A. Review Chap. 1-2 Creation Account in Detail and Then from Human Perspective

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A. Review Chap. 1-2 Creation Account in Detail and Then from Human Perspective

Genesis 7

I. Introduction A. Review Chap. 1-2 – Creation Account in Detail and then from Human Perspective B. Review Chap. 3 – Fall of Man C. Review Chap. 4 – Able and Cain’s failure to walk according to Faith D. Review Chap. 5 - Genealogy E. Review Chap. 6 – Evil Fills the earth

II. Genesis 7 – The Flood A. Vs. 1 - Interesting paring: Doing all God commands and being righteous. 1. Entering the Ark a week ahead of time.

B. Verses 2-5 - First detail of animals and man into ark. 1. 14 of clean animals. 7 male/female a. What is a clean animal? Duet. 14:3ff

2. Vs. 4 – details of flood. a. 40 days / 40 nights blot from face of land every living thing b. The number 40 – number of trial and patience  Flood  Israel in the Wilderness  Moses in wilderness 40 years before God appeared to him.  Moses on Mt. 40 days 40 nights – Ex. 34:28 – no bread or water  Spies in the land 40 days  40 days maximum stripes man could be given  Land had 40 years of rest during time of judge of Othneil  Land had 40 years of rest during time of judge Deborah.  God gave Israel over in captivity to Philistines 40 years.  Saul, David, and Solomon reigned 40 years  Elijah went away to Mt. Horeb 40 days and 40 nights  Egypt was left to desolation for 40 years  40 Days given to Ninevah to be overthrown unless repentance  Jesus in wildness 40 days and 40 nights  After resurrection, Christ appeared for 40 days teaching about Kingdom  Elijah, Moses, and Jesus all had 40 days and 40 nights of fasting, these are the same three at the mount of transfiguration in. Mt. 9:2-4 3. Verse 5 – Obedience as in 7:22 and tied to being righteous in vs. 7:1.

C. Verse 6-12 – Second account of man and animals into ark - Arrival of the Flood 1. Vs. 6 - Noah 600 years old a. Vs. 7 - “entered the ark because”  Not because it had started, but because it was coming b. Vs. 8 – creeping things mentioned 2. Vs. 11-12 – The Waters let Loose for 40 days and nights  Vs. 11 - Specific day of flood given  Fountains of the great deep  We know there are ocean fountains rivers today. . We do not know what they were like or how much was hidden then.  Floodgates of the sky  3100 cubic miles of water in the atmosphere . Enough to cover all the surface of the earth with one inch of water.

D. Vs. 13-24 - 1. Vs. 13 - “On the very same day” - animals and man went into ark same day. 2. Vs. 16 – As God Commanded. 3. Vs. 16 – The Lord Shut the Door a. Rev. 3:7 – Christ is the only one who can open the door of salvation  How can God close the door on so many?  God desire none perish.  John 3:16, 2 Pet. 3:9, Is. 30:18  God is a just God.  Rev. 16:7, Rev. 15:3, 2 Thess. 1:5-8, Duet. 32:4  Nah. 1:2, John 3:36, Rom. 1:18, 2:5  Destruction is chosen by those who perish.  I Pet. 3:20 – They chose disobedience, God was patient, salvation was preached to them.  Josh. 24:15 4. Vs. 17 – ark lifted up, began to be lifted by water. 5. Vs. 18 – ark floated on water 6. Vs. 19 – all things covered 7. Vs. 20 – water 15 cubits higher than mountains. 8. Vs. 21-23 – all that lived on land and in the air – died. a. Vs. 22 - spirit of life 9. Water on earth 150 days. (5 months our time)

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