T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018 Name: ______ANSWERS ______DUE: FRI. 13 FEB. 2015 TEST: China Global History 2 H ... Vers 01

NEW QUESTIONS (not seen before)

1. Which belief system was the basis for the civil service exams given during the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties? (1) Hinduism (2) Islam (3) Christianity (4) Confucianism [REGENTS: January 2014]

2. China, Korea, and Japan share cultural similarities in part due to their (1) clashes with Russian imperialists (3) shared river systems (2) contacts through trade (4) unification under Mongol rule [REGENTS: January 2014]

3. The economic policies of Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union and of Deng Xiaoping of China included (1) elements of capitalism (3) boycotts on foreign products (2) a one-child policy (4) a reliance on agricultural self- sufficiency [REGENTS: January 2014]

• Opium War (1839–1842) • Taiping Rebellion (1850–1864) • Boxer Rebellion (1898–1901) 4. This series of events is most closely associated with the (1) spread of communism to China and Korea (2) growing concerns about the influence of the West in China (3) alliance formed between Vietnam and China (4) increasing expansion [REGENTS: January 2014]

“River of Sorrows Floods Again” “Thousands Missing After Huang He Overflows” “Over 10 Million Reported Homeless After 1931 Flooding” 5. These newspaper headlines describe the effects of geography on the people of (1) China (2) India (3) Japan (4) Vietnam [REGENTS: January 2014]

6. The Ming dynasty under Emperor Yonglo (Zhu di) used Zheng He’s voyages to (1) expand trade with Africa and Southeast Asia (2) explore North America and South America (3) obtain a military alliance with Russia (4) secure a border agreement with Mongolia [REGENTS: August 2013]

1 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018 7. The Long March is significant in Chinese history because it (1) ended Japanese occupation of China (2) reinforced the concept of the Mandate of Heaven (3) caused the Boxer Rebellion (4) established Mao Zedong as a revolutionary Leader [REGENTS: August 2013]

8. During the Great Leap Forward, Chinese peasants were forced to (1) join communes (3) move to the cities (2) convert to Christianity (4) attack the Red Guards [REGENTS: August 2013]

9. What was one reason for the decline of both the Han dynasty and the western Roman Empire? (1) outbreak of war between religious groups (3) inability to force back foreign invaders (2) efforts of the middle class to gain power (4) lack of a common currency [REGENTS: June 2013]

10. The restoration of Chinese rule, the voyages of Zheng He, and the reintroduction of civil service examinations are all associated with the (1) Ming dynasty (2) Songhai Empire (3) Abbassid dynasty (4) Delhi sultanate [REGENTS: June 2013]

11. The terms spheres of influence, extraterritoriality, and mandates are most closely associated with (1) collective security (2) imperialism (3) militarism (4) self-sufficiency [REGENTS: June 2013]

12. One way in which the Treaty of Nanking and the Treaty of Versailles are similar is that in both treaties the provisions called for (1) monarchs to be returned to their rightful places (2) reparations to be paid by defeated countries (3) existing borders to be maintained (4) peacekeeping organizations to be established [REGENTS: June 2013]

13. The Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall were both intended to (1) halt the spread of communism (3) isolate unpopular governments (2) limit the movement of peoples (4) keep people from smuggling illegal goods 2 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018 [REGENTS: June 2013]

REVIEW QUESTIONS 14. Which statement about China's geography is most accurate? 1. The best farm land is found in western China. 2. Its natural boundaries allowed it to develop an independent culture. 3. Chinese civilization first developed in Manchuria. 4. Abundant resources have made China an industrial giant.

15. The primary reason for China’s policy of one child per family was to 1. introduce labor-saving devices. 3. limit the need for doctors. 2. add unskilled workers. 4. prevent population increases.

16. Early civilizations such as Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China developed mainly in 1. areas with abundant mineral resources. 3. mountainous areas. 2. areas with climatic diversity. 4. places where there was water.

17. The Chinese built the Great Wall to 1. mark the boundaries of their empire. 3. keep out invaders. 2. provide an easy means of travel. 4. honor the Last Emperor, Pu Yi.

18. During the 1800’s, imperialistic nations divided China into 1. spheres of influence. 3. plantations. 2. communes. 4. independent city-states.

19. Before the 20th century, China’s history was best characterized by 1. many violent revolutions. 3. being Communist. 2. rule by dynasties. 4. rule by democratic leaders.

20. Which group would have supported the Boxer Rebellion? 1. European imperialists 3. Chinese opposed to foreigners 2. Westerners living in China 4. Christian missionaries

21. In China, the Great Leap Forward was an attempt to 1. promote democratic reform 3. strengthen economic ties with Europe 2. end the private land ownership 4. increase agricultural and industrial production

22. A major reason for the success of the Communist revolution in China was that the Communists 1. stressed Buddhism in their military training 2. included important businessmen in their ranks 3. promised land and power to the peasant class 4. fought successfully against the United States during World War II

23. In China, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution promoted by Mao Zedong were similar in that both plans 1. ended dynastic rule 3. encouraged capitalism 2. disrupted industrial development 4. guaranteed human rights

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24. Sun Yat-sen’s (Sun Yixian’s) “Three Principles of the People” (1911) and the demonstrations in Tiananmen Square (1989) were similar in that they both demanded that the Chinese government 1. achieve global interdependence 3. introduce democratic reforms 2. restore dynastic rule 4. end foreign influences in China

25. In a communist (command) economy, economic resources are distributed 1. by the military 3. based on the principles of supply and demand 2. by local churches 4. according to the plans of the central government

26. The Opium War (1839) and Commodore Perry's visit to Japan (1853) were similar in that both cases 1. Asian nations were forced to open themselves to the West. 2. Emperors regained control of vast territories and colonial empires they once ruled. 3. they became a long period of isolationist history for China and Japan. 4. they were launching pads for regional wars which later developed into world wars.

27. One reason North Korea has been the focus of worldwide attention in the mid-1990’s is because of its 1. nuclear weapons development programs 2. commitment to increasing political freedoms 3. development of a strong and expanding economy 4. efforts to revive communism in Eastern Europe

28. The Korean peninsula has been seen as a "land bridge" because 1. it transmitted culture between China and Japan 2. it physically connects China to Japan 3. it protected Japan from Mongol invasion 4. it was used as invasion route to China by the Vietnamese

29. Which was an important teaching of Confucius? 1. intellectual knowledge is secondary to one's emotions 2. the family group can often hinder the smooth functioning of the society 3. all persons must accept and perform their duties in society 4. those who have military power have earned the right to govern

30. The Four Modernizations of Deng Xiaoping in the 1970s and 1980s resulted in (1) an emphasis on the Five Relationships (2) a return to Maoist revolutionary principles (3) a move toward increased capitalism (4) the end of the communist system of government [Regents: August 2007]

31. A major reason for Zheng He’s voyages during the 15th century was to (1) promote trade and collect tribute (2) establish colonies in Africa and India (3) seal off China’s borders from foreign influence (4) prove the world was round [Regents: August 2007]

32. The leadership of Genghis Khan, the use of the stirrup, and excellent horsemanship skills all contributed directly to the (1) collapse of Silk Road trade (3) defeat of Tokugawa Japan 4 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018 (2) beginning of European exploration (4) rise of the Mongol Empire

33. The “one child” policy in China, established during the late 1970s, was an attempt to (1) gain the support of the upper classes (2) increase tax revenue for government programs (3) eliminate Western influence (4) reduce the population growth rate


34. A major obstacle to economic development in China has been 1. the size of its population 2. a scarcity of mineral resources 3. a lack of nationalistic feelings among its people 4. its refusal to accept aid from other Asian nations

35. Which is the main reason for the heavy population concentration in the eastern regions of China? 1. The Chinese capital is located in the east. 2. Most of China’s fertile farmland is located in the east. 3. Most of China’s oil resources are located in the Yangtze River Valley. 4. Overland trade with China’s neighbors declined.

36. One factor that accounted for Chinese influence on traditional Japanese culture was the 1. continuous warfare between the countries 2. geographic location of the countries 3. refusal of Western nations to trade with Japan 4. annexation of Japan into the Chinese Empire

37. One result of the Opium War was that China 1. adopted democratic reforms 2. gained control of Hong Kong 3. regained control of Manchuria 4. was divided into spheres of influence

38. During the centuries of dynastic rule, the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of 1. ethnocentrism 3. imperialism 2. social mobility 4. cultural diffusion

39. In traditional Chinese culture, which philosophy had the greatest influence on the development of social order and political organization? 1. Taoism 2. Shintoism 3. Confucianism 4. Marxism

5 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018 40. In a present-day Chinese village, which situation illustrates the influence of traditional Confucian beliefs? 1. People share the profits of a communal farm. 2. Students threaten factory managers accused of unfair labor practices. 3. Young people respect their parents’ wishes when choosing a spouse. 4. A young man decides to open his own business for profit.

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41. The information provided by the map indicates that in 1280 the Mongols controlled 1. areas of Africa, Asia, and Europe 2. territory from eastern China to eastern Europe 3. Japan and Korea 4. all of Asia

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42. Which conclusion is best supported by the map? 1. The Gobi Desert is located in southern China. 2. Many mineral resources are located along the East China Sea. 3. The least populated areas in China are found in the north and west. 4. Beijing is one of China’s busiest seaports.

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43. Which conclusion is best supported by the map?

1. Eastern Chinese cities had extensive contact with the Persian Empire in 1405. 2. Rivers and mountains prevented the expansion of overland Chinese trade. 3. The Chinese came into contact with peoples of other cultures between 1405 and 1422. 4. China was isolated from outside contact under the rulers of the Ming Empire.

44. The map shows that on his voyages, Zheng He explored

1. both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans 2. at the same time as the Spanish explorers 3. lands in the Western Hemisphere 4. Arabia and the east coast of Africa

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45. Which conclusion about the Grand Canal system in China can be drawn from the information shown on this map?

1. Coastal ports dominated the canal system. 2. Troops could easily be moved west of Luoyang on the canals. 3. Grain could be shipped between Hangzhou and Beijing by the canal. 4. The canal system prevented invaders from conquering the dynasties.

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46. Which conclusion is supported by information provided by the map? 1. Traders depended mainly on rivers as avenues of transportation. 2. More products were carried on the ocean than across the land. 3. Silk was the principal product traded. 4. Traders often combined sea and land routes.

11 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018

47. Which type of government is depicted? 1. Anarchy 2. Capitalist 3. Theocratic 4. Totalitarian

48. What is the issue … problem which has focused world attention? 1. Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD] / nuclear proliferation 2. Détente / Global Warming 3. British trade / imperialism 4. Opium War / spheres of influence

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49. The purpose of the Great Wall was to

1. protect the Chinese from the nomadic tribes of northern and central Asia 2. supply food from the south to Khanbalik (Beijing) 3. control the flood waters of the Huang He 4. protect the port city of Guangzhou

13 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018

Base your answer to the question on the speakers’ statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: “Nationalism, democracy, and socialism are the goals of my party.” Speaker B: “We must rid our country of all foreign influences and return to the true

principles of communism.” Speaker C: “A good ruler will rule by example, not by decree.” Speaker D: “The laws of nature, not government, should rule society.”

50. The speaker’s statement that best reflects an ideal of Confucianism is

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D

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51. One way in which King Louis XVI of France and Charles I of England are similar is that both (1) were executed by revolutionaries (3) were known as great military leaders (2) advocated religious reform (4) supported the emancipation of serfs [January 2011]

52. Which of these groups were the major supporters of 20th-century communist revolutions? (1) priests and artisans (3) bourgeoisie and nobility (2) entrepreneurs and capitalists (4) workers and peasants [June 2010]

53. In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels expressed the idea that (1) religion should be the most important factor in society (2) power should be determined by a person’s wealth (3) profits from work should belong to the workers (4) supply and demand should control prices [January 2009]

54. The Enlightenment philosophers believed that the power of government is derived from 1. divine right rulers 3. the middle class 2. a strong military 4. those who are governed

55. The primary purpose of the United Nations is to (1) control world grain prices (2) promote democratic governments (3) resolve conflicts between nations peacefully (4) unite all nations militarily through alliances

56. One way in which the Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables are similar is that each (1) legalized monotheistic beliefs (3) established legal standards (2) provided records of economic activity (4) supported republican governments [January 2008]

57. In 19th century England many people move from rural areas to the cities because 1. family ties were becoming stronger and more important. 2. crime and disease were decreasing in cities. 3. economies based on bartering were replacing money ($$$) economies. 4. more, and higher paying jobs are available in cities. 15 T008a TEST: “China, North Korea & South Korea, Asian Philosophies 5/7/2018

58. Which pair of ideas were central to the Scientific Revolution? (1) social stability and economic self-sufficiency (3) scarcity and interdependence (2) observation and experimentation (4) technology and military expansion

59. One common underlying theme of the Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights, and Code Napoleon is 1. no one is above the law 2. those who are in power determine how the game is played 3. suffering is due to the continual desire for materialistic goods 4. the needs of a nation come before the needs of the people

60. The Mandate of Heaven and the theory of divine right of kings both propose that rulers govern because they 1. receive their power from God 3. are the best educated 2. are voted into office 4. have been chosen by the Pope

61. Which statement most accurately describes how geography affected the growth of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and Ancient China? (1) River valleys provided rich soil to grow plentiful crops. (2) Large deserts provided many mineral deposits. (3) Access to the Atlantic Ocean provided trade routes. (4) Large savanna areas provided protection from invaders.

62. The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both 1. started people questioning their surroundings 3. supported by the working class 2. limited to Italy, France, and Germany 4. encouraged by the successes of Ancient Egypt