The goal of the Language Arts curriculum is to build a love for reading while providing a basic understanding of grammar, spelling and writing mechanics. We accomplish this goal by having the children read chapter books of their choice and reporting on them.

There will be 1 book reports will be required for each quarter. There will also be a poetry project due in February. A tentative schedule is listed below. If the schedule needs to be changed I will update the schedule. During the next month, we will be working on the writing process so the children will be familiar with identifying the setting and character, summarizing the story and offering an opinion on the book. Expressing a complete thought in a sentence, spelling, capitals, punctuation, neatness, and timeliness will also be evaluated. Both the written reports and project should be the child’s work. The work should be completed at home with appropriate but limited guidance from the parent. These activities will help prepare your child for future grades.

Children may choose any type of chapter book, but they must have it approved by me. There is a book report log for me to initial and to help your child remember the dates. Please help your child pick a book that is appropriate in length and which meets their reading ability. A variety of books should be encouraged. Therefore, students will not be allowed to choose the same series more than once. Additionally, students are not permitted to use a book for their report which they have read previously. Please make sure your child has had his or her book approved before the first of the month so he or she has enough time to read and complete the report. I am including a copy of the rubric I use and the book report form the students will be using for the first quarter.

Below is a schedule of report topics and the tentative due dates. More detailed directions will be given each quarter. As part of our language arts curriculum, students also must practice public speaking. Therefore, starting with the second quarter report, students’ assignments will also include presentations to the class which will factor into their grades.

 First quarter report due 10/20: Students’ free choice-book jacket

 Second quarter report due 12/20: Biography- Character poster

 February poetry report due 2/28: Poetry project

 Third quarter report due 3/28: Students’ free choice-project of choice

 Fourth quarter report due 5/30: Students’ free choice-technology project

Children may choose a chapter book but should not be the type such as Pokemon, Digimon, etc. The book needs to be approved by me. I have included a chart for the year to help you track these reports a little more easily. An early approval will allow your child can to use the better part of the month reading, not in search of a book. Please be sure the length and level of the book are appropriate for your child’s reading ability. A variety of books should be encouraged.