Blessing and Cursing

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Blessing and Cursing

Blessing and cursing

Week One, October 17, 2012

There are two states or conditions we may live in. One is a state of blessedness, and the other is a state of cursedness. These conditions manifest in how we live day by day; they are not just single acts.

The foundation Scripture can be found in Genesis 12:1-3:

1 Now the Lord had said to Abram, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house to a land that I will show you.

2 I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

We learn from these scriptures that you can be blessed in that you receive blessings, and you can also be a blessing by being a conduit to bless others.

When it comes to Abraham, all the families of the earth have the right to be blessed by being in him. This state of blessedness stems from believing what Abraham believed, and living like Abraham lived.


People can pronounce a curse on someone, but it doesn't mean that it will alight. In order for a curse to alight, you must have standing to pronounce that curse, and the curse must also be justified or with a cause that is pursuant to that of righteousness. The man of God as Shepherd is an example of one who has standing to pronounce a curse.

Having standing to pronounce blessings and cursings can end. For example, a father’s standing over his daughter ends when he gives her in marriage. A pastor's authority may end when the destiny of one of his sheep takes that one to another state and puts them under the authority of a different pastor. Also, if a husband divorces his wife, he no longer has standing over her. That standing exists only so long as the marriage covenant with her does.

The family patriarch (the oldest living male family member of that surname) has authority to speak on behalf of those who carry the family name in matters that pertain to the family name. His job is to bring the family along closer to God so that the family increases in righteousness. The patriarch holds spiritual authority, not personal authority. Most cursing is a consequence of disobedience to the Word of God. Once sin latches onto you, it just meanders through the family line. Sin is dark, and if you are engaging in sin, you’re colluding with the darkness. If someone lives in sin but later gets saved, the material consequences remain.

Each patriarch will take his place when his time comes, and he is to promote and proclaim godliness. He does this by raising his sons in the nurturing and admonition of the Lord and by how he lives his life. He assumes that role because it is conferred upon him by virtue of being alive. If he is moving toward God, that's good. If he is moving away from God that is not good for him nor the family because a life spent in unrighteousness puts a drag on the family. Your family is at great risk when the elder or patriarch takes a move toward darkness.

It makes it a lot easier to grab onto and serve the Lord when you're raised in it. There are hurdles that can be put in place besides what we put in place ourselves. To the extent that the patriarch doesn't bring the family along in righteousness the effects are beyond their own soul. Life is hard enough; we don't need our relatives weighing us down with past sins.

Some curses can be broken and some cannot. These things are in operation whether you know about it or not and whether you agree with it or not.

It is a good thing if some family lines are extinct. It is a harsh judgment to have that happen, but it indicates that the family must have been very evil to have gotten on God's bad side like that. Having a family name come off of the roles is a consequence of sin. If a family goes off the cliff, it's dragging the family name and family line along with it.

The family line does not lie with just one person. As long as there are males procreating more males with the family name, it continues. Just because one son has only girls does not mean that the family name dies unless there is no other living male who is procreating.

It is not always tied to the curse if you don't have any male progeny because today we are messing with procreation through the use of contraception and abortion. This causes the results to be skewed. The sex of a child is statistically roughly 50% male and 50% female. People don't understand the details as to why they need to have a boy, but internally they know that it has to do with their family remaining on the earth. Various methods are used to try to affect the sex of a child.

When considering a mate, you have to look at the family that they come from – infirmities in the bloodline, mental things going on, and you want to rule out obvious things. There are afflictions of the soul such as being manic depressive, having demonic oppression due to an open doorway, and drug and alcohol use is a big portal to the dark side. In addition you may have organic or biological afflictions such as Alzheimer's and physical problems.

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