2015 Community Garden Sustainability Fund

Background Information A partnership of Grow Pittsburgh and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Community Garden Sustainability Fund provides material and technical assistance to existing community food gardens. The fund supports projects that will improve or enhance gardens so that they may have a long-lasting positive impact as part of their communities. Think big!

Gardens can apply for materials such as fencing, raised beds, compost and topsoil, and rain barrels, and services like tilling, soil testing or consultation. For a complete list of what we can and cannot provide, see Page 6 of this application.

Timeline Awardees will be notified in June. All projects will be completed by the end of 2015.

Who is Eligible? Any existing community-focused food garden group in Allegheny County is encouraged to apply, including schools, community organizations and shelters.

Gardens must submit the following in order to be considered for support: □ Completed application (Pages 2-5) □ Written permission from land owner allowing gardening on the site* □ Completed Community Garden Sustainability Survey. (You can email us for a paper copy.)

*Groups gardening on City-owned land must obtain all necessary permissions for the work being proposed. We can assist with this process if needed.

Application Application questions? Please contact Tamisha Singletary by phone at 412-362-4769 ext. 114 or email at [email protected].

Applications are due via mail or electronically by Friday, May 22th 2015 5:00 pm.

By mail: Grow Pittsburgh ℅ Tamisha Singletary 6587 Hamilton Ave #2W Pittsburgh, PA 15206

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Electronically: [email protected]

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Contact Information Garden Name: ______

Garden location: Please provide exact address or block-lot number (see the Allegheny County Assessment website). ______

Neighborhood: ______

Primary contact person for this application: ______

Contact person’s role at garden: ______

Daytime phone: ______

Email: ______

How do you prefer to be contacted? phone email

General Garden Information Approximate site dimensions: ______

Land owner: ______

Is the lot publicly or privately owned? publicly owned privately owned

Form of permission: garden waiver lease agreement other______You must attach a copy with your application.

How long are you permitted to garden on the site? (i.e. 5 years, 10 years, etc.) ______

Has the soil at the garden site ever been tested? Yes No If ‘yes’, please attach soil test results

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Garden Description Please tell us about your garden, answering the following questions. Who started the garden? When? What is its purpose? Who benefits from the garden? If you have a mission statement, please include it.

Please describe how the physical space is organized. Feel free to attach drawings and/or pictures.

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Project Description(s) 1. Please propose up to three projects (#1 being the highest priority) that you would like us to consider funding for your garden. Use additional paper if necessary. 2. For each project, answer the questions: a. Why is this project important? b. How it will contribute to the sustainability of your garden? 3. If you need the project completed by a specific date, be sure to include that. 4. You may include cost estimates here.

Project #1: Description:

Project #2: Description:

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Project #3: Description:

VALUES In January of 2015, Grow Pittsburgh adopted eight values to guide the long-lasting positive impact we may affect through our work within local communities. We include our values here to ensure all applicants are familiar with them. Our participation in your garden will be in accordance.

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION: prioritizing neighborhood voices to guide programs

ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY: using, teaching and advocating for restorative practices

EQUITY: working alongside communities to build access and power for all

FISCAL INTEGRITY: making responsible and effective use of available assets

FOOD SOVEREIGNTY: supporting everyone’s right to access, produce and distribute healthy and culturally appropriate food

RESOURCEFULNESS: creating hands-on opportunities to build individual and community self- sufficiency

SOCIAL JUSTICE: understanding systems of privilege, oppression and racism, and using this knowledge to drive our work

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TRANSPARENCY: being accountable by using clear, direct and inclusive communication

I acknowledge I have read and understand Grow Pittsburgh’s position relating to these values.

Initials: ______

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Projects and Materials Eligible for Support ● Education, consultation, workshops, trainings, mediation ● Memberships to Grow Pittsburgh’s Garden Resource Center ● Rain barrels and water catchment ● Soil testing ● Fencing ● Lumber and hardware for raised beds ● Gardening books ● Garden signage ● Compost systems ● Cover crop seed ● Seeds, seedlings, perennials, trees ● Seed starting materials such as potting soil, pots, and trays ● Bulletin boards ● Season extension (i.e. row cover, low tunnels, high tunnels) ● Mulch, compost, topsoil ● Hardscaping for borders and pathways such as bricks and gravel ● Irrigation systems ● Hand tools ● Power tools, including: string trimmers, cordless drills, small tillers, and lawn mowers (some restrictions apply) ● Tool storage

Use your imagination! Do you have additional project ideas or materials that would improve your garden’s sustainability? We’d like to hear about them! Just be sure to make a strong case for your ideas on the ‘Project Description’ page.

NOTE: We cannot give gardens money, fund employee or internship positions, or pay ongoing garden expenses like utility bills or insurance.

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