Sedgwick County Commissioner s1

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Sedgwick County Commissioner s1


Meeting was called to order by Chairman Beck with, Sandquist, Bauerle and Beckman present.

Bauerle moved to approve the agenda with the addition of report on the Sheriff’s tires, add EDC meeting onto unfinished business and talk to attorney about use tax and letter. Sandquist second, carried.

Bauerle reported that last night’s rain caused the closure of County Rd 61 and has caused other roads to be washed out and there was water running over on the State Line Road by County Rd 20.

Vouchers were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve the vouchers and payroll. Sandquist second, carried.

The minutes of the September 16, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes as presented. Bauerle second, carried.

Sandquist reported on the CTSI Health insurance. There will be a 10% increase in 2015. Beckman will put some numbers together to present to the Board at the next meeting.

Bauerle reported that there are tires at Korf that the Sheriff previously ordered. Discussion was held.

Kindra Plumb, Extension Office, joined the meeting. Conchita Gonzales, Landon Bogan and Kenton Bogan joined as guests to introduce themselves to the Board and to tell what they do in 4-H. Kindra presented the Board with the 4-H week proclamation. Bauerle moved to approve the Honorary Proclamation for 4-H week. Sandquist second, carried. Plumb told the Board that the 4-H achievement programs will be held on November 2nd at 5:30 p.m. Plumb and the guests left the meeting.

Bauerle reported that Larry Nail and Tara Stretesky were appointed to the EDC Board. Discussion was held on suggestions for one more appointee.

The bids for the pole barn at the fairgrounds were reviewed. A decision will be made when all of the information is received.

Discussion was held on the only bid submitted for the horse barn at the fairgrounds. Dennis Miller was contacted and will re-submit his bid with 26 gauge steel.

Lisa Ault, Human Service, joined the meeting for the Human Service monthly report. Bauerle moved to approve the Human Service September 23, 2014 agenda with the addition of C-STAT, personnel policy clarification and removal of training. Second by Sandquist, carried. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2014 meeting. Second by Bauerle, carried. Bauerle moved to approve the July, 2014 financials, which includes Child Support and Medicaid collections. Beck second, carried. Ault’s travel and payroll vouchers were approved. Discussion was held on TANF MOE relief. Ault told the Board that due to some neck and back issues at HS, she will be ordering chairs for the employee’s and she presented a bid for approval for a new desk for Kylie. Bauerle moved to approve the purchase request from Lisa Ault for Human Service furniture. Sandquist second, carried. Discussion was held on the upcoming child welfare hotline. Ault presented the Board with the 2015 budget for review. Ault shared the C-STAT 2013 Distinguished Performance award with the Board. Ault asked the Board for a clarification on the personnel policy concerning vacation leave. The Board explained the policy but will have Beckman add a clarification to explain. Ault left the meeting.

There need to be necessary changes made to the proposed Oil & Gas lease through Black Raven Inc. based off of C.R.S. 30-11-303.

Discussion was held on the bridge at County Road 5 and Hwy 138. The Board will contact Renquist.

Bauerle reported that the Board needs to find a replacement for Brian Talamentes as the Progressive 15 representative.

Beckman presented the MOU from the Colorado Department of Revenue for review. Bauerle moved to approve the MOU from Colorado Department of Revenue with Sedgwick County for the purpose of obtaining confidential information. Sandquist second, carried.

Bauerle moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2014-024 to renew Certificate # 333499 for $600,000 with Points West Community Bank for 12 months at .40% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Sandquist moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2014-025 to renew Certificate # 333500 for $250,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Beck, carried.

Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2014-026 to renew Certificate # 333501 for $250,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Bauerle, carried.

Beck reported on the TAP Grant meeting he attended. Plans are to concentrate on the South Platte River Trail at this point.

Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the status of the county finances. Trennepohl left the meeting.

George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting. The Board presented a letter they received concerning Road & Bridge. Zeilinger will look into this matter. Zeilinger has not received a response from Black Raven as of yet. The Board then asked Zeilinger to look into the County Rd 5/Hwy 138 bridge. Zeilinger explained the building permit use tax to the Board. Zeilinger left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.

______James Beck, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board

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