Lab Report Format Chem

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Lab Report Format Chem

Name ______. KEEP THIS ALL YEAR! File in your chemistry binder Chemistry – LAB REPORT FORMAT


 All lab reports must be TYPED. Use a 12 pt. font – Arial or Times New Roman, single spaced within the section; double spaced between sections  Always write in third person.  Label all parts of your lab report.  Data tables and charts should be typed; if you do not how to do this, see Mrs. Washington and/or check the website for links to sites that will help you create graphs and tables.  Use significant figures and units regarding measurements and calculations.  Label each section of the report with the word that describes what will be read. Example: Purpose, Materials, Variables, etc.  Do not copy verbatim (word for word) from the lab handout or any other  source. This is plagiarism.

TITLE: Develop a creative title. Use the title as a header on all pages of the lab.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION/INTRODUCTION: This section should be written in complete sentences and should connect lab concepts to class content. The introduction should provide background information on the history of the concepts tested, scientists, theories, and any laws tested in the experiment. Cite sources used. The introduction should contain any prior knowledge on which the experiment is based including an explanation of principles, definitions, experimental techniques, theories and laws.

QUESTION/PROBLEM: What exactly are you trying to find out? What do you want answered or solved? The problem will usually be stated on your rough draft lab sheet. It should always reflect the independent and dependent variable.

PURPOSE OR HYPOTHESIS State why you are doing this What do you think your results experiment/lab: To (see, observe, will be; must be written in learn, find out, etc.) If … then … because format.

MATERIALS List ALL of the materials including equipment used to perform the experiment. Include units and quantities whenever possible.

VARIABLES Specify your independent (manipulated) variable and dependent (responding) variables. State what controls were used/maintained during the experiment as well as all constant variables.

Parts of this format were adapted from the following resource: Name ______. KEEP THIS ALL YEAR! File in your chemistry binder PROCEDURE In YOUR OWN WORDS, briefly describe what you did. Your steps must be numbered (in order of what you did first, second, etc.). Use command statements in 3rd person: Example - “Place a piece of round filter paper on a clean, dry surface.” YES “Use scissors to cut a small hole in the center of the ink spot.” YES Example – “We are taking the temperature every 2 minutes”. NO “The temperature was taken every 2 minutes.” YES DATA You must include a data table and a graph. Data is anything that is observed or measured. The data table reflects these values. The graph is a visual interpretation of the data table information. Make sure that your graph has a title and labeled axes with units. Special attention should be paid to the following items:  type of graph expected (straight line or curve),  utilizing the entire graph paper,  plotted point size  title of the graph  axis labels Refer to the graphing rules and online tools for graphing posted on the website.

ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Briefly discuss the results based upon the data recorded. Look for patterns or inconsistencies and try to explain why this has occurred. If there are teacher/textbook assigned questions, answer them in this part. Make sure that you use complete sentences reflective of the question or include both the question and answer.

CONCLUSION Describe your results including what you learned and any problems that occurred. This part must be in paragraph form (one to two paragraphs depending on the lab/topic). If you have a HYPOTHESIS, then you need to restate your hypothesis and if it was accepted or rejected. Explain with details. If you have a PURPOSE then you need to state if you achieved your purpose and why/why not.

If the hypothesis was rejected, provide an explanation of what possibly went wrong. This should be specific suggestions (I should have heated the mixture to 55 ºC ), not general suggestions (I should have heated it more). List at least two possible errors in the lab, as well as ways to prevent those errors in the future. The errors you mention should be errors that you can do something about, not mystical errors that probably did not occur.

Include at least one statement of what you learned and how it ties in with the topic of study at the time.

Parts of this format were adapted from the following resource: Name ______. KEEP THIS ALL YEAR! File in your chemistry binder COVER SHEET All lab reports must have a Cover Sheet with the following information on it:

 Title (on the top or in the middle of the page)  Name (first and last name)  Names of your lab partner(s)  Date (the due date for the lab)  Period (your class period)

You may include pictures, borders, etc. as long as the required items are in place. Below is an example of an appropriate cover sheet:


Graphic picture Here

Name Date Period

Three (3) Main Reasons for doing QUALITY lab reports: 1. Good lab reports let the teacher know what you have learned from the activity. 2. If someone wanted to re-do the activity/lab, he/she could take your lab report and be able to perform the same lab without any problems and get similar results. 3. Writing quality lab reports allow you to practice good habits of science and ensure that you have used the scientific method effectively.

Parts of this format were adapted from the following resource: Name ______. KEEP THIS ALL YEAR! File in your chemistry binder Lab Report Rubric (100 pts) _____Cover (5 pts)  Title (on the top or in the middle of the page) Lab:  Name (first and last name) ______ Names of your lab partner(s)  Date (the due date for the lab)  Period (your class period) _____Information/Background (10 pts)  History, definitions, related laws, theories etc.  Cites sources  Prior knowledge to which the experiment is related  Techniques used _____Problem (5 pts)  Reflects the independent and dependent variable _____Hypothesis (5 pts)  Stated in “if…then…because” format  Reflects the independent and dependent variable _____Variables (20 pts)  All are stated (independent, dependent, constant, controls)  Accuracy _____Materials (5 pts)  Listed with bullets  Includes quantities  Drawing of set up (if applicable) _____Procedures (10 pts)  Numbered  Used your own words and/or paraphrased  Used command statements _____Data (15 pts)  Data table with heading  Accurate graph with appropriate title  Appropriate type of graph for data

_____Analysis (5 pts)  Results discussed  Patterns and/or inconsistencies cited

_____Conclusion (15 pts)  Paragraph format  Hypothesis restated; indicated acceptance or rejection; specific explanation given  Discussed what was learned and how it ties in with current topic of study  Discussed errors and possible reasons for them and what could be done differently

_____Mechanics (5 pts)

Parts of this format were adapted from the following resource: Name ______. KEEP THIS ALL YEAR! File in your chemistry binder

 Used appropriate font in the correct size  Used correct spelling/grammar  Used correct punctuation  Correct format (sections used, spacing per guidelines, etc.)


Parts of this format were adapted from the following resource:

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