must be consumed completely in the lunchroom, not carried out after lunch. Drinks need to be in a plastic bottle with lid, thermos, or can (NO Glass). BCES Free Breakfast and Lunch (Subject to Change) Bacon County Elementary School uses the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This means that ALL students will have free breakfast and lunch. Parent-Teacher Communication Parents are urged to contact the school whenever the need arises. Teachers may be contacted by note, email, or telephone. If you call during the school day, the office will notify the teacher to return your call. If a parent wishes to have a conference with his/her child's teacher, an appointment is needed as our teachers' schedules do not allow time for "drop-in" conferences. Parents can request to meet with teachers during their planning times. Grading Scale: Grades 3, 4 & 5: Tests 50% Quizzes 25% Daily Work 25% Reporting Student Progress BCES grading periods are based on a 9-week period. Parents will receive a report card and a progress report 4 times per year. A parent's signature on the report card/progress report indicates that he/she has seen the card and does not mean he/she approves of the grades on it. Test papers and other significant work by the students will be sent home weekly or bi-weekly. This provides parents an opportunity to see how their child is performing. Students are expected to return these papers signed by the parent. Since we view this as a part of teaching students to be responsible, if a student constantly "forgets" to return signed papers, this may have a negative effect on students. Please help your child by asking for important school notes and papers each day. Progress Reports will be sent home at the end of the 4th week in each 9-week grading period. Progress Reports should be signed and returned to the child's homeroom teacher. Report Cards will be sent home on the 5th day after the end of each 9 weeks. Report cards should be signed and returned to the child's homeroom teacher. Section 504: Students might qualify for services under Section 504 if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity such as walking, seeing, speaking, breathing, learning, or working. These services fall under the regular education program. A student suspected of having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity is referred to the school’s intervention team. The team may suggest interventions to be tried in the classroom for a period of time before referring the child directly to the School 504 Coordinator. A copy of the 504 referral procedures may be obtained from the School 504 Coordinator. Any student or parent or guardian (“grievant”) may request an impartial hearing due to the school system’s actions or inactions regarding your child's identification, evaluation, or educational placement under Section 504. Requests for an impartial hearing must be in writing to the school system’s Section 504 Coordinator; however, a grievant’s failure to request a hearing in writing does not alleviate the school system’s obligation to provide an impartial hearing if the grievant orally requests an

4 impartial hearing through the school system’s Section 504 Coordinator, Mandy Harper. The school system’s Section 504 Coordinator will assist the grievant in completing the written Request for Hearing. The Section 504 Coordinator may be contacted through the school system’s central office. Copies of the 504 Procedural Safeguards and Notice of Rights of Students and Parents under Section 504 may be picked up at the central office or at any of the school offices. Infinite Campus (Parent Portal) Infinite Campus is a web-based student information system utilized by the Bacon County School System. Infinite Campus also serves as a communication tool between parents and the school. Information about parental access to this program will be available at open house, the school office, and at the BCES website. Parents Rights to Know In compliance with the requirements of the “Every Students Succeeds Act,” you may request information about the professional qualifications of your student’ teacher(s) and/or paraprofessional(s). The following information may be requested: - Weather the State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which the State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; and is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher. - Weather the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and if so, their qualifications.

School Entrance Requirements All students entering Bacon County Elementary for the first time must provide the following upon registration: 1. An official copy of the child's birth certificate. 2. Certificate from the Bacon County Health Department stating that all immunizations are up-to-date. 3. A Social Security card. 4. Proof of Guardianship 5. Clearance from previous school (good standing) Immunization Records It is mandatory that your child have a current Georgia Certificate of Immunization on file in the school office. It is the parents' responsibility to keep their child's record up-to-date. Students without a Georgia certificate will not be allowed to attend school. Medicines If your child has medicine to take at school, it must be brought to the office with written permission (and directions) to take the medicine. Children are not to have medications in their possession during the school day. Self-Administration of Asthma Medication by Minor Children at School -Senate Bill 472 authorizes student self-administration of prescription asthma medication at school, thus relieving the school district and its employees of any liability about such self-administration. For a student to keep an asthma inhaler in his possession, the bill requires (1) written authorization from a parent or legal guardian; (2) a written physician’s statement detailing the name and purpose of the medication, prescribed dosage, and time (s) or exceptional circumstances for administration of the medication; and (3) written authorization from the parent (s) or guardian (s) for the school to seek emergency medical treatment for the student when necessary and appropriate.

Head Lice Policy

5 The National Pediculosis Association, recommends the No Nit Policy as the public health standard intended to keep children lice free, nit free, and in school. Random checks by our nurse will occur in all classrooms during the year. Individual children will be checked as suspected problems occur. If Nits or Live Bugs are found, the parent will be called to pick up the child and take him/her home for treatment. All students who have been sent home for treatment will be checked the following day by our nurse before entering school. If the nurse determines the Nits or Live Bugs are still present or that the head has not been treated, the child may not remain at school. If the parents cannot be reached when live bugs are found, the student will be isolated from their class until they are picked up. For more information visit: http://www.headlice.org/downloads/nonitpolicy.htm School Supplies Bacon County Elementary has no supply fee. Basic school materials are provided. Each student is expected to come to school equipped with penci1s, notebooks, and paper. Students must be prepared daily to do their work properly. Students need to use No. 2 lead pencils (automatic lead pencils will not be allowed). Textbooks Textbooks issued to students are the property of the Bacon County School System. They should be used with care and returned in good condition. Students are responsible for books which are lost, stolen, or damaged. Nonpayment of School Monies The Bacon County Elementary School has the right to collect monies owed to the school (lost or damaged books, lunch money, etc.). To encourage payment, the school will hold report cards and school records until monies are paid. If a student still owes money at the end of the year, his/her record will be held in the office. In order for your child to have a smooth beginning the next school term (and be enrolled), the parent will need to take care of any unpaid monies. Participation in Field Trips, Field Day, Carnivals (Fun Day), and Parties Students who are constant discipline problems may not be allowed to attend plays, field trips, field days, carnivals (fun day), parties, and the like. Students are reminded of guidelines before any of these activities take place. Students must also have a signed permission form to participate in Field Trips, Field Day, and Carnivals (Fun Day). Fabulous Friday Students who exhibit hard-work and good behavior will be rewarded with Fabulous Friday once a month. This reward is for students who have demonstrated the 3 Rs (Ready, Respectful, and Responsible) during the month and have not received a designated amount of marks on their classroom behavior chart. The number of marks are set by teachers. Fabulous Friday consists of snacks, kick-ball games, extra recess, board games, movies, and any other appropriate rewards. Valuables Please send only necessary money to school with your child. Put it in an envelope and label it, as children often forget why it was sent. Additional money, athletic equipment, toys, cards, or any other valuable or expensive items should not be brought to school. (BCES will not be responsible for the loss of valuables) Electronic Devices/Cell Phones:  Teachers may ask students to bring their cell phones/electronic devices for educational purposes only- when teachers are not having students use electronic devices, all student cell phones/electronic devices should be turned off and put away.  If a student is being disruptive with their phone (cell phone/ringing/singing/texting, etc.), the cell phone will be taken away for the remainder of the day and given back to the student at the end of the same day.

6 Selling/Trading Students are not allowed to sell, swap, or buy anything from other students while at school or on the bus without permission from the office. No Deliveries Bacon County Elementary School will not allow students to receive deliveries from outside businesses during school hours for any holiday or birthday. Notice of Food Delivery There is to be no outside food brought into the schools for students by parents unless they bring equitable amount/type for the entire class. Students may bring their lunch to school in a lunch box that is acceptable. However, no student is to go get food and food is not to be delivered to school. Honor Roll Two types of Honor Roll will be recognized at the end of each 9 weeks: 1. Principal's Honor Roll (an overall average of 97 or above) 2. Honor Roll (an overall average of 90 to 96) Gifted Procedure For information about gifted testing and placement please see the district website Weapon’s Policy Notice It is the policy of the Board of Education that a student shall not possess, use, handle or transmit any object that reasonably can be considered a weapon on property or in a building owned or leased by a school district, at a school function, or on a bus or other transportation provided by the school district. Weapons may include, but are not limited to:

1. Any handgun, firearm, rifle, shotgun or similar weapon; any explosive compound or incendiary device; or, any other dangerous weapon as defined in O.C.G.A. § 16-11-121, including a rocket launcher, bazooka, recoilless rifle, mortar, or hand grenade. 2. Any hazardous object, including any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, any other knife having a blade of two or more inches, straight-edge razor, razor blade, spring stick, knuckles, whether made from metal, thermoplastic, wood, or other similar material, blackjack, any bat, club, or other bludgeon-type weapon, or any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart, or any instrument of like kind, any nonlethal air gun, and any stun gun or taser. Such term shall not include any of these instruments used for classroom work authorized by the teacher.

Students who possess any weapon described in paragraph 1 in violation of this policy will be subject to a minimum of a one calendar year expulsion. The Superintendent shall have the authority either before or after the student is referred for a tribunal hearing to reduce the mandated one year expulsion under circumstances where the one year expulsion appears excessive to the superintendent. The tribunal shall also have the authority to modify such expulsion requirement on a case by-case basis in determining the appropriate punishment. Finally, in any tribunal decision appealed to the board of education, the board may reduce the mandated punishment but shall consider whether the superintendent and/ or tribunal considered a reduction and any rationale in 7 denying such a reduction.

Students who possess other weapons or hazardous objects as described in paragraph 2 will be subject to discipline as specified in the student code of conduct. Disciplinary Action and Procedures for Weapon’s Policy All employees must report violations of this policy to the principal or assistant principal of the school where the violation occurred. If the principal has reasonable cause to believe that a report is valid, he/she must immediately make an oral report to the Superintendent and to the police and district attorney. The student's parents or guardian will be notified immediately of his/her child's involvement in any, activity involving weapons. Students will be given a copy of the Code of Conduct, which includes a statement of prohibited conduct with regard to weapons and possible disciplinary actions. Tobacco Use The use of tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smokeless tobacco, etc.) is not permitted on any school district property at any time by Bacon County School District employees, students, volunteers, parents or visitors. This includes school buildings and their surroundings, athletic fields, school buses, or any Bacon County School District vehicles. Harassment It is the policy of the Bacon County Board of Education to forbid sexual, racial, and physical harassment of all employees and students at all times during all occasions while at school, in the workplace, or at any school event or activity. Any act of harassment of students or employees by other students or employees shall result in prompt and appropriate discipline, including termination of offending employees or suspension or expulsion of students guilty of harassment. Bullying (Board Policy Descriptor Code: JCDAG) The Board of Education believes that all students can learn better in a safe school environment. Behavior that infringes on the safety of students will not be tolerated. Bullying, as the term is defined in Georgia law, of a student by another student is strictly prohibited. Such prohibition shall be included in the Student Code of Conduct for all schools within the school system. Bullying-An act which occurs on school property, on school vehicles, at school bus stops, or at school related functions or activities, or by use of data or software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, computer network, or other electronic technology of a local school system, that is: 1. Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by an apparent present ability to do so; 2. Any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or 3. Any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate, that: a) Causes another person substantial physical harm within the meaning of Code Section 16-5-23.1 or visible bodily harm as such term is defined in Code Section 16-5-23.1; b) Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education; c) Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or d) Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. Procedures may be developed at each school encouraging a teacher or other school employee, student, parent, guardian, or other person who has control or charge of a student, either anonymously or in the person’s name, at the person’s option, to report or otherwise provide information on bullying activity. Any 8 teacher or other school employee who, in the exercise of his or her personal judgment and discretion, believes he or she has reliable information that would lead a reasonable person to suspect that someone is a target of bullying is encouraged to immediately report it to the school principal. Any report will be appropriately investigated by the administration based on the nature of the complaint in a timely manner to determine whether bullying has occurred, whether there are other procedures related to illegal harassment or discrimination that should be implemented and what other steps should be taken. Any report of retaliation for reporting bullying will also be investigated and addressed as called for in this policy and in accordance with school procedures. Acts of bullying shall be punished by a range of consequences through the progressive discipline process, as stated in the Code of Conduct. However, upon a finding by the disciplinary hearing officer, panel or tribunal that a student in grades 6-12 has committed the offense of bullying for the third time in a school year, the student shall be assigned to an alternative school. Upon a finding by a school administrator that a student has committed an act of bullying or is a victim of bullying, the administrator or designee shall notify the parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of the student by telephone call or through written notice, which may be done electronically. Students and parents will be notified of the prohibition against bullying and the penalties for violating the prohibition by posting information at each school and by including such information in the student/parent handbooks. Prompt Removal Georgia law authorizes a teacher to remove from his or her classroom any student who repeatedly or substantially interferes with the teacher's ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the other students to learn. When the student's behavior violates the code of conduct, steps are outlined as to the procedure schools must use to notify parents and obtain appropriate placement of the student. Appropriate placement may range from suspension to participation in an alternative school. Reserve Clause The school system reserves the right to punish behavior that is subversive to good order and discipline in the schools, even though such behavior is not specified in the preceding written rules. Furthermore, the school system reserves the right to amend any provision in this policy/handbook which it deems to be in the best interest of the educational process. Isolated Lunch Students assigned to silent lunch by a teacher or administrator will get a tally mark beside their name on their class chart. If a student is moved to the silent lunch table while in the lunchroom, they will get a tally mark beside their name. If the student receives 4 tally marks in a 2 week period, the lunchroom monitor will fill out an “Isolated Lunch Request” form. The AP will conference with the student and place them in isolated lunch for a certain number of days (determined by AP). Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) The Bacon County School System has implemented a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) System. Within PBIS, we encourage all students to exemplify the three Rs: Raiders are Ready, Respectful, and Responsible. Students and/or classes that exemplify the 3 Rs will be rewarded with Raider bucks. Any staff member at BCES will be able to reward students or classes with Raider bucks throughout the day. Each classroom has a pre-set goal to reach. Once each individual class reaches its goal, the class will take part in the reward. The reward is voted on by the entire class before the goal is set. The goal of students receiving Raider bucks is to help communicate that when students follow the three Rs, their behavior is rewarded in a positive manner.

9 BCES DISCIPLINE POLICY PBIS Assertive Discipline Bacon County Elementary School uses an Assertive Discipline Program to encourage appropriate behavior of students. Each teacher makes and enforces his/her own classroom rules. The following consequences are the guidelines each classroom teacher uses: Classroom Managed Discipline/ Level 1 or 2 offenses  1st time rule is broken-verbal warning/mark chart/ re-teach behavior expectations  2nd time rule is broken-mark chart/loss of privilege/re-teach behavior expectations  3rd time rule is broken-mark chart/loss of privilege/parent contact/documented in Educator’s Handbook/classroom referral sent home to be signed Office Managed Discipline/ Level 3 or 4 offenses  Teacher/staff member completes all portions of office referral form  Administrative conference with student  Administrative Action/Student Consequences  Administrator follows up with parent and referring staff member  Major Offenses such as, but not limited to; drugs & weapons can lead to schools being named as an Unsafe School, according to the provisions of State Board of Education Rule 160-4-8.16. Levels 1 and 2 are considered classroom referrals in which the teacher writes the student’s referral, contacts the parents, and sends the discipline letter home to be signed by the parents/guardians. Parents must sign the discipline letter and return it to school with the student on the next school day. Levels 3 and 4 are considered office referrals in which a teacher write the student’s referral. The referral is forwarded to administration. The student is conferenced with, assigned consequences, and the parents contacted. Acceptable Classroom Conduct 1. Students must have the required materials for class each day. 2. Students will talk only with permission of the instructor. 3. Profanity, obscene language, or lewd gestures will not be tolerated. 4. Students must receive permission to leave their seats or the classroom. 5. Horseplay will not be permitted. 6. Disrespectful behavior will not be permitted. 7. Distracting materials will not be permitted. (Items taken away in class may be picked up by parents.) 8. Sleeping or laying head on the desk in class will not be permitted. 9. Inappropriate physical contact will not be tolerated. Detention Students may be kept in at recess, P.E., or after school, or assigned silent lunch for disciplinary purposes and/or for habitually incomplete class work. This will be used at the discretion of the classroom teachers and the administration. Parents will be notified 24 hours in advance of after school detention so they can make arrangements for transportation. Corporal Punishment (Paddling) 10 Students may be paddled in accordance with Bacon County Board of Education policies and state law requirements. If a child cannot be paddled, the parents must come by the school office to sign a form stating they will pick their child up immediately when he/she misbehaves. If the school is continually unable to reach the parents, the original paddling policy may be enforced except in a case involving medical reasons.

11 Bacon County Elementary Behavior Flow Chart Refer to Behavior Definitions

Is the behavior classroom or office managed? Step 1: Step 1: 1. Staff member 1.Give the student a completes all portions of verbal warning/ mark Classroom Office the office referral form chart Managed Managed 2. Re-teach your Breaking cafeteria rules  Bullying classroom behavior expectations Breaking playground  Major stealing rules  Inappropriate gestures Step 2: Dishonest (sexual) Administrative conference with student (Cheating/Lying) Step 2:  Major physical 1.Mark Chart Defiance aggression (Fighting, spitting, biting, 2.Loss of privilege of Minor Name calling kicking) see sample (idiot, dummy, etc.) interventions  Major disrespect Breaking hallway rules  Property Step 3: Breaking bathroom damage/Vandalism Administrative Action rules  Major defiance Step 3: Off-task (disruptive)- 1. Make parent contact loud, blurting out,  Weapons making noises, playing  Credible threats 2. Document on parent with objects contact sheet and  Inciting a fight Educator’s Off-task (non- Step 4: Handbook disruptive)- out of seat,  Drug use/Possession Administrator follows up not paying attention with parent and referring 3. Send home a copy  Arson staff member of classroom Indirect inappropriate referral to be signed language  Bomb threat

Minor physical  Combustibles aggression (push, shove)  Assault/threat to staff

Minor stealing (pencil,  Harassment eraser)

Sample Interventions: Loss of recess privilege, silent lunch, seating change, etc. (teacher discretion) 12 Bacon County Elementary Discipline/Referral Levels Level 1- Level 2- Level 3- Level 4- Incidental Violations Minor Violations Major Violations Illegal Violations (Non-referred/Non-recorded) (Non-referred/Recorded) (Referred/Recorded) (Referred/Recorded) - Minor Physical Aggression -Inappropriate gestures - Drug use/possession -Off-task behavior  Pinching (sexual) - Weapon use/possession (Disruptive)  Shoving - Bullying - Arson  Loud, blurting out  Intentional Spitting - Overt defiance (major - Bomb threat disrespect) - Extreme property damage/  Making noises - Minor Theft - cyber- bullying vandalism  Playing with objects at  Pencils, erasers (cellphone/social media) - Combustibles desk - Minor Disrespect -Credible Threats - Assault/threats to staff - Off-task behavior - Intentional Inappropriate  Reference in conversation, (Non-Disruptive) language towards others writing or pictures of  Out of Seat - Buying/selling/swapping weapons, acts of violence  Not Paying Attention - Dishonest (chronic cheating & or sexual - Indirect, inappropriate lying) - Major Theft (Intentional) language - Technology violation (social  Money - Breaking Cafeteria rules media, inappropriate web search,  Property of others - Breaking Playground rules internet misuse, etc.) - Major Physical aggression - Breaking Hallway rules  Hitting - Breaking Bathroom rules  Throwing items - Breaking Classroom Rules  Biting -Dishonest (cheating & lying)  Kicking  Fighting - Inciting a Fight - Chronic offenders of Violations in Level 1 & 2

13 PBIS School Wide Expectations Students are expected to follow the 3R’s while they are attending school. In order for the students to exemplify the 3R’s (Raiders are Ready, Respectful, and Responsible) they must be able to conduct themselves in the correct manner while at school. Below you will see the lesson plan of expectations the students must follow. The teacher will teach these lesson plans to the student during the first week of school and review them throughout the year as necessary.

Expectations in Hallways Expectation Ready Respectful Responsible  Follow and listen to adult directions  Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself  Walk in line Define Expectation  Keep eyes on the teacher  Walk on the right Appropriate  Line students up outside the classroom and  Line students up and demonstrate how to  Line students up and demonstrate how model how to focus eyes on the teacher position themselves three squares from the to position themselves in a straight, Behavior  Teacher will select several students to wall in order not to touch others in line quiet line, and walk on the right Demonstrations demonstrate correct procedure for lining up Inappropriate  Allow students to lean on wall, talk in line, turn  Using several students, model inappropriate  Using several students, model around in line, pair up with a friend, pushing, behaviors (involving hands and feet) inappropriate behaviors (involving Behavior pulling hair, tapping on shoulder students out of line, talking, and not Demonstrations on the right side) Instructional  Take students in hallway and other traveling  Take students to the hallway and  Take students to the hallway and areas and demonstrate correct and incorrect demonstrate correct and incorrect demonstrate correct and incorrect Activities procedures procedures procedures

Expectations in Cafeteria 14 Expectation Ready Respectful Responsible  Follow/listen to adult directions  Be polite (use kind words and actions)  Clean your area  Listen for music  Use table manners (eat with mouth closed, no  Stand in line quietly Define Expectation smacking, mixing food, sharing food, or  Stay seated at all times throwing food)  Raise your hand for help  Get all utensils, etc. before sitting down  model listening as adult speaks  line students up and demonstrate the line  demonstrate how to clean their area Appropriate  model appropriate behavior while music is on routine (talk about not talking except to the (around their tray and floor), lining up Behavior (no talking, no giggling, no noise, no lunchroom staff) quietly, sitting on their bottom with feet Demonstrations interactions with other students)  model eating with mouth closed, sitting on on the floor, raising hand for help, and their bottom with feet on the floor getting all utensils before sitting  model talking while an adult is giving  use several students to model inappropriate  use students to model inappropriate Inappropriate directions table manners such as: smacking, burping, behaviors such as: leaving napkin/food on Behavior  students talking, giggling, mouthing, and mixing food, throwing food/objects, showing the table, talking in line, sitting on their Demonstrations making noises food, and bending forks and spoons feet, and getting up and down to get items Instructional  Take students to cafeteria and demonstrate  Take students to cafeteria and demonstrate  Take students to the cafeteria and correct and incorrect procedures correct and incorrect procedures demonstrate correct and procedures Activities Expectations in Bathroom Expectation Ready Respectful Responsible  Follow/listen to adult directions  Use restroom properly  Flush toilet  Use quiet voices  Wash hands Define Expectation  Be aware of personal space  Be quick and quiet  Be neat Appropriate  Line up students by the bathroom and model good  Wait patiently on a stall or sink  Model flushing toilet and washing hands listening skills  Close doors carefully  Model quick self-check and leave Behavior  Whispering voices Demonstrations  Talk while adults talk  Pushing  Model leaving restroom without flushing Inappropriate  Shoving and washing hands Behavior  Looking under stalls  Model socializing Demonstrations  Too close to others  Throwing paper Instructional  Take students to bathroom area and demonstrate  Take students to bathroom area and  Take students to the bathroom area and correct and incorrect procedures demonstrate correct and incorrect demonstrate correct and incorrect Activities procedures procedures Expectations at Recess

15 Expectation Ready Respectful Responsible  Follow/listen to adult directions  Use kind words and actions  Walk in a single file line  Listen for whistle or bell  Play fairly  Use equipment safely Define Expectation  Share equipment  Stay within the boundaries  Get a recess monitor if equipment leaves designated area  line up students and model the correct way to  model asking for equipment politely  model walking in line to and from recess Appropriate walk out to recess and the correct way to  model asking others to play politely  model appropriate use of equipment come back in from recess  model taking turns  walk students around boundaries so Behavior  model listening skills during recess  model following rules of a game they know where they are Demonstrations  explain how the bell or whistle process will  model sharing equipment  tell students to get recess monitor if work equipment leaves designated area Inappropriate  talk while directions are given  using inappropriate language and calling names  getting out of line  not lining up correctly  snatching equipment  turning around in line Behavior  not following rules  chasing and hitting students with Demonstrations  not taking turns equipment Instructional  Take students to recess area and demonstrate  Take students to recess area and  Take students to the recess area and correct and incorrect procedures demonstrate correct and incorrect demonstrate correct and incorrect Activities procedures procedures Expectations in Bus Area Expectation Ready Respectful Responsible  Follow/listen to adult directions  Use kind words and actions  Walk at all times Define Expectation  Watch for vehicles  Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself  Teacher will dismiss students in a straight and  Students will quietly walk to bus area  Teacher will demonstrate how to walk Appropriate correct line without touching others in hallways and bus quietly to bus area  Students will walk to bus area and look for their area  Treat bus area as walking across a road: Behavior bus stop and look Demonstrations  Students will be aware of surroundings while  Demonstrate how to walk to buses once walking to bus outside  Students runaway, out of line, loud, touching  Teacher and students demonstrate  Students and teacher model Inappropriate others, waiting on friends in hallways inappropriate behavior (running, noisy, out appropriate behaviors (run to bus, hit Behavior  Also applies while in bus area of line, touching others) peers, trip peers, not looking in the Demonstrations middle bus lane, not looking for other vehicles) Instructional  Take students to bus area and demonstrate  Take students to bus area and demonstrate  Demonstrate correct and incorrect correct and incorrect procedures correct and incorrect procedures Activities procedures for bus area

16 Bacon County School Bus Safety

(A) Students shall be prohibited from acts of physical violence as defined by Code Section 20-3-751.6, bullying as defined by subsection (a) of Code Section 20-3-751.4, physical assault or battery of other persons on the school bus, verbal assault of other persons on the school bus, disrespectful conduct toward the school bus driver or other persons on the school bus, and other unruly behavior. (1) The safety of all passengers on a school bus is a primary concern for the Bacon County Schools. With the support of the Board of Education, a “zero tolerance” for fights on school buses for middle and high school students is currently in effect. Unlike playground, hallway, lunchroom or classroom, it is extremely difficult to seek safety inside a school bus when there is a fight, especially if the bus is moving. The risk for collateral injury to innocent students is much greater on a school bus than on a school campus, where innocent students could escape the immediate area for their own safety. There is a great danger when fists, long fingernails or thrown objects miss their intended mark and instead injure an innocent student sitting nearby. This danger is even more likely for younger children such as pre-kindergarten students who sometimes must ride on buses with older students. When a bus driver is focused on the highway, there is little chance of the driver being able to immediately intervene and stop the fight, at least until he or she can safely stop the bus and break up the fight. The safety of innocent students depends on all students following bus rules, especially those related to fights and serious disruptions. Therefore, in addition to the normal punishment for fights, students in grades 6-12 who are guilty of fighting on a school bus shall be suspended from the bus for 30 consecutive school days. In addition to the normal punishment for fights, students in grades P-5 who are guilty of fighting on a school bus shall be suspended form the bus for 10 - 20 consecutive school days contingent upon the school principal’s decision regarding the incident, maturity of the student and past discipline record.

(B) Students shall be prohibited from using any electronic devices that affect the safe operation of a school bus, including but not limited to cell phones, pagers, audible radios, tape or compact disc players without headphones, or any other electronic device in a manner that might interfere with the driver’s operation of the school bus.

(C) Students shall be prohibited from using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devises in a manner that might interfere with the school bus driver’s operation of the school bus.

(D) Students shall be required to obey all bus rules which include, but may not be limited to, the following: (1) When loading, students shall remain at least 12 feet from the roadway, until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver signals that it is OK to load. (2) When crossing roadways, students shall cross no closer than 12 feet in front of the bus after the driver has signaled that it is OK. (3) Students shall arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to their designated pick-up time. (4) In the morning, students will be allowed to disembark the bus only at their assigned school. (5) If a student is to disembark his or her assigned bus at a location other than the normal stop, an administrator approved bus pass will be required. (6) Students shall remain seated at all times while the bus is moving. (7) All objects, including body parts, are required to remain inside of bus windows at all times. (8) Students shall observe the same conduct as the classroom. (9) Students shall obey all instructions given by the bus driver. (10) Students shall refrain from using profanity or excessive noise. (11) Students shall refrain from throwing objects or being destructive. (12) Students shall not eat, drink, or use tobacco products on the bus.

17 Bacon County Student Transportation 6 Step Discipline Program 1. Driver will verbally warn student during route. Driver will document date and time of such warning.

2. Driver will relocate / assign student to a seat that is near the driver for a period of time that the driver deems necessary to correct behavior. If the student is already located near the front of the bus, the driver will verbally warn the student again to correct the behavior. Driver will document date and time.

3. Driver will submit documentation to the transportation office and a letter will be sent home to parents documenting corrective measures taken and advising that the next incident will result in a referral submission to the school principal.

4. Driver will present a written referral, with documentation of dates for steps one thru three, to the appropriate school administrator. Disciplinary action for the first referral will result in a minimum of a one day bus suspension for all schools.

5. Driver will present a written referral to the appropriate school administrator. Student will serve a minimum of 3 days bus suspension for all schools.

6. Subsequent referrals will result in progressive bus suspensions of 5 days, 10 days, 20 days, then expulsion from the bus for the remainder of the school year.

School Bus Exceptions: 1. Fighting. Students in grades 6-12 who are guilty of fighting on a school bus shall be suspended from the bus for 30 consecutive days in addition to school administered punishment. Students in grades PK-5 who are guilty of fighting on a school shall be suspended from 10-30 days contingent upon the school principal’s decision regarding the incident, maturity of the student and past discipline record.

2. Group Disruption. Students in grades 6-12 that disrupt safe bus operation as a group and refuse to follow driver instructions will immediately be returned to the appropriate school where they will be removed from the bus by an appropriate administrator. These students will be immediately suspended from the bus for a minimum of 10 days in addition to school administered discipline. This will also automatically set the students in step 6 of the discipline ladder within the number of days suspended.

3. Steps listed address behavior issues within standard bus rules. Principals may, at their discretion, set a student at any level in step 6 according to the actions and history of the student in which the principals deem necessary for the safe operation of the school bus.

18 Behavior Support Process Utilizing the behavior support process shall be considered for students who repeatedly engage in minor acts of misbehavior, for students who engage in a single act of misbehavior which is judged serious, and at the discretion of the school administrators. The implementation of the Behavior Support Process is required in the Improved Student Learning Environment and Discipline Act of 1999.The Behavior Support Process is defined as a process that seeks to promote behaviors viewed as acceptable in today’s society. Further, it is a process that seeks to develop positive emotional, social, and physical growth in students. The Behavior Support Process Team shall function under the leadership of the building administrator, the guidance counselor, or designee. It may function separately from the Student Support Team or as an additional set of responsibilities to the SST. The goal of the Behavior Support Team shall be to develop a student behavior plan with parent involvement that utilizes the resources of the school system, school, community, and agencies. Resources to assist in the development of a student behavior plan include but are not limited to: use of school counselor, mental health professionals, Character Education, prevention specialist, and special programs available periodically.

Bacon County School System Assessment Protocol

We will….  Allow opportunities for 2nd attempts for unsuccessful work/tests

 Provide clear learning targets for students and refer to them often

 Match assessments to learning targets

 Assess our students using multiple methods

 Provide students feedback on both graded and ungraded assessments

 Offer opportunities to practice without grades

 Provide remediation/recovery for areas of weakness

 Ensure ALL assessments are tied to the standards

 Use multiple sources of data to justify grades

We will not….  Assign grades that include behavior

 Give extra credit unless it is standards based

 Include group scores in grades 19  Give completion grades

 Give zeroes without exhausting efforts for completion

POLICY ADDENDUMS Additional Policies/Notices To reduce the number of forms that parents must sign and return to the school year after year, this section was created so that many of the forms could be added as addendums to the handbook. By signing on the Handbook Acceptance Letter (last page), you will acknowledge that you have been informed of these policies/notices.

Addendum: All Day Every Day School Attendance is very important to academic success. We have been recognizing students for the past few years, who are present for school and who stay all day (no tardies or checking out early) monthly!

At the end of each month, students who meet these criteria earn a reward. Our students are learning and working hard all day, every day. And while it may not seem like a big deal to get checked out early one day a week, it is a big deal. Over time, hours of instructional time are lost.

Parents, please join us in supporting this effort for all of our students to be at school all day, every day. Thank you for all you do to help support our school. Please see below for a breakdown of how checking out early affects your child’s instructional time at school. Attendance: Monthly Recognitions a. Purpose: o To decrease the number of students who are absent more than 15 days o To decrease the number of students who are tardy each day o To decrease the number of students who check out early each day o To recognize students who have perfect attendance (all day long)/ (no tardies or checkouts) on a monthly basis b. Recognition: o At the end of each month, students who have been present all day, every day, will be rewarded with a 30 minute recess which includes a special treat (i.e.: ice cream, popcorn, popsicle, etc.) o Students will be allowed to sign their name on the Perfect Attendance bulletin board by the main office area each six weeks Checking Out Early? Did you know…. 30 minutes, 1 day a week, over the course of 1 year=18 hours of lost instructional time…. That’s 2 ½ days! Over the course of your child’s education (K-12) = 234 hours of lost instructional time … That’s 33 ½ days…that’s almost 7 weeks! EVERY MINUTE COUNTS at BCES!

20 Please encourage your child to attend school all day, every day. We will be implementing a new curriculum this year and we will be teaching beginning at 7:50 a.m. each day and ending at 3:05 p.m. each day. It is imperative that your child remains at school to be successful.

Addendum: Drop Off & Pick Up Student drop off points are located at the end of the 3rd grade wing (2nd drive by the new gym) and at the end of the 4th grade wing (by the old gym). There are parking spaces located at the end of the 3rd and 4th grade wings if you wish to park and walk your child into their classroom. The front drive is for Buses ONLY.

3rd Grade Wing is the Designated Drop off and Pick up area for ALL 3rd and 5th Graders. 4th Grade Wing is the Designated Drop off and Pick up area for 4th Grade only.

Parents must enter through the front doors, and report to the front office to receive a Visitor’s Pass. Parents, please DO NOT park, drop off, or pick up your students in the front driveway.

We will ask you to move your vehicle if it is parked in the bus lane after 2:45. This is for the safety of all our students. Thank you for your cooperation.

Students are NOT to be dropped off at BCES before 7:20 a.m. in the morning. There is no one on duty until this time. Afternoon release times are approximate and listed below. 2:50 Walkers 2:55 Pick ups 3:00 Bus Riders We want your child to be safe. Their safety is our first priority! Please note that the pick-up areas are the same as the drop off area.

Check-Outs If you arrive after 2:35 p.m. you will not be allowed to check-out your child unless it is an emergency. This is strictly for our students’ safety, and we ask that you adhere to this policy.

Addendum: Electronic Device Addendum Teachers may request for students to bring their cell phones/electronic devices to school for Educational Purposes/Raider Buck Rewards/Fabulous Fridays only. When the teachers’ lesson does not require the use of electronic devices, all student cell phones/electronic devices should be turned off and put away. Parents are required to sign this BCES Electronic release of liability letter (in order for their child to bring electronic devices onto school premises).

When allowed, students will be able to bring any type of hand held electronic game device (ie: Nintendo DS, PSP, I-Pad, I-Pods, Kindle etc.). We will allow students to bring the electronic device provided this permission letter is signed by a parent or guardian. Students should leave the electronic device in their book bag while on the bus or on school grounds. Some teachers may choose to keep the electronic device in a safe, secure place during the school hours. We ask that students do NOT bring devices that ONLY plays music such as MP3 PLAYERS. This is because we do not have an effortless way to screen the music they are playing.

Please Note: Bacon County Elementary School WILL NOT be LIABLE for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic game devices or games that are brought to school or carried on the bus.

Unless you specifically contact your child’s, homeroom teacher stating contrary your child will be authorized to bring an electronic game device to school. Bacon County Elementary School nor anyone 21 associated with the Bacon County School System may be held responsible for damage to, theft of, or lost electronic device(s).

Addendum: Field Trip Participation All students attending field trip must ride on a school bus. When a student rides the bus to a field trip, he/she must return on the bus unless prior arrangements have been made. Due to school liability, we cannot allow students to ride home with friends. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) that wish for their child to ride back from a fieldtrip with them will be required to sign the student out from the homeroom teacher.

1. Field trips are for BCES students only. Other children, older or younger, will not be allowed to accompany a group on field trips.

2. Sack lunches will be provided by the school. Please do not send individual lunches or snacks. (We will notify parents/guardians of special needs we may have.)

3. The Bacon County Board of Education requires that any student going on a field trip have either insurance or a signed waiver on file.

4. The school will send a notice home by the student informing parent(s)/guardian(s) of any trip that your child may be going on. If you do not wish for your child to attend any particular trip, you must inform the school. If you do not inform the school, we will assume it is alright to take your child on the trip.

Addendum: Gifted Notification Assurance of Equal Access to Gifted Programs: the Bacon County School District endorses the philosophy that education is a means by which each individual has the opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential. We believe that all students have a right to educational experiences that challenge the level of their individual development, whether it is below, at, or beyond the level of their age peers. A special program for gifted students is a component of this commitment.

Students in grade 3-12 who demonstrate a high degree of intellectual academic, and/or creative abilities may be nominated for evaluation to determine eligibility to participate in the Program for Gifted Students. Referrals for consideration may be made by teachers, parents or guardians, counselors, administrators, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities. The State Board of Education determines eligibility criteria for placement in this program.

For a summary of those criteria please see the following website at the Georgia Department of Education. http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/ci_iap_gifted.aspx

Addendum: Internet Agreement Policy Violations of the Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy may result in an individual’s access privileges being revoked, disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action.

Students can use technology resources to retrieve information and run specific software applications as directed by a supervising teacher. Students are not permitted to alter settings in computer operating systems, download or run programs, browse/view other people’s information without their expressed consent, or attempt to do anything they are not specifically authorized to do by a supervising teacher. Students are not

22 permitted to “surf” the Internet without direct instruction and supervision by instructional staff of the Bacon County School System.

Addendum: Free Hearing and Vision Screening Periodically, a teacher may request that a hearing and vision screening be done for individual students. Family Vision Center conducts the vision screening for our school to check for potential vision problems. The School Nurse conducts the screening to check for potential hearing problems. These screenings are conducted at BCES. If a request is made for your child to be screened, you will be contacted only if a doctor referral is necessary. If you do not wish for your child’s vision or hearing to be screened please contact the school nurse.

Addendum: Parent Communication If you are interested in viewing grades or attendance information use parent portal. If you have an account it may be accessed via the district or school web page or you may download the app for your mobile store. If you do not have an account please speak with someone in the front office.

To subscribe to news/event details from administration, media, grade-level, or teachers sign up for all below which specifically apply to you & your child.

Message Group (owner) Topics/Members Mode of Delivery Instructions to Join BCES Office (principal) General Info – all students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @baconcount General Info – all students Twitter @baconcountyelem 3rd Grade Teachers All 3rd Grade students Facebook Search for “Bacon Elementary 3rd Grade”

4th Grade Teachers All 4th Grade students Facebook Search for “Fourth Grade Teachers.”

Ms. Kathy Meeks Ms. Meeks’ 3rd grade students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @89ag6 Ms. Suzy Dixon Ms. Dixon’s 3rd grade students Twitter @suzydixon80 Remind Text the phone number 81010 with message @mrsdix Ms. Brooke Deats Ms. Deats’ 5th grade students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @deats Ms. Cathy Mims Ms. Mims’ 5th grade students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @mimse Ms. Jennifer Waters Ms. Waters’ 5th grade students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @mrsjwaters

23 Ms. Tammy Rowland Ms. Rowlands 5th grade Science Remind – text messages Text the phone number & Social Studies students 81010 with message @rowlandssc Ms. Robin Douglas 5th Grade Math Students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @Douglasmath Mr. Stephen King Mr. King’s 5th grade students Remind – text messages Text the phone number 81010 with message @sking47 Ms. Wilson’s 5th grade math Remind – text messages Text the phone number students 81010 with message Ms. Veronica Wilson @missvwil Ms. Wilson’s 5th grade Science Remind – text messages Text the phone number & Social Studies students 81010 with message @missvwil2

Addendum: Parent Portal Parent Portal is a web based application accessible via the internet which interfaces with our student management software. If you create an account with Parent Portal you will have access to your child’s attendance, grade, and major discipline referral. The Steps for signing up are:

1. Visit www.bcraiders.com 2. Click on the tab Community. At the bottom click on Parent Portal Lookup. 3. Fill in your child’s SSN and Date of Birth. Then submit. 4. You will then be on the Parent Portal Activation Key Lookup page. Click Activate Your Parent Portal Account Now (it will be blue). 5. Click on Campus Portal Activation Key and enter your Campus Portal Activation Key Number.

For more assistance please contact the school’s media center.

Addendum: Permission to Test We have implemented several programs to enhance and support the education of the students in our school. During the year we administer assessments that assist in identifying areas in which students may need extra support and/or acceleration. For students to participate in certain programs, it may be necessary to use some assessment instrument with individual students or small groups of students. Your signature below will give permission to screen your child, if needed, for any of our instructional programs. If your child is chosen for an assessment, you will be contacted. Please return this form to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Addendum: School Nutrition Notice Bacon County Elementary Schools will participate in CEP for SY 17-18. CEP Schools provide breakfast and lunch to all students at no cost. Parents can apply a small amount of money to student’ account for purchases of supplemental items. Students will not be allowed to charge for supplemental items. For more information contact the nutrition coordinator at 912-632-7363.

Addendum: Title I School Designation Parent Notification The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 requires that parents or guardians who have children attending a Title I school be notified of how well their school is preparing its students for college and/or a career, as well as the school’s designation status under Georgia’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver.

24 Under the 2015 renewal of Georgia’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver, certain Title I schools continue to be designated as Reward, Priority, or Focus Schools. The Waiver allows the use of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) as the comprehensive report card for all schools in Georgia, providing a score between 0-100 for each school—measuring how well the school is doing in preparing its students to be successful in college and/or a career. You may view BCES’ CCRPI scores from the GaDOE report card web site.

BCES is a Title I school that is continuing to provide a quality education to all of our students. We take pride in the teaching we provide for our children. Our teachers and staff members work very hard to meet the needs of all students to ensure they achieve at their highest potential.

An important part of our success is parent participation and support in developing activities to improve student achievement. We hope that you will become involved in our school improvement work as we continue to monitor student achievement and set high expectations. If you are interested in participating in the development of our school improvement plans, being a part of our family engagement team or have questions about how you can better help your child in school, please contact us.

Addendum: School-Parent Compact for Achievement A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade- level standards.

Effective compacts:

 Link to goals of the school improvement plan  Focus on student learning skills  Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction  Share strategies parents can use at home  Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress  Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom

Building Partnerships

Open House – Students meet their teachers and expectations, grading and Homework policies are relayed to parents. Family Reading Nights – Parents are invited twice a year to come to school and read with their children Writing Celebrations – Parents are invited twice a year to come to view their child’s writing work. Other Opportunities:

. BCES Fun Day (May 2018) . Dr. Seuss Breakfast (March 2018) . Winter Carnival (December 2017) . Honor’s Day Program (May 2018) . Grade Level Field Trips . Relay for Life (Spring 2018) . Red Cross Blood Drive

. The parents, students and staff of Bacon County Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers suggested home learning strategies, parents added ideas to 25 make them more specific, and students told us what would help them learn. Meetings are held each year to review the Compact and make changes based on student needs.

Communication about Student Learning Bacon County Elementary School is committed to frequent two-way communication with families about student learning and success. Some of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:  One Call Now – Automated messaging system that informs parents of BCES happenings through phone calls, emails, or text messaging  Remind 101 – Teachers text message parents reminders on a daily or weekly basis  Student Agenda/Planner – homework assignments and pertinent information sent home daily with students  Parent Folders – sent home weekly with student papers and information for parents  Parent Portal – parents can access their child’s grades, attendance, and discipline records online

District Goals: A. Provide a curriculum that is challenging, real, and diverse 1. Focus on student achievement, engagement, and student learning B. Increase the use of technology in the learning process C. Incorporation of high quality, balanced assessments to improve student learning D. Recruit and retain high quality staff 6. Organize and govern structures that support student learning 7. Increase parent and community involvement 8. Adequate financial resources used effectively and efficiently to maximize student learning

Bacon County Elementary Goals: Bacon County administrators and teachers studied our student performance data to determine the most important areas of improvement for our school.

1. Increase the percentage of students in grades 3, 4, & 5 that meet or exceed in Reading/English Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies on the Ga Milestone. 2. Improve student behavior and decrease the number of office referrals. 3. Improve student attendance and decrease the number of tardies, check-outs, and absences. 4. Increase Parent Involvement in school activities. 5. Increase Teacher effectiveness.

In The Classroom (Teachers) I pledge to: . teach skills and concepts appropriate to your child’s needs.  Georgia Standards of Excellence(GSE) and Georgia Performance Standards . provide a positive learning environment.  Positive Behavior Interventions and Support System (PBIS) . maintain open lines of communication with students and parents.  Parent Folders, Student Agendas, Newsletters, and maintain grades on Parent Portal (IC) . provide resources and materials for home learning experiences  BCES website and Teacher website . conduct parent-teacher conferences to discuss the progress of your child  Before/after school and during teacher planning times

26 At Home (Parents) I pledge to:  bring my child to school on time and refrain from checking my child out of school unless it is absolutely necessary. . spend at least 15 minutes a day reading to my child or listening to my child read. . establish a time and place for homework and make sure homework is completed. . help my child in areas of need by reviewing and signing the Parent Folder weekly. . review and sign the Student Agenda Book/Planner nightly. . work collaboratively with the school to help my child behave appropriately. . attend parent-teacher conferences. . make appointments with teachers and/or administrators to address concerns relating to my child. Bacon County Elementary Students will follow the Three R’s: I pledge to be: READY . I will come to school ready to learn. . I will come to school each day with pencils, paper and other necessary tools for learning. RESPECTFUL . I will listen and participate in all my classes. . I will respect and cooperate with other students and adults. . I will respect my school and the property of the school. RESPONSIBLE . I will complete and return homework assignments on time. . I will always try to do my best in my work and in my behavior. . I will give to my parents/guardians all notices and information received by me from my school.

Addendum: School Supply Lists

Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Needs Needs Needs 1-1 inch 3-ring binder (no zippers) Binder with a zipper 2 3-inch three ring binders (heavy duty) or 1 zip-up binder 1-pack of divider tabs (5 subject) Dividers 1 pack of dividers (8 dividers in each pack) 3-1 subject notebooks Ear Buds 1 pencil pouch with holes to fit in binder 1 pack of notebook paper (wide Notebook paper 2 packs of 20 pencils (#2…not ruled) mechanical) 1 lanyard (for library card) Crayons, colored pencils, or markers 2 packs of pencil top erasers (one of the three) 1 pack of Expo markers (4 pack) Glue Stick 1 pack of colored pencils 2 Orange plastic folders (prongs) #2 pencils 1 pencil sharpener for colored pencils 2 Green plastic folders (prongs) 5 Dry Erase Markers 2 packs of 8 dry erase markers 1 set of ear buds Scissions 3 packs of loose leaf paper Crayons Pencil top erasers 1 pair of scissors Markers 1 pack of sheet protectors (10 per pack) 3 pks. Glue sticks 1 set of earbuds that will fit in pencil pouch 24 #2 pencils 4 pks. Cap erasers Pencil box 27 Scissions Wish List Wish List Wish List Soccer ball or Kickball Clorox Wipes disinfecting wipes Kleenex Paper Towels hand sanitizer Hand Sanitizer Kleenex Ziploc bags (gallon and quart) Clorox wipes Zip Lock Bags Kleenex Lysol spray Hand Sanitizer paper towels Ziploc bags (snack, quart, & gal.) Assorted Candy assorted chewy candy White index cards Extra pencils, paper, & erasers Soccer ball or Kickball Paper towels Soccer ball or Kickball Extra pencils, paper, & erasers

Bacon County Elementary School 523 East Sixteenth Street Alma, Georgia 31510 (912) 632-4133 Phone (912) 632-5414 Fax

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please sign below indicating that you have read the 2017-18 BCES Student Handbook along with the following addendums contained herein: All Day Every Day Drop off & Pick Up Electronic Device Field Trip Participation Gifted Notification Internet Agreement Policy Free hearing/vision Screening Notice Parent Communication Parent Portal Permission to Test School Nutrition Notice School-Parent Compact for Achievement

Please RETURN this page to your child's homeroom teacher. If you have any questions concerning the BCES Student Handbook, please speak with your child's teacher. Thank you for all you do as a parent/guardian to support us in providing your child with the finest education possible.

28 Student’s Name: ______

Homeroom Teacher: ______Grade: ______

Parent/Guardian's Signature: ______

Date: ______


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