Tuition Fee in the PhD Programme carried out in a language other than Czech

Fee for the studies in a doctoral programme carried out in a language other than Czech (“Programme for foreigners”) is € 5000 per year. The amount is paid by a postal order or bank transfer into the bank account of the University of Economics, Prague.

Name of Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s., Praha (Czech Savings Bank Prague) Street: Olbrachtova 1929/62 City: 140 00 Praha 4 Country: Czech Republic

No. of Account - 1828862 / 0800 (in case of payment in Czech crowns please use exchange rate valid on the date of payment): Variable Symbol: 903626 IBAN: CZ92 0800 0000 0000 0182 8862 SWIFT/BIC: GIBACZPX

Please write your name and surname as a note. The use of variable symbol with your payment is imperative.

The Bank Account Holder Address (if needed): University of Economics, Prague Street: W. Churchill Sq. 4 City: 130 67 Prague 3 Country: Czech Republic