Unit 5 Catholic Beliefs and Practices
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Catholic Apologetics Unit 5 Catholic Beliefs and Practices
Directions: Respond the following questions as you read through the assignment. Write your responses in complete sentences using dark blue or black ink. Please record the question on one line, and the response on the following lines. In most instances the response will be more than a single sentence. Don’t forget to write the complete heading (full name, row number, date, period, description) in the top, right corner. Remember to use blue or black ink and that neatness counts!
Catholicism & Reason, Hayes, Hayes, Drummey
Review Questions for chapter 13 The Church and the Bible Focus: The Church birthed the Bible and she is the proper interpreter. 1. If there was no scripture in the first years of Christianity, what guided the early Christians? 2. Explain the analogy between how civil affairs and Scripture are, and are not, regulated. 3. The first condition for a competent guide for the Christian religion is that it must be within the reach of everyone. For who was the Bible out of reach, historically? (listing these is acceptable) 4. The second condition is that it must be clear and intelligible to all. Is the Bible intelligible to all? 5-6. The third condition is that it must present all truths of the Christian religion. Does the Bible contain all the teachings of the Christian religion? Explain, using examples. (double points) 7-8. List the ways that the Catholic Church has championed the Bible through the ages. 9. The Bible is the Word of God by the authority of the Catholic Church. Explain. Then relate to infallibility. 10. If the Bible is to be the only guide (“sola Scriptura”), what questions remain unanswered? (at least five) 11. Why isn’t private interpretation reasonable? Apply these to the Eucharist and the other sacraments. 12. What is Tradition? What is it not? How is it defined here?
Review Questions for chapter 16 In the Beginning Focus: As a result of Original sin, man has fallen into worship of temporal (temporary) things rather than the One who created them all. 1. Why did God create the world and human beings? How is this reflected in the quote from Saint Augustine? 2-3. (double points) Describe all the characteristics of angels according to the CCC. 4-5. Describe all the characteristics of the fallen angels. 6. What reassurance about Satan is provided by Saint Pope John Paul II? 7. In what respects do humans resemble God? 8. Explain the difference between the body and the soul? 9. What are four facts about Adam and Eve? 10. What are the three characteristics of the state of original sin? 11. What common concern is shared in the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World and Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity? 12. What does John Paul II caution about the state of hereditary moral weakness and sin caused by original sin?
Review Questions for chapter 21 After Death – What? Focus: The condition of the afterlife is determined by the choices we make in this life. 1. Explain four Catholic teachings about death. 2. Explain the three things that will happen at the resurrection on the last day. 3. Explain the difference between individual judgment and general judgment. 4. Why do Catholics see the existence of hell as most reasonable? 5. Describe the punishments of hell. 6. Who is hell reserved for? 7. In what way did the doctor see the reasonableness of purgatory?
(continued) 8. What biblical passage is cited as an example the value of prayers for the dead? How is it connected to purgatory? 9. Who “goes” to purgatory? 10. Describe the happiness associated with being in heaven.
Review Questions for chapter 22 Mary, Mother of the Church Focus: Mary is an archetype/model of the Church – we are all called to say yes to Christ. 1. What are three good reasons why we should go to Mary with our needs? 2. Why was Mary “deeply troubled” by the words of the angel? 3. What does the phrase “firstborn Son” mean? What does the Church teach about Mary’s virginity? 4. What other extraordinary privileges were granted to Mary as the Mother of God? What are these formally called? 5. What does the story of the Wedding at Cana illustrate about the relationship between Mary and Christ? Why should we petition her in our prayers too? 6. What is the general message of Mary’s numerous apparitions? What is the prescription for peace in the world? 7. Why is the rosary sometimes called “the Gospel in miniature?” 8-9. What are the scriptural connections between Mary and God’s plan of salvation? (double points) 10. What conclusions does the author draw about the appropriateness of venerating Mary? 11. What significance did Mary play in the pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II?