Sample Format for Club Bylaws

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Sample Format for Club Bylaws

Boon Companions Goat Club


ARTICLE I Name and Territorial Limits

Section 1. The name of this club shall be Boon Companions Goat Club Section 2. The territorial limits of this club shall be that territory designated as United States of America.


Section 1. The objects of this club shall be: a) Advance the knowledge and husbandry of the caprine species. b) Encourage youth participation in dairy goats.


Section 1. Privileges of membership. a. All members whose participation meets the requirements set forth in these bylaws, may speak, make motions and vote. b. Only members in good standing may be elected to or retain office. Section 2. Admission to membership. Payment of dues for the following year of $10.00 per person or $15.00 per family will be considered member in good standing. Youth membership is $5.00. Youth membership does not get a vote. One adult person gets one vote. Family membership gets two votes by two different adult family members. Payment of dues after October 1 is applied for the following year. Youth membership includes up to age 21. Anyone can pay $10.00 for voting rights. Section 3. Termination of Club Membership Failure to pay the member dues by March 1 will cause a member to lose their good standing and their contact information will be removed from the website.


Section 1. Elected Officers. The officers shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Section 2. Eligibility. a. A suggested continuous membership of two years minimum is required in order to hold an officer position. Section 3. Term of Office. Elected officers shall hold office for __1___ year(s) beginning January 1 or until their successors is elected. Section 4. Removal from Office. If an officer does not resign, it will take a 2/3 vote of membership on a motion to remove. Section 5. Vacancy in Office. Nominations will fill the office and a simple majority vote will elect the nominee(s). Section 6. Duties. President duties and responsibilities. The president shall preside over all club meetings. They shall be a voting member of each committee formed by the club. They should attend the club show unless hindered by a valid reason. Vice President duties and responsibilities. The vice president will assume all the presidential duties when the president cannot or will not perform those duties and responsibilities. They should attend the club show unless hindered by a valid reason.

November 1, 2014 Boon Companion Dairy Goat Club bylaws Secretary duties and responsibilities. The secretary will keep the minutes of all meetings. They will provide each club member the opportunity to view the meeting minutes in a format the secretary finds practical. They should attend the club show unless hindered by a valid reason. If the secretary cannot attend a club meeting, they will be responsible for contacting another club officer to find a suitable replacement for the meeting.

Treasurer duties and responsibilities. The treasurer will set up a club checking account at a financial institution that is convenient for the treasurer. This checking account will also allow the club president to be an authorized signee for all checks. They will keep complete and accurate records of all monies received and spent. They will provide information regarding the club's checking account, or any other club account, at each club meeting for the members to review. If the treasurer cannot attend a meeting, they will be responsible for contacting another club officer to find a suitable replacement for the meeting. The Treasurer will present all financial documents to the club audit committee when requested.


Section 1. Regular meetings Unless otherwise ordered by the club, regular meetings will be held the third Saturday each month at a rotating location to accommodate the majority of the clubs members. An agenda for each meeting will be made available to the members. Section 2. Quorum. A quorum will be considered at least fifty (50) percent of the members of the club. If a member cannot attend a meeting the club will allow absentee voting. Members should email, text or phone members in good standing by /on the date of the vote.


Section 1. Committees will include Doe show committee, Buck show committee, Bylaws committee and Nominating committee ARTICLE IX Dues, Fees and Assessments

Section 1. The fiscal year shall be January 1 through December 31. Section 2. Annual Dues and Fees. Annual dues are youth - $5.00, Adult- $10.00, Family - $15.00 (2 votes)

ARTICLE X Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in these bylaws.

ARTICLE XI Amendments Section 1. Procedure for amending the bylaws shall be that a proposal is brought to a club meeting. That proposed amendment will be referred to the by laws committee. The Bylaws committee will research and bring back to the next club meeting. Members will have one month to review and a 2/3 vote will be required within 60 days of the original proposal.

ARTICLE XII Dissolution Upon the dissolution of the Club, its governing body shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Club divide the remaining assets equally among the members currently paid and in good standing.

November 1, 2014 Boon Companion Dairy Goat Club bylaws

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