UNIT I: Americans Beginnings

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UNIT I: Americans Beginnings

United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11 UNIT I: American Beginnings: The culture of North America and the clash with European exploration

SS11 1.1 Understands the settling of North America  Diverse cultures in North America: England, Spain, Africa, Netherlands  Middle Passage/ Atlantic slave trade  New World obstacles/ Indian resistance/ environment SS11 1.2 Understands the colonial economic and political experience in the New World  Mercantilism/ Salutary neglect/ Triangular Trade  Colonial principles of government o Virginia House of Burgesses/ o Mayflower Compact/ o Fundamental Orders of Connecticut/ o Albany Plan of Union/ Iroquois Confederacy (League of the Haudenosaunne)  Religious tolerance: Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island  Agricultural south v. Commercial north SS11 1.3 Understands the causes of the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence  Effects of the French and Indian War/ Proclamation of 1763  Enlightenment Period: Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Franklin, Smith  Virtual v. actual representation/ “no taxation without representation”  Common Sense/ Declaration of Independence/ Locke  Revolutionary War: o Lexington and Concord o Trenton; o Saratoga o Yorktown

UNIT II: A New Nation: The challenges met by the young Republic in the Constitution and the early years

SS11 2.1 Understands the creation and development of the new nation  Problems/ Achievements with the Articles of Confederation  Convention compromises and formation of three branches  Federalist v. Anti-federalist and formation of Bill of Rights  Principles of the US Constitution SS11 2.2 Understands the implementation of the new Constitutional principles  Washington Precedents  Two Party system- Jefferson v. Hamilton  Developing nation’s foreign policy based on Proclamation of Neutrality, Farwell Address  Louisiana Purchase United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11

SS11 2.3 Understands the conflict of sectionalism in the New Nation  War of 1812: The Second War for Independence  Market Revolution and the American System  Nationalism Grows o Expansion of the Federal role and the Marshall court (Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden) o Missouri Compromise o Monroe Doctrine 1823  Age of Jackson o Expanded suffrage: universal male suffrage o Spoils system o Indian Removal o National Bank controversy SS11 2.4 Understands the reformation process and its impact on American society and politics  Religion and the democratic process led to reforms in slavery, women’s place in society and reforms in the workplace o Seneca Falls Convention o Declaration of Sentiments

UNIT III: Era of Growth and Disunion: The impact of the westward expansion on the Union and its consequences

SS11 3.1 Understands the territorial expansion through diplomacy, migration, annexation and war  Market Revolution inspired invention such as the Spinning Jenny and the steam engine and enabled railroads and telegraphs to connect the country  Driven by Manifest Destiny Americans headed west coming into conflict with the displaced Native Americans and Mexicans in Texas  Growing differences between the North and South led to conflict in times of war and peace and efforts to compromise o Wilmot Proviso, Compromise of 1850: Henry Clay, Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854, popular sovereignty: Stephen Douglas, Bleeding Kansas, underground railroad  Political Party discord: Whigs, American Party (Know-Nothings), Free-soilers, Liberty Party, Republicans  Crucial conflicts: abolitionists, Dred Scott, Lecompton Constitution, Harpers Ferry John Brown, Election of 1860 SS11 3.2 Understands the constitutional crisis surrounding the Civil War  Civil War o North v. South: strengths and weaknesses o Technology and military strategies  Lincoln’s Decisions United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11 o Ft. Sumter, Emancipation Proclamation, selection of Grant, habeas corpus, Gettysburg Address

 Pivotal Points of the War o Anaconda Plan, Gettysburg, Sherman’s march to the sea SS11 3.3 Understands the Reconstructing of the Nation and shifting relations between federal, state and individual citizens  Conflicts between Presidential and Congressional reconstructions led to reactive policies that limited change o Freedman’s Bureau, Wade-Davis Bill, Ten Percent Plan, Radical Republicans, Impeachment, Election of 1876

UNIT IV: Western Frontier: The settlement patterns of western expansion, policies toward Native Americans and the rise of the Populist Party, and the growth of industry and urbanization

SS11 4.1 Understands the pattern of western expansion, settlement and the rise of the Populist Party  The encroachment of settlers on the Western plains precipitated the development of new farm technology and the displacement of Native Americans o Dawes Act, Ghost Dance, Wounded Knee, barbed wire, McCormick Reaper, Railroad o Populist Party- Election of 1896: McKinley v. Bryan, Cross of Gold Speech SS11 4.2 Understands the impact of immigration on the 2nd half of the 19th century  Immigrants came to this country to join the workforce, crowding cities, straining governments and pushing people to seek reform o Old v. New Immigrants, nativist sentiments o Civil service, Pendleton Act, Jane Addams-Hull House o Boss Tweed, Political Machine, Tweed Ring, Tammany Hall (Thomas Nast) SS11 4.3 Understands the positive and negative effects of industrialization and urbanization in the 2nd half of the 19th century  Plethora of natural resources necessitated new industrial technological developments that made “rags to riches” dreams possible o Bessemer Process, robber barons, captains of industry, social Darwinism, gospel of wealth, Knights of Labor, unions, philanthropy  A new middle class emerged asking for government provided amenities, marketplace entertainments and greater social awareness o Horace Mann education, sanitation, subways, skyscrapers, public housing o Race consciousness Niagara Movement, WEB DuBois (NAACP), Booker T. Washington, Plessy v. Ferguson o Baseball, vaudeville, bicycles, public parks United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11

UNIT V: Modern America Emerges: The government increased its power at home and abroad

SS11 5.1 Understands the impacts and effects of Progressivism on America  Progressivism was an attempt to reform the problems brought on by industrialization by expanding democracy o Muckrakers: Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Jacob Riis, Upton Sinclair o Bob LaFollette, Progressive Presidents: Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson . Initiative, referendum, recall election, direct primary . Trustbusting, Square Deal, New Nationalism, New Freedom, 16 19th Amendments, Federal Reserve . Suffragettes: Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton SS11 5.2 Understands the changing foreign policy of the early 20th century  The need to establish overseas markets calls America to Imperialism in Latin America and the Pacific o Alaska, Hawaii o Spanish Colonial rule challenged . Cultural superiority, white man’s burden, Puerto Rico, Cuba (Platt, Teller Amendment), Guam, Philippines . Philippine-American War  US Foreign Policy began to expand the role of America in overseas rule and market access o Open Door Policy . John Hays, China o Roosevelt Corollary- Big Stick Policy o Taft – Dollar Diplomacy o Wilson- Missionary/ Moral Diplomacy . Latin America SS11 5.3 Understands the impact of World War I on US domestic and foreign policy  World War I ended America’s neutrality o Espionage and Sedition Acts o Unrestricted submarine warfare, Lusitania and Sussex, Zimmermann Telegram o Schenck v. US, Debs v. US o Treaty of Versailles, 14 points, collective security, checks and balances, League of Nations, Kellogg-Briand Pact, Washington Naval Conference, Dawes Plan

UNIT VI: Twenties to Depression: The turbulent business cycle and its effects on the economy United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11 SS11 6.1 Understands the reaction of the American people against Progressive ideas  International involvement caused political and economic turmoil  Normalcy, failure to join League of Nations, quotas, KKK, Red Scare (Palmer Raids)

SS11 6.2 Understands how Expansion of middle class leads to the prosperity  Buying on installment, automobile, Stock speculation, buying on margin  Tariff, farmers hurt, overproduction: bumper crops SS11 6.3 Understands the reaction to changing cultural values leading to conflicts in society  Flappers, Scopes Trial -science and fundamentalism, nativism, Prohibition, race, generation gap, Sacco and Vanzetti, Harlem Renaissance- Langston Hughes SS11 6.4 Understands how government economic policies changed during the Great Depression  Laissez-faire economics to greater government involvement  Hoover, Reconstruction Finance Corp., trickle down effect, Bonus Army, Hoovervilles  Election of 1932- FDR New Deal, bank holiday o AAA,CCC, TVA, NRA, HOLC, FDIC, WPA, court packing- Schechter Poultry v. U.S., Butler v. U.S. o Impacts: social security, Wagner Act, minimum wage, deficit spending, Second New Deal o Criticism: Townsend, Coughlin, Huey Long

UNIT VII: World War II and Beyond: America’s changing world role

SS11 7.1 Understands the events leading to American involvement into World War II  Shift from isolationism to neutrality o Neutrality Acts, lend-lease, cash-and-carry, Atlantic Charter, Nye committee  America’s response to Totalitarianism o Holocaust, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, blitzkrieg, appeasement, lebensraum SS11 7.2 Understands involvement and impact of WWII on America  Entry into War o Day of Infamy: Pearl Harbor  War at home brought opportunities and restrictions o Women, Rosie the Riveter, African Americans, Great Migration, rationing, Korematsu v. US Executive Order 9066  End of War o Nuremburg Trials, Manhattan project-Atomic Bomb SS11 7.3 Understands the political, economic, and social changes of postwar US  Cold War develops in Europe and Asia and the reaction at home o Truman Doctrine, loyalty oaths, Marshall Plan, containment, Berlin airlift, HUAC, McCarthyism, Korean War, United Nations, MacArthur v. Truman United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11 o Post war led to prosperity . Baby boom, suburbs, highway system, Sputnik, National Education Act, 22nd Amendment, rock ‘n’ roll, beatniks, Termination policy, Military industrial complex

UNIT VIII: New Frontier and the Great Society: The achievements and challenges of the Kennedy and Johnson administration

SS11 8.1 Understands foreign and domestic policies of Kennedy and Johnson  Election of 1960, New Frontier, Peace Corp, Alliance from Progress, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis  Johnson- Great Society, Medicare, Warren Court: Escobedo v. Illinois, Gideon v. Wainwright, Miranda v. Arizona, Mapp v. Ohio  Vietnam- Domino Theory, VC, Tet Offensive, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, War Powers Act 1973, Vietnamization, Rolling Thunder, Tinker v. Des Moines SS11 8.2 Understands the continuing demands for equality  Civil Rights- Brown v. Board, Rosa Parks, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Voting Right Act, Civil Rights Act, Malcolm X, MLK Jr.  Social Change- Native Americans-AIM/BIA, Latinos, Women, African Americans, Betty Freidan, NOW, ERA, Roe V. Wade, TLO v. New Jersey  Counter Culture-Haight-Ashbury, Woodstock, Kent State, Jackson State, Gene McCarthy, hippies, DNC

UNIT IX: Ending a Century: The accomplishments, challenges, and strategies heading into the 21st century

SS11 9.1 Understands America’s shift toward conservatism  Nixon-stagflation, supply-side econ, shuttle diplomacy, China, détente, SALT I, Watergate, CREEP, impeachment, Pentagon Papers, Nixon v. US, resignation  Ford- inflation, pardon, WIN  Carter- stagflation, oil crisis, Camp David accords, malaise, Iran hostage crisis, Panama canal  Reagan- Conservatism, SDI, Iran-contra, AIDS, Reaganomics, drugs, fall of communism, Berlin Wall, Gorbachev  Bush 41- Persian Gulf War, recession, Savings and Loan Scandal, 1988 Japanese relocation reparations SS11 9.2 Understands America’s role in the 21st century  Clinton- Election of 1992, Bosnia, Healthcare, Perot, impeachment, Gingrich- Contract with America, Dole, dot com boom, Whitewater scandal  Bush 43- election of 2000, Bush v. Gore, tax cuts, No Child Left Behind Act, September 11, 2001, War on Terror, War in Iraq United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11

Baldwinsville Central School District C.W. Baker High School United States History and Government Draft- Grade 11

U.S. History and Government Benchmarks

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