Will of William Norfolk, proved at York in 1529

In the name of God amen. The eighteenth day of August 1529 in the year of our Lord God 1527, the king being Henry VIII.

I, William Norfolk, Vicar of Stillingfleet in the diocese of York, whole in mind and memory ordain and make my testament and last will in this manner following.

First, I bequeath my soul to God almighty, to our lady Saint Mary and to all the saints in heaven, and my body to be buried in the cathedral church of York. Item: I bequeath five pounds of wax to be made into five torches to be burnt about my body on the day of my burial, of which I would have two of the torches remain for the use of the said city church and the other three torches remain in the parish church of St Michael le Belfry, in which church of St Michael I would have a Requiem Mass done for me on the day of my burial at the sight and discretion of my executors. Also, I bequeath to John Norfolk, my friend and kinsman, nineteen oxen, two cows on one bound cart, a bay horse, a black foal, three quarters of wheat, three quarters of peas, three quarters of barley and one fur-trimmed gown.

Item: I bequeath to William Norfolk one white filly.

Item: I bequeath to Robert Greenwood six shillings and eight pence to pray for me.

Item: I bequeath to Sir George Cook six shillings and eight pence to pray for me.

Item: I bequeath to Thomas Jackson one black gown.

Item: I bequeath to Margaret my friend one black cow, one spotted sow, two ewes, two lambs, two stones of hemp, seven stones of unbraked lym (?)

Item: I bequeath to Nicholas Foster one black cow, a ewe and a lamb.

Item: I bequeath to Alice Jowett two ewes, two lambs and a stone of hemp.

Item: I bequeath to Katheryn Carter one stone of wool.

Item: I bequeath to William Thomson a grey stag and to his wife a cow.

Item: I bequeath to Hugh Burton a bay filly and six shillings and eight pence in money.

Item: I bequeath to my brother Thomas an ox and a quarter of wheat.

Item: I bequeath to Christopher Norlyn and his wife a quarter of wheat.

Item: I bequeath to the church of Badsworth ten shillings. The residue of all my goods above not bequeathed, my debts paid in full, my Will fulfilled and my funeral made, I will be disposed for the health of my soul by my executors; and I ordain, constitute and make John Goode, William Thomson and John Norfolk, my servant and kinsman, my executors to fulfil this, my will. And I bequeath to every one of them for their labour thirteen shillings and four pence.

These witnesses: Sir Robert ………, Thomas …hyn of York, Robert Fareby of Moreby, Mr Brian Pewtie (Attornies).