An Interview With s6

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An Interview With s6

3 October 2010

An Interview With: difference, 9 1/2 - 6 1/2 to 9-7. Big, big difference. Special mention of them. But special mention of all 12. COLIN MONTGOMERIE GORDON SIMPSON: Francesco has got a tasty little match tomorrow in position 8. COLIN MONTGOMERIE: This, as I said, GORDON SIMPSON: We have Colin all this would be pointless today if this isn't Montgomerie with us, and you turned a two-point continued tomorrow. Yes, we are tired, of course. overnight deficit into a three-point lead going into The USA Team must be tired, as well. But there's the singles. I suppose that's the stuff of dreams, no resting here for our team. We are going here isn't it, in Ryder Cups. as if it's tied to try and win the singles session. COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Yes, very much. That's our goal. Our goal I think I would have taken 8-all, there's no is to win the singles session tomorrow, and if we question, even at the start of today. I knew the do that, of course we'll win. That's our goal is to Americans would come out strong. It was our job win the singles session as if it's tied tomorrow and to even come out stronger than them, and as soon there will be nobody backing down from that goal as Lee Westwood holed his first putt from 40 feet tomorrow, at all. down the hill on 10, I knew that what we had said last night and what we had said in the team room Q. Are you fearful that complacency remained; that is Americans were going to come might in any way overcome your team? out fast and we had to come out faster. COLIN MONTGOMERIE: No, that's what I All credit to everybody in that team today. just said. There will be nothing like that. We have I have always said it takes 12 to try to win a Ryder to -- Brookline was mentioned in the locker room Cup. And all 12 on that course today performed there tonight. We were 10-6 up at Brookline; we brilliantly. And in my time, and it's been, what, 20 lost. This isn't as good of a position as them. years since I first started playing in The Ryder Cup; So there is no, ever, mention of that word I truly believe that that was one of the greatest in our locker rooms, never. We respect the days for European golf that we have had. To turn American Team fully. They are a very strong a two-point deficit into a three-point lead was quite team, well managed, and we just have to go out amazing today. And all credit to everybody; to top there and do exactly what we did today. America winning a match, fantastic. There's mentions for everybody. You can Q. What was the thinking behind go on and on for everybody. But we have to changing Ross Fisher with Pádraig? It's mention the Molinaris. That's no question about obviously worked out tremendously. But what that. They were 1-down playing the last, they was your thinking behind it. knew they needed at worst a birdie, and you know, COLIN MONTGOMERIE: I just felt Francesco backed up by his brother, to do what Pádraig would play better, and his partner, they did at the last hole, two rookies, two brothers whoever it might be, would play better if Pádraig coming down that last hole with everybody that was the leader of that particular group. In fact, I plays golf in Europe watching them. Fantastic think to be honest with you, I think Ross played performance to hole that putt at the last by fantastically well. There is a reason why Ross Francesco and fabulous, and it gave us a big played fantastically well, because he had someone of Pádraig's stat your with him. 1 I played well with Faldo. I played well with walk very tall onto that first tee tomorrow after what Langer. There was a reason for that; because I they achieved this evening. Somebody has to play was with them. And I think that was why that Tiger Woods. Francesco hits the ball so straight pairing was put together -- well, I know it was, and so well through the green; it's a difficult game, because I did it. (Laughter). he's playing the world's No. 1 player. They are all And it worked out brilliantly. difficult games. Anybody there can beat anybody GORDON SIMPSON: Moving along at any given time. swiftly. COLIN MONTGOMERIE: I have to say, Q. Is this a day, do you think, when Pádraig was under pressure. He lost his first Rory McIlroy really fell in love with The Ryder match. He was under pressure here, no question. Cup and realised to his great pleasure that it's You had given him a hard time. Not his problem not an exhibition? and not his issue, but he's been given a hard time COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Well, very by being selected here. Hopefully he'll realise now young man, and very talented young man, and I why he was selected. There was method. There think he realises that now that this is a whole was method in everything I've done here, from the different ballgame, this. And especially playing at moment I've been selected as Ryder Cup Captain, home, he's quite fortunate to have his rookie year, there's been method in what I've been doing here, if you like, at home. It's a very different feeling. all right. There's been method on why I selected Ian Poulter has not played at home either Pádraig Harrington for this team. He spoke and neither has Miguel Angel, and although they brilliantly last night in the team room. He's been have played five Ryder Cups between them, they brilliant off the course, and he's been brilliant on it. have never played in a home match, and it's a very, very different feeling to be playing at home Q. You're sounding quite pumped and and I'm just glad that Rory will now talk about -- a little emotional. In all of your experience whatever happens tomorrow -- will talk about The going into the last day of a Ryder Cup, have Ryder Cup experience in a very different light. you ever been as pumped and as emotional? COLIN MONTGOMERIE: 2002 I was Q. By the look of the singles order, we when Sam put me first. I knew what that meant. I are going to win the first six matches -- managed to pull that one off. But no, this is a (laughter) -- and Tiger and Company are going completely different feeling to captain a team, a to be left out in the country. Could you explain team I'm very, very proud of; and you know, they your lineup, what made you decide to have made my job extremely easy today by playing front-load the order? the way they did. There was a couple of games COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Well, it's been there on the 14th tee that were on the edge. noted that we are three points ahead. And if you The Americans were having the upper notice by the first three names, especially, on the hand there to an extent. They were beginning to American Team sheet, and how strong they are, pull back. There was a couple all-square and there we had to counteract that with our own strength. was one 1-down. To get 2 1/2 points out of that But there's no strength -- there's no extra strength was quite incredible. on this team. As I say, anybody can beat anybody Emotional, no, no. We're just all focussed in this format and these matches. on the goal ahead tomorrow. I can only control what I put forward there, and I feel that team lineup has strength Q. Have any of the Molinari brothers everywhere in it. I'm very, very happy and spoken about the possibility of playing Tiger delighted that I can put a team sheet out there today previously, and if so, what have they said knowing, knowing that fact; that I have strength and how do you think Francesco will get on? everywhere. And secondly, how happy are you that at least everybody has won half a point going into Q. You talked last night about the tomorrow? importance of the crowd injecting passion into COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Yes, I think it's play today. important for everybody. I think the Molinaris will COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Yes. start on the first tee, you know, three inches taller than they were when they started the round today. Q. Is there a danger that tomorrow, it I think that's fabulous for them. They are going to could actually be rather flat, because we have 2 no idea how many people are going to turn up? Q. Rory clearly loves playing with The organisers have said that only people with Graeme, they are great mates, but as the tickets for today can turn up, and quite a few of youngest, do you worry about how he might them I assume will be going to work tomorrow? cope with the pressure on his own without his COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Quite a few of best bud backing him up? them might need a sick note. (Laughter). COLIN MONTGOMERIE: They are all on I think -- well, I'll let you know what's been their own tomorrow. I have some rookies playing said here regarding this. It was up to the on their own, suddenly you don't have anybody organisers to allow people with a Sunday ticket in next to you, however it might be, and it is a very tomorrow. Now, we all know that Monday is a different feel playing on your own in singles, and I working day, and a number of those won't be able can speak from experience, it is a very odd feeling. to watch the matches tomorrow. But I'm sure he can cope and that's why We did ask if it was possible that he's that high up the leaderboard, if you like, not everybody with a Friday ticket could come in, as leaderboard, but the singles matches, match two. well. Now, there was a health and safety issue That's why he is, because we feel that he is that here, as you're probably aware. Today, it was good. touch and go whether any spectators were out on the course today at all. Q. I presume if you have the world No. So imagine if all 40,000 today turn up and 1 and the world No. 2, you would not have put all 40,000 Friday turn up, the course just couldn't them in a position where they might be cope. So unfortunately, we have had to, so-called, irrelevant; I thought that lesson had been limit it to people with the Sunday tickets, and I think learnt. that's only fair. COLIN MONTGOMERIE: I'm trying to be We do hope that as many people as as diplomatic as possible throughout this week and possible with Sunday tickets will turn up tomorrow I continue to be that way. It does surprise me that and support The European Tour. match 8 and match 10 contain 1 and 2 in the world, May I also give mention of the green but at the same time, it is a very, very -- and let me keeping staff. To make this course playable for say this, very strong American lineup, same as 1.30 was an amazing achievement. Jim ours. This job has not been done yet. McKenzie, I said, well, have you had much sleep. We have played for 16 matches now Well, Friday and Saturday, he didn't go to bed. He already. There's another 12 to go tomorrow. It's was on the golf course all night. He never went to an enormous day tomorrow. Our job is to win the bed at all. With lights on on these machines now, singles matches. That's our job. We have had a he never went to bed at all. big team meeting and we are quite, quite okay with And I asked for the scoreboards to be the position that we want to try and win the singles changed over from the way that the scores were series; if so, we win The Ryder Cup, simple as seen to the crowd today, I asked for the that. scoreboards to be changed, and some guy worked a miracle overnight, some techie guy in some Q. You mentioned the Molinari studio worked out and got these boards up; so the brothers, and there was another great people, every spectator new exactly what was turnaround by Jiménez and Hanson. How going on at all time with every game at the one pleased were you for those two pairings, less time and it helped us because we had momentum marquis names and seemed like a classic ask it maintained that momentum. European Ryder Cup. So all credit to those people for one, COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Yes, Jiménez at working so hard. There was a number of our 16, what a fantastic birdie down the hill at 16. I've European Tour staff on that golf course, as well, always rated him from the time that we played for and all of the volunteers from all over Wales to the last 20 years on Tour, and he's only one of the come in here and help make that course playable few players, if any, in world golf, that's won three at all today was a fantastic effort and also for the times this year, and I gave him a very strong scoreboards. The scoreboards were vital to keep partner in Peter Hanson. I don't that momentum and to keep that crowd noise think you realise how I think of Peter Hanson. I going around that golf course today. think he's very, very strong and very, very good; and I was delighted when he won that Czech Open and got into this team on merit. Deservedly so. 3 One of the most-improved players on The do try extra hard against players that are ranked European Tour over the last two or three years, if ahead of you, if you like, and I think as I say, over not the most improved player on The European those last 15 years that Phil has been playing in Tour and delighted to have him on board. He The Ryder Cup, that the matches have been a lot backed up Miguel fantastically well. more even, and anybody can beat anybody at any given time. Q. You indicated earlier that when you So I just think that's pure coincidence that thought you were going to be 8-8, you had one his record isn't as good as possibly his World type of pairing set, and after what happened Ranking since. I would not change my I career in this afternoon, you changed that. Can you tell any way, shape or form to have any majors. I've me what kind of theory you used in the other been runner-up a few times. I have my career. I'm pairings and how they differed from this? very happy with it. I'm not here to discuss my COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Well, I think it's career personally. I'm here as European Team difficult to say, because, yes, of course I know, but captain, and I'm bloody well proud of being that I think it would be wrong to mention that. I think way. the way this has worked out, this is our singles draw for 9 1/2 - 6 1/2 up. That's all I would like to Q. Can you explain why you have say about that. chosen Graeme McDowell to bring up the rear I don't mean to not answer your question tomorrow, what qualities he brings beyond that way, but it would be wrong of me to do so. that? COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Well, he's a Q. Just to follow up, you said in here very confident young man, and gained in that you were thinking of this and telling your confidence obviously with his U.S. Open success. team, but you're looking at it as 8-8? I think that if it does come down to that particular COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Yes, indeed. match, I have great strength, as I've said, in every This isn't an 8-8. This is my singles draw for 9 1/2 position in my team. But there's a reason why - 6 1/2. (Laughter). Graeme McDowell is where he is, yes, at that No. 12 position, and a very confident and very solid Q. You and Phil have played -- you've performer. played a couple more matches than he has, and you've won twice as many and he now has Q. I know you've been asked this more losses than anyone ever, 17. Are you question before, but would you -- surprised -- on the American side. Are you COLIN MONTGOMERIE: I'll try and give surprised at how difficult The Ryder Cup has you the same answer then. (Laughter). been for him statistically? And secondly, if he has four majors, do you think you would Q. I just wondered if you would like to change those four majors for your Ryder Cup elaborate further on what exactly you said in record? your pep talk yesterday. COLIN MONTGOMERIE: To answer your COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Not really. It first question, I'm surprised at that fact, 17 losses, was just a matter of trying to, you know, this if you like. At the same time, I can't speak too morning, it would have been a waste of time, what much about the U.S. Team. But at the same time, we achieved last night, to get six blue figures up you know how I rate Phil Mickelson as a golfer. there, if we didn't maintain that momentum today. Phil started, I believe, in 1995 at Oak Hill and has And I must admit, I can only say what I every one since, and this will be his seventh Ryder can. These guys, these guys performed brilliantly Cup, therefore, and it's just the luck of the draw today, brilliantly, all 12 of them. Whatever I've said how the players play against you. or whatever I've done, we've done as vice captains I think that the Europeans have been up or whatever the case may be, they had to go out playing against Phil Mickelson because of the there and perform. I wasn't hitting the shots for stature of Phil Mickelson. I think we have given it them. They had to hit the shots themselves, and an extra effort because it has been him, the same they did it brilliantly today. as it has been with Tiger. I think Luke and Lee were right up Q. I know you have expressed great because of the fact that they were playing No. 4, is respect for the American players, but I wonder it, Steve Stricker against No. 1 Tiger. I think you if you can speak to the performance of Kuchar 4 and Cink, who seem to have become the rock of the American Team this week? FastScripts by ASAP Sports ... COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Very much so. Very much so. Stewart's performance yesterday EE morning with Matt Kuchar, brilliant. Matt Kuchar as a Ryder Cup rookie, you wouldn't have known that. Stewart Cink is the only player ever to be selected three times, I believe, as a captain's pick. There's a big reason for that. Superb player, Stewart Cink, and has been. And a fabulous putter, and in match play, and in match play, a good putter is always dangerous.

Q. Can you explain to us how José Maria Olazábal got involved? Did you ask him or did he ask you? And what impact has he had over the last few days? COLIN MONTGOMERIE: Yes, José Maria Olazábal is here as an Ambassador for Nespresso Coffee (laughter). And we felt that was a misuse (raucous laughter) of talent, expertise, and experience. So we drafted him in. We felt we were one short on the course when we had to play six sessions there, we had six matches in that session. There was only five of us, myself and four vice captains. So then it was obvious for me to call Jose as a good friend. We have been together since probably we played the British Amateur Final together in 1984, and delighted to have him on board, and his experience and expertise has been invaluable in these sessions and of course he will be with us tomorrow.

Q. Colin, do you think you're leading off tomorrow with the best player in the world, and even though you're competing against him next week, do you hope that will be confirmed by the rankings? COLIN MONTGOMERIE: I believe the rankings, Lee Westwood now, tomorrow morning, is currently No. 2 in the world. He's just gone to No. 2 in the world and overtaken Phil. And that means as I got to No. 2 in the world myself in 1997, you look at who is No. 1. I think if Lee Westwood does not play for the next month or something, that would actually happen. All credit to him for actually playing, and risking that position. But I'm sure that the way Lee Westwood is playing golf right now, you would have to say, you would have to say he's right up there with Phil and Tiger as one of the best players in the world. GORDON SIMPSON: Okay, thank you very much, Colin. 5

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