Residence Hall Student Association
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RESIDENCE HALL STUDENT ASSOCIATION Associate Council Meeting February 29, 2016 SUB 62/63
MYSTERY ACTIVITY 9:01 PM Alana passed around flames for Dance Marathon, and the AC wrote their name and why they dance on them.
HALL NAME NUMBER RHSA REPORT PRESENT SHIR T BEVIER 10 10 had their Hall Gov hot seat and things got pretty spicy, some- one from NRHH talked to them about Dance Marathon, dis- cussed bonding and future programs BLISS 3 3 Megan from NRHH talked to them about Dance Marathon, discussed STARS and upcoming programs BOUTON 4 3 discussed future programs CAPEN 3 2 discussed upcoming events COLLANGO 2 2 discussed Dance Marathon, RecycleMania, upcoming events, and elections CRISPELL 5 2 discussed RecycleMania, Dance Marathon, and they had their pancake program on Saturday DEYO 3 3 rescheduled their meeting to this Wednesday, and they’re hav- ing their first program on March 9th at 7:30pm DUBOIS 6 6 discussed upcoming events and Dance Marathon ESOPUS 4 3 discussed upcoming events, RecycleMania, and elections GAGE 2 0 discussed upcoming March programs and STARS LEFEVRE 3 2 discussed upcoming events and updating their constitution LENAPE 7 7 discussed bonding, STARS, RecycleMania, and upcoming events RIDGEVIEW 2 2 discussed bonding, upcoming events, Dayamara talked to them about Dance Marathon, and they made door tags! SCUDDER 2 2 discussed future programs, hall bonding, and community ser- vice
NRHH 9:07 PM NRHM is officially over! Our last event was on Saturday night. Thanks everyone for coming to all of our programs!!!
The NRHH e-board has been going around to the Hall Govs this week to talk about NRHH and Dance Marathon. If they didn’t talk to you yet, they’re coming soon. There will be NRHH GI’s the week before spring break, so look out for those. They’ll be happening Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday night. Times TBA. The application to apply for NRHH will go online tomorrow! Go to to look for it. You need to have at least a 3.o GPA, be in good disciplinary standing, live on campus, and be in at least your 2nd semester at New Paltz. Please apply! SENATE 9:08 PM The Budget-Finance committee will be meeting March 11th-March 13th to talk about allocating money for each club.
On March 4th, we’ll be having a walk-out at 12pm to protest tuition hikes. They’re raising tu- ition $300 every year for five years, so tuition is $1,500 more than it was 5 years ago. A couple of us went to Albany to lobby against tuition hikes. We’ll be meeting in front of Humanities and walking through all the academic buildings in protest.
Council of Orgs met today at 7, and they meet every other Monday. If you have any questions, stop by SUB 419 or talk to Andrea after the meeting!
RECYCLEMANIA 9:09 PM Week 3 results are here!!
Most amount recycled: 1st place…Collango with 1.06 pounds/person 2nd place…Ridgeview 3rd place…Lenape
Least amount of landfill: 1st place…Crispell 2nd place…Gage 3rd place…Bouton
Best diversion rates: 1st place…Shango 2nd place…Ridgeview 3rd place…Lenape
A lot of you are hosting RecycleMania themed programs in your halls, which is awesome! Just a reminder that the data for each week is collected on Friday, so if you host an event on Saturday, the results won’t show up for that week.
Some Hall Govs signed up for Green Life, which is also awesome! It’s this Tuesday from 5pm- 8pm. It’s the Game of Life…but life-sized and green-ified. If you’re interested, contact the recy- cling club. We need about 5 people per team.
The Instagram challenge is starting March 14th, and we’ll be sending out more updates on social media as it gets closer. If your Hall Gov or hall doesn’t have an Instagram, make one! Make sure you follow @newpaltzrecycles.
OLD BUSINESS 9:11 PM Motion to open: Capen Second: DuBois
NCC Mini’s is in 11 days!!! The boardroom website is up, and the website has all the legislation, bids, and awards they’ll be voting on in Boardroom. If you wanna see anything and give Mike and Maria input about how they should vote, stop by their office hours (Wednesdays from 5-8) or email them at [email protected]. It’s the countdown to the 25th birthday of NEACURH, and they’re having a “Make Your Own Cheer” challenge! The coolest and most creative cheer will win 20 moose-track points, which are the regions equivalent of GFP’s. Send a one minute or less video of your cheers to new- [email protected] by March 7th at midnight. You’ll win 3 GFP’s per cheer with a maximum of 3 cheers. The best cheer as decided by Mike and Maria will win 10 GFP’s!
CCC We have hall buddies! Bevier: Angelique Bliss: Alana Bouton: Alana Capen: Catherine Collango: Alejandro Crispell: Rui Deyo: Mike DuBois: Ariana Esopus: Angelique Gage: Sammi LeFevre: Sammi Lenape: Rui Ridgeview: Alejandro Scudder: Catherine
Open Mic Night It was a great time! We had a great turnout with great performances. We had Mike on his little piano. We had Mike on his regular-sized guitar. We had some ukulele. It was so fun, so Dunkin’, thanks for coming.
Motion to close: Bevier Second: Bliss
NEW BUSINESS 9:15 PM Motion to open: Ridgeview Second: Crispell
Labeling Pizza Party It’s tomorrow! Come to our office at Capen B-16 at 1:30pm for some free pizza and some fun la- beling. We promise it won’t be cancelled this time.
BUZZ Karaoke It’s this Friday! It’s from 8:30pm-10:30pm instead of 7:30pm-9:30pm. The theme is Once Upon a BUZZ.
Dance Marathon It’s less than a week away!!! It’s on Sunday. If you want to know any information about it, like our Facebook page “SUNY New Paltz Dance Marathon”. We’ll be posting a promo video from other schools every day until Dance Marathon to get y’all psyched. We also have a Facebook event for it, so join that. We’ll be tabling all this week. Tomorrow, we’re in Has from 5:30-7:00, Wednesday we’re in the SUB from 11am-3:30pm, and Friday we’ll be in Has from 5:30-7pm. Come by, write more rea- sons you dance. We have big FTK letters you can take pictures with, it’ll be fun.
Everyone’s doing an awesome job fundraising, so keep it up! If you already met your goal, in- crease it so that people don’t shy away from donating to you. Raise as much as you can before Sunday at 7:30, because that’s when we’ll be closing donations so we can do the final tally.
The first 100 people to register on our website will get fanny packs!!! If you already registered, you have one. If you haven’t registered yet, do it soon so you can get a fanny pack! Tell your friends to register, and tell your professors to register too because we have a Faculty/Staff team!
We’re gonna be raffling off some really cool things, and you’ll have to stay at the event the whole time in order to win one. We have an iPad, Kindle, FitBit, Beats Headphones, and gift cards from around town.
STARS There’s a packet in everyone’s folder that gives a rundown of STARS.
It’s about a month from now; April 3rd. STARS is an acronym—it stands for Self, Teamwork, Action, Responsibility, and Skills. Everyone’s gonna be submitting programs that relate to one of those themes.
Your hall should be preparing a roll call—it can be as small as going “Woo my hall!” to a lip sync or a skit. The more creative, the better. Everyone needs to buy around 300-400 clothespins, they’re really cheap on Amazon. Decorate them to reflect either the theme or your hall. Each hall is required to submit at least one program, and each additional program will get you 5 GF- P’s. Program proposals are due March 16th by midnight. You can email it to newpaltznccs@g- or drop it off in our office.
We’re also having a fundraiser for NEACURH’s permanent regional philanthropy, the I Have a Dream Foundation. Raise money or collect school supplies to donate. This organization is all about higher education accessibility to people who don’t have the means to get it. The hall that fundraises the most will get a prize.
It’s gonna be super fun!!! Have lots of spirit because we’re do some cheers and ride that pony.
Nominations Breanne for CCC: Accept Brandon for CCC: Accept Elee for Treasurer: Accept Katie Herman for Secretary: Accept Angelique for VP: Accept Rui for Treasurer: Accept Nicole Simonelli for CCC: Accept Franchesca for PR: Table Emily Passik for Historian: Accept Sammi for PR: Declines Elee for PR: Accept Lukas for Historian: Table Tina Lloyd for VP: Table Everyone with an application for Vice President handed it out. Make sure you bring this appli- cation to your hall and get a clear consensus of what your hall wants to do. Have questions ready to go for the candidate next week.
Motion to close VP nominations: Bevier Second: Crispell
Elections No phones allowed. If we see anyone with a phone, you lose your voting rights and you have to leave. Even if you’re in the peanut gallery. This is really important, official business.
PARLIPRO WORKSHOP FT. MIKE There’s a sheet in everyone’s folder that you can follow along with.
Like Ariana said, there are no electronics allowed AT ALL. Your hall will lose their vote if you’re on your phone, even if you’re sitting in the peanut gallery. The only people allowed with elec- tronics are the person keeping time and the person taking minutes.
Each hall gets a maximum of 2 votes. Ideally, it’ll be your 2 AC reps, but it can also be a differ- ent documented member of your Hall Gov or your RA liaisons.
You need a motion to open/close question and answer, and someone needs to second it. If you feel that discussion is going around in circles and everyone’s saying the same thing, you can say “I call the question”, and it ends discussion without needing a second. Ariana will ask for dis- sent, and if you have dissent you have to state why. “I dissent because I have more questions.” Whoever made the motion and whoever seconded it both have to retract their motion and their second. If you want clarification on something, say “point of clarification,…”. You can use this as a way to ask logistical questions during pro/con.
Expectations: Ariana: I am the president and my job is to be the sounding board and mediator for the e-board. I’m not supposed to be making the decisions, but I’m supposed to be making sure it’s sounding for the general interest, for the campus, and for y’all. I have to sit 2 office hours weekly. I’m one of the people on the CAS Board of Directors—we make decisions about things like Coca Cola and the vending machines. I also attend PresCab and advocate for the rights of students and student concerns. I go to conferences. I vote in President’s boardroom. I have active communication with ResLife and Senate. I communicate with ResLife through Jenn Slader, the assistant direc- tor of ResLife and I talk to Rookie, the current president of SA. The president is in charge of contacting bigger organizations like Millman’s and New York Party Works. They should have a good solid knowledge of what the rest of the e-board does so they can step in or assign someone to step in. They should be good at delegating tasks and time management.
Presentation: Hi everyone! I’m Catherine and I’m running to be the next president of RHSA. I’m the secre- tary right now, and being on this e-board has been an absolutely amazing experience. I got in- volved with this organization my first semester here, and my love for RHSA has only grown since then. If elected, I would act as an overseer and sounding board for the rest of the e-board. I would be responsible for talking to Residence Life and administration about any concerns that the AC brings up. I would communicate with ResLife through one-on-ones with Jenn Slader, the assistant director of ResLife, and I would communicate with administration through PresCab and CAS board meetings. The president is also in charge of facilitating both e-board and AC meetings, and they’re in charge of delegating tasks to the rest of the e-board. A presi- dent needs to be organized and have good time management skills. Being secretary has helped me tremendously with my organizational skills. I have a desk calendar with all my assignments and events on it so I can see everything all at once and plan out when I have to do everything to get everything done on time. I also have a planner with a more day-to-day schedule on it. As for time management, the calendar and planner have helped a lot with that. I’ve been working on my time management skills pretty much my whole life, and I finally got the hang of it last semes- ter, which is a really cool thing. At the risk of sounding super cheesy, I really do love this organi- zation, and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. I’m a more confident, more open person because of the opportunities I’ve gotten. I always look forward to AC meetings and BUZZ Karaokes and Hall Gov Mixers and everything else in between. I’ve got so much enthusi- asm and passion that I can continue bringing this organization, and I hope I have the opportuni- ty to do it again next year.
Question & Answer:
Why should we elect you to be president? - I love RHSA and I love being on this e-board. I have so much I can contribute to this or- ganization, and there’s still so much more I can learn.
If one of your e-board members were stuck in bed for one of your events, what would you do? - Unfortunately, people get sick. If it was one of our smaller programs, I would give their job to someone else to do. If it was a bigger event like Spirit Weekend, I would reach out to the NRHH e-board and ask for their help.
What’s one strength of this year’s e-board, and what’s one weakness that you want to improve upon for next year? - We all get along really well, which makes it really easy to get stuff done. It’s easier to work so closely in a group of 8 people when you all get along. I’d want to have a close e-board next year, and we can do that through bonding. We could see a movie, get pizza, go bowling, really anything. - Since we are all so close, sometimes we get off topic. I would say staying on task is some- thing I would want to improve.
If there is any confrontation between 2 e-board members, how would you solve it? - I would pull them aside, I wouldn’t confront them in front of the whole e-board. It’s more effective that way.
How has the position of secretary prepared you for the role of president? - Being secretary has definitely made me more organized. You need to be organized in or- der to keep track of all the agendas and minutes.
Have you talked to other presidents? What advice did they give you? - I talked to Ariana and Kristina Virgil. A good piece of advice they gave me is to be firm and stand my ground, since that’s my job. If there’s a conflict, I can’t ignore it. It’s my job to solve it.
If someone were to resign, what would you do? - I would talk to them about it and find out why they want to resign. I’d talk it out, and if they had to resign for a good reason I’d be like, okay we’ll miss you, but if it’s what’s best for you, do what you have to do.
You said that you’re organized, but what about when it comes to academics and other commit- ments outside of RHSA? - I’m a chapter member of NRHH, and we meet biweekly for no more than 2 hours. You have to be on a committee, I’m on the Dance Marathon committee this semester. We meet for an hour or two every week. If we’re selected to host Mini’s, I would be the entertainment chair. I’ve been able to balance everything this year, so I would just keep doing what I’ve been doing.
You said that your weakness is that you’re timid. When you’re in these super important meet- ings, are you sure you’ll be able to voice the concerns from the AC? - Even though I get nervous, I’ll push past it because I have to. It’s my job to voice all of your concerns, so I’d force myself to push past my nerves.
What are the qualities of a good president? - A president needs to be approachable and a friendly person. I consider myself to be friendly; I love when people come talk to me about things going on in their lives. If you’re in- timidating, people may not voice the issues that are concerning them. A president should also be open-minded, because you meet a lot of different people being on this e-board. You have to be mindful about people’s backgrounds and histories.
How will you utilize the advisors? - The advisors are there for us when we get into sticky situations, or when something is out of the presidents control. If there’s something I’m unable to handle, I’d reach out to them.
What would you say your biggest obstacle would be if you were president? - Probably that I don’t really like talking in front of people, but again, I’d do it anyway be- cause it’s my job. Once I get comfortable with a group of people, it’s easier for me to talk in front of them.
Would you say you work well under pressure, and can you give an example? - I would say I do work well under pressure. Let me think…ok so right now I’m working on a group project for one of my classes. We found out that another group was doing the same thing as us the day before it was due, so we had to change everything in one night. We had one night to agree on what to change our project to and assign everyone a job to do to get it done by the due date.
What are the jobs of the rest of the e-board? - President: The president acts as an overseer and sounding board. They’re responsible for delegating tasks to the rest of the e-board. - Vice President: In charge of FUSE-ing, which stands for “Facilities Used for Scheduled Events”. That basically means reserving all the rooms we use for our meetings and programs. They’re in charge of the AC retreat each semester and catering for our events. - Treasurer: The treasurer is in charge of DO’s, or disbursing orders. They handle our budget and keep track of it. They work closely with CAS and work with OCM for care pack- ages. - Secretary: They’re responsible for taking minutes during AC and e-board meetings. They have to post minutes on our website and send e-board minutes out. They’re also in charge of managing office supplies. - PR: They’re in charge of advertising all of our programs and events. They make fliers to hang around campus and create Facebook events. - NCC: The NCC, or National Communication Coordinator, is in charge of creating delega- tions to go to NEACURH and NACURH conferences. NEACURH stands for the North East- ern Affiliates of College and University Residence Halls, and NACURH stands for the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. They act as the AC rep for our school within the region. They work with a co-NCC from NRHH, who will be Audrey next year. - CCC: The CCC, or Campus Communications Coordinator, is in charge of PUP (Pretty Un- beatable Program) sheets, GFP’s (Good Fellowship Pointss), and the communicate with Hall Gov liaisons. - Historian: They take pictures at all of RHSA’s events and they act as the webmaster.
If the majority of students on campus had a certain view about something, and your view on that issue was different than the majority, what would you do? - If my view was different from the majority and it’s something I had to bring up to admin- istration, I would voice the view of the majority of the campus. My job is not about doing things that I want, it’s about doing things that everyone else wants.
Do you know what goes on at PresCab meetings, and are you comfortable voicing student con- cerns? - I’ve gone to every PresCab meetings we’ve had this year, so I’m familiar with the people there and what goes on. I’m comfortable bringing up the issues that need to be talked about.
How would you strengthen the relationship between RHSA and NRHH and SA? - RHSA and SA both go to PresCab together, and we both have things on the agenda. Last year before one PresCab meeting, we met with someone from SA to talk about the agenda and go over what each of us were gonna say. I would love to do that for every PresCab meeting next year so we can see what their views are and compare them to our views. - The bond between NRHH and RHSA was strengthened through Dance Marathon this year. I’d love to continue working so closely with them to make Dance Marathon even better next year. How familiar are you with Parli-Pro, and how comfortable are you with using it during meet- ings? - I’m very familiar with Parli-Pro. I was an AC rep last year, so I started learning about it then, and knowing Parli-Pro is a requirement for being on this e-board.
Do you have any conference experience? If not, how do you plan to be comfortable in presidents boardroom? - I don’t have any conference experience, but I went to STARS last year and it’s required that I go this year. I also assisted with the Sub-regional conference in the fall. I talked to Ari- ana and Kristina about boardroom and I feel comfortable going into it.
What would be your preferred communication with the e-board? - Probably GroupMe or a Facebook message. It’s easier and more effective than emailing, since people tend to check GroupMe more than their email.
Motion to close Q&A: Scudder Second: Lenape
Motion to open Pro/Con: Lenape Second: LeFevre
PRO CON knowledgeable timid organized communication skills confident in her abilities
Motion to open Discussion: Bouton Second: Crispell
- I think she said that being on e-board has helped her grow. Even though she says she’s timid, she got up here and did a whole speech and question and answer. It shows that she’s improved and she’s not that shy. - She was very quick to list of the tasks of each e-board member. She didn’t stutter or struggle to list the duties of any of the e-board. She clearly knows it well. - She seems very ready for the position based on her speech and answers. - She’s aware of what her weakness is and seems ready to improve. - She’s very well organized and has everything laid out. - She works well under pressure. - She did her research, she talked to both Ariana and Kristina. That shows that she knew she wanted to run for president and knows that she needs to be prepared. - She stated that she would put the general interest of the public ahead of her own interest. - She’s aware of what her other time commitments are and knows how to handle them. - She’s honest and wasn’t afraid to point out and talk about her weakness. She was honest about improving herself and I think that’s something a president needs to be honest about. - She recognizes that she’ll get support from the e-board, and other organizations like NRHH. - She has great time management skills, like the desk calendar and the planner. She works on things ahead of time by seeing her entire month planned out, but she also works on a day- to-day schedule too. - I think she has a lot to contribute to RHSA and the entire New Paltz campus. - She mentioned how she likes the growing bond between NRHH and RHSA. She’s in NRHH, so that will help with strengthening the bond. - In reference to a previous comment, not only with NRHH and RHSA, but she’s willing to reach out to SA and strengthen that bond as well.
Motion to close Discussion: Bouton Second: Crispell
Motion to Vote by Secret Ballot: Bouton Second: DuBois
Catherine: #27 No Confidence: #0 Abstain: #0
The AC has voted, and Catherine is our next president!
Expectations: The NCC is essentially the AC rep of New Paltz under NACURH. NACURH stands for the Na- tional Association of College and University Residence Halls. There are 8 different regions in NACURH, and we’re in the Northeast region, NEACURH (North Eastern Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls). The NCC is the direct line between New Paltz and the larger going- ons at other schools in the region. They communicate with the Regional Board of Directors. They tell the region things that New Paltz is doing, and they tell New Paltz what the region is do- ing. The duties of the NCC are equally shared with their co from NRHH. NCCs prepare delega- tions and vote in boardroom. They host STARS every year. They’re the parliamentarian for RHSA. They should be good at time management. They have to sit 3 office hours each week along with their co. Being NCC can be time consuming, so they have to be able to manage every- thing they’ve got going on. They have to have good communication skills. They have to work re- ally well with a co. NCCs only get one vote in boardroom, so they have to agree with their co on how to vote. If they disagree, they have to be able to solve it.
Presentation: Hi, I’m Brandon, and I’m running to be the National Communications Coordinator for the 2016- 2017 school year. I know that the duties of the NCC include running delegations to make the sure this institution is represented in a positive way at NEACURH and NACURH conferences. NEACURH stands for the North Eastern Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls, and NACURH stands for the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. I feel that I am well suited to be the NCC because I have a few ideas to get the AC and student body more involved with NEACURH. I want to get them more interested in NEACURH and NACURH affairs. I plan on getting in contact with the future CCC to get the emails for all the Hall Gov presidents and AC reps to ask them for any ideas on what we should do for program- ming. It is the job of me and my co-NCC to develop these ideas, but it would be beneficial to get the student bodies’ opinion and voice so that we can represent the entire campus, not just the NCCs. I would love for the majority of the student body at New Paltz deciding how we represent ourselves. I know that the position of NCC is a strenuous one, , but I pride myself in being able to get all of my work done in a punctual manner. I don’t appreciate when I get behind in my work. These are the reasons I believe I will be a suitable NCC, I yield to questions.
In your application, you stated what your weaknesses are but you didn’t address how you plan to deal with them. - My weakness states that I am reluctant to speak to new people, but I’ve been trying to al- leviate myself of that. I’ve been trying to speak up more at AC meetings and during funding requests, trying to make my voice heard. This has made me more comfortable speaking in front of people, and I believe I will be able to speak out during a conference.
What experience do you have in Hall Gov? - I was the Lenape Hall Gov president last year, and this year I am an AC rep for Lenape Hall. I’ve put on and attended programs in the past, put on by both RA’s and RHSA. The messages taught at these programs will be beneficial to me, and I’d love to bring some of them to conference.
Who is your co-NCC? - Audrey Terwilliger from NRHH.
In your application, you mentioned that you were involved in a lot of activities. How do you plan on managing your time between everything? - I’ve been working on my time management skills a lot, and I’ve been allotting certain days for certain work. I do the same thing with my clubs, I focus on each of them on a differ- ent day. If I finish my work ahead of time, I’ll start work for a different class or club.
How will you be able to overcome your lack of conference experience? - I plan on talking to the current NCC, Mike, if I ever come across any trouble. I could also talk to Sammi. If I am able to, I would talk to previous NCC’s about any questions or prob- lems I have.
What would you do if you feel very strongly about voting a certain way, but your co-NCC feels very strongly about voting a different way? - I would think about why my co-NCC is disagreeing with me, and I would try to figure out which one of our points will better reflect our institution in a positive light.
What do NEACURH and NACURH stand for? - NEACURH stands for the North Eastern Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls, and NACURH stands for the National Association of College and University Residence Halls.
How would you bring NEACURH happenings to campus and get people excited about it? - I would bring everything back to the AC. I would get in contact with Hall Gov presidents and AC reps to display information to their Hall Govs individually. I would talk to the CCC about figuring out a way to give GFP’s to people who get involved.
Have you spoken to other NCC’s about this position, and what advice did they give you? - I talked to Mike, Sammi, and Kristina. They advised me to visit the NEACURH website, and they told me to not be afraid to speak up during boardroom. If I speak up, I will be able to make positive changes to NEACURH and our campus.
What can you contribute to RHSA? - I have a really positive outlook that I can bring to NEACURH and NACURH. I can bring ideas back to RHSA so they can assist me in displaying that information to the AC and student body to get them excited for NEACURH events and occurrences.
What experiences do you have that qualify you to be on the e-board? - Being part of the AC this year has allowed me to become more knowledgeable about con- ference and NEACURH.
Why NCC? Why now? - Even though the work load is extreme, I can handle it. I want to bring my positive ener- gy to individuals at different universities. It seems like a great way to network and bring ideas back to SUNY New Paltz.
Why do you think your strengths suit you to be NCC? - I will work hard to get everything done in a timely manner. This position requires a lot of you, and the heavy workload will allow me to get everything done in a timely fashion.
Besides going to conferences, what are the other duties that come with being NCC? - Being a representative of the NEACURH and NACURH organizations, and presenting these organizations in a positive light to the New Paltz community. I am in close contact with my co-NCC. I put on the STARS conference that happens every spring.
You said you had new ideas to get people involved on the regional level. What are they? - I’d like to display the regional information we get to the AC. Similar to RecycleMania, I was thinking we could have trivia sessions with the AC in exchange for raffle prizes or GFP’s. If your co-NCC quit or couldn’t handle their duties, what would you do? - I’m not certain that I would be able to handle all the responsibilities on my own. If they quit, I would talk to the NRHH e-board and my own e-board to see if anyone would be willing to fill that position.
What does Subs stand for, and did you go when we hosted it? - Subs stands for sub-regionals. I volunteered in Fall 2015 when we hosted it here.
What does STARS stand for? - Self, teamwork, action, responsibility, and skills.
Motion to close Question & Answer: LeFevre Second: Esopus
Motion to open Pro/Con: Bouton Second: Lenape
PRO CON knowledgeable not familiar with all the duties of NCC enthusiastic unsure of ability to take on responsibility extensive experience in Hall Gov a lot of time commitments honest about his abilities new ideas hardworking
Motion to open Discussion: Bouton Second: Lenape
- This position has a lot of responsibilities, which is why they have such a long period of time to shadow the current NCC’s and learn. They also have a co-NCC, because this job would be too insane for one person to handle on their own. If someone quit, one person probably couldn’t do this job on their own. It’s really important that he’s able to recognize he couldn’t do it on his own. - In reference to the con about “unsure of ability to take on responsibilities”, he said that he’s unsure of his ability to do both people’s jobs if his co-NCC quit. He said he can handle his responsibilities along with a co. - He knew all the acronyms. He knew STARS, NEACURH, and NACURH. He’s confident in his ability to relay information. He just knows. - He spoke to past NCC’s, and he has a well-rounded view of what the job would entail. - He’s confident in his time management abilities. - He has a lot of leadership experience. He was president his freshmen year, and now he’s an AC rep. He’s familiar with meetings and stuff and being in the AC. He’s made himself known, and he’s trying to speak up more. - He knows who Audrey is, and that’s important to know because he’d be working so close- ly with her next year.
Motion to close Discussion: Bevier Second: Lenape
Ariana feels that this has not been discussed thoroughly enough, so she’s overriding the motion.
- Subs is similar to an actual conference. Even though he hasn’t been to an actual confer- ence, he knows what it looks like and he took the initiative to volunteer there. - He seems really excited for this position, and I think he’d be a good representative for our school. - He understands that he’s representing the entire school, he’s not just representing him- self. - He said he doesn’t like talking in front of people, but he’s willing to break out of his com- fort zone to do so. - He seems understanding that he has to work with a co, and he seems like he’ll be able to resolve issues easily with them. - He wants to get more people on campus involved. - In addition to his leadership abilities, he’s learned how to work well with people. He’s worked on a Hall Gov with 8 people before, he’ll be able to work closely with a co. - Even though he doesn’t have experience, he’s going to have training, and he’s willing to understand the role more. He spoke to previous NCC’s and has a really good idea of what this job is asking of him.
Motion to close Discussion: LeFevre Second: Bevier
Motion to Vote by Secret Ballot: Lenape Second: Gage
Brandon: #19 No Confidence: #4 Abstain: #2
Motion to close New Business: Scudder Second: Bevier
UPCOMING EVENTS 10:46 PM Labeling Pizza Party is March 1st! Come to our office at 1:30 for some pizza and labeling fun! BUZZ Karaoke is this Friday, March 4th! It’s in SUB100s at 8:30! Note the time change. Dance Marathon is THIS SUNDAY! March 6th in the SUB MPR from 1pm-9pm! Check in starts at 12:30! STARS is April 3rd! Start thinking of programs and clothespins and roll call!
HALL CONCERNS 10:47 PM Bliss: The lights in our Hall Gov office are fixed, so we just wanted to say thanks!
STUDENT CONCERNS 10:47 PM Ridgeview: There’s a brick/stone pathway from the stairs in between Coykendall and Smiley to the Fine Arts building. One of the bricks is really sticking out a lot, and one of my friends tripped on it. It’s towards Parker on the right hand side. Esopus: We wanted to know if there were any updates on the lights by the pond? - Jenn said she told FOC, so hopefully they’ll get on that soon. Scudder: I just wanna say that the new York Street food is really good. Bevier: Outside Hasbrouck by the benches outside the computer room, there’s a pile of puke that’s been there for 3 weeks. Bouton: There’s a guy that came into my class who was trying to sell tickets. We got an email later saying that it’s illegal to do that. So just beware. - Lenape: My professor reported that guy to UPD, so don’t worry about it. - Bevier: I know he came to the LC a year ago. I think it’s the same guy. I heard the tickets are real, but don’t take my word for it. - Ariana: Please don’t buy tickets from this guy. He sounds like not a great guy. Esopus: I have another pond issue. Sorry, we live near the pond, we’re affected. There’s only 1 blue light on one side of the pond. What happens if you’re on the other side?
OPEN FLOOR 10:51 PM LeFevre: This Saturday is Saturday Night (Le)Fever. If you missed Open Mic Night, we’re hav- ing a talent show showcase! If you didn’t miss Open Mic Night, come anyway! Mike: Good job on those elections everyone! You nailed 2 of the biggest elections, y’all are great. The 3 year strategic planning committee is meetings this Saturday at 5pm. If you wanna stop by and help us plan strategically, come through. Bliss: I just wanna say thanks for voting to give the Jewish Student Union all that money last week. The event went well, it was a great event, the food was delicious, and we couldn’t have done it without you guys! Bouton: If you need even more open mic in your life, the radio station is also having an open mic thing March 17th from 8-11. Talk to me and I’ll give you the email later if you’re interested. We’re also tabling in the SUB this week for sign-ups. Esopus: We’re having a RecycleMania program March 8th, it’s more like FunMania. We’re gonna make piggy banks out of water bottles. We’re gonna play trash-sket ball. We’ll have a pa- per airplane contest. Bring your own recyclables!! Ashley: Shoutout to the Mini’s conference staff! Their bid is submitted and it looks really good. You’ll know 2 meetings from now if we have conference or not. Rui: Me and Alana are still doing the community service committee, if you’re still interested talk to us after the meeting. Also happy leap day!! Make sure you’re leaping. Talk to me about as- tronomy. Good luck with midterms. Ariana: Good luck on group process day if you’re going!
PASSING OF MOLLY THE MOOSE 10:54 PM Bliss put a Dance Marathon sticker on her cape, and they’re passing her to Capen!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK 10:54 PM “I eat stickers all the time, dude.” - Charlie Kelly