Parish of St Boniface s3

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Parish of St Boniface s3


“I am the light of the world”

Presbytery: St. Boniface House, 413 Shirley Road Southampton SO15 3JD Tel: 023 80771231 Parish Priest: Father David Sillince Safeguarding Officer: Diana Agacy 023 80907128 Parish Secretary: Eileen B. Aylett Parish Office opening hours Monday Thursday and Friday 9.00am to 12.30pm Newsletter deadline 9.00pm on Tuesday for inclusion on following Sunday, space permitting. Parish Website: Parish Office e mail: [email protected] This Parish is within the Pastoral Area of Southampton Central & West. RC Diocese of Portsmouth Regd. Charity 246871 The Church is normally open on weekdays 8am-5pm, Saturdays 8am-7.45pm, Sundays 7.30am-5pm

CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK We pray especially for:- (Divine Office week 4) Saturday March 25 ] 6.30pm Mass Father Sean Kilcoyne, RIP [Galway] Sunday March 26 ] FOURTH SUNDAY of LENT (‘Laetare’) [A] 8.30am Mass Father Roy Bennett (60th anniv. 10.30am Mass ord.) Elizabeth Fitzgerald, RIP Monday March 27 of Lent 4 Fifth Station of the 10.00am Mass Father David Hutton, Cong. Cross Orat.,RIP Tuesday March 28 of Lent 4 Sixth 10.00am Mass Father Michael Clifton, RIP Station [Southwark] Wednesday March 29 of Lent 4 Seventh 10.00am Mass Jovito Lira & Benryck Aizchel Station Macaraya, RIP Thursday March 30 of Lent 4 Eighth 10.00am Mass Felix Plariza senior, RIP Station Friday March 31 of Lent 4 Ninth 10.00am Mass Father Paul Leonard Station Recon ...... Lenten Reconciliation Hour 6.30-7.30pm 6.30pm Saturday April 1 of Lent 4 Tenth 10.00am Mass In thanksgiving [ER] Station 6.30pm Mass is of 5th. Sunday of Lent (Passiontide) Confessions Saturdays after 10am Mass and from 5.45pm to 6.15pm, also Lenten Reconciliation Hour each Friday 6.30-7.30pm PARISH PRAYER GROUP: Fridays 11am-12noon in the Hall, all welcome. REFRESHMENTS in the Hall every Sunday after 10.30am Mass, also Fridays after 10am Mass (for our Parish charity) this time: William Comaskey, Please pray for those who are sick Francis Perry. BRITISH SUMMER TIME begins this especially: Colette Morfett, Sheila May they rest in peace and rise in Sunday, clocks forward one hour. White, Rosemary FitzGerald, Aileen glory. Lynn, Geoffrey Milford, Edward AVE REGINA CAELORUM Standley, Katie Smith, Mary King, DIOCESAN PRAYER INTENTIONS: [“Hail Queen of Heaven”] Jenny O’Farrell, Joan & Peter Su: The Neocatechumenate Antiphon from Candlemas to Easter Turner, Veronica White, Gordon (Paulsgrove); M: The Annunciation, Hail Queen of Heaven beyond Lyons, Anne le Flohic, Joe Gleeson, Netley Abbey; T: Our Lady of the compare Adele Vella, Kenneth Angel, Ellen Annunciation & the Japanese Martyrs, to whom the angels homage pay, Ince. Saint-Martin, Jersey; W: Association Hail Root of Jesse, Gate of Light for Latin in the liturgy; Th: Pastoral that opened for the world’s new Please pray for the repose of the Area Pastoral Councils; F: Jersey Day. souls of those with anniversaries at Pastoral Area; Sa: Society for the Rejoice, O Virgin unsurpassed, Protection of the Unborn Child. in whom our ransom was begun; For all your loving children pray names where you will be able to offer CARE AND RELIEF FOR THE YOUNG to Christ our Saviour and your Son your services. [CRY] are opening a charity shop in Shirley and seek a suitably qualified LENTEN PRAYER of St. EPHREM: YOUTH CLUBS: Junior [‘Frogz’] for retail manager (32 hours per week) ages 8-12, SECOND & FOURTH and deputy manager (16-19 hours), O Lord and Master of my life, give Fridays of the month during termtime, and also volunteer staff. To apply, me not a spirit of sloth, 6-7.15pm. In the Hall, all welcome contact Clive Wyatt, 41 Victoria Road, despondency, lust for power or idle Now resumes after the school holidays. Woolston SO19 9DY talk; but give to me, your servant, a Senior [‘Fanning the Flame’] for ages cwyatt@cry, or (023) 8178 0408. spirit of sobriety, humility, patience 12-18 Fridays 7.15-9pm. and love. O Lord and King, allow me to see my own sins, and not to EAST AFRICA CRISIS APPEAL: As HEALING DAY with Little Way judge my brother, for blessed are announced last weekend, next Healing Ministries Saturday April 1, you for ever and ever, Amen. weekend we will take a special 10am-4.30pm, Highfield House Hotel, collection for the East African Famine Highfield Lane SO17 1AQ, with Fr. 10.30 MASS in LENT: The Entry appeal, which concerns South Sudan, Laurence Brassill OSA and Mrs. Pauline Antiphon is sung as per text on Somalia, parts of Ethiopia and Edwards. No booking required. readings sheet, with accompanying northern Kenya and where up to 16 Psalm verses. million appeal are facing starvation, ‘the largest humanitarian crisis in CHURCH IN THE PARK June 7-11 in more than 70 years’. central Southampton also seeks volunteers to fill a variety of roles. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION 2: He has Yes we have only just had a collection For details see done all things well; he has given new for CAFOD and sight to the blind. Yes the crisis is not due only to natural factors such as drought, but to COMMUNION ANTIPHON 2: none. ineffective (or nil) government and CHRISTOPHER OLDING one of our meddling by other countries such as former organists has written a new Iran and Saudi Arabia hymn to honour Blessed Oscar COLLECTION: Mar 19: Loose But Catholic bishops in the area have Romero, sponsored by the Archbishop £543.79, Envelopes £465.00. appealed for “immediate and Romero Trust. You can see (and hear) Apportionment: Bankers’ Orders unconditional concrete intervention the words and music at: £320.00, Gift Aid £180.00. Total and action before thousands of £1508.79. Sebeya Ethiopia, CAFOD innocent lives are carried away and you-raise-up-true-disciples-digital- project £154.46 (£52405.67). Many before it is too late”. sheet-music/20417973 No illicit thanks for these kind contributions. Can you help? copying, please. This weekend: Clergy Assistance Fund Next weekend: East Africa Famine ‘ RECONCILIATION HOUR’, each HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY is seeking emergency appeal (extra collection, no Friday in Lent from 6.30 to 7.30pm. volunteers. Do you have a friendly envelopes; see overleaf). As last year, as a substitute for a Parish manner? Are you willing to help Penitential Service, Fr. David will be in patients come to worship in the the church each Lenten Friday from hospital chapel on, say, one Sunday a FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: This 6.30 to 7.30pm. Each person arriving month? Or could you devote 1-2 Wednesday March 29 at 6pm in the will be invited to pray through, hours on Friday mornings asking Hall: “We listen to the Word of God”; privately, a short preparatory service patients if they would like to come to then break for Holy Week and school of the word which they will be given; chapel services? Or arrange flowers in holidays until April 26. they then come forward to the the chapel? Or be trained to support sanctuary rails to celebrate the the work of the hospital chaplains? CONFIRMATION: next session Sacrament of Reconciliation, and For an informal conversation, contact Sunday April 9. 2pm in our Hall: “The conclude with a short service of the Chaplaincy Volunteers comeback of Jesus”. thanksgiving, which will also be Coordinator, Sue Pitkin, (023) 8120 offered to them. The Confessional is 8517. For an application pack HOLY WEEK READERS, MINISTERS not used. (including need for enhanced DBS of COMMUNION, WELCOMERS: Confessions in the more ‘traditional’ check, references and an interview), Blank sheets covering the Triduum, mode are still offered each Saturday contact the Voluntary Services plus Passion readers on Palm Sunday, am & pm. department, (023) 8120 6062 or are in the porch; please fill in your [email protected] THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: With the decision to appoint women It is not really for me to comment on bishops, and to minimise discontent, difficulties in the Church of England; we the C of E formed five “guiding have troubles of our own. principles”, which were intended to But I have been intrigued by the case of ensure harmony in the Church and the bishop (or rather, non-bishop) of allow what was described as “mutual Sheffield. flourishing”. In other words, all Church When the see of Sheffield fell vacant members, lay and clerical, male and last summer, the chosen nominee was female, would seek to live together in Philip North, bishop of Burnley in charity and, if necessary, disagree Lancashire. He is an opponent of the constructively. The first major practical ordination of women, and does not application of this admirable principle ordain them himself. His previous involved the bishop of Sheffield, and nomination as bishop of Whitby in there is much lamentation that it seems Yorkshire fell through because of to have failed. controversy over this issue. Many opponents of the appointment Bishop North is by all accounts a fine maintain that they were not seeking to pastor and an excellent preacher, and be horrid, but were drawing attention has received glowing testimonials from to a situation which seemed to be women priests in his present diocese, unsustainable: but nevertheless holds to his views. It individuals are individuals, but a bishop is not irrelevant that his consecration as is a father – or mother – of a whole bishop of Burnley was not carried out diocese, and thus his pastoral hand by the archbishop of York, to whom the must rest equally upon all. task fell, because the archbishop had It forces one to ask oneself the the previous day consecrated the first question: if a bishop believes women female bishop in this country, and so cannot be ordained, then he must tactfully stood aside. believe that women priests already in When North’s appointment to Sheffield his diocese are not ordained; they are, was announced, there was considerable as we used to say rather nastily of unease and he convened a meeting in Anglican priests, “lay people dressed up Doncaster with women priests of the in vestments”. And as every Anglican Sheffield diocese, which seems to have diocese has women priests, this would been an icy occasion. He then received mean that in some parishes, at least, the abusive messages, and even protest Eucharist would be considered as not pictures drawn by children at their validly celebrated. parish liturgy (!), which has caused him All of which raises two issues: (1) the to stand aside. Catholic Church, witnessing this When the first women priests were confusion, is not likely to rush to appointed in the C of E, provision was change its mind on women’s ordination made for those opposed to them. The any time now. And (2) when the desire arrangement seems like one of those to be kind collides with the desire to be polite and inclusive devices for which logical, there can be an awful mess. the C of E is well known (and for which As we are finding out ourselves at this we sometimes are not). This was in very time. the form of the so-called “flying bishops”; this mildly amusing title did not refer to their form of transport, or to angelic self-propulsion, but to the fact that they ministered to people of like convictions to themselves, but irrespective of geographical location. (Something similar is our diocese of the Forces; one is a member of it by virtue of being in the Armed Services, whether one is in Penrith or Penzance). In due time, this provision fell into disuse.

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