Table S2. Life History Traits of 14 African Rainforest Tree Taxa
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Table S2. Life history traits of 14 African rainforest tree taxa.
Distri- Seed Taxon Dominance Succession bution dispersal Anthonotha macrophylla dominated GC P, G early - intermediate Baillonella toxisperma emergent UG+LG Ro, E, Md late Ceiba pentandra emergent AA W early Carapa parviflora codominant AA Ro late Coula edulis codominant UG+LG P, E? late Diospyros mannii dominated - codominant UG+LG E, Me late Erythrophleum emergent GCp P, Md early ivorense/suaveolens Greenwayodendron suaveolens codominant LG+C B, M, E late Milicia excelsa emergent GCp Bat, B early P, E?, Ro, Panda oleosa codominant GC early Ru Scorodophloeus zenkeri codominant LG+C P, G late Strombosiopsis tetrandra codominant LG+C Ro, Ru, E late Symphonia globulifera codominant AA B, M late Trichoscypha acuminata dominated - codominant LG+C M late
Distribution: GC, Guineo-Congolian; GCp, Guineo-Congolian region and its periphery; LG, Lower Guinea; AA, America and Africa; UG+LG, Upper and Lower Guinea; LG+C, Lower Guinea and Congolia. Seed dispersal: P, predated; G, gravity; Ro, rodent; E, elephant; M, monkey; Md, dispersal by monkeys through handling seeds; Me, dispersal by monkeys through endozoochory; W, wind; B, bird; Ru, ruminant; RRE, rodent, ruminant, elephant syndrome; BM, bird-monkey syndrome.
Table S3. Diversity gradients at the trnC-ycf6 region in four Afrotropical tree species. Allelic richness Ar3 and genetic diversity h at the level of sampling site were regressed on latitude or longitude. Regression slopes, b, and the coefficient of determination, R2, are reported. Values with R2 >0.2 are indicated in bold. *, P<0.05; all other tests were not significant.
Ar3 - Latitude h - Latitude Ar3 - Longitude h - Longitude b R2 b R2 b R2 b R2 Greenwayodendron suaveolens subsp. suaveolens var. suaveolens (Engl. & Diels) Verdc. -0.052 0.022 -0.027 0.040 -0.035 0.006 -0.024 0.020 Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C. - Berg 0.122 0.470* 0.016 0.020 0.013 0.006 -0.013 0.010 - 0.453 Symphonia globulifera L.f. 0.113 0.272 -0.108 * 0.094 0.211 0.047 0.073 Trichoscypha acuminata Engl. -0.022 0.011 0.011 0.003 0.032 0.010 0.042 0.023