
This book is dedicated to Elohim and the furthering of His work to prepare the world for His soon return. It is further dedicated to the people who love Elohim and His holy truth.


I would like to thank Jennice Hayden, who knowingly, and Joyce Gregory, who unknowingly, inspired me to write this book. In addition, I am grateful to my wonderful family, who has always supported me through the long hours spent in preparing this manuscript.

I am also grateful to my talented mother, Danette Davis, my supportive husband Mark, “Auntie” Joyce Hearn, and my dear friends Rachel Rowson and Marci Lee who served as editors.

Finally, I am thankful for Elder John VanDenburgh and his lovely wife Clara and Richard and Melody Drake. Through their ministry and testimony, I was brought to understand the light of the 4th angel and the full Sabbath message.

Preface The Names of Elohim : The first thing someone may notice, upon reading this book, is that the names used for our heavenly Father and His Son are the original Hebrew names. Rather than using the generic term “God” which applies to any idolatrous “deity” as well as YHWH, I have chosen to use the Names He has given Himself.

In addition, one’s identity is strongly associated with his or her name. People, in every country, call me by the name my parents lovingly gave me. My name is part of who I am.

- 1 - In the same way, Elohim’s name is sacred, special and part of Who He is. As there is none higher than Him, He has obviously chosen His names because of their special message and meaning. In the original Scriptures, He inspired the Bible writers to call Him by the names He gave to Himself. Who am I to call Him by any other name than the ones He has given Himself? Yet, over the years, these original names have come to be replaced with more generic names.

For this reason, the original name for Elohim, in each applicable King James Version text, has most often been restored to its original form (with the single exception noted below). The original name in the text can be found by using a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. The names we read in the Bible now are translated from their original form as follows:

God – Elohim (Meaning: Mighty Covenant Maker – See Genesis 1:1.) Lord – Adonai (Meaning: my Sovereign) LORD – YHWH Out of respect for its sacredness, this Name will be presented in this book as YHWH (meaning: The Name). Jesus – Y’shua (J is a “young” letter in the alphabet, and wasn’t even a letter until around 1520 C.E. – thus Jesus definitively could not have been Christ’s name).

Regarding Dates:

Dates are recorded as B.C.E. = Before the Common Era – (equivalent to the Roman term B.C.) and C.E. = Common Era (equivalent to the Roman term A.D.).

- 2 - Regarding the Cross: Out of respect for those who endured a tremendous amount of persecution under its symbolic banner, the term “cross” has been replaced with “the Tree of Calvary.”

Regarding References to Israel: Unless otherwise noted, references to Israel should be understood to also refer to all who love Elohim and His Law. Promises, which were made to literal Israel, also apply to spiritual Israel. In fact, the true, end-time Israel is not necessarily found through blood ties to Abraham. Rather, Abraham’s seed is identified through the same obedient lifestyle exemplified by this patriarch, as it states in Galatians 3:29.

Savior Versus Saviour: While the term “savior,” can apply to a heroic person who rescues another from death, the term “Saviour” is all encompassing. It has much stronger connotations in that “Saviour” includes mental, physical, and spiritual salvation. Thus, the spelling S-A-V-I-O-U-R will be used in this book, when referencing Christ’s redemptive work.

Rules of Bible Interpretation: There are many ideas about truth floating around in the Christian world today. It seems that there are almost as many interpretations of Scripture as there are people. Sadly, this fact often sheds an ugly light on Bible doctrine. Some may doubt the existence of any ultimate truth.

But there is one ultimate truth on all “salvational” subjects, just as there is one Elohim, Who gave it. Yet, human interpretation of the Bible is so diverse. The reason there is diversity instead of unity on Biblical truth is that we do not study and interpret Scripture properly. We should use Scripture to interpret Scripture. It is precisely because people have tried to

- 3 - superimpose personal interpretation that there are so many divergent beliefs within Christianity today.

The Bible itself teaches us how to study it. Through following the proper Biblical steps for study and interpretation, we will find Elohim’s pure truth. Here are the Biblical rules for interpretation (all of which this book will follow):

1. Read every Scripture on a given subject before coming to a conclusion. The Bible is to be studied from cover- to-cover, as it is possible to take one or two texts out of context and misconstrue their meaning, (see Isaiah 28:10). 2. We must not try to make Scripture say more or less than it says, (see Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18-19). 3. It is valuable to use a concordance to view key words in their original language. Much light and meaning can be found in the full message of the original words. 4. We must not base our beliefs on what is popular, simply because so many other Christians believe it. Our belief system will be Bible based. The popular idea, throughout history, has usually been wrong. a. Only eight people accepted the truth and were saved in Noah’s day. b. The greater majority of the “righteous” people, including the most pious leaders, were responsible for putting the Son of Elohim to death. c. The majority of the world used to believe that the earth was flat and that it was the center of our solar system. d. And on and on it goes with how unreliable the majority view is…

- 4 - 5. Before beginning a study of the Word of Elohim, pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. (See 1 Corinthians 2:14).

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