Pekin PDS FAQ’s

Where is Pekin located?

Pekin, located approximately 40 miles from ISU, is in the west central portion of Illinois, along the eastern bank of the Illinois River. The Pekin area is rich in both agricultural and industrial heritage. Regional topography includes river bluffs, rolling hills, mature wooded areas and several man-made lakes. With a population of approximately 34,000 residents, Pekin is a friendly community that enjoys excellent parks, school, library, and many other family-oriented attractions.

Tell me about the school system in Pekin.

Pekin has two school districts…Pekin Public School District 108 and Pekin Community High School 303. Pekin 108, partnered with Illinois State University, is a Pre-K through 8th grades school district. It is comprised of 11 schools…one Pre-K family education center, six primary (K-3), two intermediate (4-6), and two junior highs (7-8). A teaching staff of over 300 serves approximately 3,600 students. Pekin 108 is an innovative school district that places high priority on professional development. This includes the Professional Development School, with principals and staff being very welcoming, supportive and involved in our program.

What can you tell me about the Pekin PDS?

Pekin has enjoyed a 17 year partnership with Illinois State University. Over 485 teacher candidates have experienced a year-long internship in our district. As an intern, you are considered a member of the staff. You and your mentor become a team to promote student achievement while you grow in the art and science of teaching. We currently have 19 interns in seven of our eleven schools. We never place an intern alone in a building, and everyone in Pekin 108 is committed to giving the ISU interns an in-depth experience totally immersed in the culture of our school district.

Do I have to live in Pekin if I am placed in the Pekin 108 school system?

No. One of the nice things about being placed in the Pekin PDS is that you can enjoy your senior year on campus and also be viewed as a professional and staff member in an off-site school setting. Our interns will tell you that carpooling is very doable. Actually, we’ve been told it is one of the many pluses of our program because interns enjoy using this travel time to share information, mentor one another, and form long-lasting friendships. Almost all of our interns choose to carpool, but we will be happy to assist you in finding an affordable apartment if you decide you want to live in or near Pekin.

Who should I talk with if I would like further information? We want your questions answered. Please feel free to contact the Pekin PDS site coordinators.

Jean Glick Nancy Heaton 309.477.4700/Ext. 1015 309.477.4700/Ext.1014 [email protected] [email protected]

Revised Sept. 2016