Boston University College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of XXXXX Semester Year

COURSE NUMBER / TITLE SAR Dept Course number Course title Credits X Lecture Course meeting time Lab If necessary

PRIMARY INSTRUCTORS Professor name Office: SAR Room number Phone: (617) 353-XXXX email Office hours





ASSESSMENT Your final grade for this course is derived from the following grading criteria

XXX...... 30% XXX...... 20% XXX...... 25% XXX...... 25%

GRADING SCALE A 100-92.5% B 82.5-86.4 C 72.5-76.4 F < 59.4 A- 89.5-92.4 B- 79.5-82.4 C- 69.5-72.4 B+ 86.5-89.4 C+ 76.5-79.4 D 59.5-69.4

ATTENDANCE If policy applies to class.

OTHER POLICIES Late Assignments…

Exam Policies…

Grade Disputes…

COMMUNITY OF LEARNING Students are expected to demonstrate professional behavior, to accept responsibility for their actions, and to expect the same from their peers. Professional behavior is expected across environments, including clinical practice, classroom instruction, peer or faculty interaction, research or laboratory activities. Students are expected to know and comply with the specified rules for each of their academic and clinical experiences. Students are evaluated on professional behavior in addition to academic performance. Failure to meet the standards for professional behavior may result in dismissal from the program. The specific responsibilities of students are outlined in the manual for each program of study. The Code of Student Responsibilities clearly identifies our expectations: Where a student's behavior is in direct violation of the university's Code of Student Conduct, the above policy may be superseded by direct report to and action through the Boston University Dean of Students Office

Request for Accommodation: Please see the Office of Disability website ( for a complete description of this process.

Absence for Religious Observance: You are permitted to be absent from class, including classes involving examinations, labs, excursions, and other special events, for purposes of religious observance. Work shall be made up in consultation with me. Please inform me of these absences (ideally) at the beginning of the semester or (minimally) one week before so that make-up work can be arranged.

Academic Misconduct: The Boston University Academic Conduct Code is available electronically at Information is provided within about violations, penalties, and procedures related to academic misconduct at Boston University.

Resources: The Educational Resource Center (617/353-7077), located at 100 Bay State Rd, 6th floor, offers peer tutoring and workshops on study skills. Check their website for further information. The academic counselors in the ASC Office are available to all Sargent students for academic counseling and referral.

Harassment/Assault Resources: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. This law makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender is a Civil Rights offense subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find the appropriate resources at .

Course planner: