ESPIRIT Chart You must include main ideas and details in each category


Time Period______

-The Han Dynasty inherited the ban liang coin type from the Qin - There was the landowner's land tax paid in a portion of their crop yield and the poll tax and property taxes were paid in coin cash -The widespread circulation of coin cash allowed successful merchants to invest money in E land, empowering the very social class the government attempted to suppress through heavy commercial and property taxes - China’s expanded their borders into Vietnam and Korea and pushed the Hsiung nu south of the Gobi The Silk Road actually consisted of more than one possible route through the mountains that the traders followed. Goods that were exchanged: Silk, jewelry, leather, furniture Food exchanges between wheat and rice regions  Copper coin currency  Iron mining  Textile and pottery  Water powered mills  Paper industry  Porcelain

- The highest rank, of full marquess, came with a state pension and a territorial fiefdom. - scholars, teachers, students, and government officials began to identify themselves as members of a larger, nationwide gentry class -The farmer was ranked just below scholars and officials in the social hierarchy S -Women were expected to obey the will of their father, then their husband, and then their adult son in old age -Women often worked in a range of income-earning occupations like weaving that was separate from their domestic chores of cooking and cleaning. - Han continued to rule in the tradition of the Qin, and only gradually incorporated Confucian ideals into their Legalist form of government. -Emperor Kao Tsu called for smart educated men to work for him, to be the governors and judges he needed, because he knew they would be good workers and make fair, wise, P decisions - Bureaucracy where was when the emperor sent officials or governors in his place to govern regions in his name. officials were usually people with military and legal powers. - Ministers also became a central part in government. They negotiated certain issues for the emperor - Government was essentially broken down into judicial and military systems. - Government oversaw intellectual life. - Government promoted Confucian philosophy. -The Han empire began in 206 B.C. when Liu Bang, prince of Han, defeated the Qin army in the valley of Wei. -The Silk Road actually consisted of more than one possible route through the mountains that the traders followed. I - Interacted with India and the Parthian Empire through trade, trading cultures and ideas. -Families throughout Han China made ritual sacrifices of animals and foodstuffs to deities, spirits, and ancestors at temples and shrines, in the belief that these items could be utilized by those in the spiritual realm -It was believed that the three realms of Heaven, Earth, and Mankind were linked by natural R cycles of yin and yang. -Immortality could be achieved if one reached the lands of the Queen Mother of the West or Mount Penglai. -Buddhism first entered China during the Eastern Han and was first mentioned in 65 CE - Three philosophies were practiced and studied: Confucius, Legalism, and Daoism -Han-era astronomers adopted a geocentric model of the universe. - Mathematics was essential in draft that used the Sun and Moon as time-markers throughout the year. I -Typical ancient Chinese writing materials were bronzewares and animal bones. - The Book of the Mountains and Seas contained everything known at the time about geography, natural philosophy, the animal and plant world, and popular myths.

-The Han-era Chinese used bronze and iron to make a range of weapons, culinary tools, carpenters' tools and domestic wares -Han ships were the first in the world to be steered using a rudder at the stern. T -The wheelbarrow was first used in Han China in the 1st century BCE